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Globalization Guide for Oracle Applications Release 12

2014-12-15 20:25 716 查看
Section 1: Overview
Section 2: Installing
Section 3: Configuring
Section 4: Maintaining
Section 5: Using
Section 6: Customizing
Section 7: Translating
Section 8: Troubleshooting
Appendix A: Migrating to Unicode
Appendix B: Locale Data

Section 1. Overview


This document, the Oracle Applications Globalization Guide, provides key information for using Oracle Applications in global organizations. Much of the information is also applicable to smaller organizations that may be located in a single country but trade
globally. This guide follows a task-based approach for presenting information, and different chapters (marked with an X in the table below) will be of interest for particular users.

SectionSystem AdministratorsEnd UsersApplication DevelopersTranslators
This guide provides an overview of internationalization concepts and associated operations in an Oracle Applications system. Several appendices serve as reference guides for a number of specific internationalization topics. These are intended for consultation
on an as-needed basis, depending on the specific requirements of an installation.


This section explains some terminology related to international language support in Oracle Applications.

National Language Support (NLS)

In Oracle Applications, National Language Support (NLS) refers to the ability to run an Applications instance in any single supported language, including specific regional or territorial number and date formats. Typically, in order to support a given language,
only the customer-facing components of the Applications software (user interface, lookup tables, online documentation, and so on) are translated. Translations are delivered via NLS patches.

Multiple Language Support (MLS)

In Oracle Applications, Multiple Language Support (MLS) refers to the ability to run multiple languages in the same Applications instance. MLS provides multiple language architecture, while NLS provides the individual language translations.


Many Oracle products use the NLS_LANG environment variable to specify locale behavior. NLS_LANG has three components, concatenated as LANGUAGE_TERRITORY.CHARSET; for example,


The NLS_LANG character set should be set to match the character set of the database.

Base Language and Installed Languages

An Applications instance has one base language, and may have one or more installed languages. An instance will always have at least American English. All products, whether MLS-enabled or not, can store data in the base language. MLS-enabled products or components
can store data in the base language as well as any installed languages. Most products in Applications Release 12 are MLS-enabled.


UTF8 and AL32UTF8 are encodings of the Unicode character set and include all the characters in all modern languages. UTF8 and AL32UTF8 allow Oracle Applications to be run from one database instance using any combination of supported languages. The advantage
of AL32UTF8 over UTF8 is in the handling of supplementary characters, which are increasingly used in certain languages. AL32UTF8 is the current default database character set for Oracle databases.


A locale is a collection of information relating to the linguistic and cultural preferences for a particular region. In an Oracle database, a locale consists of language, territory, and character set. An Oracle locale is associated with certain formatting
behavior, and provides defaults for the user profile options in Oracle Applications.


Localizations provide additional business functionality that is required for certain countries. This is distinct from translations, which are the text data for a language used in Applications products: in contrast, a localization results in an application
functioning differently.

In the OA Personalization Framework, localizations exist at the Localization level of personalization, and can be overridden by more specific functionality at the Site, Organization, Responsibility, User, or Portlet personalization levels. For more information,
see the Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide

Country specific functionality is included in the base code called globalizations, and is licensed using the Rapid Install Wizard or the License Manager in Oracle Applications Manager. For details on installing country-specific functionality and languages
using the Rapid Install Wizard, see the Oracle Applications Installation guide. For more information on License Manager, see Maintaining Oracle Applications. Once installed and licensed, localizations can be turned on and off for testing purposes using Help
> Diagnostics > Custom Code.


Personalizations are settings that affect applications behavior, and have a built-in precedence of levels. For instance, the labels appearing in a OAF-based web page can be modified or hidden for a given level, such as Site level or Responsibility level.
See the Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide for more details on personalizations.

Date Formatting

Dates can be entered in any valid format, such as 12-31-07 (US standard), 31-12-07 (British standard), or 2007-12-31 (ISO standard). The setting is controlled by the Date Format Mask profile option.

Number Formatting

Country-specific conventions determine how a number is entered and displayed. For example, the number "one million" is usually represented as 1,000,000.00 in the United States and United Kingdom, with the period (.) being used as the decimal separator, and
the comma (,) being used as the grouping separator between thousands. In contrast, many European countries use the comma as the decimal separator and the period as the grouping separator, so "one million" may be represented as 1.000.000,00. The characters
used for the decimal separator and grouping separator to be changed to suit user preference when numbers are entered or displayed.

NLS Patches

NLS patches are special patches that provide language translations including user interface labels, menus, and some Oracle seeded setup data.

Translation Synchronization Patch

The Translation Synchronization patch (TSP) feature allows you to synchronize your existing translations with the American English file versions or to install new languages on your Applications instance. By applying just one patch for each language, you will
be able to bring your translations up to your Applications patch level. You can also choose to get the latest translations to bring your translations up-to-date.

Lightweight MLS

The lightweight MLS feature, introduced in Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1.3, allows you to use a language without applying its corresponding NLS patches. This type of language enabling option is referred as lightweight mode. In contrast, full translation mode
refers to the traditional language enabling option that requires NLS patches to be applied for all languages in use. In lightweight mode, the user Interface (UI) will be in English, but you can still translate the relevant seed data, reports, and Forms/Oracle
framework pages. You can later switch to full translation mode by applying the language NLS patches.

Lightweight-only Language

A language which can be enabled in lightweight mode only. A lightweight-only language cannot be switched to full translation mode because Oracle does not provide NLS patches, including Translation Synchronization patches, for such languages.

Related Documents

Internationalization Update Notes for Release 12 (393320.1)
Oracle Applications Documentation Resources, Release 12 (393320.1)
Oracle Applications NLS Release Notes(405294.1)
Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide
Oracle Application Server Globalization Support Guide
Oracle Applications Release 12 Translation Scope and Availability (405992.1)
Database NLS Frequently Asked Questions (60134.1)
Oracle Release 12 Documentation Library
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 Technology Stack Documentation Roadmap (380482.1)
Using Lightweight MLS With Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3 and higher (1077709.1)
R11i / R12 : Requesting Translation Synchronization Patches (252422.1)

Section 2. Installing

This section is intended for use as a supplement to the standard Oracle Applications documentation: it does not replace the Oracle Applications Installation Guide, or Upgrade manuals, or the NLS Release Notes. The intended audience is an administrator installing
an Applications instance.

Oracle Applications Internationalization Architecture

Tiers and character sets

An Oracle Applications system consists of three tiers: the database tier, application (middle) tier, and client (desktop) tier. The most important language-related feature on the database tier is the choice of database character set. AL32UTF8 is the recommended
character set for instances providing multi-language support, as it can accommodate all the characters from the installed languages. However, for an installation that needs to support a single language (besides English), a specific character set could be chosen
to accommodate that language and no others. For example, in the case of an organization operating only in Western Europe, the WE8IS08859P15 character set could be selected to support Western European languages specifically. This helps to optimize database
performance, at the expense of flexibility. It would not, for example, be possible to later support Eastern European languages with this character set, if the organization opened a branch in Eastern Europe.

The Applications components on the application tier utilize two language-related settings: the user profile and the NLS_LANG environment variable. The user profile stores user preferences such as session language, date format, and number format. It is stored
in the database, but users can configure it from a browser using the Preferences page.

Users set their preferred language in the web browser (the client tier), set their time zone, and verify that they have any required fonts and OS locales installed.

The settings of the Applications user profile and the NLS_LANG environment variable play a significant part in mediating communication between the database tier and application tier, and between the application tier and client tier. For communication between
the database tier and the application tier, the setting of NLS_LANG indicates the character set to be used on the application tier.

Note: Use the same character set on both the database tier and application tier, to avoid the risk of losing characters on conversion.
NLS_LANG and user profile are also used in communication between the application tier and the client tier. For example, OC4J generates HTML output based on the language setting in the user profile. With the Forms client, the character set is determined by
the value of NLS_LANG, but the language is determined by the user profile.

For more information on setting the NLS_LANG correctly in Unix environments, see 264157.1

Planning the implementation

Prior to installation, decide on your database character set. Create your database with a character set that supports all of the languages that you are installing or may install in the future. To minimize restrictions on the language combinations you can
use, choose UTF8 or AL32UTF8. The Oracle Applications Installation Guide describes this in more detail. For a list of the supported non-Unicode character sets for each language, see the section on languages and character sets in this guide.

You can use this SQL command to check the database character set:

select value from nls_database_parameters where parameter='NLS_CHARACTERSET';

Usage Requirement Analysis

The starting point for deciding on a suitable NLS and MLS specification is the organization's requirements for languages. The languages needed are determined by two factors: languages of the organization's end users, and legislation where the organization
conducts its business.

Examples of the first consideration include:

A company operating in one country. For example, if a company located in Japan only uses the Japanese language, then only Japanese language support needs to be installed. American English is always installed by default, so the above system would have both
American English and Japanese.
A global company operating in one language. For example, multi-lingual support is not required for a U.S. company that has Chinese branches, but uses English in all those branches.
A global company operating in multiple languages. For example, a company with an instance in its headquarters which hosts the service for its worldwide subsidiaries would need to install languages to meet the requirements of its subsidiaries.

