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实验七 T-SQL语句高级应用(一)

2014-12-26 02:40 253 查看
实验七 T-SQL语句高级应用(一)















select classno,avg(final) as '平均分'

from student,score

where student.studentno = score.studentno

group by student.classno

order by 平均分 desc


select teacher.*,course.cname

from teacher,course,teach_class

where teacher.teacherno = teach_class.teacherno and

teach_class.courseno = course.courseno


select student.studentno,student.sname,course.cname,score.final

from student,course,score

where student.studentno = score.studentno and

course.courseno = score.courseno and

student.classno = '090501' and

course.courseno in


select teach_class.courseno

from teacher,teach_class

where teacher.teacherno = teach_class.teacherno and

teacher.tname = '韩晋升'



select course.courseno,course.cname,count(*) as '学生人数'

from course,student,score

where student.studentno = score.studentno and

course.courseno = score.courseno

group by course.courseno , course.cname

order by 学生人数 asc


select student.sname,avg(final) as '平均成绩'

from student,score

where final >80 and

student.studentno = score.studentno

group by student.studentno,student.sname

having count(* ) >= 2


select test1.studentno,test1.sname from(

select student.studentno,sname,final

from student,score,course

where student.studentno = score.studentno and

score.courseno = course.courseno and

course.cname = N'C语言'

) as test1,(

select student.studentno,sname,final

from student,score,course

where student.studentno = score.studentno and

score.courseno = course.courseno and

course.cname = N'电子技术'

) as test2

where test1.final > test2.final and test1.studentno = test2.studentno


select student.studentno ,student.sname ,score.final

into cc

from student,score,course

where student.studentno = score.studentno and

score.courseno = course.courseno and

cname =N'C语言'

select student.studentno ,student.sname ,score.final

into ca

from student,score,course

where student.studentno = score.studentno and

score.courseno = course.courseno and

cname =N'电子技术'

select cc.studentno ,cc.sname

from ca,cc

where ca.sname = cc.sname and




declare @high float

set @high =

(select top 1 tt.high from(

select avg(final) as 'high'

from student,score,course

where student.studentno = score.studentno and

score.courseno = course.courseno

group by student.classno

)as tt


print cast(@high as varchar(30))

select @high


select student.studentno,sname

from student,teach_class

where student.classno = teach_class.classno and

student.sname != N'韩吟秋' and

teach_class.classno in


select teach_class.classno

from teach_class,teacher,student


teacher.teacherno = teach_class.teacherno and

student.sname = N'韩吟秋' and

student.classno = teach_class.classno


group by sname,student.studentno
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