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2014-09-30 14:41 537 查看

最近写程序中需要将数据输出保存到Excel文件中。翻看《C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4》(Second Edition)发现可以在Qt中运用ActiveX控件,这真是太好了。


首先在.pro文件中添加CONFIG += qaxcontainer


[cpp] view

QString filepath=QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this,tr("Save orbit"),".",tr("Microsoft Office 2007 (*.xlsx)"));//获取保存路径


QAxObject *excel = new QAxObject(this);


excel->dynamicCall("SetVisible (bool Visible)","false");//不显示窗体

excel->setProperty("DisplayAlerts", false);//不显示任何警告信息。如果为true那么在关闭是会出现类似“文件已修改,是否保存”的提示

QAxObject *workbooks = excel->querySubObject("WorkBooks");//获取工作簿集合


QAxObject *workbook = excel->querySubObject("ActiveWorkBook");//获取当前工作簿

QAxObject *worksheets = workbook->querySubObject("Sheets");//获取工作表集合

QAxObject *worksheet = worksheets->querySubObject("Item(int)",1);//获取工作表集合的工作表1,即sheet1

QAxObject *cellX,*cellY;

for(int i=0;i<curRow;i++){

QString X="A"+QString::number(i+1);//设置要操作的单元格,如A1

QString Y="B"+QString::number(i+1);

cellX = worksheet->querySubObject("Range(QVariant, QVariant)",X);//获取单元格

cellY = worksheet->querySubObject("Range(QVariant, QVariant)",Y);

cellX->dynamicCall("SetValue(const QVariant&)",QVariant(ui->tableWidget->formula(i,0).toInt()));//设置单元格的值

cellY->dynamicCall("SetValue(const QVariant&)",QVariant(ui->tableWidget->formula(i,1).toInt()));


workbook->dynamicCall("SaveAs(const QString&)",QDir::toNativeSeparators(filepath));//保存至filepath,注意一定要用QDir::toNativeSeparators将路径中的"/"转换为"\",不然一定保存不了。



delete excel;




QAxWidget excel("Excel.Application");

1) 显示当前窗口:

excel.setProperty("Visible", true);

2) 更改 Excel 标题栏:

excel.setProperty("Caption", "Invoke Microsoft Excel");

3) 添加新工作簿:

QAxObject * workbooks = excel.querySubObject("WorkBooks");


4) 打开已存在的工作簿:

workbooks->dynamicCall("Open (const QString&)", QString("c:/test.xls"));

5) 获取活动工作簿:

QAxObject * workbook = excel.querySubObject("ActiveWorkBook");

6) 获取所有的工作表:

QAxObject * worksheets = workbook->querySubObject("WorkSheets");

7) 获取工作表数量:

int intCount = worksheets->property("Count").toInt();

8) 获取第一个工作表:

QAxObject * worksheet = workbook->querySubObject("Worksheets(int)", 1);

9) 获取cell的值:

QAxObject * range = worksheet->querySubObject("Cells(int,int)", 1, 1 );

以上操作不一定每个都可用(都好用),仅作为参考吧。起码我第9)个就没成功,不知为何?后来我改用了Range(QVariant, QVariant)的方法来替代它。



The COM object is a QAxObject with the CLSID {00024500-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}.



Event Interfaces


Public Slots:

