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ZedGraph 柱状图、饼图、折线图演示源码

2015-01-04 10:05 225 查看


//This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

//modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public

//License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either

//version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


//This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

//but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


//Lesser General Public License for more details.


//You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public

//License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software

//Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA


using System;

using System.ComponentModel;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;

using System.Drawing.Text;

using System.Windows.Forms;

using System.Threading;

using System.Drawing.Imaging;

using System.IO;

using System.Text;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

//using System.Diagnostics;

namespace ZedGraph


partial class ZedGraphControl


#region ContextMenu

// Revision: JCarpenter 10/06

/// <summary>

/// Public enumeration that specifies the type of

/// object present at the Context Menu's mouse location

/// </summary>

public enum ContextMenuObjectState


/// <summary>

/// The object is an Inactive Curve Item at the Context Menu's mouse position

/// </summary>


/// <summary>

/// The object is an active Curve Item at the Context Menu's mouse position

/// </summary>


/// <summary>

/// There is no selectable object present at the Context Menu's mouse position

/// </summary>



//Revision: JCarpenter 10/06

/// <summary>

/// Find the object currently under the mouse cursor, and return its state.

/// </summary>

private ContextMenuObjectState GetObjectState()


ContextMenuObjectState objState = ContextMenuObjectState.Background;

// Determine object state

Point mousePt = this.PointToClient( Control.MousePosition );

int iPt;

GraphPane pane;

object nearestObj;

using ( Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics() )


if ( this.MasterPane.FindNearestPaneObject( mousePt, g, out pane,

out nearestObj, out iPt ) )


CurveItem item = nearestObj as CurveItem;

if ( item != null && iPt >= 0 )


if ( item.IsSelected )

objState = ContextMenuObjectState.ActiveSelection;


objState = ContextMenuObjectState.InactiveSelection;




return objState;


/// <summary>

/// protected method to handle the popup context menu in the <see cref="ZedGraphControl"/>.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="sender"></param>

/// <param name="e"></param>

private void contextMenuStrip1_Opening( object sender, CancelEventArgs e )


// disable context menu by default

e.Cancel = true;

ContextMenuStrip menuStrip = sender as ContextMenuStrip;

//Revision: JCarpenter 10/06

ContextMenuObjectState objState = GetObjectState();

if ( _masterPane != null && menuStrip != null )



_isZooming = false;

_isPanning = false;

Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;

_menuClickPt = this.PointToClient( Control.MousePosition );

GraphPane pane = _masterPane.FindPane( _menuClickPt );

if ( _isShowContextMenu )


string menuStr = string.Empty;

ToolStripMenuItem item = new ToolStripMenuItem();

item.Name = "copy";

item.Tag = "copy";

item.Text = _resourceManager.GetString( "copy" );

item.Click += new System.EventHandler( this.MenuClick_Copy );

menuStrip.Items.Add( item );

item = new ToolStripMenuItem();

item.Name = "save_as";

item.Tag = "save_as";

item.Text = _resourceManager.GetString( "save_as" );

item.Click += new System.EventHandler( this.MenuClick_SaveAs );

menuStrip.Items.Add( item );

item = new ToolStripMenuItem();

item.Name = "page_setup";

item.Tag = "page_setup";

item.Text = _resourceManager.GetString( "page_setup" );

item.Click += new System.EventHandler( this.MenuClick_PageSetup );

menuStrip.Items.Add( item );

item = new ToolStripMenuItem();

item.Name = "print";

item.Tag = "print";

item.Text = _resourceManager.GetString( "print" );

item.Click += new System.EventHandler( this.MenuClick_Print );

menuStrip.Items.Add( item );

item = new ToolStripMenuItem();

item.Name = "show_val";

item.Tag = "show_val";

item.Text = _resourceManager.GetString( "show_val" );

item.Click += new System.EventHandler( this.MenuClick_ShowValues );

item.Checked = this.IsShowPointValues;

menuStrip.Items.Add( item );

item = new ToolStripMenuItem();

item.Name = "unzoom";

item.Tag = "unzoom";

if ( pane == null || pane.ZoomStack.IsEmpty )

menuStr = _resourceManager.GetString( "unzoom" );



switch ( pane.ZoomStack.Top.Type )


case ZoomState.StateType.Zoom:

case ZoomState.StateType.WheelZoom:

menuStr = _resourceManager.GetString( "unzoom" );


case ZoomState.StateType.Pan:

menuStr = _resourceManager.GetString( "unpan" );


case ZoomState.StateType.Scroll:

menuStr = _resourceManager.GetString( "unscroll" );




//menuItem.Text = "Un-" + ( ( pane == null || pane.zoomStack.IsEmpty ) ?

