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【程序运行时找不到库文件】nginx: error while loading shared libraries: libpcre.so.1

2014-11-29 17:56 561 查看


19 Oct 2013 

Written by  Chandan Kumar 

Published in Nginx 



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2.如果存在这个库的话,通过设置LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib: 这个环境变量,把库的路径加进去
/etc/profile 下面有显示路径 环境变量,每个目录用 : 分割  window目录分割用 ;
【1.在文件/etc/profile改  2.export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=:.:~(当前用户主目录):..:~soft01(soft01用户的主目录)】

./nginx: error while loading shared libraries: libpcre.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
If you are getting above error while starting nginx, you can fix by following.

This generally happens due to following three reasons.
You don’t have PCRE installed
Nginx was not complied & installed using pcre
PCRE library is not set in LD_LIBRARY_PATH
There are multiple ways to fix this issue. The best way I believe is using troubleshooting skills. Let’s understand the error and fix it accordingly.
nginx: error while loading shared libraries: libpcre.so.1
nginx is looking for file libpcre.so.1 which comes under PCRE library and usually installed on UNIX.

Let’s find libpcre.so.1 using find command
$find / -name libpcre.so.1

Ok, so I do have this file which means PCRE is already installed and will proceed with next troubleshooting step.
Note: If you don’t get find results then you got to install PCRE. You can either install using yum install pcre on Linux/CentOS
or can ask system administrator to install it.

Now, let’s set LD_LIBRARY_PATH as we could see libpcre.so.1 is available under /usr/local/lib
$export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Start nginx now, you should be able to start.

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