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LeetCode Longest Common Prefix

2015-02-23 11:09 281 查看
Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings.
思路分析:这题很简单,基本就是以第一个字符串为标准,同时扫描后面的字符串对应index 字符是否相同,找到最大的相同前缀。但是实现的时候还是要注意一些corner case,比如输入数组为空或者只包含一个字符串的情况。
AC Code
public class Solution {
    public String longestCommonPrefix(String[] strs) {
        int len = strs.length;
        if(len == 0) return "";
        if(len == 1) return strs[0];
        String res = "";
        int strlen = strs[0].length();
        if(strlen == 0) return res;
        int temp = 0;
        while(temp < strlen){
            char c = strs[0].charAt(temp);
            for(int i = 1; i < len; i++){
                if(strs[i].length() <= temp) return res;
                if(strs[i].charAt(temp) != c) return res;
            res += c;
        return res;
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