// "Zoom" : pane.zoomStack.Top.TypeString );

item.Text = menuStr;

item.Click += new EventHandler( this.MenuClick_ZoomOut );

if ( pane == null || pane.ZoomStack.IsEmpty )

item.Enabled = false;

menuStrip.Items.Add( item );

item = new ToolStripMenuItem();

item.Name = "undo_all";

item.Tag = "undo_all";

menuStr = _resourceManager.GetString( "undo_all" );

item.Text = menuStr;

item.Click += new EventHandler( this.MenuClick_ZoomOutAll );

if ( pane == null || pane.ZoomStack.IsEmpty )

item.Enabled = false;

menuStrip.Items.Add( item );

item = new ToolStripMenuItem();

item.Name = "set_default";

item.Tag = "set_default";

menuStr = _resourceManager.GetString( "set_default" );

item.Text = menuStr;

item.Click += new EventHandler( this.MenuClick_RestoreScale );

if ( pane == null )

item.Enabled = false;

menuStrip.Items.Add( item );

// if e.Cancel is set to false, the context menu does not display

// it is initially set to false because the context menu has no items

e.Cancel = false;

// Provide Callback for User to edit the context menu

//Revision: JCarpenter 10/06 - add ContextMenuObjectState objState

if ( this.ContextMenuBuilder != null )

this.ContextMenuBuilder( this, menuStrip, _menuClickPt, objState );




/// <summary>

/// Handler for the "Copy" context menu item. Copies the current image to a bitmap on the

/// clipboard.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="sender"></param>

/// <param name="e"></param>

protected void MenuClick_Copy( System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e )


Copy( _isShowCopyMessage );


/// <summary>

/// Handler for the "Copy" context menu item. Copies the current image to a bitmap on the

/// clipboard.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="isShowMessage">boolean value that determines whether or not a prompt will be

/// displayed. true to show a message of "Image Copied to ClipBoard".</param>

public void Copy( bool isShowMessage )


if ( _masterPane != null )


//Clipboard.SetDataObject( _masterPane.GetImage(), true );

// Threaded copy mode to avoid crash with MTA

// Contributed by Dave Moor

Thread ct = new Thread( new ThreadStart( this.ClipboardCopyThread ) );

//ct.ApartmentState = ApartmentState.STA;

ct.SetApartmentState( ApartmentState.STA );



if ( isShowMessage )


string str = _resourceManager.GetString( "copied_to_clip" );

//MessageBox.Show( "Image Copied to ClipBoard" );

MessageBox.Show( str );




/// <summary>

/// A threaded version of the copy method to avoid crash with MTA

/// </summary>

private void ClipboardCopyThread()


Clipboard.SetDataObject( ImageRender(), true );



/// <summary>

/// Setup for creation of a new image, applying appropriate anti-alias properties and

/// returning the resultant image file

/// </summary>

/// <returns></returns>

private Image ImageRender()


return _masterPane.GetImage( _masterPane.IsAntiAlias );


/// <summary>

/// Special handler that copies the current image to an Emf file on the clipboard.

/// </summary>

/// <remarks>This version is similar to the regular <see cref="Copy" /> method, except that

/// it will place an Emf image (vector) on the ClipBoard instead of the regular bitmap.</remarks>

/// <param name="isShowMessage">boolean value that determines whether or not a prompt will be

/// displayed. true to show a message of "Image Copied to ClipBoard".</param>

public void CopyEmf(bool isShowMessage)


if (_masterPane != null)


// Threaded copy mode to avoid crash with MTA

// Contributed by Dave Moor

Thread ct = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.ClipboardCopyThreadEmf));

//ct.ApartmentState = ApartmentState.STA;




if (isShowMessage)


string str = _resourceManager.GetString("copied_to_clip");





/// <summary>

/// A threaded version of the copy method to avoid crash with MTA

/// </summary>

private void ClipboardCopyThreadEmf()


using (Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics())


IntPtr hdc = g.GetHdc();