An example of the second consideration would be:

A company submitting documents in a language stipulated by the government or trading partners. For example, the South Korean Government requires all financial reports to be submitted to it in Korean. Korean language support is mandatory in Oracle Applications
installations for companies that conduct business in Korea, even if the application users are based in the US and speak only English.

Organizational requirements should be collected with both of these aspects in mind. Once this information is available, the appropriate languages and character sets can be chosen for the Applications system. Due to business changes such as mergers or entry
in new markets, language requirements may change in the future.

System Requirements Analysis

Consult the Oracle Applications NLS Release Notes to ensure that the system has enough resources for enabling NLS and MLS; pay particular attention to disk space, memory, and database size.

Also look for information on the space needed per language, to accommodate:

Forms files
Forms executables
Report files
Seed data and related files
NLS software temporary staging area
Minor increase in database size per language at installation time

Language and Character set Requirements Analysis

In Oracle Applications, choosing a language means choosing a set of translated resources. Choice of character set is the most important factor for configuring NLS and MLS with Oracle Applications. The character set must support the all the characters of
the languages that are to be installed. In addition, platform-specific characters or user-defined characters (UDC) may need to be supported. The character set should be determined based on these requirements, and then specified for the database as well as
each HTTP server and APPL_TOP.

Database Tier - Oracle Database Character Set

The database character set is chosen during initial installation of Oracle Applications. A default character set is suggested by Rapid Install, based on the languages selected. This default character set will support the system"specified language requirements.
While the database character set can subsequently be changed to another character set that supports the language requirements, it is always desirable to choose the correct one at install time, as it is very time-consuming to alter it later. Thus, the database
character set should be chosen after careful consideration of an organization's long-term needs.

Adding languages after the implementation is complete may require a change in character set, unless UTF8 or AL32UTF8 was chosen. For this reason, AL32UTF8 is a good choice when planning for expansion. For maximum flexibility in meeting future requirements,
Oracle recommends employing the AL32UTF8 character set, as this makes it easy to add other languages in the future. However, AL32UTF8 or UTF8 is not recommended for the Thai language, since it uses three bytes per Thai character and thus reduces the number
of Thai characters that can be stored to one third.

The available character sets are described in the Oracle National Language Support Guide and Oracle Globalization Support Guide. The following table lists the supported languages grouped into language categories, with the supporting database character sets
(also known as code pages) that can be used with these languages. The non-Unicode character set suitable for a language depends on the language category, whether Euro currency symbol support is needed, and other customer requirements. Remember that a Unicode
character set, such as AL32UTF8, is also supported for any of the languages listed.

Languages in the same language category can be supported in a single instance using either Unicode (UTF8 or AL32UTF8) or the character set listed with the category. Languages from different language categories in a single instance can only be supported using
Unicode. For example, since German is in the Western European language category and Polish is in the Eastern European category, only Unicode can support both German and Polish. However, English data is supported in any language category, because English characters
are included in all of the other character sets.

This table also indicates if the language is translated in Forms (F), Reports (R), and UIX (U).

Oracle Database Language Codes, Translated Technologies, and Character Sets

LanguageLanguage CodeTranslated TechnologiesLanguage CategoryNon-Unicode Character Set
American EnglishUSF,R,UWestern EuropeanWE8MSWIN1252 - MS Windows Code Page

WE8ISO8859P15 - ISO Western European

WE8ISO8859P1 - ISO Western European*
Brazilian PortuguesePTBF,R,U
Canadian FrenchFRCF,R,U
European FrenchFF,R,U
Latin American SpanishESAF,R,U
European PortuguesePTF,R,U
AlbanianSQF,R,UEastern EuropeanEE8MSWIN1250 - MS Windows Code Page

EE8ISO8859P2 - ISO East European*
Latin SerbianLSRF,R,U
LithuanianLIF,R,UBalticBLTMSWIN1257 - MS Windows Code Page
ArabicARF,R,UArabicAR8MSWIN1256 - MS Windows Code Page

AR8ISO8859P6 - ISO Character set*
Cyrillic KazakhCKKF,R,UUnicodeAL32UTF8 - Unicode
GreekELF,R,UGreekEL8MSWIN1253 - MS Windows Code Page

EL8ISO8859P7 - ISO Character Set*
HebrewIWF,R,UHebrewIW8MSWIN1255 - MS Windows Code Page

IW8ISO8859P8 - ISO Character Set - not currently supported
JapaneseJAF,R,UJapaneseJA16SJIS - Japan Industrial Standard

JA16SJISTILDE - Japan Industrial Standard

JA16EUC - Extended UNIX Code

JA16EUCTILDE - Extended UNIX Code
KoreanKOF,R,UKoreanKO16MSWIN949 - MS Windows Code Page
Cyrillic SerbianCSRF,R,UCyrillicCL8MSWIN1251 - MS Windows Code Page

CL8ISO8859P5 - ISO Character Set*
Simplified ChineseZHSF,R,USimplified ChineseZHS16GBK - Guo Biao Kuozhan
ThaiTHF,R,UThaiTH8TISASCII - Thai Industrial 620-2533 - ASCII 8-bit
Traditional ChineseZHTF,R,UTraditional ChineseZHT16MSWIN950 - MS Windows Code Page - meets the requirements for Taiwan, but not Hong Kong.

ZHT16HKSCS - Hong Kong Supplementary Character Set - meets the requirements for Hong Kong, but not Taiwan.
TurkishTRF,R,UTurkishTR8MSWIN1254 - MS Windows Code Page

WE8ISO8859P9 - ISO Character Set*
VietnameseVNF,R,UVietnameseTR8MSWIN1258 - MS Windows Code Page

Notes on Table

The asterisk (*) marks character sets that do not support the Euro symbol.
Oracle strongly recommends customers to choose AL32UTF8 if supporting Hong Kong Supplementary Character Set (HKSCS) is a requirement.
The Vision Demo database is set up with a database character set of UTF8 and a base language of American English.
The character sets ZHT16HKSCS31 and ZHT32EUC are not supported.
For more information see the Oracle Applications Release 12.2, 12.1 & Release 12.0 Translation Scope and Availability (405992.1)

Note: Although AL32UTF8 is supported as a database character set, Unicode supplementary characters are not currently supported in Oracle Applications. Supplementary characters are Unicode characters with code point values greater than U+FFFF.

Lightweight-only languages

Lightweight-only languages are languages that can be enabled in lightweight mode only. Oracle do not provide NLS patches including Translation Synchronization patches (see MOS 252422.1 for details) for such languages. Therefore, unlike regular supported languages
listed above, which customers can enable in full translation mode or start from lightweight mode then move to full translation mode through applying the NLS patches, the Lightweight-only languages listed below cannot move to full translation mode because there
is no NLS patch available.
LanguageLanguage CodeLanguage CategoryNon-Unicode Character Set
BulgarianBGCyrillicTR8MSWIN1251 - MS Windows Code Page

CL8ISO8859P5 - ISO Character Set*
CatalanCAWestern EuropeanWE8MSWIN1252 - MS Windows Code Page

WE8ISO8859P15 - ISO Western European

WE8ISO8859P1 - ISO Western European*

Notes on Table

The asterisk (*) marks character sets that do not support the Euro symbol.

Application Tier (Middle Tier) - APPL_TOP Character Set and ICX_CLIENT_IANA_ENCODING

The application tier is the location of a number of Oracle Applications server processes, including the Forms server and Web server, which communicate with each other and with Applications software on the other tiers. The application tier character set should
be identical to the database character set... The application tier character set is specified during installation in Rapid Install, and is called the APPL_TOP character set.

The Web server, on the application tier, must use a character set that is supported by the browser, on the client tier. The application tier character set must support all the characters that the client tier languages employ. In other words, APPL_TOP character
set must be identical to the database character set.

Client Tier (Desktop Tier) - FND_NATIVE_CLIENT_ENCODING

The client (desktop) character set, used for file downloads, is set during the post-installation steps in the FND_NATIVE_CLIENT_ENCODING profile option using the Oracle character set naming convention. This character set should be compatible with the OS
character set of the user"s desktop machine. The administrator sets a site level default and the end user can override it in the user profile.

Note: Whether you are planning a fresh NLS install or upgrading from an older release of Applications, you must follow the instructions in the NLS Release Notes for Release 12.

Database Sort Order

Oracle Applications Release before 12.2.2 supports only binary database sort order.

Linguistic sort is supported in 12.2.2 and later as follows.
End users can see linguistically sorted result sets in the online UI (OA Framework, Forms). Batch programs or Oracle reports run via concurrent program will use a binary sort.
ICX: NLS Sort profile is used to control the user preferred sort language. This profile can be set at the user and site level by administrator.
The profile has a LOV which shows sufficient sort languages especially for case-insensitive or accent-insensitive sort filtered by by installed languages in the E-Business Suite instance.
NLS_SORT database session variable is set based on this profile option, and Linguistic sort is done at the database tier (SQL query results) only.
All SQL comparison (e.g. where clause “=”, “like”, etc) is performed as binary.
No linguistic index is necessary for linguistic sort support, but it is possible that there may be very rare cases where linguistic indexes would help – this will have to be determined on a case by case basis.
In case of linguistic sort, in-memory linguistic sort will be done instead of the in-memory binary sort, which may have some minor performance impact.

