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《现代操作系统4th》英文版阅读笔记 4.3.3章 目录的实现

2015-01-11 23:07 344 查看
Before a file can be read, it must be opened. When a file is opened, the operating system uses the path name supplied by the user to locate the directory entry on the

在读取一个文件之前,必须先打开这个文件。当要打开一个文件时,操作系统必须根据用户提供的路径名在磁盘中找到目录项(directory entry,包含该文件的目录)

The directory entry provides the information needed to find the disk blocks. Depending on the system, this information may
be the disk address of the entire file (with contiguous allocation), the number of the first block (both linked-list schemes), or the number of the i-node. In all cases, the main function of the directory
system is to map the ASCII name of the file onto the information needed to locate the data.


PS:根据赵炯编写的《linux内核源码解析》书中所讲,在Linux系统中,目录项结构仅仅包括文件名和i-node number,i-node number和 i-node结构体中的i_num成员对应,从而定位到i-node,i-node保存文件的属性以及包含数据的磁盘块号信息等。

One alternative is to give up the idea that all directory entries are the same size. With
this method, each directory entry contains a fixed portion, typically starting with the length of the entry, and then followed by data with a fixed format, usually including the owner, creation time,
protection information, and other attributes.

This fixed-length header is followed by the actual file name, however long it may be, as shown in Fig. 4-15(a) in big-endian format (e.g., SPARC). In this example we have
three files, project-budget,personnel,
andfoo. Each file name is terminated by a special character (usually 0), which is represented in the figure by a box with
a cross in it. To allow each directory entry to begin on a word boundary, each file name is filled out to an integral number of words, shown by shaded boxes in the figure.
正如在图4-15(a)中以big-endian 格式所示,文件长度,属性,接下来跟随的是文件的真实名字,无论这个文件名有多长都可以。在这个例子中我们可以从图中看出有三个文件,project-budget, personnel,
and foo.每一个文件名有一个特殊的终结符(通常为0),在图中有一个中间有×的方框表示。为了让每个目录项都是从字长度边界开始(地址对齐),每一个文件名都进行了填充,从而使文件名占用长度达到word长度倍数。在图中用阴影边框表示。

A disadvantage of this method is that when a file is removed, a variable-sized gap is introduced into the directory into which the next file to be entered
may not fit. This problem is essentially the same one we saw with contiguous disk files, only now compacting the directory is feasible because
it is entirely in memory. Another problem is that a single directory entry may span multiple pages, so a page fault may occur while reading a file name.


Another way to handle variable-length names is to make the directory entries themselves all fixed length and keep the file names together in a heap at the
end of the directory, as shown in Fig. 4-15(b). This method has the advantage that when
an entry is removed, the next file entered will always fit there. Of course, the heap must be managed and page faults can still occur while processing file names. One minor
win here is that there is no longer any real need for file names to begin at word boundaries, so no filler characters are needed after file names in Fig. 4-15(b) as they are in Fig. 4-15(a).


In all of the designs so far, directories are searched linearly from beginning to end when a file name has to be looked up. For extremely long directories,
linear searching can be slow. One way to speed up the search is to use a hash table in
each directory. Call the size of the table
n. To enter a file name, the name is hashed onto a value between 0 andn−1,
for example, by dividing it bynand taking the remainder. Alternatively, the words comprising the file name can be added
up and

quantity divided by n, or something similar


way, the table entry corresponding to the hash code is inspected. If it is unused, a pointer is placed there to the file entry. File entries follow the hash table.If that slot is already in use, a linked
list is constructed, headed at the table entry and threading through all entries with the same hash value.


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