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Visual C++ 2010新功能之static_assert(静态断言)

2014-11-03 10:16 411 查看

template < typename T, unsigned MaxLen >

class static_array



typedef DBSOFT_TR1::array< T, MaxLen > array_type;

typedef char __TEMPLATE__CHECK__DUMMY__[sizeof(T)]; // 如果sizeof無法計算T的大小會報錯

typedef char __TEMPLATE__CHECK__LEN_DUMMY__[MaxLen-1]; // 不能用負數、0等來具現化


#include <dbsoft/generic/static_array.hpp>

int main()


dbsoft::static_array<void, 10> aryTest;

return 0;



1>d:\dbsoft\dbsoft\generic\static_array.hpp(34): error C2070: “void”: 非法的 sizeof 操作数

1> e:\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\helloworld\helloworld\main.cpp(9): 参见对正在编译的类 模板 实例化“dbsoft::static_array<T,MaxLen>”的引用

1> with

1> [

1> T=void,

1> MaxLen=10

1> ]



static_assert( 编译时可推断出结果的表达式, 一个简单的多字节的字符串 )





# define BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( B ) static_assert(B, #B)




static const int USER_ID_MIN = 1000;

static const int MsgID = 100;

int main()


static_assert( MsgID > USER_ID_MIN, "msg id must > USER_ID_MIN" );

return 0;




template < typename T, unsigned MaxLen >

class static_array



// 默認為空 但是如果是類型的話那麼構造函數會調用MaxLen次



#if _MSC_VER >= 1600

static_assert( std::is_void<T>::value, "can't use void to realize dbsoft::static_array!!");

static_assert( MaxLen > 0, "dbsoft::static_array's template param MaxLen must > 0");


typedef char __TEMPLATE__CHECK__DUMMY__[sizeof(T)]; // 如果sizeof無法計算T的大小會報錯

typedef char __TEMPLATE__CHECK__LEN_DUMMY__[MaxLen-1]; // 不能用負數、0等來具現化




error C2338: can't use void to realize dbsoft::static_array!!


static const int USER_ID_MIN = 1000;

static const int MsgID = 100;

static_assert( MsgID > USER_ID_MIN, "error!");

int main()


return 0;



namespace std {

namespace tr1 {

template < class Ty, Ty val > struct integral_constant;

typedef integral_constant < bool, false > false_type ;

typedef integral_constant < bool, true > true_type;

template < class Ty > struct is_void ;

template < class Ty > struct is_integral ;

template < class Ty > struct is_floating_point ;

template < class Ty > struct is_array ;

template < class Ty > struct is_pointer;

template < class Ty > struct is_reference;

template < class Ty > struct is_member_object_pointer;

template < class Ty > struct is_member_function_pointer;

template < class Ty > struct is_enum;

template < class Ty > struct is_union;

template < class Ty > struct is_class;

template < class Ty > struct is_function;

template < class Ty > struct is_arithmetic;

template < class Ty > struct is_fundamental;

template < class Ty > struct is_object;

template < class Ty > struct is_scalar;

template < class Ty > struct is_compound;

template < class Ty > struct is_member_pointer;

template < class Ty > struct is_const;

template < class Ty > struct is_volatile;

template < class Ty > struct is_pod;

template < class Ty > struct is_empty;

template < class Ty > struct is_polymorphic;

template < class Ty > struct is_abstract;

template < class Ty > struct has_trivial_constructor;

template < class Ty > struct has_trivial_copy;

template < class Ty > struct has_trivial_assign;

template < class Ty > struct has_trivial_destructor;

template < class Ty > struct has_nothrow_constructor;

template < class Ty > struct has_nothrow_copy;

template < class Ty > struct has_nothrow_assign;

template < class Ty > struct has_virtual_destructor;

template < class Ty > struct is_signed;

template < class Ty > struct is_unsigned;

template < class Ty > struct rank;

template < class Ty, unsigned I = 0 > struct extent;

template < class Ty1, class Ty2 > struct is_same;

template < class From, class To > struct is_convertible;

template < class Base, class Derived > struct is_base_of;

template < class Ty > struct remove_const;

template < class Ty > struct remove_volatile;

template < class Ty > struct remove_cv;

template < class Ty > struct add_const;

template < class Ty > struct add_volatile;

template < class Ty > struct add_cv;

template < class Ty > struct remove_reference;

template < class Ty > struct add_reference;

template < class Ty > struct remove_pointer;

template < class Ty > struct add_pointer;

template < class Ty > struct remove_extent;

template < class Ty > struct remove_all_extents;

template < class Ty > struct alignment_of;

template < size_t Len, size_t Align > struct aligned_storage;

} };



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