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LINK - Google Play Store 应用内购买测试注意事项

2015-01-20 12:26 555 查看
LINK - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20692402/application-not-configured-for-billing-through-google-play
LINK - http://developer.android.com/google/play/billing/billing_testing.html

There are a few things to consider here:After uploading your apk to Google Play, you need to wait a while for Google's servers to update (similar to when you publish an update). This can take an hour or two or longer in my experience. So try again in a few hours.
Ensure that the version of the apk you uploaded is configured for IAP (through the permissions), and then only test IAP with a signed apk. That is, export and sign your apk from Eclipse and then install locally onto your device. Otherwise, if you run an unsigned version of the application directly from the IDE, it will not work and you'll see an error.Note: You don't need to upload a new apk every time you make minor changes, as long as the currently uploaded draft apk was configured with the correct permissions and you published your IAP items on the dev console. The only annoying part is that you have to export and sign your application each time after making changes and run it on a device locally.
Check that the versionCode of your uploaded apk has the same versionCode as your local version of the apk.
You can not use your developer account to make test purchases, because Google Wallet doesn't allow you to purchase items from yourself. So you need to set up some test accounts on the Developer Console and try purchasing items from a device running the test account.
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