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【跟我学Puppet】1.2 Puppet 3.7 Mcollective+SSL加密和权限验证

2014-12-01 23:29 211 查看
1. 环境准备
OS:CentOS 6.4

部署Puppet:1.0 Puppet 3.7部署

2. 安装相关软件包

yum install mcollective-client activemq activemq-info-provider mcollective-filemgr-client mcollective-facter-facts mcollective-iptables-client mcollective-logstash-audit mcollective-nettest-client mcollective-package-client mcollective-puppet-client mcollective-service-client mcollective-sysctl-data java-1.7.0-openjdk

cat > /etc/mcollective/client.cfg <<EOF
# No additional subcollectives:
main_collective = mcollective
collectives = mcollective

#Logging: type => file,console
logger_type = file
loglevel = info
logfile = /var/log/mcollective.log
keeplogs = 5
max_log_size = 2097152
logfacility = user

# Platform Defaults
libdir = /usr/libexec/mcollective

# PSK plugin settings:
securityprovider = psk
plugin.psk = test

# Connector settings (required):
connector = activemq
direct_addressing = 1

# ActiveMQ connector settings:
plugin.activemq.pool.size = 2
plugin.activemq.pool.1.host =
plugin.activemq.pool.1.port = 61613
plugin.activemq.pool.1.user = mcollective
plugin.activemq.pool.1.password = secret
plugin.activemq.pool.1.ssl = 0

plugin.activemq.pool.2.host =
plugin.activemq.pool.2.port = 61613
plugin.activemq.pool.2.user = mcollective
plugin.activemq.pool.2.password = secret
plugin.activemq.pool.2.ssl = 0

plugin.activemq.initial_reconnect_delay = 0.01
plugin.activemq.max_reconnect_delay = 30.0
plugin.activemq.use_exponential_back_off = true
plugin.activemq.back_off_multiplier = 2
plugin.activemq.max_reconnect_attempts = 0
plugin.activemq.randomize = false
plugin.activemq.timeout = -1

# Discovery settings:
default_discovery_method = mc
direct_addressing_threshold = 10
ttl = 60
color = 1
rpclimitmethod = first

# Facts
factsource = yaml
plugin.yaml = /etc/mcollective/facts.yaml

service activemq start
chkconfig activemq on


yum install mcollective mcollective-filemgr-agent mcollective-facter-facts mcollective-iptables-agent mcollective-logstash-audit mcollective-nettest-agent mcollective-package-agent mcollective-puppet-agent mcollective-service-agent mcollective-sysctl-data

cat > /etc/mcollective/server.cfg <<EOF
# Platform defaults:
libdir = /usr/libexec/mcollective
daemonize = 1

# No additional subcollectives:
main_collective = mcollective
collectives = mcollective

# Facts, identity, and classes (recommended)
identity = \$HOSTNAME
factsource = yaml
plugin.yaml = /etc/mcollective/facts.yaml
classesfile = /var/lib/puppet/classes.txt
fact_cache_time = 300

# PSK plugin settings:
securityprovider = psk
plugin.psk = test

# Connector settings (required):
connector = activemq
direct_addressing = 1

# ActiveMQ connector settings:
plugin.activemq.pool.size = 2
plugin.activemq.pool.1.host =
plugin.activemq.pool.1.port = 61613
plugin.activemq.pool.1.user = mcollective
plugin.activemq.pool.1.password = secret
plugin.activemq.pool.1.ssl = 0

plugin.activemq.pool.2.host =
plugin.activemq.pool.2.port = 61613
plugin.activemq.pool.2.user = mcollective
plugin.activemq.pool.2.password = secret
plugin.activemq.pool.2.ssl = 0

plugin.activemq.initial_reconnect_delay = 0.01
plugin.activemq.max_reconnect_delay = 30.0
plugin.activemq.use_exponential_back_off = true
plugin.activemq.back_off_multiplier = 2
plugin.activemq.max_reconnect_attempts = 0
plugin.activemq.randomize = false
plugin.activemq.timeout = -1

# Registration (recommended):
registerinterval = 600
registration = agentlist
registration_collective = mcollective

# Auditing (optional):
rpcaudit = 1
rpcauditprovider = logfile
plugin.rpcaudit.logfile = /var/log/mcollective-audit.log

# Logging:
logger_type = file
loglevel = debug
logfile = /var/log/mcollective.log
keeplogs = 5
max_log_size = 2097152
logfacility = user

service mcollective start
chkconfig mcollective on


mco ping

3. SSL加密和权限管理..
cd /etc/mcollective/ssl

#生成mco server的证书.
openssl genrsa -out server-private.pem 1024
openssl rsa -in server-private.pem -out server-public.pem -outform PEM -pubout

#生成mco client的证书
openssl genrsa -out $HOSTNAME-private.pem 1024
openssl rsa -in $HOSTNAME-private.pem -out $HOSTNAME.pem -outform PEM -pubout

cp $HOSTNAME.pem clients/

#Client 配置
sed -i 's/securityprovider = psk/securityprovider = ssl/' /etc/mcollective/client.cfg
cat >> /etc/mcollective/client.cfg <<EOF

# ssl auth
securityprovider = ssl
plugin.ssl_server_public = /etc/mcollective/ssl/server-public.pem
plugin.ssl_client_private = /etc/mcollective/ssl/$HOSTNAME-private.pem
plugin.ssl_client_public = /etc/mcollective/ssl/$HOSTNAME.pem