Multilingual Table Structure

Multilingual support (MLS) in Oracle applications uses a base table, containing non-translatable content, and a translations table, containing translatable content for the base language and installed languages. This section explains how an MLS table is designed,
how the MLS data is created, and how the data is maintained in the database.

Translatable Applications tables are organized into pairs: a base table, whose name ends with "_B"; and a translation table, whose name ends with "_TL". For every row in the base table, there is one row in the translation table for each language, including
the base language.

A _TL table always has a LANGUAGE column, a SOURCE_LANG column, and one or more translatable columns.

The same key fields exist in the base and TL tables.
LANGUAGEIndicates the language label associated with the row
SOURCE_LANGIndicates the actual language of the contents of the row
Hold the translatable data
Who columns exist in all tables.

How MLS tables are populated

After running Rapid Install, MLS (_TL) tables have rows for US (American English) only.

select * from FND_MENUS_TL where MENU_ID=1011274

Returns one row:

LANGUAGE=US, Description="Payables and Receivable Transactions", SOURCE_LANG=US

After running Maintain multi-lingual tables in ADADMIN, the same select returns one row per language, for instance

LANGUAGE=US, Description="Payables and Receivable Transactions", SOURCE_LANG=US

LANGUAGE=JA, Description="Payables and Receivable Transactions", SOURCE_LANG=US

LANGUAGE=AR, Description="Payables and Receivable Transactions", SOURCE_LANG=US

ADADMIN created a copy of the source row for each target language. The source language in each row is American English (US), the data is American English, and the LANGUAGE column contains the target language code. The actual translation for each language
can now be installed and will overwrite the appropriate target language row. Oracle seeded translations are installed by applying NLS patches.

Files containing translated data reside in subdirectories named after the language code. For example, $AP_TOP/reports/NL, $GL_TOP/forms/F. Tables containing translatable data have a related translation table (_TL table). For tables containing translatable
data, a _VL view allows the data to be selected based on the session language.

Related Documents

Oracle Applications Release Notes (405293.1)
Oracle Applications Release NLS Notes (405294.1)
Oracle Applications Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install (available at Oracle Applications Documentation)
Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide: Release 11i to Release 12 (available at Oracle Applications Documentation)

Section 3. Configuring

This section discusses setting administrative suite wide configurations after the initial installation or Oracle Applications is complete.


In Oracle Applications, various locale parameters influence the characteristics of the user session, such as the data display format and behavior. Administrators should review the NLS related profile option values and override them at the Site level if necessary.
The administrator can access these values in either of these two paths

Functional Administrator responsibility: Core Services > Profiles web page
System Administrator responsibility: Profile > System Form

Some of these profile options can be overridden by the user at the session level, by setting them in the Preferences page.

These parameters are stored as profile options, as follows:

Profile Option NameSpecifiesAvailable in Preferences page?Comment
ICX: Client IANA EncodingIANA character encoding used with displays for HTML-based Applications products

For a general description of IANA encoding, visit the IANA web site.
ICX: Date format maskDate formatX
ICX: Date languageDate languageNot recommended for use in Release 12. Exists for backwards compatibility.
ICX: LanguageLanguage preference for certain components such as WorkflowX
ICX: NLS SortType of sort for character dataSorting other than binary is not supported in Release 12.
ICX: Numeric charactersDecimal separator and grouping separator for number presentation. The characters are specified in the following format:

XCommonly "10,000.00" for the US and Asia

Commonly "10.000,00" for parts of Europe.
ICX: Preferred CurrencyISO Currency codeX
ICX: TerritoryTerritory setting, which determines cultural conventions such as local time, date, numeric, and monetary conventionsX
Server TimezoneTime zone on the database server.This setting is available to administrators only. Time zones in Oracle Applications are handled by the database tier.
Client TimezoneTime zone on the client machine.XTime zones in Oracle Applications are handled by the database tier.
FND: Native Client EncodingNative character encoding on the desktop clientXThis value is mainly used for file upload and download
Note: To disable user overrides of user profile options, the administrator can personalize the General Preferences page and set the Read Only property to true. To hide a profile option from the General Preferences page, the administrator can set the Rendered
property to false.

Profile options and NLS parameters

Changing profile options has an effect on NLS parameters. The relationship between these can be summarized as follows:

NLS ParameterUser Profile Option NameGeneral Preference Name
NLS_DATE_LANGUAGEICX: Date Language (this setting is determined by the session language)N/A
NLS_DATE_FORMATICX: Date Format MaskDate Format
NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERSICX: Numeric CharactersNumber Format
NLS_TERRITORYICX: TerritoryTerritory
N/AICX: Preferred CurrencyCurrency
N/AClient TimezoneTimezone
N/AFND: Native Client EncodingClient Character Encoding
Modifying any of these fields will update the corresponding profile option. The updated profile option will be retrieved when the user next logs in to Applications, altering the user's session by setting the appropriate NLS variable with a call to dbms_session.set_nls().

Configuring Oracle Portal

For HTML-based Applications, web pages must be encoded in a character set that supports the languages in use. Oracle Portal uses the Apache modplsql module. The page encoding of the modplsql web interface is determined by the character set of NLS_LANG, as
specified in the wdbsvr.app configuration file. If NLS_LANG is not set in the wdbsvr.app file, then the character set of the NLS_LANG parameter of the Apache server is used. Normally, this character set should be the same as the database character set.

The encoding of the pages generated by non-Portal applications is determined by the profile option 'ICX: IANA Client Encoding'. In order for all Applications modules (Portal and non-Portal) to function in the same way, the value for 'ICX: IANA Client Encoding'
should be set to an IANA character set name that is mapped to the database NLS_LANG character set name.

'ICX: IANA Client Encoding' can be set up only at site level. Since a single encoding is shared by all Applications users, the value used should be a character set that supports all languages in use. For example, when 'ICX: IANA Client Encoding' is set to
euc-jp, Applications can support Japanese characters. The page encoding will be euc-jp, and all the characters being input and output in the page will be encoded in euc-jp. To support Japanese characters input from a web page and inserted into a JA16EUC database,
the 'ICX: IANA Client Encoding' and the page encoding on the client side would both be set to euc-jp.

Configuring UNIX for Concurrent Programs

In some cases, NLS setup for UNIX is not fully completed. This may be seen when printing reports through concurrent managers, where accented characters do not appear correctly. The reason for this problem is that UNIX by default uses a 7-bit character set,
which is adequate to support all characters in the English language. If some non-English data, however, UNIX must be configured to accept and display 8-bit characters.

In most UNIX systems, add the following line to the shell script used to set up the user's environment, typically .profile, .csrsh or .login.

stty -istrip cs8

This command alters the UNIX session to allow 8-bit characters to be entered and displayed. The new capability will apply to future sessions only, unless the modified shell script is run in the current session.

These changes will need to be made to at least the applmgr account, and, if a remote printer is in use, to the root account. It is advisable to update all existing user accounts in this way. If the concurrent managers are running while these changes are
being made, they must be stopped and restarted for them to pick up the new setting.

The change can be tested by examining a new output file (.out) with a program such as "vi" or "more", to check that accented or other 8-bit characters display properly. If they do, but a printout of the report does not show them, this will usually indicate
a printer setup issue. Refer to the printer documentation to determine how to make it work with 8-bit characters.

Configuring Oracle Portal

As of R12.1.1 SOA Gateway (SOA Provider and Web Service Provider) will support English only. This means that the responsibility name and security data group name must be in English when passing them to the SOA Gateway Header, regardless of the users default
language used to set the session language. If the SOA Gateway header information, responsibility name and security data group, are retrieved at runtime, the user used to retrieve this data must have English set as the default language.

Section 4. Maintaining

This section contains information for the administrator maintaining global applications after they have been installed and configured. For general information on maintaining Oracle Applications, see Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures (available at Oracle
Applications Documentation)

To check the Oracle Applications base and installed languages, see the Language LOVs on the user preference page, use the License Manager, or run the following SQL command


The language with an INSTALLED_FLAG of 'B' is the base language. Languages with INSTALLED_FLAG of ''I'' are installed languages. An installation has one base language, and can have zero or more installed languages. American English should always be either
a base or an installed language. If you are running in a single-language environment with a language other than American English, this language will appear as an installed, but dormant, language. This is required for later upgrades, because upgrades are always
performed in American English.

Note: You cannot disable or deactivate a language once it is installed.

Adding Languages and Performing Character Set Conversion

Adding support for another language involves carrying out the following tasks to make the relevant tables MLS enabled. For more information see the Oracle Applications NLS Release Notes (Note 405294.1).

The language needs to be added using the AD Administration utility
Multi-lingual tables must be synchronized using the "Maintain Multi-lingual tables" menu in the AD Administration utility

This process copies the _TL records from US (American English) to the corresponding records of the installed language. A record is created with SOURCE_LANG = 'US' for each language that does not already have a record in the _TL table. All records are updated
where SOURCE_LANG is different from LANGUAGE, defaulting the translatable fields to the value found under the SOURCE_LANG.