Metafile metaFile = new Metafile(hdc, EmfType.EmfPlusOnly);


using (Graphics gMeta = Graphics.FromImage(metaFile))


this._masterPane.Draw( gMeta );


//IntPtr hMeta = metaFile.GetHenhmetafile();

ClipboardMetafileHelper.PutEnhMetafileOnClipboard( this.Handle, metaFile );

//System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetDataObject(hMeta, true);




/// <summary>

/// Handler for the "Save Image As" context menu item. Copies the current image to the selected

/// file.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="sender"></param>

/// <param name="e"></param>

protected void MenuClick_SaveAs( System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e )




/// <summary>

/// Handler for the "Save Image As" context menu item. Copies the current image to the selected

/// file in either the Emf (vector), or a variety of Bitmap formats.

/// </summary>

/// <remarks>

/// Note that <see cref="SaveAsBitmap" /> and <see cref="SaveAsEmf" /> methods are provided

/// which allow for Bitmap-only or Emf-only handling of the "Save As" context menu item.

/// </remarks>

public void SaveAs()


SaveAs( null );


/// <summary>

/// Copies the current image to the selected file in

/// Emf (vector), or a variety of Bitmap formats.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="DefaultFileName">

/// Accepts a default file name for the file dialog (if "" or null, default is not used)

/// </param>

/// <returns>

/// The file name saved, or "" if cancelled.

/// </returns>

/// <remarks>

/// Note that <see cref="SaveAsBitmap" /> and <see cref="SaveAsEmf" /> methods are provided

/// which allow for Bitmap-only or Emf-only handling of the "Save As" context menu item.

/// </remarks>

public String SaveAs( String DefaultFileName )


if ( _masterPane != null )


_saveFileDialog.Filter =

"Emf Format (*.emf)|*.emf|" +

"PNG Format (*.png)|*.png|" +

"Gif Format (*.gif)|*.gif|" +

"Jpeg Format (*.jpg)|*.jpg|" +

"Tiff Format (*.tif)|*.tif|" +

"Bmp Format (*.bmp)|*.bmp";

if ( DefaultFileName != null && DefaultFileName.Length > 0 )


String ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension( DefaultFileName ).ToLower();

switch (ext)


case ".emf": _saveFileDialog.FilterIndex = 1; break;

case ".png": _saveFileDialog.FilterIndex = 2; break;

case ".gif": _saveFileDialog.FilterIndex = 3; break;

case ".jpeg":

case ".jpg": _saveFileDialog.FilterIndex = 4; break;

case ".tiff":

case ".tif": _saveFileDialog.FilterIndex = 5; break;

case ".bmp": _saveFileDialog.FilterIndex = 6; break;


//If we were passed a file name, not just an extension, use it

if ( DefaultFileName.Length > ext.Length )


_saveFileDialog.FileName = DefaultFileName;



if ( _saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK )


Stream myStream = _saveFileDialog.OpenFile();

if ( myStream != null )


if ( _saveFileDialog.FilterIndex == 1 )



SaveEmfFile( _saveFileDialog.FileName );




ImageFormat format = ImageFormat.Png;

switch (_saveFileDialog.FilterIndex)


case 2: format = ImageFormat.Png; break;

case 3: format = ImageFormat.Gif; break;

case 4: format = ImageFormat.Jpeg; break;

case 5: format = ImageFormat.Tiff; break;

case 6: format = ImageFormat.Bmp; break;


ImageRender().Save( myStream, format );

//_masterPane.GetImage().Save( myStream, format );



return _saveFileDialog.FileName;




return "";


/// <summary>

/// Handler for the "Save Image As" context menu item. Copies the current image to the selected

/// Bitmap file.

/// </summary>

/// <remarks>

/// Note that this handler saves as a bitmap only. The default handler is

/// <see cref="SaveAs()" />, which allows for Bitmap or EMF formats

/// </remarks>

public void SaveAsBitmap()


if ( _masterPane != null )


_saveFileDialog.Filter =

"PNG Format (*.png)|*.png|" +

"Gif Format (*.gif)|*.gif|" +

"Jpeg Format (*.jpg)|*.jpg|" +

"Tiff Format (*.tif)|*.tif|" +

"Bmp Format (*.bmp)|*.bmp";

if ( _saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK )


ImageFormat format = ImageFormat.Png;

if ( _saveFileDialog.FilterIndex == 2 )

format = ImageFormat.Gif;

else if ( _saveFileDialog.FilterIndex == 3 )

format = ImageFormat.Jpeg;

else if ( _saveFileDialog.FilterIndex == 4 )

format = ImageFormat.Tiff;

else if ( _saveFileDialog.FilterIndex == 5 )

format = ImageFormat.Bmp;

Stream myStream = _saveFileDialog.OpenFile();

if ( myStream != null )


//_masterPane.GetImage().Save( myStream, format );

ImageRender().Save( myStream, format );






/// <summary>

/// Handler for the "Save Image As" context menu item. Copies the current image to the selected

/// Emf format file.

