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UFT ALM Plug-in 12.01 Patch1

2014-12-27 19:05 260 查看
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Title :

UFT ALM Plug-in 12.01 Patch1

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Product - Version:

unified functional testing 12.01 ;

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Critical :


Summary :

Product: unified functional testing; Version: 12.01; OS: Windows; Critical: Yes

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Table of contents:

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Information » History » Products » Hardware
Platforms - OS Releases » Critical » Symptoms » Defect
Descriptions »Change Requests » Equivalent

» Installation Information » Patch
Dependencies » Installation Instructions

» Patch Contents » Patch
Files » sum(1) Output

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Patch ID:UFTALM_00075
Download patch:UFTALM_00075.exe
Patch size:16.77 MB
MD5 hash:ccfef1f8b49cbc3bfeb5e4d7ba2a767c


2014-Oct-14:The patch was created.
2014-Oct-14:The patch was released.


unified functional testing 12.01

Platforms - OS Releases

Windows: 2003 2003R2 vista 2008 7 2008R2 8 2012 2012R2




Change Request: QCCR1J71159:
Customer is generating the SOAP Request separately, then he send the request
to the server in a different activity. To generate the SOAP Request customer
is using the SOAP Activity with the option: "Sent Request to Service"
unchecked who actually causes the delay during the execution.

If the SOAP Request is generated and sent to the server in the same activity,
the delay is NOT reproducible, so seems there is an internal timeout or
similar action performed by SOAP Activity when the option "Sent Request to
Service" is unchecked.

The delay created could be about 1 minute, however this is affecting customer
due the fact this could be increase with each iteration of the test creating a
big delay (10 minutes or more).
Change Request: QCCR1J71993:
Cannot expand object variables in the Local Variable window after a subsequent
object variable has been expanded.

1. Create script with below code
Set myxl = createobject("excel.application")
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
myBreak = "Put a break point on this line"
2. Place breakpoint on last line
3. Run the test.
4. When script pauses, observe 2 variables exist in the 'Local Variables'
window, "myxl" and "objShell". Each of the variables have a chevron/triangle
to the left of the variable name
5. Now "expand" the "objShell" variable (click on the chevron/triangle to the
left of the variable name)
6. Observe the chevron/triangle to the left of the "myxl" variable name
Note: To expand the "myxl" variable the user must 'rerun' the test
Change Request: QCCR1J72091:
Auto complete with  Ctrl+Space  to bring up the word completion list and
variables that had been declared in associated function libraries does not
work in UFT 11.53 and UFT 12.
Change Request: QCCR1J72727:
The same script in UFT 12 takes 700% to 1000% more time than QTPv11.  Ex: QTP
takes 20 sec whereas the same script takes 2.5 min to 3 min to open in ALM/QC.
The script has func libraries , recovery scenario and object repositories
with relative paths in ALM.
Change Request: QCCR1J73456:
Oracle Forms 11g R2 objects are recognized as Java objects with UFT 12.
Change Request: QCCR1J73478:
When customer packages software for installation scans are performed on a
regular basis and each time this software is installed on a computer, these
scans pick up the Open SSL dlls and the systems are reported as being
vulnerable and will need to be remediated. With over 1100 installations of the
QTP /UFT application customer simply cannot remediate these all manually each
time the software is installed.

Present on below versions:
[UFT: 11.53 P2, 12.00, 12.01] \bin\libeay32_101_x32.dll
[UFT: 11.53 P2, 12.00, 12.01] \bin\libeay32_mic_101_x32.dll
[UFT: 11.53 P2, 12.00, 12.01] \bin\ssleay32_101_x32.dll
[UFT: 11.53 P2, 12.00, 12.01] \bin\ssleay32_mic_101_x32.dll
[UFT: 11.53 P2] \bin\libeay32_10_x32.dll
[UFT: 11.53 P2] \bin\libeay32_mic_10_x32.dll
[UFT: 11.53 P2] \bin\ssleay32_10_x32.dll
[UFT: 11.53 P2] \bin\ssleay32_mic_10_x32.dll
*NOTE*:The ALM Add-in provided with UFT, when installed separately/alone,
installs above as well
Change Request: QCCR1J73508:
UFT 11.52 is generating an error message when running any script. Attached is
the error log.
Change Request: QCCR1J73541:
SAPCalendar on ABAP-WebDynpro is not set -> SAPCalendar().SetDate()
Change Request: QCCR1J73572:
Brief Description: Getting an error once a component is opened:
~~UFT tool is validating the XML schema when opening service component file.
If there is a schema validation error, UFT is not allowing to open the
component file itself.
Change Request: QCCR1J73719:
UFF returns an "Object is disabled" error. When I hit retry, the same
error appears.
Change Request: QCCR1J74035:
When I Try to spy/Add object from any Collapsed-Expanded Pane the application
automatically crashes with below popup also causing UFT to freeze for long
time and do not let us perform any activities on System. It also blocks the
task manager and does not allow to kill the process, last option left to us is
forcefully either logoff or shutdown the system
Change Request: QCCR1J74160:
When using a Flex based iFrame, this one contains HTML5 Controls, however UFT
is not able to recognize those controls. Flex recognition is working as
expected however the recognition for the HTML inside the iframe is getting

If Flex Support (Flex Agent) is not used, is possible to recognize the HTML5
controls, however this is not acceptable due the fact the application is
mostly Flex Based and they require both technologies.


Change Request: QCCR1J71159:
The delay now does not happen if SendToService is unchecked.
Change Request: QCCR1J71993:
The fix of this defect will be included into UFT 12.01 patch 1
Change Request: QCCR1J72091:
The fix of this defect will be included into UFT 12.01 patch 1
Change Request: QCCR1J72727:
The fix of this defect will be included into UFT 12.01 patch 1
Change Request: QCCR1J73456:
Fix will be included into next Patch and SP
Change Request: QCCR1J73478:
The fix of this defect will be included into UFT 12.01 patch 1
Change Request: QCCR1J73508:
A hotfix provided.
Change Request: QCCR1J73541:
The fix of this defect will be included into UFT 12.01 patch 1
Change Request: QCCR1J73572:
By adding new config key into UFT.exe.config, they can ignore XML validation
and load the failed component.
Change Request: QCCR1J73719:
Code problem was fixed.
Change Request: QCCR1J74035:
Added the ability to work with custom tab controls.
Change Request: QCCR1J74160:
UFT code problem.


QCCR1J71159 QCCR1J71993 QCCR1J72091 QCCR1J72727 QCCR1J73456 QCCR1J73478
QCCR1J73508 QCCR1J73541 QCCR1J73572 QCCR1J73719 QCCR1J74035 QCCR1J74160


Windows: 2003 2003R2 vista 2008 7 2008R2 8 2012 2012R2

Installation Information


Windows: 2003 2003R2 vista 2008 2008R2 7 8 2012 2012R2: UFTALM_1201


Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard
SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms
and conditions for precautions, scope of license,
restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties,
before installing this patch.
1. Back up your system before installing a patch.

2. Unzip UFTALM_00075 and install

Patch Contents




md5 ccfef1f8b49cbc3bfeb5e4d7ba2a767c UFTALM_00075.exe
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