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C/C++ entry point: main, wmain, WinMain, wWinMain v.s. _UNICODE

2015-01-13 11:05 369 查看
Dev Env: In Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2010

main() -
Console, ANSI;

wmain() -
Console, UNICODE;

WinMain() -

wWinMain() - GUI, UNICODE

But note that Microsoft Visual studio C/C++ Project Wizard generated _tmain() and _tWinMain() for user and not any of above ones.

It's _tmain() for Console application;

It's _tWinMain() for GUI appliaction.

Actually _tmain and _tWinMain is macros which points to correct entry point function according to _UNICODE definition or not.

c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\include\tchar.h

#ifdef _UNICODE


#define _tmain wmain

#define _tWinMain wWinMain


#else /* ndef _UNICODE */

#define _tmain main

#define _tWinMain WinMain

then the next question is - where _UNICODE macro is defined?

Project properties --> Configuration Properties --> General --> Project Defaults --> Character Set --> "Use Unicode Character Set"

with this setting, the compiler will defines _UNICODE macro before it begins compiling.
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