void ActivateMicrosoftApp(XlMSApplication Index);
void AddChartAutoFormat(QVariant Chart, QString Name,
QVariant Description = 0);
void AddCustomList(QVariant ListArray, QVariant ByRow = 0);
void Calculate();
void CalculateFull();
void CalculateFullRebuild();
void CalculateUntilAsyncQueriesDone();
QVariant Caller(QVariant Index = 0);
double CentimetersToPoints(double Centimeters);
void CheckAbort(QVariant KeepAbort = 0);
bool CheckSpelling(QString Word, QVariant CustomDictionary
= 0, QVariant IgnoreUppercase = 0);
QVariant ClipboardFormats(QVariant Index = 0);
QVariant ConvertFormula(QVariant Formula, XlReferenceStyle
FromReferenceStyle, QVariant ToReferenceStyle = 0, QVariant ToAbsolute = 0, QVariant RelativeTo = 0);
void DDEExecute(int Channel, QString String);
int DDEInitiate(QString App, QString Topic);
void DDEPoke(int Channel, QVariant Item, QVariant Data);
QVariant DDERequest(int Channel, QString Item);
void DDETerminate(int Channel);
void DeleteChartAutoFormat(QString Name);
void DeleteCustomList(int ListNum);
void DisplayXMLSourcePane(QVariant XmlMap = 0);
void DoubleClick();
QVariant Dummy1(QVariant Arg1 = 0, QVariant Arg2 = 0, QVariant Arg3
= 0, QVariant Arg4 = 0);
bool Dummy10(QVariant arg = 0);
void Dummy11();
void Dummy12(IDispatch* p1, IDispatch* p2);
QVariant Dummy13(QVariant Arg1, QVariant Arg2 = 0, QVariant Arg3
= 0, QVariant Arg4 = 0, QVariant Arg5 = 0, QVariant Arg6 = 0, QVariant Arg7 = 0, QVariant Arg8 = 0, QVariant Arg9 = 0, QVariant Arg10 = 0, QVariant Arg11 = 0, QVariant Arg12 = 0, QVariant Arg13 = 0, QVariant Arg14 = 0, QVariant Arg15 = 0, QVariant Arg16 =
0, QVariant Arg17 = 0, QVariant Arg18 = 0, QVariant Arg19 = 0, QVariant Arg20 = 0, QVariant Arg21 = 0, QVariant Arg22 = 0, QVariant Arg23 = 0, QVariant Arg24 = 0, QVariant Arg25 = 0, QVariant Arg26 = 0, QVariant Arg27 = 0, QVariant Arg28 = 0, QVariant Arg29
= 0, QVariant Arg30 = 0);
void Dummy14();
QVariant Dummy2(QVariant Arg1 = 0, QVariant Arg2 = 0, QVariant Arg3
= 0, QVariant Arg4 = 0, QVariant Arg5 = 0, QVariant Arg6 = 0, QVariant Arg7 = 0, QVariant Arg8 = 0);
QVariant Dummy20(int grfCompareFunctions);
QVariant Dummy3();
QVariant Dummy4(QVariant Arg1 = 0, QVariant Arg2 = 0, QVariant Arg3
= 0, QVariant Arg4 = 0, QVariant Arg5 = 0, QVariant Arg6 = 0, QVariant Arg7 = 0, QVariant Arg8 = 0, QVariant Arg9 = 0, QVariant Arg10 = 0, QVariant Arg11 = 0, QVariant Arg12 = 0, QVariant Arg13 = 0, QVariant Arg14 = 0, QVariant Arg15 = 0);
QVariant Dummy5(QVariant Arg1 = 0, QVariant Arg2 = 0, QVariant Arg3
= 0, QVariant Arg4 = 0, QVariant Arg5 = 0, QVariant Arg6 = 0, QVariant Arg7 = 0, QVariant Arg8 = 0, QVariant Arg9 = 0, QVariant Arg10 = 0, QVariant Arg11 = 0, QVariant Arg12 = 0, QVariant Arg13 = 0);
QVariant Dummy6();
QVariant Dummy7();
QVariant Dummy8(QVariant Arg1 = 0);
QVariant Dummy9();
QVariant Evaluate(QVariant Name);
QVariant ExecuteExcel4Macro(QString String);
QVariant FileConverters(QVariant Index1 = 0, QVariant Index2
= 0);
IDispatch* FileDialog(Office::MsoFileDialogType fileDialogType);
bool FindFile();
QVariant GetCustomListContents(int ListNum);
int GetCustomListNum(QVariant ListArray);
QVariant GetOpenFilename(QVariant FileFilter = 0, QVariant
FilterIndex = 0, QVariant Title = 0, QVariant ButtonText = 0, QVariant MultiSelect = 0);
QString GetPhonetic(QVariant Text = 0);
QVariant GetSaveAsFilename(QVariant InitialFilename =
0, QVariant FileFilter = 0, QVariant FilterIndex = 0, QVariant Title = 0, QVariant ButtonText = 0);
void Goto(QVariant Reference = 0, QVariant Scroll = 0);
void Help(QVariant HelpFile = 0, QVariant HelpContextID = 0);
double InchesToPoints(double Inches);
QVariant InputBox(QString Prompt, QVariant Title = 0, QVariant
Default = 0, QVariant Left = 0, QVariant Top = 0, QVariant HelpFile = 0, QVariant HelpContextID = 0, QVariant Type = 0);
QVariant International(QVariant Index = 0);
IDispatch* Intersect(IDispatch* Arg1, IDispatch* Arg2, QVariant
Arg3 = 0, QVariant Arg4 = 0, QVariant Arg5 = 0, QVariant Arg6 = 0, QVariant Arg7 = 0, QVariant Arg8 = 0, QVariant Arg9 = 0, QVariant Arg10 = 0, QVariant Arg11 = 0, QVariant Arg12 = 0, QVariant Arg13 = 0, QVariant Arg14 = 0, QVariant Arg15 = 0, QVariant Arg16
= 0, QVariant Arg17 = 0, QVariant Arg18 = 0, QVariant Arg19 = 0, QVariant Arg20 = 0, QVariant Arg21 = 0, QVariant Arg22 = 0, QVariant Arg23 = 0, QVariant Arg24 = 0, QVariant Arg25 = 0, QVariant Arg26 = 0, QVariant Arg27 = 0, QVariant Arg28 = 0, QVariant Arg29
= 0, QVariant Arg30 = 0);
void MacroOptions(QVariant Macro = 0, QVariant Description
= 0, QVariant HasMenu = 0, QVariant MenuText = 0, QVariant HasShortcutKey = 0, QVariant ShortcutKey = 0, QVariant Category = 0, QVariant StatusBar = 0, QVariant HelpContextID = 0, QVariant HelpFile = 0);
void MailLogoff();
void MailLogon(QVariant Name = 0, QVariant Password = 0, QVariant
DownloadNewMail = 0);
IDispatch* NextLetter();
void OnKey(QString Key, QVariant Procedure = 0);
void OnRepeat(QString Text, QString Procedure);
void OnTime(QVariant EarliestTime, QString Procedure, QVariant LatestTime
= 0, QVariant Schedule = 0);
void OnUndo(QString Text, QString Procedure);
QVariant PreviousSelections(QVariant Index = 0);
void Quit();
IDispatch* Range(QVariant Cell1, QVariant Cell2 = 0);
void RecordMacro(QVariant BasicCode = 0, QVariant XlmCode =
bool RegisterXLL(QString Filename);
QVariant RegisteredFunctions(QVariant Index1 = 0, QVariant
Index2 = 0);
void Repeat();
void ResetTipWizard();
QVariant Run(QVariant Macro = 0, QVariant Arg1 = 0, QVariant Arg2 =
0, QVariant Arg3 = 0, QVariant Arg4 = 0, QVariant Arg5 = 0, QVariant Arg6 = 0, QVariant Arg7 = 0, QVariant Arg8 = 0, QVariant Arg9 = 0, QVariant Arg10 = 0, QVariant Arg11 = 0, QVariant Arg12 = 0, QVariant Arg13 = 0, QVariant Arg14 = 0, QVariant Arg15 = 0,
QVariant Arg16 = 0, QVariant Arg17 = 0, QVariant Arg18 = 0, QVariant Arg19 = 0, QVariant Arg20 = 0, QVariant Arg21 = 0, QVariant Arg22 = 0, QVariant Arg23 = 0, QVariant Arg24 = 0, QVariant Arg25 = 0, QVariant Arg26 = 0, QVariant Arg27 = 0, QVariant Arg28 =
0, QVariant Arg29 = 0, QVariant Arg30 = 0);
void Save(QVariant Filename = 0);
void SaveWorkspace(QVariant Filename = 0);
void SendKeys(QVariant Keys, QVariant Wait = 0);
void SetActivePrinter(QString ActivePrinter);
void SetAlertBeforeOverwriting(bool AlertBeforeOverwriting);
void SetAltStartupPath(QString AltStartupPath);
void SetAlwaysUseClearType(bool AlwaysUseClearType);
void SetAskToUpdateLinks(bool AskToUpdateLinks);
void SetAutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceHyperlinks(bool
void SetAutoPercentEntry(bool AutoPercentEntry);
void SetAutomationSecurity(Office::MsoAutomationSecurity
void SetCalculateBeforeSave(bool CalculateBeforeSave);
void SetCalculation(XlCalculation Calculation);
void SetCalculationInterruptKey(XlCalculationInterruptKey
void SetCaption(QString Caption);
void SetCellDragAndDrop(bool CellDragAndDrop);
void SetColorButtons(bool ColorButtons);
void SetCommandUnderlines(XlCommandUnderlines CommandUnderlines);
void SetConstrainNumeric(bool ConstrainNumeric);
void SetControlCharacters(bool ControlCharacters);
void SetCopyObjectsWithCells(bool CopyObjectsWithCells);
void SetCursor(XlMousePointer Cursor);
void SetCursorMovement(int CursorMovement);
void SetCutCopyMode(XlCutCopyMode CutCopyMode);
void SetDataEntryMode(int DataEntryMode);
void SetDecimalSeparator(QString DecimalSeparator);
void SetDefaultChart(QVariant FormatName = 0, QVariant
Gallery = 0);
void SetDefaultFilePath(QString DefaultFilePath);
void SetDefaultSaveFormat(XlFileFormat DefaultSaveFormat);
void SetDefaultSheetDirection(int DefaultSheetDirection);
void SetDeferAsyncQueries(bool DeferAsyncQueries);
void SetDisplayAlerts(bool DisplayAlerts);
void SetDisplayClipboardWindow(bool DisplayClipboardWindow);
void SetDisplayCommentIndicator(XlCommentDisplayMode
void SetDisplayDocumentActionTaskPane(bool
void SetDisplayDocumentInformationPanel(bool
void SetDisplayExcel4Menus(bool DisplayExcel4Menus);
void SetDisplayFormulaAutoComplete(bool DisplayFormulaAutoComplete);
void SetDisplayFormulaBar(bool DisplayFormulaBar);
void SetDisplayFullScreen(bool DisplayFullScreen);
void SetDisplayFunctionToolTips(bool DisplayFunctionToolTips);
void SetDisplayInfoWindow(bool DisplayInfoWindow);
void SetDisplayInsertOptions(bool DisplayInsertOptions);
void SetDisplayNoteIndicator(bool DisplayNoteIndicator);
void SetDisplayPasteOptions(bool DisplayPasteOptions);
void SetDisplayRecentFiles(bool DisplayRecentFiles);
void SetDisplayScrollBars(bool DisplayScrollBars);
void SetDisplayStatusBar(bool DisplayStatusBar);
void SetEditDirectlyInCell(bool EditDirectlyInCell);
void SetEnableAnimations(bool EnableAnimations);
void SetEnableAutoComplete(bool EnableAutoComplete);
void SetEnableCancelKey(XlEnableCancelKey EnableCancelKey);
void SetEnableEvents(bool EnableEvents);
void SetEnableLargeOperationAlert(bool EnableLargeOperationAlert);
void SetEnableLivePreview(bool EnableLivePreview);
void SetEnableSound(bool EnableSound);
void SetEnableTipWizard(bool EnableTipWizard);
void SetExtendList(bool ExtendList);
void SetFeatureInstall(Office::MsoFeatureInstall FeatureInstall);
void SetFixedDecimal(bool FixedDecimal);
void SetFixedDecimalPlaces(int FixedDecimalPlaces);
void SetFormulaBarHeight(int FormulaBarHeight);
void SetGenerateGetPivotData(bool GenerateGetPivotData);
void SetGenerateTableRefs(XlGenerateTableRefs GenerateTableRefs);
void SetHeight(double Height);
void SetHighQualityModeForGraphics(bool HighQualityModeForGraphics);
void SetIgnoreRemoteRequests(bool IgnoreRemoteRequests);
void SetInteractive(bool Interactive);
void SetIteration(bool Iteration);
void SetLargeButtons(bool LargeButtons);
void SetLargeOperationCellThousandCount(int
void SetLeft(double Left);
void SetMapPaperSize(bool MapPaperSize);
void SetMaxChange(double MaxChange);
void SetMaxIterations(int MaxIterations);
void SetMeasurementUnit(int MeasurementUnit);
void SetMoveAfterReturn(bool MoveAfterReturn);
void SetMoveAfterReturnDirection(XlDirection
void SetODBCTimeout(int ODBCTimeout);
void SetOnCalculate(QString OnCalculate);
void SetOnData(QString OnData);
void SetOnDoubleClick(QString OnDoubleClick);
void SetOnEntry(QString OnEntry);
void SetOnSheetActivate(QString OnSheetActivate);
void SetOnSheetDeactivate(QString OnSheetDeactivate);
void SetOnWindow(QString OnWindow);
void SetPivotTableSelection(bool PivotTableSelection);
void SetPromptForSummaryInfo(bool PromptForSummaryInfo);
void SetReferenceStyle(XlReferenceStyle ReferenceStyle);
void SetRollZoom(bool RollZoom);
void SetScreenUpdating(bool ScreenUpdating);
void SetSheetsInNewWorkbook(int SheetsInNewWorkbook);
void SetShowChartTipNames(bool ShowChartTipNames);
void SetShowChartTipValues(bool ShowChartTipValues);
void SetShowDevTools(bool ShowDevTools);
void SetShowMenuFloaties(bool ShowMenuFloaties);
void SetShowSelectionFloaties(bool ShowSelectionFloaties);
void SetShowStartupDialog(bool ShowStartupDialog);
void SetShowToolTips(bool ShowToolTips);
void SetShowWindowsInTaskbar(bool ShowWindowsInTaskbar);
void SetStandardFont(QString StandardFont);
void SetStandardFontSize(double StandardFontSize);
void SetStatusBar(QVariant StatusBar);
void SetThousandsSeparator(QString ThousandsSeparator);
void SetTop(double Top);
void SetTransitionMenuKey(QString TransitionMenuKey);
void SetTransitionMenuKeyAction(int TransitionMenuKeyAction);
void SetTransitionNavigKeys(bool TransitionNavigKeys);
void SetUILanguage(int UILanguage);
void SetUseSystemSeparators(bool UseSystemSeparators);
void SetUserControl(bool UserControl);
void SetUserName(QString UserName);
void SetVisible(bool Visible);
void SetWarnOnFunctionNameConflict(bool WarnOnFunctionNameConflict);
void SetWidth(double Width);
void SetWindowState(XlWindowState WindowState);
int SharePointVersion(QString bstrUrl);
IDispatch* ShortcutMenus(int Index);
QVariant Support(IDispatch* Object, int ID, QVariant arg = 0);
void Undo();
IDispatch* Union(IDispatch* Arg1, IDispatch* Arg2, QVariant Arg3
= 0, QVariant Arg4 = 0, QVariant Arg5 = 0, QVariant Arg6 = 0, QVariant Arg7 = 0, QVariant Arg8 = 0, QVariant Arg9 = 0, QVariant Arg10 = 0, QVariant Arg11 = 0, QVariant Arg12 = 0, QVariant Arg13 = 0, QVariant Arg14 = 0, QVariant Arg15 = 0, QVariant Arg16 =
0, QVariant Arg17 = 0, QVariant Arg18 = 0, QVariant Arg19 = 0, QVariant Arg20 = 0, QVariant Arg21 = 0, QVariant Arg22 = 0, QVariant Arg23 = 0, QVariant Arg24 = 0, QVariant Arg25 = 0, QVariant Arg26 = 0, QVariant Arg27 = 0, QVariant Arg28 = 0, QVariant Arg29
= 0, QVariant Arg30 = 0);
void Volatile(QVariant Volatile = 0);
bool Wait(QVariant Time);
QVariant _Evaluate(QVariant Name);
void _FindFile();
QVariant _Run2(QVariant Macro = 0, QVariant Arg1 = 0, QVariant Arg2
= 0, QVariant Arg3 = 0, QVariant Arg4 = 0, QVariant Arg5 = 0, QVariant Arg6 = 0, QVariant Arg7 = 0, QVariant Arg8 = 0, QVariant Arg9 = 0, QVariant Arg10 = 0, QVariant Arg11 = 0, QVariant Arg12 = 0, QVariant Arg13 = 0, QVariant Arg14 = 0, QVariant Arg15 = 0,
QVariant Arg16 = 0, QVariant Arg17 = 0, QVariant Arg18 = 0, QVariant Arg19 = 0, QVariant Arg20 = 0, QVariant Arg21 = 0, QVariant Arg22 = 0, QVariant Arg23 = 0, QVariant Arg24 = 0, QVariant Arg25 = 0, QVariant Arg26 = 0, QVariant Arg27 = 0, QVariant Arg28 =
0, QVariant Arg29 = 0, QVariant Arg30 = 0);
QVariant _WSFunction(QVariant Arg1 = 0, QVariant Arg2 = 0,
QVariant Arg3 = 0, QVariant Arg4 = 0, QVariant Arg5 = 0, QVariant Arg6 = 0, QVariant Arg7 = 0, QVariant Arg8 = 0, QVariant Arg9 = 0, QVariant Arg10 = 0, QVariant Arg11 = 0, QVariant Arg12 = 0, QVariant Arg13 = 0, QVariant Arg14 = 0, QVariant Arg15 = 0, QVariant
Arg16 = 0, QVariant Arg17 = 0, QVariant Arg18 = 0, QVariant Arg19 = 0, QVariant Arg20 = 0, QVariant Arg21 = 0, QVariant Arg22 = 0, QVariant Arg23 = 0, QVariant Arg24 = 0, QVariant Arg25 = 0, QVariant Arg26 = 0, QVariant Arg27 = 0, QVariant Arg28 = 0, QVariant
Arg29 = 0, QVariant Arg30 = 0);
void _Wait(QVariant Time);


