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如何使用 LotusScript 代理来发送 HTML 格式的邮件

2014-11-28 17:34 681 查看

Technote (troubleshooting)


如何使用 LotusScript 来发送 HTML 格式的邮件消息?
在 Notes 和 Domino Designer 6.x及以上版本中拓展了 NotesMIMEEntity 类,此前使用定时代理来发送 HTML 格式的邮件是不太可能的。当你把 HTML 代码加入到邮件主体中,即使设置了 NotesRichTextStyle 属性为 PassThruHTML,Notes仍然会把邮件作为原始的 HTML 代码发送。


Domino 6 以上版本中 NotesMIMEEntity 类的方法和属性,以及新增的 NotesStream 类,使得通过定时代理发送 HTML 格式的邮件成为可能。这对于寄送 HTML 新闻邮件或者给邮件数据库提交信息的用户自动回复很有帮助。你可以创建一个代理程序,发送存储在本地文件系统上的 HTML 或动态创建 HTML。下面的代理举例说明了上述功能。


使用本地 HTML 文件


Dim s As New NotesSession

Dim db As NotesDatabase

Dim doc As NotesDocument

Dim body As NotesMIMEEntity

Dim header As NotesMIMEHeader

Dim stream As NotesStream

Set db = s.CurrentDatabase

Set stream = s.CreateStream

s.ConvertMIME = False ' Do not convert MIME to rich text

Set doc = db.CreateDocument

doc.Form = "Memo"

Set body = doc.CreateMIMEEntity

Set header = body.CreateHeader("Subject")

Call header.SetHeaderVal("HTML message") ' this is the subject

Set header = body.CreateHeader("SendTo")

Call header.SetHeaderVal("user@us.ibm.com")

'The file named below is located on the Domino server because the scheduled agent runs on the Domino server

Call stream.Open("c:\newsletter.html")

Call body.SetContentFromText(stream, "text/HTML;charset=UTF-8", ENC_IDENTITY_7BIT)

Call doc.Send(False)

s.ConvertMIME = True ' Restore conversion



注意stream.WriteText方法使用管道( | )字符作为分隔符而不是引号。这种用法就可以把引号直接放在字符串前面。同时WriteText与线是分离的,易于用户阅读。不过如果需要它们也能被连接在一起。


Dim s As New NotesSession

Dim db As NotesDatabase

Dim doc As NotesDocument

Dim body As NotesMIMEEntity

Dim header As NotesMIMEHeader

Dim stream As NotesStream

Set db = s.CurrentDatabase

Set stream = s.CreateStream

s.ConvertMIME = False ' Do not convert MIME to rich text

Set doc = db.CreateDocument

doc.Form = "Memo"

Set body = doc.CreateMIMEEntity

Set header = body.CreateHeader("Subject")

Call header.SetHeaderVal("HTML message")

Set header = body.CreateHeader("To")

Call header.SetHeaderVal("user@us.ibm.com")

Call stream.writetext(|<HTML>|)

Call stream.writetext(|<body bgcolor="blue" text="white">|)

Call stream.writetext(|<table border="2">|)

Call stream.writetext(|<tr>|)

Call stream.writetext(|<td>Hello World!</td>|)

Call stream.writetext(|</tr>|)

Call stream.writetext(|</table>|)

user$ = s.CommonUserName 'if scheduled agent this returns the name of the server

'Below uses the ampersand (&) to concatenate user$

Call stream.writetext(|<br><font size="+5" color="red">| & user$ &|</font>|)

Call stream.writetext(|</body>|)

Call stream.writetext(|</html>|)

Call body.SetContentFromText(stream, "text/HTML;charset=UTF-8", ENC_IDENTITY_7BIT)

Call doc.Send(False)

s.ConvertMIME = True ' Restore conversion - very important


Sub Initialize

Dim uiwk As New NotesUIWorkspace

Dim s As New NotesSession

Dim db As NotesDatabase

Dim doc As NotesDocument

Dim body As NotesMIMEEntity

Dim header As NotesMIMEHeader

Dim stream As NotesStream

Dim vname As Variant

Dim vfile As Variant

Dim ssubject As String

Dim snames As String

Dim sfile As String

ssubject = CStr(InputBox("Please enter a subject","Subject input dialog"))

vname = uiwk.PickListStrings(PICKLIST_NAMES,True)

vfile = uiwk.OpenFileDialog(False,"Please select the HTML file to import")

ForAll names In vname

Set db = s.CurrentDatabase

Set stream = s.CreateStream

s.ConvertMIME = False ' Do not convert MIME to rich text

Set doc = db.CreateDocument

doc.Form = "Memo"

Set body = doc.CreateMIMEEntity

Set header = body.CreateHeader("Subject")

Call stream.Open(vfile(0))

Call body.SetContentFromText(stream, "text/HTML;charset=UTF-8", ENC_IDENTITY_7BIT)

Call header.SetHeaderVal(subject) ' this is the subject

Set header = body.CreateHeader("SendTo") 'alternatively you can use "BlindCopyTo" instead of "SendTo"

Call header.SetHeaderVal(names)

Call doc.Send(False)

s.ConvertMIME = True ' Restore conversion

End ForAll

End Sub
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