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hihocoder 1050

2015-02-10 16:51 197 查看

        题意为求一棵树中的最长路径。这里采用两次BFS的办法。任选一个结点作为根结点, 记为A。以A为起点进行一次BFS,可以证明,最远路径的端点一定是离A最远的点。证明如下:



// hiho 1050
// Find the length of the longest path in a tree
using namespace std;

class graph{
struct edgeNode{
int end;
edgeNode* next;

edgeNode(int e, edgeNode* n = NULL): end(e), next(n) {}
edgeNode(): next(NULL) {}

struct verNode{
int vertex; // 有用吗
edgeNode* head;
int step;

verNode(int v, edgeNode* h = NULL): vertex(v), head(h), step(0) {}
verNode(): head(NULL), step(0) {}

verNode* table;
int vSize;

graph(int v){
table = new verNode[v];
vSize = v;

int i;
for (i = 0; i <= vSize - 1; i++){
edgeNode* tmp = table[i].head;
while (tmp != NULL){
table[i].head = table[i].head->next;
delete tmp;
tmp = table[i].head;
delete[] table;

void insert(int u, int w){
table[u].head = new edgeNode(w, table[u].head);
table[w].head = new edgeNode(u, table[w].head);
//cout << "Insert " << u << ", " << w << " successfully." << endl;

// Return the farthest node away from u
int bfs(int u){
char *flag = new char[vSize + 10];
memset(flag, 0, sizeof(char) * (vSize + 10));

int *queue = new int[vSize + 10];
int front, end;
front = end = 0;
queue[end++] = u;
flag[u] = 1;
table[u].step = 0;
int cur;
//int last;

while (end > front){
cur = queue[front++];
//cout << "dequeue: " << cur << endl;
edgeNode* tmp = table[cur].head;
while (tmp){
if (!flag[tmp->end]){
queue[end++] = tmp->end;
table[tmp->end].step = table[cur].step + 1;
flag[tmp->end] = 1;
tmp = tmp->next;

delete[] flag;
delete[] queue;
return cur; // The last node to dequeue

inline int step(int u){
return table[u].step;

int main(){
int N, i, A, B;
scanf("%d", &N);
graph gp(N);

for (i = 1; i <= N - 1; i++){
scanf("%d%d", &A, &B);
gp.insert(A - 1, B - 1);

int cur = gp.bfs(0);
int last = gp.bfs(cur);
cout << gp.step(last) << endl;

return 0;

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标签:  数据结构 bfs