void AddRef();
void AfterCalculate();
void GetIDsOfNames(GUID* riid, int** rgszNames, uint cNames,
uint lcid, int& rgdispid);
void GetTypeInfo(uint itinfo, uint lcid, void** pptinfo);
void GetTypeInfoCount(uint& pctinfo);
void Invoke(int dispidMember, GUID* riid, uint lcid, uint wFlags,
DISPPARAMS* pdispparams, QVariant& pvarResult, EXCEPINFO*& pexcepinfo, uint& puArgErr);
void NewWorkbook(IDispatch* Wb);
void QueryInterface(GUID* riid, void** ppvObj);
void Release();
void SheetActivate(IDispatch* Sh);
void SheetBeforeDoubleClick(IDispatch* Sh, IDispatch*
Target, bool& Cancel);
void SheetBeforeRightClick(IDispatch* Sh, IDispatch*
Target, bool& Cancel);
void SheetCalculate(IDispatch* Sh);
void SheetChange(IDispatch* Sh, IDispatch* Target);
void SheetDeactivate(IDispatch* Sh);
void SheetFollowHyperlink(IDispatch* Sh, IDispatch*
void SheetPivotTableUpdate(IDispatch* Sh, IDispatch*
void SheetSelectionChange(IDispatch* Sh, IDispatch*
void WindowActivate(IDispatch* Wb, IDispatch* Wn);
void WindowDeactivate(IDispatch* Wb, IDispatch* Wn);
void WindowResize(IDispatch* Wb, IDispatch* Wn);
void WorkbookActivate(IDispatch* Wb);
void WorkbookAddinInstall(IDispatch* Wb);
void WorkbookAddinUninstall(IDispatch* Wb);
void WorkbookAfterXmlExport(IDispatch* Wb, IDispatch*
Map, QString Url, XlXmlExportResult Result);
void WorkbookAfterXmlImport(IDispatch* Wb, IDispatch*
Map, bool IsRefresh, XlXmlImportResult Result);
void WorkbookBeforeClose(IDispatch* Wb, bool& Cancel);
void WorkbookBeforePrint(IDispatch* Wb, bool& Cancel);
void WorkbookBeforeSave(IDispatch* Wb, bool SaveAsUI,
bool& Cancel);
void WorkbookBeforeXmlExport(IDispatch* Wb, IDispatch*
Map, QString Url, bool& Cancel);
void WorkbookBeforeXmlImport(IDispatch* Wb, IDispatch*
Map, QString Url, bool IsRefresh, bool& Cancel);
void WorkbookDeactivate(IDispatch* Wb);
void WorkbookNewSheet(IDispatch* Wb, IDispatch* Sh);
void WorkbookOpen(IDispatch* Wb);
void WorkbookPivotTableCloseConnection(IDispatch*
Wb, IDispatch* Target);
void WorkbookPivotTableOpenConnection(IDispatch*
Wb, IDispatch* Target);
void WorkbookRowsetComplete(IDispatch* Wb, QString
Description, QString Sheet, bool Success);
void WorkbookSync(IDispatch* Wb, Office::MsoSyncEventType
void exception(int code, QString source, QString disc, QString
void propertyChanged(QString name);
void signal(QString name, int argc, void* argv);


QString objectName;
IDispatch* ActiveCell;
IDispatch* ActiveChart;
IDispatch* ActiveDialog;
int ActiveEncryptionSession;
IDispatch* ActiveMenuBar;
QString ActivePrinter;
IDispatch* ActiveSheet;
IDispatch* ActiveWindow;
IDispatch* ActiveWorkbook;
IDispatch* AddIns;
bool AlertBeforeOverwriting;
QString AltStartupPath;
bool AlwaysUseClearType;
IDispatch* AnswerWizard;
IDispatch* Application;
bool ArbitraryXMLSupportAvailable;
bool AskToUpdateLinks;
IDispatch* Assistance;
IDispatch* Assistant;
IDispatch* AutoCorrect;
bool AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceHyperlinks;
bool AutoPercentEntry;
IDispatch* AutoRecover;
Office::MsoAutomationSecurity AutomationSecurity;
int Build;
IDispatch* COMAddIns;
bool CalculateBeforeSave;
XlCalculation Calculation;
XlCalculationInterruptKey CalculationInterruptKey;
XlCalculationState CalculationState;
int CalculationVersion;
QVariant Caller;
bool CanPlaySounds;
bool CanRecordSounds;
QString Caption;
bool CellDragAndDrop;
IDispatch* Cells;
IDispatch* Charts;
QVariant ClipboardFormats;
bool ColorButtons;
IDispatch* Columns;
IDispatch* CommandBars;
XlCommandUnderlines CommandUnderlines;
bool ConstrainNumeric;
bool ControlCharacters;
bool CopyObjectsWithCells;
XlCreator Creator;
XlMousePointer Cursor;
int CursorMovement;
int CustomListCount;
XlCutCopyMode CutCopyMode;
int DDEAppReturnCode;
int DataEntryMode;
QString DecimalSeparator;
QString DefaultFilePath;
XlFileFormat DefaultSaveFormat;
int DefaultSheetDirection;
IDispatch* DefaultWebOptions;
bool DeferAsyncQueries;
IDispatch* DialogSheets;
IDispatch* Dialogs;
bool DisplayAlerts;
bool DisplayClipboardWindow;
XlCommentDisplayMode DisplayCommentIndicator;
bool DisplayDocumentActionTaskPane;
bool DisplayDocumentInformationPanel;
bool DisplayExcel4Menus;
bool DisplayFormulaAutoComplete;
bool DisplayFormulaBar;
bool DisplayFullScreen;
bool DisplayFunctionToolTips;
bool DisplayInfoWindow;
bool DisplayInsertOptions;
bool DisplayNoteIndicator;
bool DisplayPasteOptions;
bool DisplayRecentFiles;
bool DisplayScrollBars;
bool DisplayStatusBar;
IDispatch* Dummy101;
bool EditDirectlyInCell;
bool EnableAnimations;
bool EnableAutoComplete;
XlEnableCancelKey EnableCancelKey;
bool EnableEvents;
bool EnableLargeOperationAlert;
bool EnableLivePreview;
bool EnableSound;
bool EnableTipWizard;
IDispatch* ErrorCheckingOptions;
IDispatch* Excel4IntlMacroSheets;
IDispatch* Excel4MacroSheets;
bool ExtendList;
Office::MsoFeatureInstall FeatureInstall;
QVariant FileConverters;
IDispatch* FileExportConverters;
IDispatch* FileFind;
IDispatch* FileSearch;
IDispatch* FindFormat;
bool FixedDecimal;
int FixedDecimalPlaces;
int FormulaBarHeight;
bool GenerateGetPivotData;
XlGenerateTableRefs GenerateTableRefs;
double Height;
bool HighQualityModeForGraphics;
int Hinstance;
int Hwnd;
bool IgnoreRemoteRequests;
bool Interactive;
QVariant International;
bool Iteration;
IDispatch* LanguageSettings;
bool LargeButtons;
int LargeOperationCellThousandCount;
double Left;
QString LibraryPath;
QVariant MailSession;
XlMailSystem MailSystem;
bool MapPaperSize;
bool MathCoprocessorAvailable;
double MaxChange;
int MaxIterations;
int MeasurementUnit;
int MemoryFree;
int MemoryTotal;
int MemoryUsed;
IDispatch* MenuBars;
IDispatch* Modules;
bool MouseAvailable;
bool MoveAfterReturn;
XlDirection MoveAfterReturnDirection;
IDispatch* MultiThreadedCalculation;
QString Name;
IDispatch* Names;
QString NetworkTemplatesPath;
IDispatch* NewWorkbook;
IDispatch* ODBCErrors;
int ODBCTimeout;
IDispatch* OLEDBErrors;
QString OnCalculate;
QString OnData;
QString OnDoubleClick;
QString OnEntry;
QString OnSheetActivate;
QString OnSheetDeactivate;
QString OnWindow;
QString OperatingSystem;
QString OrganizationName;
IDispatch* Parent;
QString Path;
QString PathSeparator;
bool PivotTableSelection;
QVariant PreviousSelections;
QString ProductCode;
bool PromptForSummaryInfo;
IDispatch* RTD;
bool Ready;
IDispatch* RecentFiles;
bool RecordRelative;
XlReferenceStyle ReferenceStyle;
QVariant RegisteredFunctions;
IDispatch* ReplaceFormat;
bool RollZoom;
IDispatch* Rows;
bool ScreenUpdating;
IDispatch* Selection;
IDispatch* Sheets;
int SheetsInNewWorkbook;
bool ShowChartTipNames;
bool ShowChartTipValues;
bool ShowDevTools;
bool ShowMenuFloaties;
bool ShowSelectionFloaties;
bool ShowStartupDialog;
bool ShowToolTips;
bool ShowWindowsInTaskbar;
IDispatch* SmartTagRecognizers;
IDispatch* Speech;
IDispatch* SpellingOptions;
QString StandardFont;
double StandardFontSize;
QString StartupPath;
QVariant StatusBar;
QString TemplatesPath;
IDispatch* ThisCell;
IDispatch* ThisWorkbook;
QString ThousandsSeparator;
IDispatch* Toolbars;
double Top;
QString TransitionMenuKey;
int TransitionMenuKeyAction;
bool TransitionNavigKeys;
int UILanguage;
double UsableHeight;
double UsableWidth;
bool UseSystemSeparators;
IDispatch* UsedObjects;
bool UserControl;
QString UserLibraryPath;
QString UserName;
IDispatch* VBE;
QString Value;
QString Version;
bool Visible;
bool WarnOnFunctionNameConflict;
IDispatch* Watches;
double Width;
XlWindowState WindowState;
IDispatch* Windows;
bool WindowsForPens;
IDispatch* Workbooks;
IDispatch* WorksheetFunction;
IDispatch* Worksheets;
QString _Default;
QString control;