Character Set Conversion

Supporting languages from different language groups requires a Unicode character set. This involves running the Scanner Utility and altering the database character set to AL32UTF8. The following documents describe the steps involved in adding languages and
performing character set conversion:

Availability and versioning of the Character Set Scanner (179843.1)
Appendix A: Migrating to Unicode

The File Character Set Converter (adncnv) utility is used to convert the character set of a file.

Maintenance Utilities

Some useful utilities and parts of Oracle Applications Manager documented in Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Utilities (for Release 12.1.3 and earlier; available at Oracle
Applications Documentation) or in Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide (for Release 12.2)

AD Administration (adadmin) Performs maintenance tasks for Oracle Applications.
AD Configuration (adutconf.sql) Reports standard information about the installed configuration of Oracle Applications.
AD Controller (adctrl) Manages parallel workers in AD Administration and AutoPatch.
AD File Identification (adident) Reports the version and translation level of an Oracle Applications file.
AD File Character Set Converter (adncnv) Converts a file from one character set to another.
AutoPatch (adpatch) Applies patches and other system updates.
Rapid Install (rapidwiz) Provides a wizard for entering parameters that are specific to a new installation or an upgrade of an Oracle Applications system.
AutoConfig: Use to view current context files, edit parameters contained in the context files, view previous context files, and compare current context files against previous ones.
License Manager: Registers additional Oracle Applications products, country-specific functionalities, or languages. You can also use License Manager to change the base language for your system.
Patch Wizard: Determines patches that have not been applied, but that should be applied to keep the system current. Downloads and merges patches from OracleMetalink.
Applied Patches: Uses key patch information in the patch history database. You can search the database to create reports in several formats.
Registered Flagged Files: Used to record any files in which you have made customizations.
Software Updates: Provides an overview of all patching-related information for your system.

Related Guides

For Release 12.1.3 and earlier:

Oracle E-Business Suite Patching Procedures (available at Oracle Applications Documentation)
Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Utilities (available at Oracle Applications Documentation)
Oracle E-Business Maintenance Procedures (available at Oracle Applications Documentation)

For Release 12.2:

Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide
Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide

Some useful utilities and parts of Oracle Applications Manager documented in Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities (available at Oracle Applications Documentation)

AD Administration (adadmin) Performs maintenance tasks for Oracle Applications.
AD Configuration (adutconf.sql) Reports standard information about the installed configuration of Oracle Applications.
AD Controller (adctrl) Manages parallel workers in AD Administration and AutoPatch.
AD File Identification (adident) Reports the version and translation level of an Oracle Applications file.
AD File Character Set Converter (adncnv) Converts a file from one character set to another.
AutoPatch (adpatch) Applies patches and other system updates, for releases 11i - 12.1. For Release 12.2, use adop instead of adpatch.
Rapid Install (rapidwiz) Provides a wizard for entering parameters that are specific to a new installation or an upgrade of an Oracle Applications system.
AutoConfig: Use to view current context files, edit parameters contained in the context files, view previous context files, and compare current context files against previous ones.
License Manager: Registers additional Oracle Applications products, country-specific functionalities, or languages. You can also use License Manager to change the base language for your system.
Patch Wizard: Determines patches that have not been applied, but that should be applied to keep the system current. Downloads and merges patches from OracleMetalink.
Applied Patches: Uses key patch information in the patch history database. You can search the database to create reports in several formats.
Registered Flagged Files: Used to record any files in which you have made customizations.
Software Updates: Provides an overview of all patching-related information for your system.

Related Guides

Oracle Applications Patching Procedures (available at Oracle Applications Documentation)

Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities (available at Oracle Applications Documentation)

Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures (available at Oracle Applications Documentation)

Section 5. Using Oracle Applications

This section discusses the global aspects of Oracle Applications that relate to the end user experience.

Browser preferences

The browser language preference is used to determine the default session language. For instructions on setting the browser language preference, see the browser documentation. This can be overridden at login time by selecting a different language on the login

User names and Passwords

Oracle E-Business Suite supports ASCII characters only for user names and passwords.

Operating System Locale

The language in some Windows dialogs is determined by the user locale in the Windows Regional Options control panel. It is recommended to set the Windows Regional Option to the desired language for Oracle Applications. The user locale setting also has an
effect on numeric glyph display for some languages, such as Arabic, that use alternate digit glyphs.

General Preferences

In Oracle Applications, the following preferences are used to determine locale-specific behavior. These preferences may be referred to as NLS parameters in some Oracle Applications products. The general preferences are set using the Preferences page.

Current Session LanguageLanguage for the current session UI.
Default Application LanguageDefault language when no session language is set.
TerritoryTerritory for the current session.
Date FormatDate Format for the current session.
TimezoneTime zone for the current user.
Number FormatNumber format for the current session.
CurrencyCurrency for the current user.
Client Character EncodingEncoding for file uploads and downloads
Note: In Release 12.1.2 and older, when Microsoft Excel is installed, the HTTP ACCEPT header will contain "MS-Excel". In this case, when a file is exported to CSV using Internet Explorer, files are generated in little-endian Unicode even if the Client Character
Encoding is UTF-8. The data export is enhanced in 12.1.3. See the next section for details.

Data Export Control

In Release 12.1.3, the Oracle Application Framework-based export function was enhanced to handle tab-delimited values and choice of Unicode encoding. In Release 12.2, the Forms-based export function is also enhanced to support those for Global customers. The
two profile options to control the feature are:

FND: Unicode in Export:

This determines the export file encoding when FND: Native Client Encoding is set to UTF-8. The supported profile values are:

Always UnicodeLittle: export file encoding is UnicodeLittle.
Always UTF-8: export file encoding is UTF-8.
UnicodeLittle if Excel Exists: From OA Framework, this exports the file in UnicodeLittle if Microsoft Excel is detected on the client machine. From Forms, it is treated the same as Unicode Little.

Default is UnicodeLittle if Excel Exists with OA Framework, and Always UnicodeLittle with Forms so the export feature works with the default configuration. FND: Unicode in Export only works when FND: Native Client Encoding is set to UTF-8. If otherwise specified,
this profile option value is ignored.
Export MIME type:

This profile defines the delimiter of the exported file and the content-type header of the response. Valid values include:

"text/comma-separated-values": the delimiter in the export file is comma, and this sets content-type header to text/comma-separated-values.
"text/tab-separated-values": the delimiter in the export file is tab, and this sets the content-type header to text/tab-separated-values.If something else is specified to this profile option, the delimiter is comma for OA Framework but tab with Forms for
the backward compatibility.

If you encounter issues when the exported file is opened with external spreadsheet applications, try the following configuration:

Use the client OS native encoding whenever possible. To learn the native encoding of the client OS, refer to the "Code Page for non-Unicode Programs" in the Windows Regional control panel; or the LANG environment variable in UNIX-based clients.
If Unicode export is required, first check if the spreadsheet application supports UTF-8 data import. (Recent Microsoft Excel versions support UTF-8 data import.)

If it supports UTF-8 import, try "Always UTF-8" for "FND: Unicode in Export" and "text/comma-separated-values" for "Export MIME type"
If it does NOT support UTF-8 import, try "Always UnicodeLittle" for "FND: Unicode in Export" and "text/tab-separated-values" for "Export MIME type

Section 6. Customizing

This section contains notes on the architecture, standards, and toolkits used by a developer such as a consultant customizing Oracle Applications.

Oracle Application Framework

Internationalization support for user interface standards is encapsulated by the Oracle Application Framework (OAF). For information on OAF see the following documents

Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide (available at Oracle Applications Documentation)
Oracle Applications Developer's Guide (available at Oracle Applications Documentation)
Oracle Applications User Interface Standards for Forms-Based Products (available at Oracle Applications Documentation)
Oracle Application Framework Development FAQ Release 12


Developers working on OAF-based applications are recommended to use OANLSServices (oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OANLSServices) for internationalization development. The OANLSServices utility class is documented using Javadoc.

Section 7. Translating

This section discusses customizing delivered translations for Oracle Applications Release 12.

Customer Translations

Customers can customize installed translations in Forms, Reports, database tables, and seed data. Only languages that have an Oracle defined language code can be translated. OA Framework based pages are stored in Meta Data Services (MDS). Using MDS, application
metadata can be stored in XML files, in a format defined by MDS Schemas, or in the MDS Repository tables.

For information on customer translations, see Customizing Translation in Oracle E-Business Suite - R12 (1382124.1).

Translating Data

Translating OAF Personalizations

Similarly, translations for OA Framework personalizations can be accomplished via the user interface provided by OA Framework.

Batch Translations

Batch translations can be supported using the FNDLOAD utility.

Translating Setup Data using Forms

To edit the translations of Oracle seeded data or to enter translations for setup data using Oracle Forms, click on the Globe icon at the top of any form that uses a multi-lingual table, then select the desired language from the list of installed languages

Note: Changes to Oracle seeded data may be overwritten during a patch or upgrade.
Most of the Applications setup data can be translated using the Forms Translation window, by clicking on the Globe icon. JTF-based Applications provide a user interface to allow the translation of setup data specific to CRM applications.

