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Hungarian/Munkres Algorithm,即著名的匈牙利算法,常用来解决矩形分配问题:我有一些工作jobs,也有一些工人workers,我已经知道每个worker做各个job的耗费cost,那么我如何将各个job分配给各个worker才能使得总的cost最小呢??这就是匈牙利算法干的事情,他起初是用来解决workers和jobs个数一样多的情形,后来发展成能解决不等量worker-job分配问题。看看这个网页相信能给你一个对Hungarian算法的基本的了解:HungarianAlgorithm.com


#include "cv.h"
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

// B = A( extractRows, extractCols )
// Require: 
//	extractRows.size()==A.rows, extractCols.size()==A.cols
//	sum(extractRows)==B.rows, sum(extractCols)==B.cols
void  extractGrids( const Mat &A, const vector<bool> &extractRows, const vector<bool> &extractCols, Mat &B )
	typedef float ValueType;
	ValueType *pt1 = (ValueType*)A.data, *pt2 = (ValueType*)B.data, *pt3, *pt4;
	const int step1 = A.step1(), rows = A.rows, cols = A.cols, step2 = B.step1();
	vector<bool>::const_iterator it1, it2, it3 = extractRows.end(), it4 = extractCols.end();
	for( it1=extractRows.begin(); it1!=it3; pt1+=step1 ){
		pt3 = pt1;
		if( *(it1++) ){
			pt4 = pt2;
			for( it2=extractCols.begin(); it2!=it4; pt3++ )
				if( *(it2++) )
					*(pt4++) = *pt3;
			pt2 += step2;

// B = A( extract )
// Require: 
//		min(A.rows,A.cols) ==1
//		if(A.rows)==1, then require: A.cols==extract.size(), B.rows==1, sum(extract)==B.cols
//		if(A.cols)==1, then require: A.rows==extract.size(), B.cols==1, sum(extract)==B.rows
void  extractDots( const Mat &A, const vector<bool> &extract, Mat &B )
	assert( A.rows==1 || A.cols==1 );
	typedef float ValueType;
	ValueType *pt1 = (ValueType*)A.data, *pt2 = (ValueType*)B.data;
	vector<bool>::const_iterator it = extract.begin(), it2 = extract.end();
	if( A.rows==1 ){
		for( ; it!=it2; pt1++ )
			if( *(it++) )
				*(pt2++) = *pt1;
		int step1 = A.step1(), step2 = B.step1();
		for( ; it!=it2; pt1+=step1 )
			if( *(it++) ){
				*pt2 = *pt1;

/* Initial Matlab code comes from: 
	Hungarian algorithm for matrix assignment problem.
	costMat: there are (rows) works and (cols) jobs. costMat(i,j) means the cost of assigning job (j) to worker (i).
	The problem is to solve a holistic optimization problem of assigning each worker a job!
	The algorithm allows partial assignment - if there is no proper job for worker (i) we would set assignment(i) to -1, meaning no assignment for worker (i).

	Negatives in costMat means the corresponding assignments are forbidden.
void  munkres( Mat &costMat, vector<int> &assignment )
	assert( costMat.type()==CV_32FC1 );
	const int rows = costMat.rows, cols = costMat.cols;
	assignment.assign( rows, -1 );

	Mat validMat( rows, cols, CV_8UC1 );
	compare( costMat, Scalar(0), validMat, CV_CMP_GE );

	float *ptF, *ptF2;
	uchar *ptU, *ptU2;
	int stepGap;
	int r, c, i;
	unsigned j;
	vector<bool>::iterator it1, it2;
	vector<int>::iterator it3, it4;

	// validCol & validRow	
	vector<bool> validRow( rows, false );
	ptU = validMat.data;
	for( r=0; r<rows; r++ ){
		ptU2 = ptU;
		for( c=0; c<cols; c++ ) if( *(ptU2++) ) break;
		if( c<cols ) validRow[r] = true;
		ptU += validMat.step;
	vector<bool> validCol( cols, false );
	ptU = validMat.data;	
	for( c=0; c<cols; c++ ){
		ptU2 = ptU;
		for( r=0; r<rows; r++ ) if(*ptU2) break; else ptU2+= validMat.step;
		if( r<rows ) validCol[c] = true;

