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Default Bearer, Dedicated Bearer... What exactly is bearer ?

2014-11-05 17:32 519 查看

Default Bearer, Dedicated Bearer... What exactly is bearer ?

While trying to get a better understanding of VoLTE and IMS , I came across bearers stuff which I thought might be useful to share with you guys. Before we talk about what default and dedicated bearer is, let's understand what bearer itself is :

Bearer is just a virtual concept. It defines how the UE data is
treated when it travels across the network. Network might treat some
data in a special way and treat others normally. Some flow of data might
be provided guaranteed bit rate while other may face low transfer.
In short, bearer is a set of network parameter that defines data specific treatment e.g.
Person A will always get at least 256 Kbps download speed on his LTE
phone while for person B there is no guaranteed bit rate and might face
extremely bad download speed at times

Now let me talk briefly about Dedicated and Default bearer one by one.

Default Bearer in LTE

When LTE UE attaches to the network for the first time, it will be
assigned default bearer which remains as long as UE is attached. Default
bearer is best effort service. Each default bearer comes with an IP
address. UE can have additional default bearers as well. Each default
bearer will have a separate IP address. QCI 5 to 9 (Non- GBR) can be
assigned to default bearer.

Dedicated Bearer

To put it simple, dedicated bearers provides dedicated tunnel to one or
more specific traffic (i.e. VoIP, video etc). Dedicated bearer acts as
an additional bearer on top of default bearer. It does not require
separate IP address due to the fact that only additional default bearer
needs an IP address and therefore dedicated bearer is always linked to
one of the default bearer established previously. Dedicated bearer can
be GBR or non-GBR (whereas default bearer can only be non-GBR). For
services like VoLTE we need to provide better user experience and this
is where Dedicated bearer would come handy. Dedicated bearer uses
Traffic flow templates (TFT) to give special treatment to specific


Usually LTE networks with VoLTE implementations has two default and one dedicated bearer

Default bearer 1: Used for signaling messages (sip signaling) related to IMS network. It uses qci 5

Dedicated bearer: Used for VoLTE VoIP traffic. It uses qci 1 and is linked to default bearer 1

Default bearer 2: Used for all other smartphone traffic (video, chat, email, browser etc)

Why dont we use dedicated bearer for ims signaling as well ?

IMS network is separate network from normal internet. And it comes with
its own APN. Therefore we need separate default bearer for IMS network.
This also helps in separating IMS traffic from normal internet traffic
as well

How it is decided to send voip traffic (for example) on dedicated bearer?

Both UE and eNB has TFT which has rules for certain services. For
example, incase of VoLTE voip traffic, the rule are defined on the basis
of protocol number , destination network ip network etc

How is dedicated bearer linked to default bearer?

The value of "Linked EPS bearer identity" defined in setup info of
dedicated bearer is used to link dedicated bearer to default bearer

Please also visit Quality of Service (QoS) in LTE to get more better understanding on bearers and QoS
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