For example, when a user enters a Japanese translation using the Forms translation window, the row with LANGUAGE='JA' is updated with a new translation in the translatable fields, and the SOURCE_LANG column is updated with 'JA'. In other words, any record
where SOURCE_LANG = LANGUAGE contains a translation.

For more information, see Customizing Translation in Oracle E-Business Suite - R12 (1382124.1)

Section 8. Troubleshooting

This section gives guidelines on resolving issues with National Language Support and Multiple Language Support with Oracle Applications. Rather than aiming to address all NLS and MLS issues, it describes how to identify and resolve problems using a step-by-step
approach to gather the relevant information. The latter part of the section provides troubleshooting steps for specific international language support issues.

Oracle Application Framework Troubleshooting Release 12 (395446.1)

General Language Support Troubleshooting Steps

When you see a problem, you should answer the following questions regarding your MLS configuration before contacting Oracle Support. Answering these questions will sometimes identify the problem in your configuration, and enable you to resolve the issue

Which languages are in use?


What is the database character set?

select value from nls_database_parameters where parameter='NLS_CHARACTERSET';

Is this correct for the language or languages in use? This can be ascertained using the character set table in this document.

What are the NLS parameters set to?

The NLS parameters are determined by the preferences set for the Application user . You can verify the current preferences for the Application user in the Preferences page.

What is the version of internationalization Java library?

To know the version, execute following java class from command line such as:

java oracle.apps.fnd.i18n.common.util.Version

Is this the latest version? You can check the latest version at the "Internationalization Java library" section in "Internationalization Update Notes" and apply proper patch (if available) to make it latest.

Have any patches been applied?

Using OAM, determine if any patches have been applied. If so, confirm that the American English version of the patch was applied first, regardless of the base language.

Profile options script

SQL Display Apps Profile Options (Rel 11i) from SQL*Plus: 146705.1

The script in 146705.1 can be used to display values for profile options. This is useful when application behavior varies by user or responsibility. This script was written for Release 11 but also applies to Release 12.

Troubleshooting unique constraint violations

Unique constraint violations (ORA-00001 errors) may be encountered while synchronizing multi-lingual tables, either when performing the AD Administration step "Maintain multi-lingual tables", or while running a similar script in an upgrade.

The potentially conflicting data can be updated by running the fix generated by the SQL script adnuniq.sql. This script is located under the $AD_TOP/patch/120/import/ directory. Run it as follows:

$ sqlplus / @$AD_TOP/patch/120/sql/adnuniq.sql

For example, a unique constraint named FND_MENU_ENTRIES_TL_N1 defined on table FND_MENU_ENTRIES gives an ORA-00001 error while FNDNLINS.sql is being run. Run the following command (for UNIX):

$ sqlplus apps/apps @$AD_TOP/patch/120/sql/adnuniq.sql FND_MENU_ENTRIES_TL_N1

This outputs all the possible constraint violation candidates and generates a "fix" SQL script that can be used to bump the conflicting rows by prepending them with an "@" symbol. Both adnuniq.sql and the fix script rely on the Applications data dictionary
information stored in FND_TABLES, FND_COLUMNS, FND_PRIMARY_KEYS, and other tables. The correctness of the script should be validated prior to running it. Once you have applied the fix SQL script generated by adnuniq.sql, restart the script that originally
failed. If this fails to resolve the issue, contact Oracle Support. Under no circumstances should you edit any Oracle Applications SQL scripts to work around the problem.

Troubleshooting applying NLS patches

Applying an NLS patch may give the errors ORA-00001, unique constraint violated, and ORA-01403, no data found.

As stated in the Install manual, you can ignore this error, by choosing in the adctrl utility to skip the failed jobs (only for ORA-00001 and ORA-01403 errors) by choosing hidden option 8, and entering the number of the worker that failed. This will cause
the worker to skip the failed job and restart.

Troubleshooting Forms

For Forms-based Applications products, language data is converted from the client's native encoding to UTF-16, the encoding used by Java, since a Java applet is being used. Then, the data is converted to UTF8, the Forms internal character set. Finally, the
data is converted to the application tier character set, as specified by the character set part of the NLS_LANG environment variable on the Forms server. Verify that the NLS_LANG environment variable is set correctly.

Recent Issues Regarding Using Forms with Oracle Applications in 11i / 11.0 (199425.1)
Oracle Forms in Applications FAQ (177610.1)

Troubleshooting Reports

Oracle delivers a number of seeded report-producing programs with Oracle Applications. These reports are generated using a variety of programs and utilities, including SQL*Plus, Oracle Reports, C programs, PL/SQL stored procedures, and BI Publisher.

Some reports delivered with Oracle Applications prior to Release 12 were designed as character-mode (text) reports using Oracle Reports. Although Applications Release 12 allows Oracle Reports-based reports to be transformed to other supported bitmap formats,
including HTML, and PostScript, it is recommended that Applications Release 12 customers migrate to BI Publisher. BI Publisher supports various file formats including PDF, HTML, Excel, RTF and more. Oracle Applications provide seeded BI Publisher templates
in Release 12.

Restrictions in Oracle Reports-based reports

IX library is required to produce PostScript output in Oracle Reports in Unicode or CJK (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) environments.
PASTA is required for character mode printing in Unicode
PDF format is only supported for US7ASCII, WE8ISO8859P1 and WE8MSWIN1252 in the default configuration.


Oracle Reports 10.1.2 NLS Setup Guide for Oracle Applications R12 (415967.1)

Question Marks on Reports migrated from Windows to UNIX

When run in Windows, characters are displayed correctly in reports. However, transferred to UNIX and run, certain characters are displayed as question marks. The registry entry for NLS_LANG on the Windows machine is AMERICA_AMERICAN.WE8ISO8859P1. The database

select * from V$NLS_PARAMETERS;

also shows NLS_CHARACTERSET is set to WE8ISO8859P1.


The environment variable NLS_LANG must be set correctly. To check the current value, run the 'Print environment variable values' concurrent program with NLS_LANG as a run time parameter. It should return a value such as:


If not, make sure your $APPL_TOP/custom<$CONTEXT_NAME>.env file contains correct NLS_LANG. The NLS_LANG parameter must be set for Oracle products. If the character set of the UNIX environment is incorrect, then a report may not display all characters properly.

Troubleshooting non-translated menu prompts

An Applications user may see a menu prompt in English rather than the expected translated string. For example, a German user chooses the translated responsibility "Rechnungswesen", but sees English prompts such as "Journals" instead of the expected German
prompts such as "Buchungen". There are four possible reasons for this behavior:

An American English patch that delivers new menu data has been applied, and the corresponding NLS patch has not been applied.
An NLS patch has been applied, but it only provides merged (partial) translation.
An NLS patch has not been applied successfully.
Non-translated strings exist in a seed data file (which may represent a bug).

The cause of non-translated menu prompts can be determined using the following steps.

Step 1: Identify the menu name that contains the untranslated prompts

Log in to Applications as System Administrator to find out the name of the menu that is used when an user chooses the responsibility. Navigate to "Security -> Responsibility -> Define". Then, query for the translated responsibility (such as "Rechnungswesen")
and look at the field "Menu". This is the name of the menu that is displayed to the user, such as GL_SUPERUSER.

Step 2: Identify the UNIX .slt filename that seeds the menu prompts

Log in as applmgr and change directory to $APPL_TOP. Then, use the following command to locate the loader file that delivers the definition of the menu GL_SUPERUSER:

find . -type f -name "*.slt" -exec fgrep "\"GL_SUPERUSER\"" {} \; -print

The output will look something like:
















These five files contain data for the menu GL_SUPERUSER. The first two files are not in NLS subdirectories, but the remaining three files are in NLS subdirectories ("D" = German) and contain translation data.

Repeat the above step, this time searching for *.ldt files as follows:

find . -type f -name "*.ldt" -exec fgrep "\"GL_SUPERUSER\"" {} \; -print

Step 3: Analyze the NLS seed data files found in Step 2

Open the files found in Step 2 with an editor such as vi, and search for USER_MENU_NAME = "GL_SUPERUSER". The lines saying "PROMPT" contain the menu prompts that make up the menu. For example, PROMPT = "Buchungen".

Step 4: Conclusion

If the NLS seed data file shows the correct NLS prompts, the NLS patch has probably not been applied completely. If no NLS prompts are seen in the NLS seed data file, this may indicate an NLS translation bug.

Troubleshooting translation issues in messages and dynamic reports

The sequence of events for troubleshooting a message that appears in English rather than in the required language is:

Using the adadmin utility, regenerate messages for the particular language or product
Stop and restart the Apache listener. If the message still appears in English, proceed to the next step.
Attempt to find the .ldt file that contains the message. If the message is translated in the file, reload the .ldt file using FNDLOAD and begin again from step 1.
If the message is not translated in the file, log a TAR with Oracle Support for further investigation.