/// </summary>

/// <remarks>

/// Note that this handler saves as an Emf format only. The default handler is

/// <see cref="SaveAs()" />, which allows for Bitmap or EMF formats.

/// </remarks>

public void SaveAsEmf()


if ( _masterPane != null )


_saveFileDialog.Filter = "Emf Format (*.emf)|*.emf";

if ( _saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK )


Stream myStream = _saveFileDialog.OpenFile();

if ( myStream != null )



//_masterPane.GetMetafile().Save( _saveFileDialog.FileName );






/// <summary>

/// Save the current Graph to the specified filename in EMF (vector) format.

/// See <see cref="SaveAsEmf()" /> for public access.

/// </summary>

/// <remarks>

/// Note that this handler saves as an Emf format only. The default handler is

/// <see cref="SaveAs()" />, which allows for Bitmap or EMF formats.

/// </remarks>

internal void SaveEmfFile( string fileName )


using (Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics())


IntPtr hdc = g.GetHdc();

Metafile metaFile = new Metafile(hdc, EmfType.EmfPlusOnly);

using (Graphics gMeta = Graphics.FromImage(metaFile))


//PaneBase.SetAntiAliasMode( gMeta, IsAntiAlias );

//gMeta.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceCopy;

//gMeta.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;

//gMeta.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;

//gMeta.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

//gMeta.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;




ClipboardMetafileHelper.SaveEnhMetafileToFile(metaFile, fileName );





internal class ClipboardMetafileHelper



static extern bool OpenClipboard(IntPtr hWndNewOwner);


static extern bool EmptyClipboard();


static extern IntPtr SetClipboardData(uint uFormat, IntPtr hMem);


static extern bool CloseClipboard();


static extern IntPtr CopyEnhMetaFile(IntPtr hemfSrc, System.Text.StringBuilder hNULL);


static extern bool DeleteEnhMetaFile(IntPtr hemf);

static internal bool SaveEnhMetafileToFile( Metafile mf, string fileName )


bool bResult = false;

IntPtr hEMF;

hEMF = mf.GetHenhmetafile(); // invalidates mf

if (!hEMF.Equals(new IntPtr(0)))


StringBuilder tempName = new StringBuilder(fileName);

CopyEnhMetaFile(hEMF, tempName);



return bResult;


static internal bool SaveEnhMetafileToFile(Metafile mf)


bool bResult = false;

IntPtr hEMF;

hEMF = mf.GetHenhmetafile(); // invalidates mf

if (!hEMF.Equals(new IntPtr(0)))


SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog();

sfd.Filter = "Extended Metafile (*.emf)|*.emf";

sfd.DefaultExt = ".emf";

if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)


StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder(sfd.FileName);

CopyEnhMetaFile(hEMF, temp);




return bResult;


// Metafile mf is set to a state that is not valid inside this function.

static internal bool PutEnhMetafileOnClipboard(IntPtr hWnd, Metafile mf)


bool bResult = false;

IntPtr hEMF, hEMF2;

hEMF = mf.GetHenhmetafile(); // invalidates mf

if (!hEMF.Equals(new IntPtr(0)))


hEMF2 = CopyEnhMetaFile(hEMF, null);

if (!hEMF2.Equals(new IntPtr(0)))


if (OpenClipboard(hWnd))


if (EmptyClipboard())


IntPtr hRes = SetClipboardData(14 /*CF_ENHMETAFILE*/, hEMF2);

bResult = hRes.Equals(hEMF2);







return bResult;



/// <summary>

/// Handler for the "Show Values" context menu item. Toggles the <see cref="IsShowPointValues"/>

/// property, which activates the point value tooltips.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="sender"></param>

/// <param name="e"></param>

protected void MenuClick_ShowValues( object sender, System.EventArgs e )


ToolStripMenuItem item = sender as ToolStripMenuItem;

if ( item != null )

this.IsShowPointValues = !item.Checked;


/// <summary>

/// Handler for the "Set Scale to Default" context menu item. Sets the scale ranging to

/// full auto mode for all axes.