	// nRows & nCols
	int nRows = 0, nCols = 0;
	it1=validRow.begin(), it2=validCol.begin();
	r = 0; while(r++<rows) if( *(it1++) ) nRows++;
	c = 0; while(c++<cols) if( *(it2++) ) nCols++;
	const int n = nRows>nCols ? nRows : nCols;
	if( !n )

	// sumValid & maxValid
	float sumValid = 0, maxValid = -1.f;
	ptF = (float*)costMat.data;
	ptU = validMat.data;
	stepGap = validMat.step - validMat.cols;	
	r = 0; while(r++<rows){
		c = 0; while(c++<cols){			
			if( *(ptU++) ){
				float v = *(ptF++);	sumValid += v;
				if( v>maxValid ) maxValid = v;
			else ptF++;
		} ptU += stepGap;

	// bigM & maxValid	
	maxValid *= 10.f;
	float bigM = log10f( sumValid );
	int power = (int)ceilf( bigM ) + 1;	
	bigM = 1.f; //bigM = pow( 10, power );
	for( i=0; i<power; i++ )
		bigM *= 10;

	// costMat(~validMat) = bigM;
	validMat = ~validMat; // validMat 其实已经是 invalidMat!
	costMat.setTo( bigM, validMat );

	// dMat
	Mat dMat( n, n, CV_32FC1, Scalar(maxValid) );

	// dMat(1:nRows,1:nCols) = costMat(validRow,validCol);
	extractGrids( costMat, validRow, validCol, dMat(cv::Rect(0,0,nCols,nRows)) );

	// Munkres' Assignment Algorithm starts here
	// some storage for temporary usage
	Mat tmp1( n, n, CV_32FC1 ); // size and type accords with dMat
	Mat tmp2( n, n, CV_32FC1 );
	Mat tmp3( n, n, CV_32FC1 );
	Mat tmp4( n, n, CV_8UC1 );
	Mat tmp5( n, 1, CV_32FC1 );
	Mat tmp6( 1, n, CV_32FC1 );

	// STEP 1: Subtract the row minimum from each row.
	// minR & minC
	Mat minR, minC;
	reduce( dMat, minR, 1, CV_REDUCE_MIN );
	repeat( minR, 1, n, tmp1 );
	tmp2 = dMat - tmp1;
	reduce( tmp2, minC, 0, CV_REDUCE_MIN );
	repeat( minC, n, 1, tmp2 );

	// STEP 2: Find a zero of dMat. If there are no starred zeros in its column or row start the zero. Repeat for each zero
	// zP
	Mat zP( n, n, CV_8UC1 );	
	tmp3 = tmp1 + tmp2;
	compare( dMat, tmp3, zP, CV_CMP_EQ );
	// starZ
	vector<int> starZ(n,-1);
	ptU = zP.data;
	for( r=0; r<n; r++ ){
		ptU2 = ptU;
		for( c=0; c<n; c++ ){
			if( *(ptU2++) ){
				starZ[r] = c;
				memset( ptU, 0, r ); // zP(r,:)=false;
				zP.col( c ) = Scalar(0); // zP(:,c)=false;
		ptU += zP.step;
	int uZc, uZr;

	while(1){ // STEP 3
		// Cover each column with a starred zero. If all the columns are covered then the matching is maximum
		it3 = starZ.begin();
		for( ; it3!=starZ.end(); it3++ ) if( *it3<0 ) break;
		if( it3==starZ.end() ) break;

		// validColumn & validRow & primeZ
		vector<bool> noncoverColumn( n, true );
		for( it3=starZ.begin(); it3!=starZ.end(); it3++ ){ 
			if( *it3<0 ) continue;
			noncoverColumn[*it3] = false;
		vector<bool> noncoverRow( n, true );
		vector<int> primeZ(n,-1);

		// minC_uncovered & minR_uncovered
		int cnt1 = 0, cnt2 = 0;
		it1 = noncoverColumn.begin(), it2 = noncoverRow.begin();
		i = 0; while(i++<n){ 
			if( *(it1++) ) cnt1++; // number of non-covered columns
			if( *(it2++) ) cnt2++; // number of non-covered  rows	
		Mat minR_uncovered = tmp5.rowRange( 0, cnt2 );
		Mat minC_uncovered = tmp6.colRange( 0, cnt1 );
		extractDots( minR, noncoverRow, minR_uncovered );
		extractDots( minC, noncoverColumn, minC_uncovered );