Member Type Documentation


xlAll =-4104
xlAutomatic =-4105
xlBoth =1
xlCenter =-4108
xlChecker =9
xlCircle =8
xlCorner =2
xlCrissCross =16
xlCross =4
xlDiamond =2
xlDistributed =-4117
xlDoubleAccounting =5
xlFixedValue =1
xlFormats =-4122
xlGray16 =17
xlGray8 =18
xlGrid =15
xlHigh =-4127
xlInside =2
xlJustify =-4130
xlLightDown =13
xlLightHorizontal =11
xlLightUp =14
xlLightVertical =12
xlLow =-4134
xlManual =-4135
xlMinusValues =3
xlModule =-4141
xlNextToAxis =4
xlNone =-4142
xlNotes =-4144
xlOff =-4146
xlOn =1
xlPercent =2
xlPlus =9
xlPlusValues =2
xlSemiGray75 =10
xlShowLabel =4
xlShowLabelAndPercent =5
xlShowPercent =3
xlShowValue =2
xlSimple =-4154
xlSingle =2
xlSingleAccounting =4
xlSolid =1
xlSquare =1
xlStar =5
xlStError =4
xlToolbarButton =2
xlTriangle =3
xlGray25 =-4124
xlGray50 =-4125
xlGray75 =-4126
xlBottom =-4107
xlLeft =-4131
xlRight =-4152
xlTop =-4160
xl3DBar =-4099
xl3DSurface =-4103
xlBar =2
xlColumn =3
xlCombination =-4111
xlCustom =-4114
xlDefaultAutoFormat =-1
xlMaximum =2
xlMinimum =4
xlOpaque =3
xlTransparent =2
xlBidi =-5000
xlLatin =-5001
xlContext =-5002
xlLTR =-5003
xlRTL =-5004
xlFullScript =1
xlPartialScript =2
xlMixedScript =3
xlMixedAuthorizedScript =4
xlVisualCursor =2
xlLogicalCursor =1
xlSystem =1
xlPartial =3
xlHindiNumerals =3
xlBidiCalendar =3
xlGregorian =2
xlComplete =4
xlScale =3
xlClosed =3
xlColor1 =7
xlColor2 =8
xlColor3 =9
xlConstants =2
xlContents =2
xlBelow =1
xlCascade =7
xlCenterAcrossSelection =7
xlChart4 =2
xlChartSeries =17
xlChartShort =6
xlChartTitles =18
xlClassic1 =1
xlClassic2 =2
xlClassic3 =3
xl3DEffects1 =13
xl3DEffects2 =14
xlAbove =0
xlAccounting1 =4
xlAccounting2 =5
xlAccounting3 =6
xlAccounting4 =17
xlAdd =2
xlDebugCodePane =13
xlDesktop =9
xlDirect =1
xlDivide =5
xlDoubleClosed =5
xlDoubleOpen =4
xlDoubleQuote =1
xlEntireChart =20
xlExcelMenus =1
xlExtended =3
xlFill =5
xlFirst =0
xlFloating =5
xlFormula =5
xlGeneral =1
xlGridline =22
xlIcons =1
xlImmediatePane =12
xlInteger =2
xlLast =1
xlLastCell =11
xlList1 =10
xlList2 =11
xlList3 =12
xlLocalFormat1 =15
xlLocalFormat2 =16
xlLong =3
xlLotusHelp =2
xlMacrosheetCell =7
xlMixed =2
xlMultiply =4
xlNarrow =1
xlNoDocuments =3
xlOpen =2
xlOutside =3
xlReference =4
xlSemiautomatic =2
xlShort =1
xlSingleQuote =2
xlStrict =2
xlSubtract =3
xlTextBox =16
xlTiled =1
xlTitleBar =8
xlToolbar =1
xlVisible =12
xlWatchPane =11
xlWide =3
xlWorkbookTab =6
xlWorksheet4 =1
xlWorksheetCell =3
xlWorksheetShort =5
xlAllExceptBorders =7
xlLeftToRight =2
xlTopToBottom =1
xlVeryHidden =2
xlDrawingObject =14


xlAboveAverage =0
xlBelowAverage =1
xlEqualAboveAverage =2
xlEqualBelowAverage =3
xlAboveStdDev =4
xlBelowStdDev =5


xlActionTypeUrl =1
xlActionTypeRowset =16
xlActionTypeReport =128
xlActionTypeDrillthrough =256


xl24HourClock =33
xl4DigitYears =43
xlAlternateArraySeparator =16
xlColumnSeparator =14
xlCountryCode =1
xlCountrySetting =2
xlCurrencyBefore =37
xlCurrencyCode =25
xlCurrencyDigits =27
xlCurrencyLeadingZeros =40
xlCurrencyMinusSign =38
xlCurrencyNegative =28
xlCurrencySpaceBefore =36
xlCurrencyTrailingZeros =39
xlDateOrder =32
xlDateSeparator =17
xlDayCode =21
xlDayLeadingZero =42
xlDecimalSeparator =3
xlGeneralFormatName =26
xlHourCode =22
xlLeftBrace =12
xlLeftBracket =10
xlListSeparator =5
xlLowerCaseColumnLetter =9
xlLowerCaseRowLetter =8
xlMDY =44
xlMetric =35
xlMinuteCode =23
xlMonthCode =20
xlMonthLeadingZero =41
xlMonthNameChars =30
xlNoncurrencyDigits =29
xlNonEnglishFunctions =34
xlRightBrace =13
xlRightBracket =11
xlRowSeparator =15
xlSecondCode =24
xlThousandsSeparator =4
xlTimeLeadingZero =45
xlTimeSeparator =18
xlUpperCaseColumnLetter =7
xlUpperCaseRowLetter =6
xlWeekdayNameChars =31
xlYearCode =19


xlColumnThenRow =2
xlRowThenColumn =1


xlArabicNone =0
xlArabicStrictAlefHamza =1
xlArabicStrictFinalYaa =2
xlArabicBothStrict =3


xlArrangeStyleCascade =7
xlArrangeStyleHorizontal =-4128
xlArrangeStyleTiled =1
xlArrangeStyleVertical =-4166


xlArrowHeadLengthLong =3
xlArrowHeadLengthMedium =-4138
xlArrowHeadLengthShort =1


xlArrowHeadStyleClosed =3
xlArrowHeadStyleDoubleClosed =5
xlArrowHeadStyleDoubleOpen =4
xlArrowHeadStyleNone =-4142
xlArrowHeadStyleOpen =2


xlArrowHeadWidthMedium =-4138
xlArrowHeadWidthNarrow =1
xlArrowHeadWidthWide =3


xlFillCopy =1
xlFillDays =5
xlFillDefault =0
xlFillFormats =3
xlFillMonths =7
xlFillSeries =2
xlFillValues =4
xlFillWeekdays =6
xlFillYears =8
xlGrowthTrend =10
xlLinearTrend =9


xlAnd =1
xlBottom10Items =4
xlBottom10Percent =6
xlOr =2
xlTop10Items =3
xlTop10Percent =5
xlFilterValues =7
xlFilterCellColor =8
xlFilterFontColor =9
xlFilterIcon =10
xlFilterDynamic =11
xlFilterNoFill =12
xlFilterAutomaticFontColor =13
xlFilterNoIcon =14


xlAxisCrossesAutomatic =-4105
xlAxisCrossesCustom =-4114
xlAxisCrossesMaximum =2
xlAxisCrossesMinimum =4


xlPrimary =1
xlSecondary =2


xlCategory =1
xlSeriesAxis =3
xlValue =2


xlBackgroundAutomatic =-4105
xlBackgroundOpaque =3
xlBackgroundTransparent =2


xlBox =0
xlPyramidToPoint =1
xlPyramidToMax =2
xlCylinder =3
xlConeToPoint =4
xlConeToMax =5


xlHairline =1
xlMedium =-4138
xlThick =4
xlThin =2


xlInsideHorizontal =12
xlInsideVertical =11
xlDiagonalDown =5
xlDiagonalUp =6
xlEdgeBottom =9
xlEdgeLeft =7
xlEdgeRight =10
xlEdgeTop =8


