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2014-10-27 09:23 405 查看




template <typename Type>
class Atomic
/** Creates a new value, initialised to zero.
inline Atomic() noexcept
: value (0)

/** Creates a new value, with a given initial value.
inline explicit Atomic (const Type initialValue) noexcept
: value (initialValue)

/** Copies another value (atomically).
inline Atomic (const Atomic& other) noexcept
: value (other.get())

/** Destructor.
inline ~Atomic() noexcept
// This class can only be used for types which are 32 or 64 bits in size.
static_jassert (sizeof (Type) == 4 || sizeof (Type) == 8);

/** Atomically reads and returns the current value.
Type get() const noexcept;

/** Copies another value onto this one (atomically).
inline Atomic& operator= (const Atomic& other) noexcept         { exchange (other.get()); return *this; }

/** Copies another value onto this one (atomically).
inline Atomic& operator= (const Type newValue) noexcept         { exchange (newValue); return *this; }

/** Atomically sets the current value.
void set (Type newValue) noexcept                               { exchange (newValue); }

/** Atomically sets the current value, returning the value that was replaced.
Type exchange (Type value) noexcept;

/** Atomically adds a number to this value, returning the new value.
Type operator+= (Type amountToAdd) noexcept;

/** Atomically subtracts a number from this value, returning the new value. */
Type operator-= (Type amountToSubtract) noexcept;

/** Atomically increments this value, returning the new value. */
Type operator++() noexcept;

/** Atomically decrements this value, returning the new value. */
Type operator--() noexcept;

/** Atomically compares this value with a target value, and if it is equal, sets
this to be equal to a new value.

This operation is the atomic equivalent of doing this:
bool compareAndSetBool (Type newValue, Type valueToCompare)
if (get() == valueToCompare)
set (newValue);
return true;

return false;

@returns true if the comparison was true and the value was replaced; false if
the comparison failed and the value was left unchanged.
@see compareAndSetValue
bool compareAndSetBool (Type newValue, Type valueToCompare) noexcept;

/** Atomically compares this value with a target value, and if it is equal, sets
this to be equal to a new value.

This operation is the atomic equivalent of doing this:
Type compareAndSetValue (Type newValue, Type valueToCompare)
Type oldValue = get();
if (oldValue == valueToCompare)
set (newValue);

return oldValue;

@returns the old value before it was changed.
@see compareAndSetBool
Type compareAndSetValue (Type newValue, Type valueToCompare) noexcept;

/** Implements a memory read/write barrier. */
static void memoryBarrier() noexcept;

#if JUCE_64BIT

/** The raw value that this class operates on.
This is exposed publically in case you need to manipulate it directly
for performance reasons.
volatile Type value;

template <typename Dest, typename Source>
static inline Dest castTo (Source value) noexcept         { union { Dest d; Source s; } u; u.s = value; return u.d; }

static inline Type castFrom32Bit (int32 value) noexcept   { return castTo <Type, int32> (value); }
static inline Type castFrom64Bit (int64 value) noexcept   { return castTo <Type, int64> (value); }
static inline int32 castTo32Bit (Type value) noexcept     { return castTo <int32, Type> (value); }
static inline int64 castTo64Bit (Type value) noexcept     { return castTo <int64, Type> (value); }

Type operator++ (int); // better to just use pre-increment with atomics..
Type operator-- (int);

/** This templated negate function will negate pointers as well as integers */
template <typename ValueType>
inline ValueType negateValue (ValueType n) noexcept
return sizeof (ValueType) == 1 ? (ValueType) -(signed char) n
: (sizeof (ValueType) == 2 ? (ValueType) -(short) n
: (sizeof (ValueType) == 4 ? (ValueType) -(int) n
: ((ValueType) -(int64) n)));

/** This templated negate function will negate pointers as well as integers
template <typename PointerType>
inline PointerType* negateValue (PointerType* n) noexcept
return reinterpret_cast <PointerType*> (-reinterpret_cast <pointer_sized_int> (n));


Atomic<int> a; //一个共享变量


但是有一点,Atomic对所维护的数据类型有要求,一定要是4位或8位的,比方说int ,__int64,或者任意的指针类型,void*,char*等

Atomic<char> a; //这样是不允许的

Atomic<char*> a; //但这样是可以的
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