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Java 四种引用类型

2015-02-12 17:56 459 查看


Provides an abstract class which describes behavior common to all reference objects. It is not possible to create immediate subclasses of Reference in addition to the ones provided by this package. It is also not desirable to do so, since references require
very close cooperation with the system's garbage collector. The existing, specialized reference classes should be used instead.


Three different type of references exist, each being weaker than the preceding one: java.lang.ref.SoftReference, java.lang.ref.WeakReference, and java.lang.ref.PhantomReference. "Weakness" here means
that less restrictions are being imposed on the garbage collector as to when it is allowed to actually garbage-collect the referenced object.


In order to use reference objects properly it is important to understand the different types of reachability that trigger their clearing and enqueueing. The following table lists these, from strongest to weakest. For each row,
an object is said to have the reachability on the left side if (and only if) it fulfills all of the requirements on the right side. In all rows, consider the root set to be a set of references that are "resistant" to garbage collection (that is, running
threads, method parameters, local variables, static fields and the like).


Strongly reachable

- There exists at least one path from the root set to the object that does not traverse any instance of a java.lang.ref.Reference subclass.

Softly reachable

- The object is not strongly reachable.

- There exists at least one path from the root set to the object that does traverse a java.lang.ref.SoftReference instance, but no java.lang.ref.

WeakReference or java.lang.ref.PhantomReference instances. Weakly reachable

- The object is neither strongly nor softly reachable.

- There exists at least one path from the root set to the object that does traverse a java.lang.ref.WeakReference instance, but no java.lang.ref.PhantomReference instances.


- The object is neither strongly, softly, nor weakly reachable.

- The object is referenced by a java.lang.ref.PhantomReference instance.

- The object has already been finalized.

强引用是使用最普遍的引用。如果一个对象具有强引用,那垃圾回收器绝不会回收它。当内存空间不足,Java虚拟机宁愿抛出OutOfMemoryError错误,使程序异常终止,也不会靠随意回收具有强引用的对象来解决内存不足的问题。 ps:强引用其实也就是我们平时A
a = new A()这个意思。









虚引用主要用来跟踪对象被垃圾回收器回收的活动。虚引用与软引用和弱引用的一个区别在于:虚引用必须和引用队列 (ReferenceQueue)联合使用。当垃圾回收器准备回收一个对象时,如果发现它还有虚引用,就会在回收对象的内存之前,把这个虚引用加入到与之 关联的引用队列中。

=new ReferenceQueue ();

PhantomReferencepr =new
PhantomReference (object,queue);
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