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JDE scheduler job-----How to start Scheduler job

2014-11-26 17:40 155 查看
1. Before restart, check the scheduled job first

在重启之前,先检查scheduled job

Via the Scheduler application (P91300), you can change the status of a particular scheduled batch job from status 01 (Scheduled) to status 50 (Hold). This will prevent the scheduled batch job from being submitted for execution.

可以通过执行P91300,将未执行的scheduler job从01(scheduled)更改为50(Hold)。

However, if you have hundreds of scheduled jobs that you do not want submitted for execution, it may not be feasible to manually set each of them to status 50 (Hold). In that case, you can run R91300B to just purge all the scheduled jobs that you do not want
submitted for execution.

如果有多个schedu job需要更改状态,则可以运行R91300B,将清空所有不需要提交的scheduler job。

If you run the R91300B report without Data Selection, it will purge all of your scheduled jobs in table F91320. However, if you run the report with Data Selection, it will purge records from F91320 based on whatever Data Selection criteria that you specify
when you submit the report.

在运行R91300B之前,可以做Data Selection,系统会根据筛选条件清空F91320表中不需要运行的job。

You can specify which scheduled jobs to purge based on their scheduled start time as expressed by the number of minutes expired since the start of January 1st of 1970. To do that, when you enter the Data Selection for the report, use the Scheduled Start ANSI
C UTC Time left operand to specify the appropriate range of start time values that you want to use as criteria for determining which jobs are purged from the F91320 table.

也可根据scheduler 开始时间计算(从1970年1月1日起)需要清空的job。时间筛选参数是Scheduled Start ANSI C UTC Time。

The following is a link to a website that provides a free calculator that you can use to express a given date (and time of day within that date) as a certain number of seconds expired since the start of January 1st of 1970. Be sure to take the number of seconds
returned by the calculator and divide it by 60 to get the answer expressed in minutes:

Run R91300B in either proof mode or final mode. If you run it in final mode, it will actually purge records from the table F91320 based on your Data Selection. If you run it in proof mode, it will just produce a PDF file that will show you which F91320 records
it can purge if you run the report in final mode.

可以在proof和final两种模式下运行R91300,但是在final 模式下,表F91320中的数据会被清空;而在proof模式下产生的PDF文件会显示即将被清空的F91320表中的内容。

From menu GH9015 (Job Scheduler menu), select the Purge Scheduled Jobs application and you will see all of the your available versions for R91300B.

在目录GH9015(Job Scheduler Menu)目录下,选择应用Purge Scheduled Jobs,会看到R91300B的不同版本。

2.how to setup scheduler job:

怎样设置scheduler job

Log into a FAT client in a non J environment (i.e. PD811, DV811, PY811, etc) and setup the scheduled job, including the Scheduler user ID, password, and role.

登录一台胖客户端,选择非J环境(即非瘦客户端环境),开始设置scheduler job,包括scheduler用户ID,密码和角色。

Detailed Steps:


Log into a non 'J' environment from a FAT client (Ex: PD811)


Fast path GH9015


Select "Schedule Jobs"

选择 "Schedule Jobs"

Click "SELECT" for version ZJDE0001


Click "OK" for Processing Options


Click ADD


Enter "TEST" for Scheduled Job Name

输入Test作为Scheduled Job名

Enter "01" for Scheduled Job Status

将Scheduled Job状态设置为01

Enter "R0006P" for Scheduled Batch Application

将Scheduled Batch Application设置为R0006P

Click Form/Exit "Advanced Options"

点击Form/Exit "Advanced Options"

Verify "Scheduled Environments" = PD811


"Scheduled Logical Server" = SCHEDULER

确定logical server

"Scheduled User" = JDE


"Scheduled User Role" =*ALL


"Scheduled Password" = JDE


Click OK


3. how to restart scheduer job

重启scheduler server


如果已经在JDE.INI中设置了在启动JDE的时候自动启动scheduler server,那么重启JDE就可以重启scheduler。

登录胖客户端,连到JDE Enterprise Server,P91300-控制 scheduler server启动。

4.changing Scheduler Server and Scheduler Jobs to Run on Another Enterprise Server

更新scheduler server以及scheduler job信息

Changing the Scheduler Server

更新scheduler server

Before changing the Scheduler Server, stop Scheduler using the Schedule Jobs (P91300) application.

在改变scheduler server之前,首先要用P91300停止正在运行的scheduler job

Stopping the Scheduler will do the following:


End the job launcher and the job monitor function. These are two processes controlled by the Scheduler kernel process.

停止运行job launcher和job monitor.此两种进程都由scheduler kernel进程控制

Update the Scheduler control record in F91300 to indicate that the Scheduler kernel is down.