#Server 配置
sed -i 's/securityprovider = psk/securityprovider = ssl/' /etc/mcollective/server.cfg
cat >> /etc/mcollective/server.cfg <<EOF

# authorization
rpcauthorization = 1
rpcauthprovider = action_policy
plugin.actionpolicy.allow_unconfigured = 1

# ssl auth
securityprovider = ssl
plugin.ssl_server_private = /etc/mcollective/ssl/server-private.pem
plugin.ssl_server_public = /etc/mcollective/ssl/server-public.pem
plugin.ssl_client_cert_dir = /etc/mcollective/ssl/clients/

service mcollective restart

mkdir /etc/mcollective/policies

cat > /etc/mcollective/policies/package.policy <<EOF
policy default deny
allow           cert=master.dbsa.cn            *               *               *

配置Puppet Master,将SSL证书和权限管理插件同步到Agent。下面的代码仅提供一个思路.
mkdir /etc/puppet/modules/base/{manifests,templates,files,lib} -p
mkdir /etc/puppet/modules/base/files/etc/mcollective/{ssl,policies} -p
mkdir /etc/puppet/modules/base/files/etc/mcollective/ssl/clients -p

cp /etc/mcollective/ssl/server-p* /etc/puppet/modules/base/files/etc/mcollective/ssl/
cp /etc/mcollective/ssl/clients/* /etc/puppet/modules/base/files/etc/mcollective/ssl/clients/

cat > /etc/puppet/modules/base/manifests/init.pp <<EOF
class base {
file {
owner => root, group => root, mode => 644,
purge => true, recurse => true, force => true,
source => "puppet:///base/etc/mcollective/ssl",
notify => Service['mcollective'];

owner => root, group => root, mode => 644,
purge => true, recurse => true, force => true,
source => "puppet:///base/etc/mcollective/policies",
notify => Service['mcollective'];

owner => root, group => root, mode => 644,
content => inline_template("<%= scope.to_hash.reject{ |k,v| k.to_s =~ /(uptime_seconds|timestamp|free)/ }.to_yaml %>");

service {
enable => true,
ensure => true;

4. Mco常用命令

mco puppet runonce *                                           所有主机运行一次
mco puppet runonce -I test                                   指定主机运行一次
mco puppet runonce --tag one,two,three            指定主机编译指定的标签
mco puppet runonce --tags one,two,three          指定主机编译指定的标签
mco puppet runonce --server XX --environment XX  指定连接的Server和环境
mco puppet summary                                            查看Puppet运行的状态
mco find -S "resource().total_time>50"                可以查看运行资源超过50秒的所有主机

mco rpc package install package=nano
mco package puppet install                                  安装指定软件包
mco package puppet uninstall                             卸载指定软件包
mco package puppet purge                                 干净卸载指定软件包
mco package puppet update                               升级指定软件包
mco package puppet status                                 查看已安装软件包信息

mco rpc service status service=crond
mco service crond status                                        查看服务运行状态
mco service crond start                                          指定服务启动
mco service crond stop                                          指定服务停止
mco service crond restart                                       指定服务重启

mco rpc filemgr status file=/etc/puppet/puppet.conf
mco filemgr status --file /etc/puppet/puppet.conf

mco plugin doc

mco find -S "sysctl('net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding').value=0"

-F      基于facter过滤
-C     基于class过滤
-W    基于facter或class过滤
-A     基于安装的插件过滤
-I      基于主机名称过滤
-S     组合过滤

mco rpc service restart service=httpd -S "puppet().enabled=true"

mco rpc service restart service=httpd -S "resource().changed_resources>10"
mco rpc service restart service=httpd -S "resource().failed_resources>0"

mco ping -S "((virtual=vmware and selinux=true) or osfamily=RedHat)"
mco ping -S "virtual=vmware and ! selinux=false"
mco ping -S "virtual=vmware and not selinux=false"

5. Shell插件的下载.

下载插件放在对应的目录里即可 https://github.com/phobos182/mcollective-plugins/blob/master/agent/
[root@master ~]# ll /usr/libexec/mcollective/mcollective/application/ | grep shell
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  1601 Aug  6 06:36 shell.rb
[root@agent1 ~]# ll /usr/libexec/mcollective/mcollective/agent/ | grep shell
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1017 Aug  6 06:36 shell.ddl
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  862 Aug  6 06:36 shell.rb

[root@agent1 ~]# ll /usr/libexec/mcollective/mcollective/agent/ | grep shell
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1017 Aug  6 06:36 shell.ddl
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  862 Aug  6 06:36 shell.rb

service mcollective restart


[root@master agent]# mco
The Marionette Collective version 2.6.1

usage: /usr/bin/mco command <options>

Known commands:

completion           facts                filemgr
find                 help                 inventory
iptables             nettest              package
ping                 plugin               puppet
rpc                  service              shell

Type '/usr/bin/mco help' for a detailed list of commands and '/usr/bin/mco help command'
to get detailed help for a command

[root@master agent]# mco shell 'w'
Do you really want to send this command unfiltered? (y/n): y
Discovering hosts using the mc method for 2 second(s) .... 1
Host: agent1.dbsa.cn
Statuscode: 0
01:17:00 up 11:26,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
root     pts/1    Mon00    5.00s  0.52s  0.52s -bash

[root@master agent]#
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标签:  puppet mcollective