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2015-01-29 17:43 92 查看
低功耗蓝牙里重要的三个连接参数:Connection Interval,Slave Latency,Supervision Timeout.这三个参数决定了BLE的功耗。


* @fn          GAPRole_SendUpdateParam
* @brief       Update the parameters of an existing connection
* @param       minConnInterval - the new min connection interval
* @param       maxConnInterval - the new max connection interval
* @param       latency - the new slave latency
* @param       connTimeout - the new timeout value
* @param       handleFailure - what to do if the update does not occur.
*              Method may choose to terminate connection, try again, or take no action
* @return      SUCCESS, bleNotConnected, or bleInvalidRange
bStatus_t GAPRole_SendUpdateParam( uint16 minConnInterval, uint16 maxConnInterval,
uint16 latency, uint16 connTimeout, uint8 handleFailure )
ios app连接时,apple公司有自己的规范,这三个参数的设置必须在其规范内才可生效:

● Interval Max * (Slave Latency + 1) ≤ 2 seconds

● Interval Min ≥ 20 ms

● Interval Min + 20 ms ≤ Interval Max Slave Latency ≤ 4

● connSupervisionTimeout ≤ 6 seconds

● Interval Max * (Slave Latency + 1) * 3 < connSupervisionTimeout
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