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Printf Java

2015-02-21 02:43 113 查看
A cool thing about the 
 formatting syntax is that the specifiers you can use are very similar, if not identical, between several different languages,
including C, C++, Java, Perl, Ruby, Scala, and others, so your knowledge is reusable, which is a good thing.

printf formatting with Perl and Java

In this cheat sheet I'm going to show all the examples using Perl, but at first it might help to see one example using both Perl and Java. So, here's a simple Perl printf example to get us started:
printf("the %s jumped over the %s, %d times", "cow", "moon", 2);

And here are three different Java printf examples, using different methods that are available to you in the Java programming language:
System.out.format("the %s jumped over the %s, %d times", "cow", "moon", 2);
System.err.format("the %s jumped over the %s, %d times", "cow", "moon", 2);
String result = String.format("the %s jumped over the %s, %d times", "cow", "moon", 2);

As you can see in that last String.format example, that line of code doesn't print any output, while the first line prints to standard output, and the second line prints to standard error.

In the remainder of this document I'm going to use Perl examples, but again, the actual format specifier strings can be used in many different languages.

printf format specifiers - summary

Here's a quick summary of the available printf format specifiers:
%ddecimal (integer) number (base 10)
%eexponential floating-point number
%ffloating-point number
%iinteger (base 10)
%ooctal number (base 8)
%sa string of characters
%uunsigned decimal (integer) number
%xnumber in hexadecimal (base 16)
%%print a percent sign
\%print a percent sign

Controlling printf integer width

The "%3d" specifier means a minimum width of three spaces, which, by default, will be right-justified. (Note: the alignment is not currently being displayed properly here.)
printf("%3d", 0);0
printf("%3d", 123456789);123456789
printf("%3d", -10);-10
printf("%3d", -123456789);-123456789

Left-justifying printf integer output

To left-justify those previous printf examples, just add a minus sign (
) after the 
like this:
printf("%-3d", 0);0
printf("%-3d", 123456789);123456789
printf("%-3d", -10);-10
printf("%-3d", -123456789);-123456789

The printf zero-fill option

To zero-fill your printf integer output, just add a zero (
) after the 
like this:
printf("%03d", 0);000
printf("%03d", 1);001
printf("%03d", 123456789);123456789
printf("%03d", -10);-10
printf("%03d", -123456789);-123456789

printf integer formatting

Here is a collection of printf examples for integer printing. Several different options are shown, including a minimum width specification, left-justified, zero-filled, and also a plus sign for positive numbers.
At least five wideprintf("'%5d'", 10);'   10'
At least five-wide, left-justifiedprintf("'%-5d'", 10);'10   '
At least five-wide, zero-filledprintf("'%05d'", 10);'00010'
At least five-wide, with a plus signprintf("'%+5d'", 10);'  +10'
Five-wide, plus sign, left-justifiedprintf("'%-+5d'", 10);'+10  '

printf - floating point numbers

Here are several examples showing how to print floating-point numbers with printf.
Print one position after the decimalprintf("'%.1f'", 10.3456);'10.3'
Two positions after the decimalprintf("'%.2f'", 10.3456);'10.35'
Eight-wide, two positions after the decimalprintf("'%8.2f'", 10.3456);'   10.35'
Eight-wide, four positions after the decimalprintf("'%8.4f'", 10.3456);' 10.3456'
Eight-wide, two positions after the decimal, zero-filledprintf("'%08.2f'", 10.3456);'00010.35'
Eight-wide, two positions after the decimal, left-justifiedprintf("'%-8.2f'", 10.3456);'10.35   '
Printing a much larger number with that same formatprintf("'%-8.2f'", 101234567.3456);'101234567.35'

printf string formatting

Here are several printf formatting examples that show how to format string output with 
format specifiers.
A simple stringprintf("'%s'", "Hello");'Hello'
A string with a minimum lengthprintf("'%10s'", "Hello");'     Hello'
Minimum length, left-justifiedprintf("'%-10s'", "Hello");'Hello     '

Summary of special printf characters

The following character sequences have a special meaning when used as 
 format specifiers:
\aaudible alert
\fform feed
\nnewline, or linefeed
\rcarriage return
\vvertical tab
As you can see from that last example, because the backslash character itself is treated specially, you have to print two backslash characters in a row to get one backslash character to appear in your output.

Here are a few examples of how to use this special characters:
Insert a tab character in a stringprintf("Hello\tworld");Hello world
Insert a newline character in a stringprintf("Hello\nworld");Hello

Typical use of the newline characterprintf("Hello world\n");Hello world
A DOS/Windows path with backslash charactersprintf("C:\\Windows\\System32\\");C:\Windows\System32\
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