Troubleshooting Character Mode Reports

Character mode reports use PASTA

Check the database character set

select value from nls_database_parameters where parameter='NLS_CHARACTERSET';

Find installed languages in Applications

select language_code from fnd_languages where installed_flag in ('I','B');

Find version of Pasta executable


Identify the language of data to be retrieved from the database. For instance, although the session language is English, data to be retrieved from the database could be in Japanese. With an English session, the font setting in the AMERICAN section of pasta.cfg
is used, and this section is not configured to use MLS fonts by default.
Identify NLS_LANG setting on the concurrent processing node: Run the 'Print environment variable values' concurrent program with NLS_LANG as a run time parameter.
Upload the pasta.cfg file being used. The default file is $FND_TOP/$APPLRSC/pasta.cfg. List the command line to reproduce the problem, e.g.

FNDPSTAX -pn5op329a -f/u01/app/common/out/vision/o32383.out -c1 -l

Reproducing the problem at the command line avoids the need to run the concurrent program to provide information. NLS_LANG must be set to the value returned in Step 5.
Upload the Pasta debug files
Log in to the concurrent processing server as the applmgr user, then at the command prompt:

Set the environment variable PASTA_DEBUG_LEVEL=1.

Run the failing Pasta command to reproduce the problem.

Alternatively, if the concurrent processing system has to be used instead of the command line:

Set the environment variable PASTA_DEBUG_LEVEL=1 in $APPL_TOP/custom<$CONTEXT_NAME>.env.

Stop and restart the concurrent managers and run the concurrent request that will reproduce the problem.

Upload the pasta.in, pasta.out and pasta.log files that will have been generated in the $APPLTMP directory.

Troubleshooting Bitmap Reports

Bitmap reports use IX Library.

Check the database character set:

select value from nls_database_parameters where parameter='NLS_CHARACTERSET';

Find installed languages in Applications:

select language_code from fnd_languages where installed_flag in ('I','B');

Find version of rwrun:

$ rwrun batch=yes

Identify the language of data to be retrieved from the database. For instance, although the session language is English, data to be retrieved from the database could be in Japanese. With an English session, the font setting in the AMERICAN section of ixlib.cfg
is used, and this section is not configured to use MLS fonts by default.
Run the 'Print environment variable values' concurrent program with each of the following variables as a runtime parameter to identify the value of each one

APPLLCSP (should be null or 'OFF')

Upload the IX configuration file in use. The file is specified as a value for IX_PRINTING.
Use the Reports command line to reproduce the problem
Source the $APPL_TOP/custom<$CONTEXT_NAME>.env file.

Verify that all relevant environment variables are set. The following variables are typical:

TK_PRINT_STATUS="echo %n is valid"


Additional parameters can be set for debugging:




Make sure IX_PRINTING and NLS_LANG are set to the value from Step 5, then run the command to reproduce the problem:

$ rwrun userid=apps/apps batch=yes report= destype=file desname= desformat=PostScript

Upload the .rdf file, output file and debug files as requested by Oracle Support

Troubleshooting fonts in UIX

To check the font used by UIX for text on buttons, view the image in the browser and note the url, such as /images/cache/en/12345.gif.

To view the image metadata, replace "gif" with "imx", such as /images/cache/en/12345.imx, and open the link in a browser. The element will show the font name.

If the font is not installed on the system, the browser may display an empty square for each unknown character.

Appendix A. Migrating to Unicode


This section gives an overview of the steps needed to migrate a non-Unicode Applications instance to UTF8. If your Unicode character set will be AL32UTF8, change UTF8 to AL32UTF8 in these instructions. Unless explicitly stated, the steps apply to all platforms.


Migrate Database Character Set

Migrate the database character set to UTF8. For more details, follow the content in the following source documents:

Migrating an Applications Installation to a New Character Set (124721.1)

Changing the Database Character Set or the Database National Character Set (66320.1)

Update listener.ora

The Report Review Agent (RRA) is the default text viewer within Oracle Applications, allowing users to view report output and log files. The NLS_LANG setting for the Report Review Agent executable, FNDFS, must be set to UTF8. This can be configured in listener.ora.
Update NLS_LANG in the 'ENVS' parameters within the listener.ora files in the Oracle Database Server Home and the Oracle Applications Home:


Check Database Packages and Procedures

Ensure that the package OWA_UTIL contains 'Ccharset' as an argument within the MIME_HEADER procedure

Files on Application Tier

Environment Files

Some of the Applications environment files (.env extension) contain NLS_LANG settings, which needs to be UTF8. Proceed as follows.

Use OAM to change character set and NLS_LANG as required:
APPL_TOP Character set: UTF8

Database Character set: UTF8

IANA Character set: UTF8


NLS_LANG: American_America.UTF8

Tools ORACLE_HOME NLS_LANG: American_America.UTF8

For more details, refer to the source document Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations in Oracle Applications Release 12 (387859.1)
Section 2 Maintaining System Configurations.

Ensure that the character set is changed to UTF8 in the environment files.

For more details, refer to the source document: Oracle Applications Concepts Chapter 2 Applications File System (available at Oracle Applications Documentation)

Create a new APPSORA.env file to use the updated NLS_LANG settings

Registry (Windows only)

The registry stores configuration information for Windows-based applications. Correct the following registry entries, if they exist, so that UTF8 is specified in the character set portion of NLS_LANG:







Note: Since applying a Forms patchset may reset the character set part of NLS_LANG to WE8ISO8859P1, the registry entries listed above should always be checked after applying such a patchset.

File Character Set Conversion

If UTF8 is used on the database tier, it must be used on all tiers. Hence, all files on the application tier need to be converted to UTF8, if applicable. Note, when using AD Administration, the character set component of the NLS_LANG setting must be set
to UTF8.

For converting multiple files using AD Administration, use the Convert Character Set menu from Maintain Applications Files menu. For converting individual files, use the File Character Set Converter (adncnv).

For more details, refer to the source document Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities (available at Oracle Applications Documentation)

Chapter 4, "Maintenance", Subchapter "AD Administration", Section "Maintaining Applications Files", Subsection "Convert character set" and Chapter 3, "Configuration", Section "File Character Set Converter"

Regenerate Forms and Reports

If the character set of any existing Forms (.fmx and .mmx) and Reports (.rdf) files is different from UTF8, those files must be re-generated in the UTF8 character set. Note that the Forms (.fmb and .mmb) files remain in the local language character set.

In AD Administration, use the "Generate forms files, reports files, and graphics files" menu from the "Generate Applications Files Tasks" menu

For more details, refer to the source document:

For more details, refer to the source document Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities (available at Oracle Applications Documentation)

Chapter 4, "Maintenance", Section "AD Administration", Subsection "Generate form files, reports files, and graphics files"

Generate Messages

If the character set of any existing Message (.msb) files is different from UTF8, those files must be regenerated in the UTF8 character set.

In "AD Administration", use "Generate message files" menu from "Generate Applications Files Tasks menu". After generating message files, stop and restart the Apache server to clear any cached information related to messages.

For more details, refer to the source document:

For more details, refer to the source document Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities (available at Oracle Applications Documentation)

Chapter 4, "Maintenance", Section "AD Administration", Subsection "Generate message files"

Forms and Reports Builders

In order to start forms or reports builders on a Unicode environment, the XENVIRONMENT variable must be set:

Tk2Motif_UTF8.rgb or Tk2Motif_AL32UTF8.rgb (UNIX Only)

In order to start forms or reports builders on an UTF8 or AL32UTF8 environment, the XENVIRONMENT variable must be set to the UTF8 or AL32UTF8 version of Tk2Motif.rgb. For instance, on a UTF8 envioronment:

Copy Tk2Motif.rgb to Tk2Motif_UTF8.rgb:

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/guicommon/tk/admin

$ cp Tk2Motif.rgb Tk2Motif_UTF8.rgb

Modify Tk2Motif_UTF8.rgb to comment out the existing Tk2Motif*fontMapCs line (by placing an exclamation mark at the beginning), and add a similar line setting the character set to UTF8:

!Tk2Motif*fontMapCs: iso8859-2=EE8ISO8859P2

Tk2Mofif*fontMapCs: iso8859-1=UTF8

An environment variable XENVIRONMENT needs to be set in $APPL_TOP/custom<$CONTEXT_NAME>.env.



In an AL32UTF8 environment, follow the above steps with AL32UTF8 instead of UTF8. e.g. copy to Tk2Motif_AL32UTF8.rgb, add the line

Tk2Motif*fontMapCs: iso8859-1=AL32UTF8 in the file, then point the XENVIRONMENT variable to the Tk2Motif_AL32UTF8.rgb file.

To have the setting in $APPL_TOP/custom<$CONTEXT_NAME>.env file, add the lines in $AD_TOP/admin/template/custom/APPLSYS_ux.env and run AutoConfig.

Refer to 270519.1 and 387859.1 to
customize the AutoConfig environment.

On IBM AIX based Systems or Linux x86-64 environments where Reports Runtime still has dependency on DISPLAY, CP requires the XENVIRONMENT variable to be set to the Unicode version of Tk2Motif.rgb file.

Character Mode Reports

If UTF8 or AL32UTF8 is used in the Applications instance, the PASTA printing utility should be set up so that Unicode characters can be viewed and printed.

