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TI AM3517 WINCE7 camera测试程序capturetest 输入参数介绍

2015-01-06 21:35 411 查看
TI AM3517 WINCE7 camera测试程序capturetest 输入参数介绍


先看 user gui介绍http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/WinCE-BSP_ARM-A8_User_Guide

CaptureTest is a DirectShow utility that can be used to capture video from the EVM’s video inputs (S-Video, component and Composite) and optionally encoded into H.264 or MPEG4 format in an ASF container using TI’s DSP based encoders. CaptureTest also displays performance metrics such as fps and ARM/DSP utilization. The source code for CaptureTest can be found under %WINCEROOT%\PLATFORM\<BSP>\SRC\APP\CAPTURETEST.

Command Line Options

To view the command line options supported by CaptureTest, run it with the /? switch and you will see the following output:

Usage: CaptureTest [options]
        /auto                 - auto-run graph without user input. 
        /br {bitrate}         - Specify encode bitrate in bps
                                default: 2000000 bps
        /cap {wxh@fps}        - Specify capture params in the specified format           
                                e.g. 640x480@30,default: 720x480@30
        /file {filename}      - Specify output ASF file
                                If /file option is not specified, or 
                                /venc is none, NULL sink is used
        /sd                   - output file will be created on SD card
        /nand                 - output file will be created on NAND flash
        /usb                  - output file will be created on USB storage
        /pv                   - Enable preview (disabled by default)
        /time                 - time in ms to run graph and exit app
                               (ignored if /auto is not specified)
        /venc {encoder}       - h264, mpeg4, raw or none
                                default: None
        /vin {video input}    - svideo, ypbpr or av
                                default: Composite(***)
Further explanation of some of the command line options:

/auto - Specifying this will cause CaptureTest to run in a non-interactive mode i.e. the capture graph will run automatically after the application is executed. When used with the /time option, it facilitates running the application in batch mode from a script. By default, when /auto is not specified, the application starts in interactive mode with the filter graph stopped. To run the graph, the user must key in ’r’ inside the application window. To stop the graph when running, the user must key in the ’s’ key. If /auto is specified but /time is not specified, the graph will run indefinitely until the user presses the ’s’ key or shuts down the application.

/time - It is used with /auto to specify the time duration for which the capture graph will run after which the application will shut down automatically. It is ignored if /auto is not specified.

/br - The bitrate of the encoder can be specified with this option. If /br is not specified, the encode bitrate defaults to 2Mbps.

E.g. specifying /br 1000 means the encoder will be configured to encode at a bitrate of 1Mbps

/cap - Some capture driver parameters such as capture resolution and frame rate can be changed with this option. Only parameters supported by the driver will be supported. When CaptureTest runs, it displays the capabilities advertised by the capture driver.

CaptureTest: Capabilities of capture driver --->
CaptureTest:0 - (Video, UYVY, 720x480, 16 bpp, 30 fps, 165.888 mbps)
CaptureTest:1 - (Video, UYVY, 704x480, 16 bpp, 30 fps, 162.201 mbps)
CaptureTest:2 - (Video, UYVY, 352x240, 16 bpp, 30 fps, 40.550 mbps)
CaptureTest:3 - (Video, UYVY, 176x120, 16 bpp, 30 fps, 10.137 mbps)
CaptureTest:4 - (Video, UYVY, 720x576, 16 bpp, 25 fps, 165.888 mbps)
CaptureTest:5 - (Video, UYVY, 704x576, 16 bpp, 25 fps, 162.201 mbps)
CaptureTest:6 - (Video, UYVY, 352x288, 16 bpp, 25 fps, 40.550 mbps)
CaptureTest:7 - (Video, UYVY, 176x144, 16 bpp, 25 fps, 10.137 mbps)
CaptureTest:8 - (Video, UYVY, 640x480, 16 bpp, 30 fps, 147.456 mbps)
CaptureTest:9 - (Video, UYVY, 320x240, 16 bpp, 30 fps, 36.864 mbps)
CaptureTest: Setting capture parameters to 720x480@30fps
By default, CaptureTest will try to set the capture parameters to 720x480 at 30fps. If this is not, supported by the capture driver, you will see an error message and the capture driver will default to capability 0 advertised by it. A current limitation of this option is that the YUV pixel format cannot be changed from the pixel format specified in capability 0. This will be fixed in a future release.

/vin - This option is used to specify the video capture input port on the EVM. The following values are supported:

svideo - S-Video port
ypbpr - Component video port
av - Composite video port
/venc - This option is used to specify if an encoder will or will not be used to encode the captured video. The following options are supported:

h264 - Use the TI H.264 encoder. Performance stats (fps, ARM & DSP utilization etc.) are printed if the "Perf" and "Stats" debug zones are enabled for TIMM.DLL and the "Stats" debug zone is enabled for H264VideoEncoder.dll.
mpeg4 - Use the TI MPEG4 encoder. Performance stats (fps, ARM & DSP utilization etc.) are printed if the "Perf" and "Stats" debug zones are enabled for TIMM.DLL and the "Stats" debug zone is enabled for MPEG4VideoEncoder.dll..
none - Don’t use an encoder (no performance stats are printed).
raw - CaptureTest uses a sample grabber filter to measure the time duration between consecutive frames. It prints performance stats (fps & ARM utilization) based on this if the "Perf" and "Stats" debug zones are enabled for CaptureTest.exe.
/file - This option is used to specify the name of a file where CaptureTest will write the encoded video in ASF container format. By default, the file will be created in the root directory \ unless an explicit path is specified.

E.g. \temp\clip.asf

A limitation of this option is that it will not parse path names with spaces even if quotes are used to encapsulate the name.

E.g. \"Storage Card"\clip.asf

To overcome this limitation, files can be stored on a SD card using the /sd switch to accompany /file. The switches /nand and /usb are also available if the output file is to be saved to NAND and USB storage respectively.

E.g. Specifying "/file clip.asf /sd" will save the encoded output to \Storage Card\clip.asf

If /file is not specified, encoded frames are sent to a Null Sink filter.


Preview does not work when the BSP 1.x is built with VRFB enabled and if you dont have the CE6 Nov 2010 monthly update installed on your setup. The Nov 2010 CE6 monthly update fixes the stride issue and Preview will work with VRFB enabled after this update is applied.
Capturetest output is exclusively delivered as RETAILMSGs, so to view them, enable OAL retail messages in the bootloader or make sure KITL is enabled.
Captured YUV frames cannot be saved to a file with the /file option when /venc none or /venc raw is specified.
The YUV pixel format cannot be changed from the pixel format specified in capability 0. This will be fixed in a future release.
For BSP 2.x releases, the video encoder option is not suported.

解释:就两种模式:preview ;capture。


1,preview模式:eg: ./CaptureTest /auto /pv

2. Capture模式:eg: ./CaptureTest /auto /venc raw /file a.asf /nand
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