更新F91300记录,确保scheduler kernel已经停止运行。

To stop the Scheduler, follow these steps:


Launch the Schedule Jobs (P91300) application.


From the menu, click Form > Scheduler Server.

点击Form> Scheduler Server

From the menu, click Form > Stop Scheduler.

点击Form > Stop Scheduler

After stopping Scheduler, change the Scheduler Server. The Scheduler control (*SCHEDULER) record will then be updated with the new server information.

scheduler job停止运行后,方可改变scheduler server信息。之后的scheduler control(*SCHEDULER)信息也会自动更新。

To change the Scheduler Server, follow these steps:


Launch the Schedule Jobs (P91300) application.


From the menu, click Form > Scheduler Server.

点击Form > Scheduler Server

In Scheduler Server Control, click Form > Change Server.

点击Form > Change Server.

Enter the Scheduler Server Name. Alternatively, choose using the Search and Select.

输入scheduler server名,或者用Search and Select进行选择。

Enter the correct Port Number.


Click OK button.


If the above does not work, follow these steps to manually update the control record in F91300 using database tools.


Find the F91300 record where column SJSCHJBNM='*SCHEDULER'.


Update column SJSCHJOBSVR with the Scheduler Server Name and column SJSCHUSER with the Port Number.


NOTE: To change the Enterprise Server where the scheduled jobs will run, update the scheduled jobs before starting the Scheduler Server. For steps, refer toUpdating the Scheduled Job(s) to run on another Enterprise Server below.

在启动scheduler server之前,更新scheduler job。

The Scheduler Kernel on the new server will start when Scheduler is started using the Schedule Jobs (P91300) application.

当通过P91300启动scheduler后,scheduler kernel会在新的server上运行。

To start the Scheduler, follow these steps:


Launch the Schedule Jobs (P91300) application.


From the menu, click Form > Scheduler Server.

点击Form > Scheduler Server

From the menu, click Form > Start Scheduler.

点击Form > Start Scheduler

Updating the Scheduled Job(s) to run on another Enterprise Server

在另一台机器上运行scheduler job

To update a single job to run on another Enterprise Server, change the setting using P91300.

只改变某一个job,使其在另一台Enterprise Server上运行,改变P91300中的配置。

In P91300, select the scheduled job and go to Row Exit > Advanced Option. 在P91300界面上,选择相关job,在Row下面选择Advanced

Update the Scheduled Logical Server field. 更新scheduled Logical Server内容

To update multiple jobs to run on another Enterprise Server, update the scheduled job records from the database manually.

要让多个job在另一台Enterprise Server上运行,需要手动更新数据库里scheduler job信息。

CAUTION: An incorrect update of the Database may prevent the system from functioning properly. Great care should be taken when manually making changes to the Database. Database changes should only be carried out by a qualified Database Administrator (DBA).
Always make a proper backup of the database before doing any manual database change to be able to recover from the result of an incorrect update.


For every scheduler record in F91300 with the field SJSCHJOBSVR mapped to the current Enterprise Server name, update the field to the other Enterprise Server name.

在F91300中,将需要更新的记录的SJSCHJOBSVR字段值改位新的Enterprise server 名。

For each schedule record in F91300, look for corresponding records in F91320, especially for recurring scheduler jobs. Use the following search criteria:

找到F91320表中与F91300表相对应的记录,特别是recurring scheduler jobs,可以用一下筛选条件:

JSSCHJBNM=<scheduled job name>


JSJOBN=<current Enterprise Server name>

For each record in F91320, update JSJOBN field to the other Enterprise Server name.在表F91320中,将字段JSJOBN的内容更新为新的Enterprise Server名。

5. Trouble Shooting

Even restart JDE, the scheduler server doesn't run

重启JDE后,schedu server还是启不起来。

When Scheduler jobs are stuck in the launched status after an event, the Scheduler kernel does not come up cleanly.

当某事件导致scheduler job卡在launch状态时,scheduler kernel会无法正常启动

To resolve your issue, you need to remove the record in the F91320 that has a status of10 or Launched Status. If there is a record in a launched status that Scheduler will not start. The field to look at is JSSCHLNCSTAT in table F91320.

要清除F91320中状态是10或者是Launched Status的记录。如果在F91320中有Lauched状态的记录,scheduler就启动不起来。具体可检查F91320表中JSSCHLNCSTAT字段

和scheduler有关的表主要包括:F91300 (Scheduler Job Master), F91310 (Scheduled Job Parameters table), F91320 (Job Scheduler)

6.For Cluster setup


Scheduler Kernel does not currently support the notion of a LOGICAL CLUSTER node server. It is configured to work only using the physical hostname.

现阶段,还不能将schedu job设置在逻辑集群节点服务器上运行,设置schedu时,只能设置实体机器名。
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