/// </summary>

/// <remarks>

/// This method differs from the <see cref="ZoomOutAll" /> method in that it sets the scales

/// to full auto mode. The <see cref="ZoomOutAll" /> method sets the scales to their initial

/// setting prior to any user actions (which may or may not be full auto mode).

/// </remarks>

/// <param name="sender"></param>

/// <param name="e"></param>

protected void MenuClick_RestoreScale( object sender, EventArgs e )


if ( _masterPane != null )


GraphPane pane = _masterPane.FindPane( _menuClickPt );

RestoreScale( pane );



/// <summary>

/// Handler for the "Set Scale to Default" context menu item. Sets the scale ranging to

/// full auto mode for all axes.

/// </summary>

/// <remarks>

/// This method differs from the <see cref="ZoomOutAll" /> method in that it sets the scales

/// to full auto mode. The <see cref="ZoomOutAll" /> method sets the scales to their initial

/// setting prior to any user actions (which may or may not be full auto mode).

/// </remarks>

/// <param name="primaryPane">The <see cref="GraphPane" /> object which is to have the

/// scale restored</param>

public void RestoreScale( GraphPane primaryPane )


if ( primaryPane != null )


//Go ahead and save the old zoomstates, which provides an "undo"-like capability

//ZoomState oldState = primaryPane.ZoomStack.Push( primaryPane, ZoomState.StateType.Zoom );

ZoomState oldState = new ZoomState( primaryPane, ZoomState.StateType.Zoom );

using ( Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics() )


if ( _isSynchronizeXAxes || _isSynchronizeYAxes )


foreach ( GraphPane pane in _masterPane._paneList )


pane.ZoomStack.Push( pane, ZoomState.StateType.Zoom );

ResetAutoScale( pane, g );





primaryPane.ZoomStack.Push( primaryPane, ZoomState.StateType.Zoom );

ResetAutoScale( primaryPane, g );


// Provide Callback to notify the user of zoom events

if ( this.ZoomEvent != null )

this.ZoomEvent( this, oldState, new ZoomState( primaryPane, ZoomState.StateType.Zoom ) );






private void ResetAutoScale( GraphPane pane, Graphics g )


pane.XAxis.ResetAutoScale( pane, g );

pane.X2Axis.ResetAutoScale( pane, g );

foreach ( YAxis axis in pane.YAxisList )

axis.ResetAutoScale( pane, g );

foreach ( Y2Axis axis in pane.Y2AxisList )

axis.ResetAutoScale( pane, g );



public void RestoreScale( GraphPane primaryPane )


if ( primaryPane != null )


Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics();

ZoomState oldState = new ZoomState( primaryPane, ZoomState.StateType.Zoom );

//ZoomState newState = null;

if ( _isSynchronizeXAxes || _isSynchronizeYAxes )


foreach ( GraphPane pane in _masterPane._paneList )


if ( pane == primaryPane )


pane.XAxis.ResetAutoScale( pane, g );

foreach ( YAxis axis in pane.YAxisList )

axis.ResetAutoScale( pane, g );

foreach ( Y2Axis axis in pane.Y2AxisList )

axis.ResetAutoScale( pane, g );






primaryPane.XAxis.ResetAutoScale( primaryPane, g );

foreach ( YAxis axis in primaryPane.YAxisList )

axis.ResetAutoScale( primaryPane, g );

foreach ( Y2Axis axis in primaryPane.Y2AxisList )

axis.ResetAutoScale( primaryPane, g );


// Provide Callback to notify the user of zoom events

if ( this.ZoomEvent != null )

this.ZoomEvent( this, oldState, new ZoomState( primaryPane, ZoomState.StateType.Zoom ) );







public void ZoomOutAll( GraphPane primaryPane )


if ( primaryPane != null && !primaryPane.ZoomStack.IsEmpty )


ZoomState.StateType type = primaryPane.ZoomStack.Top.Type;

ZoomState oldState = new ZoomState( primaryPane, type );

//ZoomState newState = pane.ZoomStack.PopAll( pane );