		// rIdx & cIdx
		Mat temp1 = tmp1( cv::Rect(0,0,cnt1,cnt2) );
		Mat temp2 = tmp2( cv::Rect(0,0,cnt1,cnt2) );
		Mat temp3 = tmp3( cv::Rect(0,0,cnt1,cnt2) );
		Mat temp4 = tmp4( cv::Rect(0,0,cnt1,cnt2) );
		repeat( minR_uncovered, 1, cnt1, temp1 );
		repeat( minC_uncovered, cnt2, 1, temp2 );
		temp2 = temp1 + temp2;
		extractGrids( dMat, noncoverRow, noncoverColumn, temp3 );
		compare( temp2, temp3, temp4, CV_CMP_EQ );
		vector<int> rIdx, cIdx; // [rIdx,cIdx] = find(temp4);
		ptU = temp4.data;
		stepGap = temp4.step - temp4.cols;
		for( r=0; r<temp4.rows; r++ ){
			for( c=0; c<temp4.cols; c++ ){
				if( *(ptU++) ){
					rIdx.push_back( r );
					cIdx.push_back( c );
			ptU += stepGap;

		while(1){ // STEP 4
			// Find a non-covered zero and prime it.  If there is no starred zero in the row containing this primed zero, Go to Step 5. 
			// Otherwise, cover this row and uncover the column containing the starred zero. Continue in this manner until there are no 
			// uncovered zeros left. Save the smallest uncovered value and Go to Step 6.

			// cR & cC
			vector<int> cR, cC;
			for( j=0; j<noncoverRow.size(); j++ )
				if( noncoverRow[j] )
					cR.push_back( j );
			for( j=0; j<noncoverColumn.size(); j++ )
				if( noncoverColumn[j] )
					cC.push_back( j );

			// rIdx = cR(rIdx), cIdx = cC(cIdx);
			for( j=0; j<rIdx.size(); j++ ){
				rIdx[j] = cR[ rIdx[j] ];
				cIdx[j] = cC[ cIdx[j] ];

			int Step = 6;
			while( !cIdx.empty() ){
				uZr = rIdx[0];
				uZc = cIdx[0];
				primeZ[uZr] = uZc;
				int stz = starZ[uZr];
				if( stz<0 ){
					Step = 5;
				noncoverRow[uZr] = false;
				noncoverColumn[stz] = true;
				// rIdx(rIdx==uZr) = []
				vector<int> rIdx2, cIdx2;
				for( it3=rIdx.begin(), it4=cIdx.begin(); it3!=rIdx.end(); it3++, it4++ )
					if( *it3!=uZr ){
						rIdx2.push_back( *it3 );
						cIdx2.push_back( *it4 );
				rIdx = rIdx2, cIdx = cIdx2;
				// cR = find(~coverRow);
				for( j=0; j<noncoverRow.size(); j++ )
					if( noncoverRow[j] )
						cR.push_back( j );
				// z = dMat(~coverRow,stz) == minR(~coverRow) + minC(stz);
				int sz = cR.size();
				minR_uncovered = tmp5.rowRange( 0, sz );
				extractDots( minR, noncoverRow, minR_uncovered );
				minR_uncovered = minR_uncovered + Scalar( minC.at<float>(stz) );
				temp1 = tmp1( cv::Rect(0,0,1,sz) );
				extractDots( dMat.col(stz), noncoverRow, temp1 );
				temp4 = tmp4( cv::Rect(0,0,1,sz) );
				compare( temp1, minR_uncovered, temp4, CV_CMP_EQ );
				// rIdx = [rIdx(:);cR(z)];
				for( i=0, ptU=temp4.data; i<temp4.rows; i++, ptU+=temp4.step )
					if( *ptU ){
						rIdx.push_back( cR[i] );
						cIdx.push_back( stz );

			if( Step==6 ){
				// STEP 6: Add the minimum uncovered value to every element of each covered
				//			row, and subtract it from every element of each uncovered column.
				//			Return to Step 4 without altering any stars, primes, or covered lines.
				cnt1 = 0, cnt2 = 0;
				it1 = noncoverColumn.begin(), it2 = noncoverRow.begin();
				i = 0; while(i++<n){ 
					if( *(it1++) ) cnt1++; // number of non-covered columns
					if( *(it2++) ) cnt2++; // number of non-covered  rows	
				temp1 = tmp1( cv::Rect(0,0,cnt1,cnt2) );
				minR_uncovered = tmp5.rowRange( 0, cnt2 );
				minC_uncovered = tmp6.colRange( 0, cnt1 );
				extractGrids( dMat, noncoverRow, noncoverColumn, temp1 );
				extractDots( minR, noncoverRow, minR_uncovered );
				extractDots( minC, noncoverColumn, minC_uncovered );

