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HOW TO: How to import UUID function into Postgre 9.3

2014-11-12 17:52 399 查看
1. Open a command console and go to the directory where you installed Postgre server.

e.g. D:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin>

2. Drill down into BIN folder and issue following command.

psql -d <database name> -U <username>

3. Issue CREATE EXTENSION command to import extension

CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp" ;

NOTICE: There is a semicolon at the end of command.

4. After above steps, you can check if the extension has been imported successfully by calling following command.

select * from pg_extension;

5. If succeed, you should be able to see the list as below.

extname | extowner | extnamespace | extrelocatable | extversion | extconfig | extcondition


plpgsql | 10 | 11 | f | 1.0 | |

uuid-ossp | 89286 | 2200 | t | 1.0 | |

6. Now, you may generate UUID by uuid_generate_v4()

select uuid_generate_v4() ;
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