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2014-10-07 15:33 344 查看
chardet是mozilla自动字符集探测算法代码的java移植。这个算法的最初作者是frank Tang,C++源代码在http://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/intl/chardet/,可以从http://www.mozilla.org/projects/intl/chardet.html 得到更多关于这个算法的信息。



package com.uujava.mbfy.test;

import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;

import org.mozilla.intl.chardet.nsDetector;
import org.mozilla.intl.chardet.nsICharsetDetectionObserver;
* 	Maven
* 	<!-- 用于文件编码检查 -->
*		<dependency>
*			<groupId>net.sourceforge.jchardet</groupId>
*			<artifactId>jchardet</artifactId>
*			<version>1.0</version>
*		</dependency>
* *********************************************/
* 借助JCharDet获取文件字符集 JCharDet
* 是mozilla自动字符集探测算法代码的java移植,其官方主页为:
* http://jchardet.sourceforge.net/ */
public class FileCharsetDetector {

private boolean found = false;

* 如果完全匹配某个字符集检测算法, 则该属性保存该字符集的名称.
* 否则(如二进制文件)其值就为默认值 null, 这时应当查询属性
private String encoding = null;

public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception {

+ new FileCharsetDetector()

* 传入一个文件(File)对象,检查文件编码
* @param file
*            File对象实例
* @return 文件编码,若无,则返回null
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* @throws IOException
public String guestFileEncoding(File file) throws FileNotFoundException,
IOException {
return geestFileEncoding(file, new nsDetector());

* 获取文件的编码
* @param file
*            File对象实例
* @param languageHint
*            语言提示区域代码 eg:1 : Japanese; 2 : Chinese; 3 : Simplified Chinese;
*            4 : Traditional Chinese; 5 : Korean; 6 : Dont know (default)
* @return 文件编码,eg:UTF-8,GBK,GB2312形式,若无,则返回null
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* @throws IOException
public String guestFileEncoding(File file, int languageHint)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
return geestFileEncoding(file, new nsDetector(languageHint));

* 获取文件的编码
* @param path
*            文件路径
* @return 文件编码,eg:UTF-8,GBK,GB2312形式,若无,则返回null
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* @throws IOException
public String guestFileEncoding(String path) throws FileNotFoundException,
IOException {
return guestFileEncoding(new File(path));

* 获取文件的编码
* @param path
*            文件路径
* @param languageHint
*            语言提示区域代码 eg:1 : Japanese; 2 : Chinese; 3 : Simplified Chinese;
*            4 : Traditional Chinese; 5 : Korean; 6 : Dont know (default)
* @return
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* @throws IOException
public String guestFileEncoding(String path, int languageHint)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
return guestFileEncoding(new File(path), languageHint);

* 获取文件的编码
* @param file
* @param det
* @return
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* @throws IOException
private String geestFileEncoding(File file, nsDetector det)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
// Set an observer...
// The Notify() will be called when a matching charset is found.
det.Init(new nsICharsetDetectionObserver() {
public void Notify(String charset) {
found = true;
encoding = charset;

BufferedInputStream imp = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));

byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
int len;
boolean done = false;
boolean isAscii = true;

while ((len = imp.read(buf, 0, buf.length)) != -1) {
// Check if the stream is only ascii.
if (isAscii)
isAscii = det.isAscii(buf, len);

// DoIt if non-ascii and not done yet.
if (!isAscii && !done)
done = det.DoIt(buf, len, false);

if (isAscii) {
encoding = "ASCII";
found = true;

if (!found) {
String prob[] = det.getProbableCharsets();
if (prob.length > 0) {
// 在没有发现情况下,则取第一个可能的编码
encoding = prob[0];
} else {
return null;
return encoding;

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