For more details, refer to the source document:

Document reference: "Oracle Applications System Administrator"s Guide Volume 1 Release 11i"

Chapter 7 "Printer", Subsection "Printer Setup with Pasta"
When Bi-Directional (BiDi) support is required with character mode reports in the Unicode environment, follow the steps below:

Update .prt files for BiDi Support
To enable BiDi layout in a Unicode environment, the following entries are required in the .prt file.

code "5" esc "[5m"

code "4" esc "[4m"

. These entries specify two escape codes that the Reports engine uses to define the report column boundaries. The PASTA utility can use these boundaries to perform BiDi layout, handling the tagged format of character mode reports.

The following environment variables need to be set in $APPL_TOP/custom<$CONTEXT_NAME>.env.





To have the setting in $APPL_TOP/custom<$CONTEXT_NAME>.env file, add the lines in $AD_TOP/admin/template/custom/APPLSYS_ux.env and run AutoConfig.

Refer to 270519.1 and 387859.1 to
customize the AutoConfig environment.

Setup VPASTA (Pasta Viewer) to view the character mode output files with Concurrent Manager:

1. Create a new Mime Type

System Administrator responsibility > Install > Viewer Options

Add a new line with following values:

File Format: 'Text'

Mime Type: 'apps/bidi'

Description: 'Pasta Viewer for bi-di'

2. Update the profile option:

Profile Option: 'Viewer: Application for Text'

Value: 'Pasta viewer for bi-di'

Document references: Oracle Reports 10.1.2 NLS Setup Guide for Oracle Applications R12 (415967.1)

Section "2.2.2 Bi-Directional (BiDi)-Specific Settings", Sub Section "* BiDi support in a UTF8 environment: The Tags Option "
See also Pasta User"s Guide for Release 12 (239196.1)

Bitmap Reports - PostScript Format

The IX Library enables PostScript generation by embedding a TrueType (ttf) font in the PostScript output. The IX Library is enabled by setting the IX_PRINTING environment variable to an IX Library configuration file, ixlib.cfg, as follows:


$ export IX_PRINTING

For more details, refer to the Oracle Reports 10.1.2 NLS Setup Guide for Oracle Applications R12 (415967.1) Section "
Font Embedding Setting"

Applications Products

Set ICX:Client IANA Encoding Profile Option

ICX:Client IANA Encoding profile option specifies the IANA character encoding that is used to display HTML-based Applications pages. It can be specified at site level only.

Specify UTF-8 in ICX:Client IANA Encoding profile option value at Site level.


In order to activate all of the above changes, restart all server processes. Source APPSORA.env and restart all database and Applications services.

Appendix B: Oracle Applications Locale Data


DisplayNLS LanguageOracle Language CodeISO Language Code
American EnglishAMERICANUSen-us

For Cyrillic Serbian, Oracle uses ISO Code sr-RS (aka sr-Cyrl-RS) and for Latin Serbian, Oracle uses ISO Code sh-RS (aka sr-Latn-RS).
For more information see the Oracle Applications Release 12.2, 12.1 & Release 12.0 Translation Scope and Availability (405992.1)
The asterisk (*) marks Lightweight-only languages that are supported and enabled in Lightweight mode only.
Refer to Lightweight MLS and how to enable a language in Lightweight mode (1077709.1)

Oracle database, and application server, and patches use the Oracle language code convention, while some products and standards such as XDO and XLIFF use the short (two letter) two or full (four letter) ISO language codes.

Client Character Encodings and IANA Encodings

DisplayICX: Client IANA Encoding
Arabic (ISO-8859-6)ISO-8859-6
Arabic (Windows-1256)WINDOWS-1256
Central European (ISO-8859-2)ISO-8859-2
Central European (Windows-1250)WINDOWS-1250
Chinese Simplified (GB2312)GB2312
Chinese Simplified (GBK)GBK
Chinese Traditional (Big5)BIG5
Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)ISO-8859-5
Cyrillic (Windows-1251)WINDOWS-1251
Greek (ISO-8859-7)ISO-8859-7
Greek (Windows-1253)WINDOWS-1253
Hebrew (Windows-1255)WINDOWS-1255
Japanese (EUC-JP)EUC-JP
Japanese (Shift_JIS)SHIFT_JIS
Japanese (Windows-31J)WINDOWS-31J
Thai (TIS-620)TIS-620
Thai (Windows-874)WINDOWS-874
Turkish (ISO-8859-9)ISO-8859-9
Turkish (Windows-1254)WINDOWS-1254
Unicode (UTF-8)UTF-8
Western European (ISO-8859-1)ISO-8859-1
Western European (ISO-8859-15)ISO-8859-15
Western European (Windows-1252)WINDOWS-1252

Client Character Sets and Native Client Encodings

DisplayFND: Native Client Encoding
Arabic (ISO)AR8ISO8859P6
Arabic (Windows)AR8MSWIN1256
Central European (ISO)EE8ISO8859P2
Central European (Windows)EE8MSWIN1250
Chinese Simplified (GB2312)ZHS16CGB231280
Chinese Simplified (Windows)ZHS16GBK
Chinese Traditional (Big5)ZHT16BIG5
Chinese Traditional (EUC)ZHT32EUC
Chinese Traditional (Windows)ZHT16MSWIN950
Greek (ISO)EL8ISO8859P7
Greek (Windows)EL8MSWIN1253
Hebrew (ISO)IW8ISO8859P8
Japanese (EUC)JA16EUC
Japanese (Windows)JA16SJIS
Korean (EUC)KO16KSC5601
Korean (Windows)KO16MSWIN949
Russian (ISO)CL8ISO8859P5
Russian (Windows)CL8MSWIN1251
Turkish (ISO)WE8ISO8859P9
Turkish (Windows)TR8MSWIN1254
Unicode (UTF-8)UTF8
Western European (ISO)WE8ISO8859P1
Western European (Windows)WE8MSWIN1252

Number Formats

DisplayICX: Numeric Characters
10 000.00.
10 000,00,

Date Formats

Display ExampleDisplay FormatICX: Date Format


DisplayICX: Territory
Bolivia, Plurinational State ofBOLIVIA
Bosnia and HerzegovinaBOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
Congo, The Democratic Republic of theCONGO KINSHASA
Cote d'IvoireIVORY COAST
Iran, Islamic Republic ofIRAN
Korea, Republic ofKOREA
Lao People's Democratic RepublicLAOS
Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic ofFYR MACEDONIA
Obsolete see LT territoryLITHUANIA
Obsolete see RS or ME territorySERBIA AND MONTENEGRO
Russian FederationRUSSIA
Syrian Arab RepublicSYRIA
Tanzania, United Republic ofTANZANIA
United StatesAMERICA
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic ofVENEZUELA


(GMT -11:00) Pago Pago
(GMT -10:00) Adak
(GMT -10:00) Honolulu
(GMT -09:00) Anchorage
(GMT -09:00) Gambier
(GMT -08:30) Marquesas
(GMT -08:00) Pacific Time
(GMT -08:00) Pitcairn
(GMT -07:00) Mountain Time
(GMT -07:00) Phoenix
(GMT -06:00) Central Time
(GMT -06:00) Easter
(GMT -06:00) Regina
(GMT -05:00) Eastern Time
(GMT -05:00) Havana
(GMT -05:00) Indianapolis
(GMT -04:00) Bermuda
(GMT -04:00) Boa Vista
(GMT -04:00) Manaus
(GMT -04:00) Santiago
(GMT -04:00) Stanley
(GMT -03:00) Belem
(GMT -03:00) Godthab
(GMT -03:00) Miquelon
(GMT -03:00) Sao Paulo
(GMT -02:30) St Johns
(GMT -02:00) Noronha
(GMT -01:00) Scoresbysund
(GMT +00:00) GMT
(GMT +00:00) London
(GMT +01:00) CET
(GMT +01:00) Tunis
(GMT +01:00) Warsaw
(GMT +02:00) Amman
(GMT +02:00) Beirut
(GMT +02:00) Cairo
(GMT +02:00) Damascus
(GMT +02:00) Gaza
(GMT +02:00) Istanbul
(GMT +02:00) Jerusalem
(GMT +02:00) Kaliningrad
(GMT +02:00) Tripoli
(GMT +03:00) Baghdad
(GMT +03:00) Moscow
(GMT +03:00) Riyadh
(GMT +03:30) Tehran
(GMT +04:00) Aqtau
(GMT +04:00) Dubai
(GMT +04:00) Samara
(GMT +05:00) Aqtobe
(GMT +05:00) Chagos
(GMT +05:00) Yekaterinburg
(GMT +05:30) Calcutta
(GMT +06:00) Almaty
(GMT +06:00) Dacca
(GMT +06:00) Omsk
(GMT +06:30) Cocos
(GMT +07:00) Bangkok
(GMT +07:00) Krasnoyarsk
(GMT +08:00) Hong Kong
(GMT +08:00) Irkutsk
(GMT +09:00) Tokyo
(GMT +09:00) Yakutsk
(GMT +09:30) Adelaide
(GMT +09:30) Darwin
(GMT +10:00) Brisbane
(GMT +10:00) Hobart
(GMT +10:00) Sydney
(GMT +10:30) Lord Howe
(GMT +11:00) Magadan
(GMT +11:00) Noumea
(GMT +11:30) Norfolk
(GMT +12:00) Auckland
(GMT +12:00) Kamchatka
(GMT +12:00) Kwajalein