xlDialogOpen =1
xlDialogOpenLinks =2
xlDialogSaveAs =5
xlDialogFileDelete =6
xlDialogPageSetup =7
xlDialogPrint =8
xlDialogPrinterSetup =9
xlDialogArrangeAll =12
xlDialogWindowSize =13
xlDialogWindowMove =14
xlDialogRun =17
xlDialogSetPrintTitles =23
xlDialogFont =26
xlDialogDisplay =27
xlDialogProtectDocument =28
xlDialogCalculation =32
xlDialogExtract =35
xlDialogDataDelete =36
xlDialogSort =39
xlDialogDataSeries =40
xlDialogTable =41
xlDialogFormatNumber =42
xlDialogAlignment =43
xlDialogStyle =44
xlDialogBorder =45
xlDialogCellProtection =46
xlDialogColumnWidth =47
xlDialogClear =52
xlDialogPasteSpecial =53
xlDialogEditDelete =54
xlDialogInsert =55
xlDialogPasteNames =58
xlDialogDefineName =61
xlDialogCreateNames =62
xlDialogFormulaGoto =63
xlDialogFormulaFind =64
xlDialogGalleryArea =67
xlDialogGalleryBar =68
xlDialogGalleryColumn =69
xlDialogGalleryLine =70
xlDialogGalleryPie =71
xlDialogGalleryScatter =72
xlDialogCombination =73
xlDialogGridlines =76
xlDialogAxes =78
xlDialogAttachText =80
xlDialogPatterns =84
xlDialogMainChart =85
xlDialogOverlay =86
xlDialogScale =87
xlDialogFormatLegend =88
xlDialogFormatText =89
xlDialogParse =91
xlDialogUnhide =94
xlDialogWorkspace =95
xlDialogActivate =103
xlDialogCopyPicture =108
xlDialogDeleteName =110
xlDialogDeleteFormat =111
xlDialogNew =119
xlDialogRowHeight =127
xlDialogFormatMove =128
xlDialogFormatSize =129
xlDialogFormulaReplace =130
xlDialogSelectSpecial =132
xlDialogApplyNames =133
xlDialogReplaceFont =134
xlDialogSplit =137
xlDialogOutline =142
xlDialogSaveWorkbook =145
xlDialogCopyChart =147
xlDialogFormatFont =150
xlDialogNote =154
xlDialogSetUpdateStatus =159
xlDialogColorPalette =161
xlDialogChangeLink =166
xlDialogAppMove =170
xlDialogAppSize =171
xlDialogMainChartType =185
xlDialogOverlayChartType =186
xlDialogOpenMail =188
xlDialogSendMail =189
xlDialogStandardFont =190
xlDialogConsolidate =191
xlDialogSortSpecial =192
xlDialogGallery3dArea =193
xlDialogGallery3dColumn =194
xlDialogGallery3dLine =195
xlDialogGallery3dPie =196
xlDialogView3d =197
xlDialogGoalSeek =198
xlDialogWorkgroup =199
xlDialogFillGroup =200
xlDialogUpdateLink =201
xlDialogPromote =202
xlDialogDemote =203
xlDialogShowDetail =204
xlDialogObjectProperties =207
xlDialogSaveNewObject =208
xlDialogApplyStyle =212
xlDialogAssignToObject =213
xlDialogObjectProtection =214
xlDialogCreatePublisher =217
xlDialogSubscribeTo =218
xlDialogShowToolbar =220
xlDialogPrintPreview =222
xlDialogEditColor =223
xlDialogFormatMain =225
xlDialogFormatOverlay =226
xlDialogEditSeries =228
xlDialogDefineStyle =229
xlDialogGalleryRadar =249
xlDialogEditionOptions =251
xlDialogZoom =256
xlDialogInsertObject =259
xlDialogSize =261
xlDialogMove =262
xlDialogFormatAuto =269
xlDialogGallery3dBar =272
xlDialogGallery3dSurface =273
xlDialogCustomizeToolbar =276
xlDialogWorkbookAdd =281
xlDialogWorkbookMove =282
xlDialogWorkbookCopy =283
xlDialogWorkbookOptions =284
xlDialogSaveWorkspace =285
xlDialogChartWizard =288
xlDialogAssignToTool =293
xlDialogPlacement =300
xlDialogFillWorkgroup =301
xlDialogWorkbookNew =302
xlDialogScenarioCells =305
xlDialogScenarioAdd =307
xlDialogScenarioEdit =308
xlDialogScenarioSummary =311
xlDialogPivotTableWizard =312
xlDialogPivotFieldProperties =313
xlDialogOptionsCalculation =318
xlDialogOptionsEdit =319
xlDialogOptionsView =320
xlDialogAddinManager =321
xlDialogMenuEditor =322
xlDialogAttachToolbars =323
xlDialogOptionsChart =325
xlDialogVbaInsertFile =328
xlDialogVbaProcedureDefinition =330
xlDialogRoutingSlip =336
xlDialogMailLogon =339
xlDialogInsertPicture =342
xlDialogGalleryDoughnut =344
xlDialogChartTrend =350
xlDialogWorkbookInsert =354
xlDialogOptionsTransition =355
xlDialogOptionsGeneral =356
xlDialogFilterAdvanced =370
xlDialogMailNextLetter =378
xlDialogDataLabel =379
xlDialogInsertTitle =380
xlDialogFontProperties =381
xlDialogMacroOptions =382
xlDialogWorkbookUnhide =384
xlDialogWorkbookName =386
xlDialogGalleryCustom =388
xlDialogAddChartAutoformat =390
xlDialogChartAddData =392
xlDialogTabOrder =394
xlDialogSubtotalCreate =398
xlDialogWorkbookTabSplit =415
xlDialogWorkbookProtect =417
xlDialogScrollbarProperties =420
xlDialogPivotShowPages =421
xlDialogTextToColumns =422
xlDialogFormatCharttype =423
xlDialogPivotFieldGroup =433
xlDialogPivotFieldUngroup =434
xlDialogCheckboxProperties =435
xlDialogLabelProperties =436
xlDialogListboxProperties =437
xlDialogEditboxProperties =438
xlDialogOpenText =441
xlDialogPushbuttonProperties =445
xlDialogFilter =447
xlDialogFunctionWizard =450
xlDialogSaveCopyAs =456
xlDialogOptionsListsAdd =458
xlDialogSeriesAxes =460
xlDialogSeriesX =461
xlDialogSeriesY =462
xlDialogErrorbarX =463
xlDialogErrorbarY =464
xlDialogFormatChart =465
xlDialogSeriesOrder =466
xlDialogMailEditMailer =470
xlDialogStandardWidth =472
xlDialogScenarioMerge =473
xlDialogProperties =474
xlDialogSummaryInfo =474
xlDialogFindFile =475
xlDialogActiveCellFont =476
xlDialogVbaMakeAddin =478
xlDialogFileSharing =481
xlDialogAutoCorrect =485
xlDialogCustomViews =493
xlDialogInsertNameLabel =496
xlDialogSeriesShape =504
xlDialogChartOptionsDataLabels =505
xlDialogChartOptionsDataTable =506
xlDialogSetBackgroundPicture =509
xlDialogDataValidation =525
xlDialogChartType =526
xlDialogChartLocation =527
_xlDialogPhonetic =538
xlDialogChartSourceData =540
_xlDialogChartSourceData =541
xlDialogSeriesOptions =557
xlDialogPivotTableOptions =567
xlDialogPivotSolveOrder =568
xlDialogPivotCalculatedField =570
xlDialogPivotCalculatedItem =572
xlDialogConditionalFormatting =583
xlDialogInsertHyperlink =596
xlDialogProtectSharing =620
xlDialogOptionsME =647
xlDialogPublishAsWebPage =653
xlDialogPhonetic =656
xlDialogNewWebQuery =667
xlDialogImportTextFile =666
xlDialogExternalDataProperties =530
xlDialogWebOptionsGeneral =683
xlDialogWebOptionsFiles =684
xlDialogWebOptionsPictures =685
xlDialogWebOptionsEncoding =686
xlDialogWebOptionsFonts =687
xlDialogPivotClientServerSet =689
xlDialogPropertyFields =754
xlDialogSearch =731
xlDialogEvaluateFormula =709
xlDialogDataLabelMultiple =723
xlDialogChartOptionsDataLabelMultiple =724
xlDialogErrorChecking =732
xlDialogWebOptionsBrowsers =773
xlDialogCreateList =796
xlDialogPermission =832
xlDialogMyPermission =834
xlDialogDocumentInspector =862
xlDialogNameManager =977
xlDialogNewName =978


xlErrDiv0 =2007
xlErrNA =2042
xlErrName =2029
xlErrNull =2000
xlErrNum =2036
xlErrRef =2023
xlErrValue =2015


xlAllValues =0
xlRowGroups =1
xlColGroups =2


xlCalculatedMember =0
xlCalculatedSet =1


xlCalculationAutomatic =-4105
xlCalculationManual =-4135
xlCalculationSemiautomatic =2


xlNoKey =0
xlEscKey =1
xlAnyKey =2


xlDone =0
xlCalculating =1
xlPending =2


xlCategoryScale =2
xlTimeScale =3
xlAutomaticScale =-4105


xlOverwriteCells =0
xlInsertDeleteCells =1
xlInsertEntireRows =2


xlCellTypeBlanks =4
xlCellTypeConstants =2
xlCellTypeFormulas =-4123
xlCellTypeLastCell =11
xlCellTypeComments =-4144
xlCellTypeVisible =12
xlCellTypeAllFormatConditions =-4172
xlCellTypeSameFormatConditions =-4173
xlCellTypeAllValidation =-4174
xlCellTypeSameValidation =-4175


xlChartElementPositionAutomatic =-4105
xlChartElementPositionCustom =-4114


xlBuiltIn =21
xlUserDefined =22
xlAnyGallery =23


xlDataLabel =0
xlChartArea =2
xlSeries =3
xlChartTitle =4
xlWalls =5
xlCorners =6
xlDataTable =7
xlTrendline =8
xlErrorBars =9
xlXErrorBars =10
xlYErrorBars =11
xlLegendEntry =12
xlLegendKey =13
xlShape =14
xlMajorGridlines =15
xlMinorGridlines =16
xlAxisTitle =17
xlUpBars =18
xlPlotArea =19
xlDownBars =20
xlAxis =21
xlSeriesLines =22
xlFloor =23
xlLegend =24
xlHiLoLines =25
xlDropLines =26
xlRadarAxisLabels =27
xlNothing =28
xlLeaderLines =29
xlDisplayUnitLabel =30
xlPivotChartFieldButton =31
xlPivotChartDropZone =32


xlLocationAsNewSheet =1
xlLocationAsObject =2
xlLocationAutomatic =3


xlSides =1
xlEnd =2
xlEndSides =3
xlFront =4
xlFrontSides =5
xlFrontEnd =6
xlAllFaces =7


xlStackScale =3
xlStack =2
xlStretch =1


xlSplitByPosition =1
xlSplitByPercentValue =3
xlSplitByCustomSplit =4
xlSplitByValue =2


