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Plan for Perl Web Development

2015-02-07 19:54 519 查看

Plan for Perl Web Development

      Date from 2.8 to 4.1


Perl Foundation (Perl Doc,Task::Kensho,
Database Development, XML Development) -1 week  (done)

Web Foundation (Task::Kensho::WebCrawling: Web Crawling) -1 days  (done)

Web Development (Task::Kensho::WebDev: Web Development) -2 days  (done)

Web Framework (Task::Catalyst, Emastic CSS Framework)
-2 days  (done, "Emastic Code Copy")


Catalyst Tutorial practice -2 days (done, 1 week insteaded)

"Sexable Forum" hack.  -(all designs was done, login and sign-up functions was done, page-create-post/page-reply/page-delete would be implemented in future soon, I want to apply the forum as the home page of my spider,
nay, the search-engine feature of forum can be looked as a spider to hack.)

"Spider" hack.  -(work on reading thebook

"Spidering_Hacks_100_Industrial_Strength_Tips_Tools_2003", this is a long and big project to fight )

Integrating MSQL into my-perl-web system. -future days

It's time to move up on web, hack! hack! hack! Never stop to fight for freedom as humanity!

PS: I like Lisp more than Perl, so the above plan for perl hacking has been dumped. (2015-12-20)

内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息
标签:  web perl