ZoomState newState = null;

if ( _isSynchronizeXAxes || _isSynchronizeYAxes )


foreach ( GraphPane pane in _masterPane._paneList )


ZoomState state = pane.ZoomStack.PopAll( pane );

if ( pane == primaryPane )

newState = state;




newState = primaryPane.ZoomStack.PopAll( primaryPane );

// Provide Callback to notify the user of zoom events

if ( this.ZoomEvent != null )

this.ZoomEvent( this, oldState, newState );





/// <summary>

/// Handler for the "UnZoom/UnPan" context menu item. Restores the scale ranges to the values

/// before the last zoom or pan operation.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="sender"></param>

/// <param name="e"></param>

protected void MenuClick_ZoomOut( System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e )


if ( _masterPane != null )


GraphPane pane = _masterPane.FindPane( _menuClickPt );

ZoomOut( pane );



/// <summary>

/// Handler for the "UnZoom/UnPan" context menu item. Restores the scale ranges to the values

/// before the last zoom, pan, or scroll operation.

/// </summary>

/// <remarks>

/// Triggers a <see cref="ZoomEvent" /> for any type of undo (including pan, scroll, zoom, and

/// wheelzoom). This method will affect all the

/// <see cref="GraphPane" /> objects in the <see cref="MasterPane" /> if

/// <see cref="IsSynchronizeXAxes" /> or <see cref="IsSynchronizeYAxes" /> is true.

/// </remarks>

/// <param name="primaryPane">The primary <see cref="GraphPane" /> object which is to be

/// zoomed out</param>

public void ZoomOut( GraphPane primaryPane )


if ( primaryPane != null && !primaryPane.ZoomStack.IsEmpty )


ZoomState.StateType type = primaryPane.ZoomStack.Top.Type;

ZoomState oldState = new ZoomState( primaryPane, type );

ZoomState newState = null;

if ( _isSynchronizeXAxes || _isSynchronizeYAxes )


foreach ( GraphPane pane in _masterPane._paneList )


ZoomState state = pane.ZoomStack.Pop( pane );

if ( pane == primaryPane )

newState = state;




newState = primaryPane.ZoomStack.Pop( primaryPane );

// Provide Callback to notify the user of zoom events

if ( this.ZoomEvent != null )

this.ZoomEvent( this, oldState, newState );




/// <summary>

/// Handler for the "Undo All Zoom/Pan" context menu item. Restores the scale ranges to the values

/// before all zoom and pan operations

/// </summary>

/// <remarks>

/// This method differs from the <see cref="RestoreScale" /> method in that it sets the scales

/// to their initial setting prior to any user actions. The <see cref="RestoreScale" /> method

/// sets the scales to full auto mode (regardless of what the initial setting may have been).

/// </remarks>

/// <param name="sender"></param>

/// <param name="e"></param>

protected void MenuClick_ZoomOutAll( System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e )


if ( _masterPane != null )


GraphPane pane = _masterPane.FindPane( _menuClickPt );

ZoomOutAll( pane );



/// <summary>

/// Handler for the "Undo All Zoom/Pan" context menu item. Restores the scale ranges to the values

/// before all zoom and pan operations

/// </summary>

/// <remarks>

/// This method differs from the <see cref="RestoreScale" /> method in that it sets the scales

/// to their initial setting prior to any user actions. The <see cref="RestoreScale" /> method

/// sets the scales to full auto mode (regardless of what the initial setting may have been).

/// </remarks>

/// <param name="primaryPane">The <see cref="GraphPane" /> object which is to be zoomed out</param>

public void ZoomOutAll( GraphPane primaryPane )


if ( primaryPane != null && !primaryPane.ZoomStack.IsEmpty )


ZoomState.StateType type = primaryPane.ZoomStack.Top.Type;

ZoomState oldState = new ZoomState( primaryPane, type );

//ZoomState newState = pane.ZoomStack.PopAll( pane );

ZoomState newState = null;

if ( _isSynchronizeXAxes || _isSynchronizeYAxes )


foreach ( GraphPane pane in _masterPane._paneList )


ZoomState state = pane.ZoomStack.PopAll( pane );

if ( pane == primaryPane )

newState = state;




newState = primaryPane.ZoomStack.PopAll( primaryPane );

// Provide Callback to notify the user of zoom events

if ( this.ZoomEvent != null )

this.ZoomEvent( this, oldState, newState );







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