				// minVal & rIdx & cIdx
				temp2 = tmp2( cv::Rect(0,0,cnt1,cnt2) );
				temp3 = tmp3( cv::Rect(0,0,cnt1,cnt2) );
				repeat( minR_uncovered, 1, cnt1, temp2 );
				repeat( minC_uncovered, cnt2, 1, temp3 );
				temp3 = temp1 - temp2 - temp3;
				double minVal;
				Point minLoc;				
				minMaxLoc( temp3, &minVal, 0, &minLoc );
				rIdx.resize(1), cIdx.resize(1);
				rIdx[0] = minLoc.y, cIdx[0] = minLoc.x;

				// minC(~coverColumn) = minC(~coverColumn) + minval;
				ptF = (float*)minC.data, ptF2 = (float*)minR.data;
				it1 = noncoverColumn.begin(), it2 = noncoverRow.begin();
				float minval = (float)minVal;
				i = 0; while(i++<n) if( *(it1++) ) *(ptF++) += minval; else ptF++;
				// minR(coverRow) = minR(coverRow) - minval;
				i = 0; while(i++<n) if( *(it2++) ) ptF2++; else *(ptF2++) -= minval;

		// STEP 5
		// Construct a series of alternating primed and starred zeros as follows:
		//	Let Z0 represent the uncovered primed zero found in Step 4.
		//	Let Z1 denote the starred zero in the column of Z0 (if any).
		//	Let Z2 denote the primed zero in the row of Z1 (there will always
		//	be one).  Continue until the series terminates at a primed zero
		//	that has no starred zero in its column.  Unstar each starred
		//  zero of the series, star each primed zero of the series, erase
		//  all primes and uncover every line in the matrix.  Return to Step 3.
		int rowZ1;
		for( j=0; j<starZ.size(); j++ )
			if( starZ[j]==uZc )
		if( j<starZ.size() )
			rowZ1 = j;
			rowZ1 = -1;
		starZ[uZr] = uZc;
		while( rowZ1>=0 ){
			starZ[rowZ1] = -1;
			uZc = primeZ[rowZ1];
			uZr = rowZ1;
			for( j=0; j<starZ.size(); j++ )
				if( starZ[j]==uZc )
			if( j<starZ.size() )
				rowZ1 = j;
				rowZ1 = -1;
			starZ[uZr] = uZc;

	// assignment
	// rowIdx = find(validRow); colIdx = find(validCol);
	vector<int> rowIdx( nRows ), colIdx( nCols );
	it1=validRow.begin(), it2=validCol.begin();
	for( i=0, it3=rowIdx.begin(); i<rows; i++ ) if( *(it1++) ) *(it3++) = i;
	for( i=0, it3=colIdx.begin(); i<cols; i++ ) if( *(it2++) ) *(it3++) = i;
	// vIdx = starZ(1:nRows) <= nCols;
	vector<bool> vIdx( nRows, false );
	it1=vIdx.begin(), it3=starZ.begin();
	i = 0; while(i++<nRows) if( *(it3++)<nCols ) *(it1++) = true; else it1++;
	// assignment(rowIdx(vIdx)) = colIdx(starZ(vIdx));
	for( j=0, it1=vIdx.begin(); j<vIdx.size(); j++ ){
		if( *(it1++) ){
			r = rowIdx[j], c = starZ[j];
			assignment[r] = colIdx[c];
	for( j=0; j<assignment.size(); j++ ){
		int job = assignment[j];
		if( job>-1 ){
			uchar isInvalid = validMat.at<uchar>( j, job ); // validMat is now "invalidMat"
			if( isInvalid )
				assignment[j] = -1;


The Hungarian Method for The Assignment Problem. chapter 2 of the book "50 Years of Integer Programming 1958-2008" by M.Junger, T.Liebling, et al. Springer print.

[2] The Assignment Problem and The Hungarian Method.
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