xlColumnClustered =51
xlColumnStacked =52
xlColumnStacked100 =53
xl3DColumnClustered =54
xl3DColumnStacked =55
xl3DColumnStacked100 =56
xlBarClustered =57
xlBarStacked =58
xlBarStacked100 =59
xl3DBarClustered =60
xl3DBarStacked =61
xl3DBarStacked100 =62
xlLineStacked =63
xlLineStacked100 =64
xlLineMarkers =65
xlLineMarkersStacked =66
xlLineMarkersStacked100 =67
xlPieOfPie =68
xlPieExploded =69
xl3DPieExploded =70
xlBarOfPie =71
xlXYScatterSmooth =72
xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers =73
xlXYScatterLines =74
xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers =75
xlAreaStacked =76
xlAreaStacked100 =77
xl3DAreaStacked =78
xl3DAreaStacked100 =79
xlDoughnutExploded =80
xlRadarMarkers =81
xlRadarFilled =82
xlSurface =83
xlSurfaceWireframe =84
xlSurfaceTopView =85
xlSurfaceTopViewWireframe =86
xlBubble =15
xlBubble3DEffect =87
xlStockHLC =88
xlStockOHLC =89
xlStockVHLC =90
xlStockVOHLC =91
xlCylinderColClustered =92
xlCylinderColStacked =93
xlCylinderColStacked100 =94
xlCylinderBarClustered =95
xlCylinderBarStacked =96
xlCylinderBarStacked100 =97
xlCylinderCol =98
xlConeColClustered =99
xlConeColStacked =100
xlConeColStacked100 =101
xlConeBarClustered =102
xlConeBarStacked =103
xlConeBarStacked100 =104
xlConeCol =105
xlPyramidColClustered =106
xlPyramidColStacked =107
xlPyramidColStacked100 =108
xlPyramidBarClustered =109
xlPyramidBarStacked =110
xlPyramidBarStacked100 =111
xlPyramidCol =112
xl3DColumn =-4100
xlLine =4
xl3DLine =-4101
xl3DPie =-4102
xlPie =5
xlXYScatter =-4169
xl3DArea =-4098
xlArea =1
xlDoughnut =-4120
xlRadar =-4151


xlCheckInMinorVersion =0
xlCheckInMajorVersion =1
xlCheckInOverwriteVersion =2


xlClipboardFormatBIFF12 =63
xlClipboardFormatBIFF =8
xlClipboardFormatBIFF2 =18
xlClipboardFormatBIFF3 =20
xlClipboardFormatBIFF4 =30
xlClipboardFormatBinary =15
xlClipboardFormatBitmap =9
xlClipboardFormatCGM =13
xlClipboardFormatCSV =5
xlClipboardFormatDIF =4
xlClipboardFormatDspText =12
xlClipboardFormatEmbeddedObject =21
xlClipboardFormatEmbedSource =22
xlClipboardFormatLink =11
xlClipboardFormatLinkSource =23
xlClipboardFormatLinkSourceDesc =32
xlClipboardFormatMovie =24
xlClipboardFormatNative =14
xlClipboardFormatObjectDesc =31
xlClipboardFormatObjectLink =19
xlClipboardFormatOwnerLink =17
xlClipboardFormatPICT =2
xlClipboardFormatPrintPICT =3
xlClipboardFormatRTF =7
xlClipboardFormatScreenPICT =29
xlClipboardFormatStandardFont =28
xlClipboardFormatStandardScale =27
xlClipboardFormatSYLK =6
xlClipboardFormatTable =16
xlClipboardFormatText =0
xlClipboardFormatToolFace =25
xlClipboardFormatToolFacePICT =26
xlClipboardFormatVALU =1
xlClipboardFormatWK1 =10


xlCmdCube =1
xlCmdSql =2
xlCmdTable =3
xlCmdDefault =4
xlCmdList =5


xlColorIndexAutomatic =-4105
xlColorIndexNone =-4142


xlGeneralFormat =1
xlTextFormat =2
xlMDYFormat =3
xlDMYFormat =4
xlYMDFormat =5
xlMYDFormat =6
xlDYMFormat =7
xlYDMFormat =8
xlSkipColumn =9
xlEMDFormat =10


xlCommandUnderlinesAutomatic =-4105
xlCommandUnderlinesOff =-4146
xlCommandUnderlinesOn =1


xlNoIndicator =0
xlCommentIndicatorOnly =-1
xlCommentAndIndicator =1


xlConditionValueNone =-1
xlConditionValueNumber =0
xlConditionValueLowestValue =1
xlConditionValueHighestValue =2
xlConditionValuePercent =3
xlConditionValueFormula =4
xlConditionValuePercentile =5


xlConnectionTypeOLEDB =1
xlConnectionTypeODBC =2
xlConnectionTypeXMLMAP =3
xlConnectionTypeTEXT =4
xlConnectionTypeWEB =5


xlAverage =-4106
xlCount =-4112
xlCountNums =-4113
xlMax =-4136
xlMin =-4139
xlProduct =-4149
xlStDev =-4155
xlStDevP =-4156
xlSum =-4157
xlVar =-4164
xlVarP =-4165
xlUnknown =1000


xlContains =0
xlDoesNotContain =1
xlBeginsWith =2
xlEndsWith =3


xlBitmap =2
xlPicture =-4147


xlNormalLoad =0
xlRepairFile =1
xlExtractData =2


xlCreatorCode =1480803660


xlCredentialsMethodIntegrated =0
xlCredentialsMethodNone =1
xlCredentialsMethodStored =2


xlCubeHierarchy =1
xlCubeMeasure =2
xlCubeSet =3
xlCubeAttribute =4
xlCubeCalculatedMeasure =5
xlCubeKPIValue =6
xlCubeKPIGoal =7
xlCubeKPIStatus =8
xlCubeKPITrend =9
xlCubeKPIWeight =10


xlHierarchy =1
xlMeasure =2
xlSet =3


xlCopy =1
xlCut =2


xlValidAlertStop =1
xlValidAlertWarning =2
xlValidAlertInformation =3


xlValidateInputOnly =0
xlValidateWholeNumber =1
xlValidateDecimal =2
xlValidateList =3
xlValidateDate =4
xlValidateTime =5
xlValidateTextLength =6
xlValidateCustom =7


xlLabelPositionCenter =-4108
xlLabelPositionAbove =0
xlLabelPositionBelow =1
xlLabelPositionLeft =-4131
xlLabelPositionRight =-4152
xlLabelPositionOutsideEnd =2
xlLabelPositionInsideEnd =3
xlLabelPositionInsideBase =4
xlLabelPositionBestFit =5
xlLabelPositionMixed =6
xlLabelPositionCustom =7


xlDataLabelSeparatorDefault =1


xlDataLabelsShowNone =-4142
xlDataLabelsShowValue =2
xlDataLabelsShowPercent =3
xlDataLabelsShowLabel =4
xlDataLabelsShowLabelAndPercent =5
xlDataLabelsShowBubbleSizes =6


xlDay =1
xlMonth =3
xlWeekday =2
xlYear =4


xlAutoFill =4
xlChronological =3
xlGrowth =2
xlDataSeriesLinear =-4132


xlShiftToLeft =-4159
xlShiftUp =-4162


xlDown =-4121
xlToLeft =-4159
xlToRight =-4161
xlUp =-4162


xlInterpolated =3
xlNotPlotted =1
xlZero =2


xlDisplayShapes =-4104
xlHide =3
xlPlaceholders =2


xlHundreds =-2
xlThousands =-3
xlTenThousands =-4
xlHundredThousands =-5
xlMillions =-6
xlTenMillions =-7
xlHundredMillions =-8
xlThousandMillions =-9
xlMillionMillions =-10


xlUnique =0
xlDuplicate =1


xlFilterToday =1
xlFilterYesterday =2
xlFilterTomorrow =3
xlFilterThisWeek =4
xlFilterLastWeek =5
xlFilterNextWeek =6
xlFilterThisMonth =7
xlFilterLastMonth =8
xlFilterNextMonth =9
xlFilterThisQuarter =10
xlFilterLastQuarter =11
xlFilterNextQuarter =12
xlFilterThisYear =13
xlFilterLastYear =14
xlFilterNextYear =15
xlFilterYearToDate =16
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodQuarter1 =17
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodQuarter2 =18
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodQuarter3 =19
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodQuarter4 =20
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodJanuary =21
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodFebruray =22
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodMarch =23
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodApril =24
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodMay =25
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodJune =26
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodJuly =27
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodAugust =28
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodSeptember =29
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodOctober =30
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodNovember =31
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodDecember =32
xlFilterAboveAverage =33
xlFilterBelowAverage =34


xlBIFF =2
xlPICT =1
xlRTF =4
xlVALU =8


xlAutomaticUpdate =4
xlCancel =1
xlChangeAttributes =6
xlManualUpdate =5
xlOpenSource =3
xlSelect =3
xlSendPublisher =2
xlUpdateSubscriber =2


xlPublisher =1
xlSubscriber =2


xlDisabled =0
xlErrorHandler =2
xlInterrupt =1


xlNoRestrictions =0
xlUnlockedCells =1
xlNoSelection =-4142


xlCap =1
xlNoCap =2


xlX =-4168
xlY =1


xlErrorBarIncludeBoth =1
xlErrorBarIncludeMinusValues =3
xlErrorBarIncludeNone =-4142
xlErrorBarIncludePlusValues =2


xlErrorBarTypeCustom =-4114
xlErrorBarTypeFixedValue =1
xlErrorBarTypePercent =2
xlErrorBarTypeStDev =-4155
xlErrorBarTypeStError =4


xlEvaluateToError =1
xlTextDate =2
xlNumberAsText =3
xlInconsistentFormula =4
xlOmittedCells =5
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xlLastColumn =4
xlGrandTotalColumn =4
xlRowStripe1 =5
xlRowStripe2 =6
xlColumnStripe1 =7
xlColumnStripe2 =8
xlFirstHeaderCell =9
xlLastHeaderCell =10
xlFirstTotalCell =11
xlLastTotalCell =12
xlSubtotalColumn1 =13
xlSubtotalColumn2 =14
xlSubtotalColumn3 =15
xlSubtotalRow1 =16
xlSubtotalRow2 =17
xlSubtotalRow3 =18
xlBlankRow =19
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xlRowSubheading3 =25
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xlPageFieldValues =27