ADPAndorran Peseta
AMDArmenian Dram
ANGNetherlands Antillian Guilder
ANYANY Currency
AOKKwanza (Obsolete)
AONNew Kwanza
ARSArgentine Peso
AUDAustralian Dollar
AWGAruban Guilder
AZMAzerbaijanian Manat
BAMConvertible Marks
BBDBarbados Dollar
BEFBelgian Franc
BGNBulgarian Lev
BHDBahraini Dinar
BHTThailand Baht
BIFBurundi Franc
BMDBermudian Dollar (Bermuda Dollar)
BNDBrunei Dollar
BRLBrazilian Real
BSDBahamian Dollar
BUKKyat (Obsolete)
BYBBelarussian Ruble (Obsolete)
BYRBelarussian Ruble
BZDBelize Dollar
CADCanadian Dollar
CDFFranc Congolais
CHFSwiss Franc
CLFUnidades de formento
CLPChilean Peso
CNYYuan Renminbi
COPColombian Peso
CRCCosta Rican Colon
CUPCuban Peso
CVECape Verde Escudo
CYPCyprus Pound
CZKCzech Koruna
DEMDeutsche Mark
DJFDjibouti Franc
DKKDanish Krone
DOPDominican Peso
DZDAlgerian Dinar
ECVUnidad de Valor Constante (UVC)
EGPEgyptian Pound
ESBConvertible Peseta Accounts
ESPSpanish Peseta
ETBEthiopian Birr
FJDFiji Dollar
FKPFalkland Islands Pound
FRFFrench Franc
GBPPound Sterling
GEKGeorgian Coupon
GIPGibraltar Pound
GNFGuinea Franc
GWPGuinea-Bissau Peso
GYDGuyana Dollar
HKDHong Kong Dollar
HRDCroatian Dinar
HRKCroatian kuna
IEPIrish Pound
ILSNew Israeli Sheqel
INRIndian Rupee
IQDIraqi Dinar
IRRIranian Rial
ISKIceland Krona
ITLItalian Lira
JMDJamaican Dollar
JODJordanian Dinar
KESKenyan Shilling
KMFComoro Franc
KPWNorth Korean Won
KWDKuwaiti Dinar
KYDCayman Islands Dollar
LBPLebanese Pound
LKRSri Lanka Rupee
LRDLiberian Dollar
LTLLithuanian Litas
LUCConvertible Franc
LUFLuxembourg Franc
LULFinancial Franc
LVLLatvian Lats
LVRLatvian Ruble
LYDLibyan Dinar
MADMoroccan Dirham
MDLMoldovan Leu
MGFMalagasy Franc
MTLMaltese Lira
MURMauritius Rupee
MXNMexican Nuevo Peso
MXPMexican Peso
MXVMexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)
MYRMalaysian Ringgit
NADNamibia Dollar
NIOCordoba Oro
NLGNetherlands Guilder
NOKNorwegian Krone
NPRNepalese Rupee
NZDNew Zealand Dollar
OMRRial Omani
PENNuevo Sol
PHPPhilippine Peso
PKRPakistan Rupee
PLNPolish Zloty
PLZZloty (Obsolete)
PTEPortuguese Escudo
QARQatari Rial
RONNew Romanian Leu
RUBRussian Ruble
RURRussian Ruble (old)
RWFRwanda Franc
SARSaudi Riyal
SBDSolomon Islands Dollar
SCRSeychelles Rupee
SDDSudanese Dinar
SDPSudanese Pound
SEKSwedish Krona
SGDSingapore Dollar
SHPSaint Helena Pound
SKKSlovak Koruna
SOSSomali Shilling
SQFSquare Footage
SRGSuriname Guilder
SVCEl Salvador Colon
SYPSyrian Pound
TJRTajik Ruble
TNDTunisian Dinar
TPETimor Escudo
TRLTurkish Lira
TRYNew Turkish Lira
TTDTrinidad and Tobago Dollar
TWDNew Taiwan Dollar
TZSTanzanian Shilling
UGSUganda Shilling (Obsolete)
UGXUganda Shilling
USDUS dollar
USNUS Dollar (next day)
USSUS Dollar (same day)
UYPUruguayan Peso
UYUPeso Uruguayo
UZSUzbekistan Sum
XB5Bond Markets Units - European Unit of Account 17 (Obsolete)
XBABond Markets Units - European Composite Unit (EURCO)
XBBBond Markets Units - European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6)
XBCBond Markets Units - European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9)
XBDBond Markets Units - European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17)
XCDEast Carribbean Dollar
XEUEuropean Currency Unit (E.C.U.)
XFOSpecial settlement currencies - Gold-Franc
XFUSpecial settlement currencies - UIC-Franc
XXXNo currency
YDDYemeni Dinar
YERYemeni Rial
YUDNew Yugoslavian Dinar
YUMYugoslvian Dinar
YUNYugoslvian Dinar (Obsolete)
ZALFinancial Rand
ZRNNew Zaire
ZWDZimbabwe Dollar
R12.1 Updates

All the changes are included into R12.1 by the patch#6802071 -


Language CodeLanguage NameColumnChangesRemark
Old valueNew Value
RURussianNLS_TERRITORYCISRUSSIAFix for the Bug#6189122
ESALatin American SpanishNLS_TERRITORYMEXICOAMERICAFix for the Bug#6756227

Currency CodeCurrency NameColumnChangesRemark
Old valueNew Value
CHEWIR EuroAll columnsn/an/aNewly added currency
CHWWIR FrancAll columnsn/an/aNewly added currency
COUUnidad de Valor RealAll columnsn/an/aNewly added currency
MGAMalagasy AriaryAll columnsn/an/aNewly added currency
RSDSerbian DinarAll columnsn/an/aNewly added currency
SRDSuriname DollarAll columnsn/an/aNewly added currency
UYIUruguary Peso en Unidades IndexadasAll columnsn/an/aNewly added currency
AFNAfghaniCURRENCY_CODEAFAAFNISO currency code change. AFA is obsolete.
AZNAzerbaijanian ManatCURRENCY_CODEAZMAZNISO currency code change. AZM is obsolete.
GHSGhana CediCURRENCY_CODEGHCGHSISO currency code change. GHC is obsolete.
MZNMeticalCURRENCY_CODEMZMMZNISO currency code change. MZM is obsolete.
SDGSudanese DinarCURRENCY_CODESDDSDGISO currency code change. SDD is obsolete.
VEFBolivar FuerteCURRENCY_CODEVEBVEFISO currency code change. VEB is obsolete.

Territory CodeTerritory NameColumnChangesRemark
Old valueNew Value
BLSaint BarthelemyAll columnsn/an/aNewly added territory (Details)
MEMontenegroAll columnsn/an/aNewly added territory (Details)
MFGhana CediAll columnsn/an/aNewly added territory (Details)
RSSerbiaAll columnsn/an/aNewly added territory (Details)
FRFranceDESCRIPTIONFrench Republic (comprises Metropolitan France, French Guiana, Guadeluope, Martinique, Reunion, Mayotte, Saint Pierre, Miquelon, French Polynesia, French Southern Territories, New Caldonia, and Wallis and Futuna)French Republic (includes French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Reunion, Mayotte, St. Barthelemy, St. Martin, St. Pierre, Miquelon, French Polynesia, French Southern Territories, New Caledonia, Wallis and Futuna, Clipperton Island)Description change (Details)
GPGuadeloupeDESCRIPTIONGuadeloupe (includes la Desirade, Marie-Galante, les Saintes, Saint-Barthelemy, and nirthern Saint Martin)Guadeloupe (includes la Desirade, Marie-Galante, les Saintes)Description change (Details)
REReunionDESCRIPTIONReunion (includes Basses da India, Europa Island, Glorioso Islands, Juan de Nova Island, Tromelin Island which form the French scattered Indian Ocean Islands)ReunionDescription change (Details)
PFFrench PolynesiaDESCRIPTIONFrench Polynesia (comprises Austral Islands, Gambier Islands, Marquesas Islands, Society Archipelago (principal island Tahiti), Tuamotu Islands and includes Clipperton Island)French Polynesia (comprises Austral Islands, Gambier Islands, Marquesas Islands, Society Archipelago (principal island Tahiti), Tuamotu Islands)Description change (Details)
TFFrench Southern TerritoriesDESCRIPTIONFrench Southern Territories (comprises Amsterdam Island, Crozet Archipelago, Kerguelen Islands, and Saint-Paul Island)French Southern Territories (comprises Amsterdam Island, Crozet Archipelago, Kerguelen Islands, St. Paul Island, Indian Ocean Islands formed by Bassas da India, Europa Island, Glorioso Islands, Juan de Nova Island, Tromelin Island)Description change (Details)
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