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POJ_2686_Traveling by Stagecoach_状态压缩dp

2014-11-10 00:39 471 查看



The input consists of multiple datasets, each in the following format. The last dataset is followed by a line containing five zeros (separated by a space).

n m p a b

t1 t2 ... tn

x1 y1 z1

x2 y2 z2


xp yp zp

Every input item in a dataset is a non-negative integer. If a line contains two or more input items, they are separated by a space.

n is the number of coach tickets. You can assume that the number of tickets is between 1 and 8. m is the number of cities in the network. You can assume that the number of cities is between 2 and 30. p is the number of roads between cities, which may be zero.

a is the city index of the starting city. b is the city index of the destination city. a is not equal to b. You can assume that all city indices in a dataset (including the above two) are between 1 and m.

The second line of a dataset gives the details of coach tickets. ti is the number of horses specified in the i-th coach ticket (1<=i<=n). You can assume that the number of horses is between 1 and 10.

The following p lines give the details of roads between cities. The i-th road connects two cities with city indices xi and yi, and has a distance zi (1<=i<=p). You can assume that the distance is between 1 and 100.

No two roads connect the same pair of cities. A road never connects a city with itself. Each road can be traveled in both directions.

For each dataset in the input, one line should be output as specified below. An output line should not contain extra characters such as spaces.

If the traveler can reach the destination, the time needed for the best route (a route with the shortest time) should be printed. The answer should not have an error greater than 0.001. You may output any number of digits after the decimal point, provided that
the above accuracy condition is satisfied.

If the traveler cannot reach the destination, the string "Impossible" should be printed. One cannot reach the destination either when there are no routes leading to the destination, or when the number of tickets is not sufficient. Note that the first letter
of "Impossible" is in uppercase, while the other letters are in lowercase.





using namespace std;
#define mxn 10
#define mxm 40
int n,m,a,b,p;
double horse[mxn];
double mapp[mxm][mxm];
double dp[1<<mxn][mxm];
void init(){
for(int i=0;i<m;++i)
for(int j=0;j<m;++j)
for(int i=0;i<(1<<n);++i)
for(int j=0;j<m;++j)
int main(){
if(!n&&!m&&!p&&!a&&!b)	break;
for(int i=0;i<n;++i)	scanf("%lf",&horse[i]);
for(int i=0;i<p;++i){
int u,v;
double w;
double ans=-1;
for(int i=(1<<n)-1;i>=0;--i){
if(ans==-1)	ans=dp[i][b-1];
else if(dp[i][b-1]!=-1)	ans=min(ans,dp[i][b-1]);
for(int u=0;u<m;++u)	if(dp[i][u]!=-1)
for(int v=0;v<m;++v)	if(mapp[u][v]!=-1)
for(int j=0;j<n;++j)	if(i&(1<<j))
if(dp[i&(~(1<<j))][v]==-1)	dp[i&(~(1<<j))][v]=dp[i][u]+mapp[u][v]/horse[j];
else	dp[i&(~(1<<j))][v]=min(dp[i&(~(1<<j))][v],dp[i][u]+mapp[u][v]/horse[j]);
if(ans==-1)	puts("Impossible");
else	printf("%.3lf\n",ans);
return 0;
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