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xlThemeColorAccent5 =9
xlThemeColorAccent6 =10
xlThemeColorHyperlink =11
xlThemeColorFollowedHyperlink =12


xlThemeFontNone =0
xlThemeFontMajor =1
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xlThreadModeAutomatic =0
xlThreadModeManual =1


xlTickLabelOrientationAutomatic =-4105
xlTickLabelOrientationDownward =-4170
xlTickLabelOrientationHorizontal =-4128
xlTickLabelOrientationUpward =-4171
xlTickLabelOrientationVertical =-4166


xlTickLabelPositionHigh =-4127
xlTickLabelPositionLow =-4134
xlTickLabelPositionNextToAxis =4
xlTickLabelPositionNone =-4142


xlTickMarkCross =4
xlTickMarkInside =2
xlTickMarkNone =-4142
xlTickMarkOutside =3


xlToday =0
xlYesterday =1
xlLast7Days =2
xlThisWeek =3
xlLastWeek =4
xlLastMonth =5
xlTomorrow =6
xlNextWeek =7
xlNextMonth =8
xlThisMonth =9


xlDays =0
xlMonths =1
xlYears =2


xlNoButtonChanges =1
xlNoChanges =4
xlNoDockingChanges =3
xlToolbarProtectionNone =-4143
xlNoShapeChanges =2


xlTop10Top =1
xlTop10Bottom =0


xlTotalsCalculationNone =0
xlTotalsCalculationSum =1
xlTotalsCalculationAverage =2
xlTotalsCalculationCount =3
xlTotalsCalculationCountNums =4
xlTotalsCalculationMin =5
xlTotalsCalculationMax =6
xlTotalsCalculationStdDev =7
xlTotalsCalculationVar =8
xlTotalsCalculationCustom =9


xlExponential =5
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xlLogarithmic =-4133
xlMovingAvg =6
xlPolynomial =3
xlPower =4


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xlUnderlineStyleNone =-4142
xlUnderlineStyleSingle =2
xlUnderlineStyleSingleAccounting =4


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xlUpdateLinksAlways =3


xlVAlignBottom =-4107
xlVAlignCenter =-4108
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xlVAlignJustify =-4130
xlVAlignTop =-4160


xlWBATChart =-4109
xlWBATExcel4IntlMacroSheet =4
xlWBATExcel4MacroSheet =3
xlWBATWorksheet =-4167


xlWebFormattingAll =1
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xlWebFormattingNone =3


xlEntirePage =1
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xlMaximized =-4137
xlMinimized =-4140
xlNormal =-4143


xlChartAsWindow =5
xlChartInPlace =4
xlClipboard =3
xlInfo =-4129
xlWorkbook =1


xlNormalView =1
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xlPageLayoutView =3


xlCommand =2
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xlXmlExportSuccess =0
xlXmlExportValidationFailed =1


xlXmlImportSuccess =0
xlXmlImportElementsTruncated =1
xlXmlImportValidationFailed =2


xlXmlLoadPromptUser =0
xlXmlLoadOpenXml =1
xlXmlLoadImportToList =2
xlXmlLoadMapXml =3


xlGuess =0
xlNo =2
xlYes =1

Member Function Documentation

void ActivateMicrosoftApp (XlMSApplication Index) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(XlMSApplication)), object, SLOT(ActivateMicrosoftApp(XlMSApplication)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("ActivateMicrosoftApp(XlMSApplication)", params);

void AddChartAutoFormat (QVariant Chart, QString Name, QVariant Description) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant, QString, QVariant)), object, SLOT(AddChartAutoFormat(QVariant, QString, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("AddChartAutoFormat(QVariant, QString, QVariant)", params);

void AddCustomList (QVariant ListArray, QVariant ByRow) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant, QVariant)), object, SLOT(AddCustomList(QVariant, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("AddCustomList(QVariant, QVariant)", params);

void Calculate () [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Calculate()));

Or call the function directly:

void CalculateFull () [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(CalculateFull()));

Or call the function directly:

void CalculateFullRebuild () [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(CalculateFullRebuild()));

Or call the function directly:

void CalculateUntilAsyncQueriesDone () [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(CalculateUntilAsyncQueriesDone()));

Or call the function directly:

QVariant Caller (QVariant Index) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant)), object, SLOT(Caller(QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("Caller(QVariant)", params);

double CentimetersToPoints (double Centimeters) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(double)), object, SLOT(CentimetersToPoints(double)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
double result = object->dynamicCall("CentimetersToPoints(double)", params).toDouble();

void CheckAbort (QVariant KeepAbort) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant)), object, SLOT(CheckAbort(QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("CheckAbort(QVariant)", params);

bool CheckSpelling (QString Word, QVariant CustomDictionary, QVariant IgnoreUppercase)[slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString, QVariant, QVariant)), object, SLOT(CheckSpelling(QString, QVariant, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
bool result = object->dynamicCall("CheckSpelling(QString, QVariant, QVariant)", params).toBool();

QVariant ClipboardFormats (QVariant Index) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant)), object, SLOT(ClipboardFormats(QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("ClipboardFormats(QVariant)", params);

QVariant ConvertFormula (QVariant Formula, XlReferenceStyle FromReferenceStyle, QVariant ToReferenceStyle, QVariant ToAbsolute, QVariant RelativeTo) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant, XlReferenceStyle, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)), object, SLOT(ConvertFormula(QVariant, XlReferenceStyle, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("ConvertFormula(QVariant, XlReferenceStyle, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)", params);

void DDEExecute (int Channel, QString String) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int, QString)), object, SLOT(DDEExecute(int, QString)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("DDEExecute(int, QString)", params);

int DDEInitiate (QString App, QString Topic) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString, QString)), object, SLOT(DDEInitiate(QString, QString)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
int result = object->dynamicCall("DDEInitiate(QString, QString)", params).toInt();

void DDEPoke (int Channel, QVariant Item, QVariant Data) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int, QVariant, QVariant)), object, SLOT(DDEPoke(int, QVariant, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("DDEPoke(int, QVariant, QVariant)", params);

QVariant DDERequest (int Channel, QString Item) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int, QString)), object, SLOT(DDERequest(int, QString)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("DDERequest(int, QString)", params);

void DDETerminate (int Channel) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int)), object, SLOT(DDETerminate(int)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("DDETerminate(int)", params);

void DeleteChartAutoFormat (QString Name) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(DeleteChartAutoFormat(QString)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("DeleteChartAutoFormat(QString)", params);

void DeleteCustomList (int ListNum) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int)), object, SLOT(DeleteCustomList(int)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("DeleteCustomList(int)", params);

void DisplayXMLSourcePane (QVariant XmlMap) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant)), object, SLOT(DisplayXMLSourcePane(QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("DisplayXMLSourcePane(QVariant)", params);

void DoubleClick () [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(DoubleClick()));

Or call the function directly:

QVariant Dummy1 (QVariant Arg1, QVariant Arg2, QVariant Arg3, QVariant Arg4) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)), object, SLOT(Dummy1(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("Dummy1(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)", params);

bool Dummy10 (QVariant arg) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant)), object, SLOT(Dummy10(QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
bool result = object->dynamicCall("Dummy10(QVariant)", params).toBool();

void Dummy11 () [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Dummy11()));

Or call the function directly:

void Dummy12 (IDispatch* p1, IDispatch* p2) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)), object, SLOT(Dummy12(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("Dummy12(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)", params);

QVariant Dummy13 (QVariant Arg1, QVariant Arg2, QVariant Arg3, QVariant Arg4, QVariant Arg5, QVariant Arg6, QVariant Arg7, QVariant Arg8, QVariant Arg9, QVariant Arg10, QVariant Arg11, QVariant Arg12, QVariant
Arg13, QVariant Arg14, QVariant Arg15, QVariant Arg16, QVariant Arg17, QVariant Arg18, QVariant Arg19, QVariant Arg20, QVariant Arg21, QVariant Arg22, QVariant Arg23, QVariant Arg24, QVariant Arg25, QVariant Arg26, QVariant Arg27, QVariant Arg28, QVariant
Arg29, QVariant Arg30) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)), object, SLOT(Dummy13(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("Dummy13(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)", params);

void Dummy14 () [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Dummy14()));

Or call the function directly:

QVariant Dummy2 (QVariant Arg1, QVariant Arg2, QVariant Arg3, QVariant Arg4, QVariant Arg5, QVariant Arg6, QVariant Arg7, QVariant Arg8) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)), object, SLOT(Dummy2(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("Dummy2(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)", params);

QVariant Dummy20 (int grfCompareFunctions) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int)), object, SLOT(Dummy20(int)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("Dummy20(int)", params);

QVariant Dummy3 () [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Dummy3()));

Or call the function directly:
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("Dummy3()");

QVariant Dummy4 (QVariant Arg1, QVariant Arg2, QVariant Arg3, QVariant Arg4, QVariant Arg5, QVariant Arg6, QVariant Arg7, QVariant Arg8, QVariant Arg9, QVariant Arg10, QVariant Arg11, QVariant Arg12, QVariant Arg13,
QVariant Arg14, QVariant Arg15) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)), object, SLOT(Dummy4(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("Dummy4(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)", params);

QVariant Dummy5 (QVariant Arg1, QVariant Arg2, QVariant Arg3, QVariant Arg4, QVariant Arg5, QVariant Arg6, QVariant Arg7, QVariant Arg8, QVariant Arg9, QVariant Arg10, QVariant Arg11, QVariant Arg12, QVariant Arg13) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)), object, SLOT(Dummy5(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("Dummy5(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)", params);

QVariant Dummy6 () [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Dummy6()));

Or call the function directly:
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("Dummy6()");

QVariant Dummy7 () [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Dummy7()));

Or call the function directly:
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("Dummy7()");

QVariant Dummy8 (QVariant Arg1) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant)), object, SLOT(Dummy8(QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("Dummy8(QVariant)", params);

QVariant Dummy9 () [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Dummy9()));

Or call the function directly:
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("Dummy9()");

QVariant Evaluate (QVariant Name) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant)), object, SLOT(Evaluate(QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("Evaluate(QVariant)", params);

QVariant ExecuteExcel4Macro (QString String) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(ExecuteExcel4Macro(QString)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("ExecuteExcel4Macro(QString)", params);

