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2015-01-05 21:07 281 查看
1.截图 screenshots

2.用手地,手动地 manually

3.注意 note that

4.教程 tutorial

5.伸展 stretch

6.启动 start-up

7.指定,提起 specify

8.尺寸 dimensions

9.领域 fields

10.建议 recommends

11.透明 transparent

12.托盘,浅盘 tray

13.梯度 gradient

14.对齐到网格 snap to grid

15.导航 navigation

16.假设 suppose that

17.比例 proportions

18.示范,演示 demonstrations

19.或者 alternativety

20.多种 multiple

21.开始,最初 initially

22.减少 decrease

23.实质上 virtually

24.兼容 compatible

25.栩栩如生的,活跃的 animated

26.尤其 particularly

27.额外 additional

28.游标 cursor

29.固体 solid

30.壁纸 wallpaper

31.记叙(文) narration

32.气球 ballon

33.个性化 personalize

34.选项卡 tab

35.改变的 altered

36.有源钳位电路 active clamp circuitry

37.差分输入 differential input

38.分流电阻 a shunt resistor

39.保留的 reserved

40.替代的功能 alternative function

41.初始化 initialize

42.被动器件 passive devices

43.主动器件 active devices

44.补充 supplement

45.等级 rating

46.保证 guarantee

47.永久损坏 permanent damage

48.可靠性 reliability

49.电场 eletrical field

50.阻抗 impedance

51.预防措施 precaution

52.一致性 conformance

53.瞬间 instantaneous

54.峰 peak

55.焊接 soldering

56.浸没 immersion

57.超过 exceeding

58.单位 unit

59.金字塔,椎体 pyramid

60.定义 definition

61.故障 malfunction

62.仪表 meter

63.兼容 compliant

64.否则 otherwise

65.性能 performance

66.分布 distribution

67.保护带 guardband

68.机密,类别的 classified

69.暗示,意味着 imply

70.模拟 analog

71.封装 package

72.由于 due to

73.可选地 optionally

74.转换 transformations

75.随着时间的推移 over time

76.帆布,油画 canvas

77.清晰 clarity

78.减少 reduced

79.可执行文件 executable

80.打算 intend to

81.评估 evaluate

82.向右 rightwards

83.独自 solely

84.角落 corner

85.收发器 transceiver

86.映射 mapping

87.振荡器 oscillator

88.转换器 converter

89.调制 modulation

90.循环 cyclic

91.检测,感应 sense

92.增益 gain

93.反接 reverse

94.电感性 inductive

95.稳压器 voltage regulators

96.规格 specifications

97.订购信息 ordering information

98.特征 feature

99.衍生工具 derivatives

100.编号 part number
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