QVariant FileConverters (QVariant Index1, QVariant Index2) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant, QVariant)), object, SLOT(FileConverters(QVariant, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("FileConverters(QVariant, QVariant)", params);

IDispatch* FileDialog (Office::MsoFileDialogType fileDialogType) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(Office::MsoFileDialogType)), object, SLOT(FileDialog(Office::MsoFileDialogType)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QAxObject * result = object->querySubObject("FileDialog(Office::MsoFileDialogType)", params);

bool FindFile () [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(FindFile()));

Or call the function directly:
bool result = object->dynamicCall("FindFile()").toBool();

QVariant GetCustomListContents (int ListNum) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int)), object, SLOT(GetCustomListContents(int)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("GetCustomListContents(int)", params);

int GetCustomListNum (QVariant ListArray) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant)), object, SLOT(GetCustomListNum(QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
int result = object->dynamicCall("GetCustomListNum(QVariant)", params).toInt();

QVariant GetOpenFilename (QVariant FileFilter, QVariant FilterIndex, QVariant Title, QVariant ButtonText, QVariant MultiSelect) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)), object, SLOT(GetOpenFilename(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("GetOpenFilename(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)", params);

QString GetPhonetic (QVariant Text) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant)), object, SLOT(GetPhonetic(QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QString result = object->dynamicCall("GetPhonetic(QVariant)", params).toString();

QVariant GetSaveAsFilename (QVariant InitialFilename, QVariant FileFilter, QVariant FilterIndex, QVariant Title, QVariant ButtonText) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)), object, SLOT(GetSaveAsFilename(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("GetSaveAsFilename(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)", params);

void Goto (QVariant Reference, QVariant Scroll) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant, QVariant)), object, SLOT(Goto(QVariant, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("Goto(QVariant, QVariant)", params);

void Help (QVariant HelpFile, QVariant HelpContextID) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant, QVariant)), object, SLOT(Help(QVariant, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("Help(QVariant, QVariant)", params);

double InchesToPoints (double Inches) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(double)), object, SLOT(InchesToPoints(double)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
double result = object->dynamicCall("InchesToPoints(double)", params).toDouble();

QVariant InputBox (QString Prompt, QVariant Title, QVariant Default, QVariant Left, QVariant Top, QVariant HelpFile, QVariant HelpContextID, QVariant Type) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)), object, SLOT(InputBox(QString, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("InputBox(QString, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)", params);

QVariant International (QVariant Index) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant)), object, SLOT(International(QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("International(QVariant)", params);

IDispatch* Intersect (IDispatch* Arg1, IDispatch* Arg2, QVariant Arg3, QVariant Arg4, QVariant Arg5, QVariant Arg6, QVariant Arg7, QVariant Arg8, QVariant Arg9, QVariant Arg10, QVariant Arg11, QVariant Arg12,
QVariant Arg13, QVariant Arg14, QVariant Arg15, QVariant Arg16, QVariant Arg17, QVariant Arg18, QVariant Arg19, QVariant Arg20, QVariant Arg21, QVariant Arg22, QVariant Arg23, QVariant Arg24, QVariant Arg25, QVariant Arg26, QVariant Arg27, QVariant Arg28,
QVariant Arg29, QVariant Arg30) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)), object, SLOT(Intersect(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QAxObject * result = object->querySubObject("Intersect(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)", params);

void MacroOptions (QVariant Macro, QVariant Description, QVariant HasMenu, QVariant MenuText, QVariant HasShortcutKey, QVariant ShortcutKey, QVariant Category, QVariant StatusBar, QVariant HelpContextID, QVariant
HelpFile) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)), object, SLOT(MacroOptions(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("MacroOptions(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)", params);

void MailLogoff () [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(MailLogoff()));

Or call the function directly:

void MailLogon (QVariant Name, QVariant Password, QVariant DownloadNewMail) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)), object, SLOT(MailLogon(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("MailLogon(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)", params);

IDispatch* NextLetter () [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(NextLetter()));

Or call the function directly:
QAxObject * result = object->querySubObject("NextLetter()");

void OnKey (QString Key, QVariant Procedure) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString, QVariant)), object, SLOT(OnKey(QString, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("OnKey(QString, QVariant)", params);

void OnRepeat (QString Text, QString Procedure) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString, QString)), object, SLOT(OnRepeat(QString, QString)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("OnRepeat(QString, QString)", params);

void OnTime (QVariant EarliestTime, QString Procedure, QVariant LatestTime, QVariant Schedule) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant, QString, QVariant, QVariant)), object, SLOT(OnTime(QVariant, QString, QVariant, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("OnTime(QVariant, QString, QVariant, QVariant)", params);

void OnUndo (QString Text, QString Procedure) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString, QString)), object, SLOT(OnUndo(QString, QString)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("OnUndo(QString, QString)", params);

QVariant PreviousSelections (QVariant Index) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant)), object, SLOT(PreviousSelections(QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("PreviousSelections(QVariant)", params);

void Quit () [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Quit()));

Or call the function directly:

IDispatch* Range (QVariant Cell1, QVariant Cell2) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant, QVariant)), object, SLOT(Range(QVariant, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QAxObject * result = object->querySubObject("Range(QVariant, QVariant)", params);

void RecordMacro (QVariant BasicCode, QVariant XlmCode) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant, QVariant)), object, SLOT(RecordMacro(QVariant, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("RecordMacro(QVariant, QVariant)", params);

bool RegisterXLL (QString Filename) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(RegisterXLL(QString)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
bool result = object->dynamicCall("RegisterXLL(QString)", params).toBool();

QVariant RegisteredFunctions (QVariant Index1, QVariant Index2) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant, QVariant)), object, SLOT(RegisteredFunctions(QVariant, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("RegisteredFunctions(QVariant, QVariant)", params);

void Repeat () [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Repeat()));

Or call the function directly:

void ResetTipWizard () [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(ResetTipWizard()));

Or call the function directly:

QVariant Run (QVariant Macro, QVariant Arg1, QVariant Arg2, QVariant Arg3, QVariant Arg4, QVariant Arg5, QVariant Arg6, QVariant Arg7, QVariant Arg8, QVariant Arg9, QVariant Arg10, QVariant Arg11, QVariant Arg12, QVariant
Arg13, QVariant Arg14, QVariant Arg15, QVariant Arg16, QVariant Arg17, QVariant Arg18, QVariant Arg19, QVariant Arg20, QVariant Arg21, QVariant Arg22, QVariant Arg23, QVariant Arg24, QVariant Arg25, QVariant Arg26, QVariant Arg27, QVariant Arg28, QVariant
Arg29, QVariant Arg30) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)), object, SLOT(Run(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("Run(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)", params);

void Save (QVariant Filename) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant)), object, SLOT(Save(QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("Save(QVariant)", params);

void SaveWorkspace (QVariant Filename) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant)), object, SLOT(SaveWorkspace(QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SaveWorkspace(QVariant)", params);

void SendKeys (QVariant Keys, QVariant Wait) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant, QVariant)), object, SLOT(SendKeys(QVariant, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SendKeys(QVariant, QVariant)", params);

void SetActivePrinter (QString ActivePrinter) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SetActivePrinter(QString)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetActivePrinter(QString)", params);

void SetAlertBeforeOverwriting (bool AlertBeforeOverwriting) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetAlertBeforeOverwriting(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetAlertBeforeOverwriting(bool)", params);

void SetAltStartupPath (QString AltStartupPath) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SetAltStartupPath(QString)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetAltStartupPath(QString)", params);

void SetAlwaysUseClearType (bool AlwaysUseClearType) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetAlwaysUseClearType(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetAlwaysUseClearType(bool)", params);

void SetAskToUpdateLinks (bool AskToUpdateLinks) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetAskToUpdateLinks(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetAskToUpdateLinks(bool)", params);

void SetAutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceHyperlinks (bool AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceHyperlinks) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetAutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceHyperlinks(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetAutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceHyperlinks(bool)", params);

void SetAutoPercentEntry (bool AutoPercentEntry) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetAutoPercentEntry(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetAutoPercentEntry(bool)", params);

void SetAutomationSecurity (Office::MsoAutomationSecurity AutomationSecurity) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(Office::MsoAutomationSecurity)), object, SLOT(SetAutomationSecurity(Office::MsoAutomationSecurity)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetAutomationSecurity(Office::MsoAutomationSecurity)", params);

void SetCalculateBeforeSave (bool CalculateBeforeSave) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetCalculateBeforeSave(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetCalculateBeforeSave(bool)", params);

void SetCalculation (XlCalculation Calculation) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(XlCalculation)), object, SLOT(SetCalculation(XlCalculation)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetCalculation(XlCalculation)", params);

void SetCalculationInterruptKey (XlCalculationInterruptKey CalculationInterruptKey) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(XlCalculationInterruptKey)), object, SLOT(SetCalculationInterruptKey(XlCalculationInterruptKey)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetCalculationInterruptKey(XlCalculationInterruptKey)", params);

void SetCaption (QString Caption) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SetCaption(QString)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetCaption(QString)", params);

void SetCellDragAndDrop (bool CellDragAndDrop) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetCellDragAndDrop(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetCellDragAndDrop(bool)", params);

void SetColorButtons (bool ColorButtons) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetColorButtons(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetColorButtons(bool)", params);

void SetCommandUnderlines (XlCommandUnderlines CommandUnderlines) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(XlCommandUnderlines)), object, SLOT(SetCommandUnderlines(XlCommandUnderlines)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetCommandUnderlines(XlCommandUnderlines)", params);

void SetConstrainNumeric (bool ConstrainNumeric) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetConstrainNumeric(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetConstrainNumeric(bool)", params);

void SetControlCharacters (bool ControlCharacters) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetControlCharacters(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetControlCharacters(bool)", params);

void SetCopyObjectsWithCells (bool CopyObjectsWithCells) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetCopyObjectsWithCells(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetCopyObjectsWithCells(bool)", params);

void SetCursor (XlMousePointer Cursor) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(XlMousePointer)), object, SLOT(SetCursor(XlMousePointer)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetCursor(XlMousePointer)", params);

void SetCursorMovement (int CursorMovement) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int)), object, SLOT(SetCursorMovement(int)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetCursorMovement(int)", params);

void SetCutCopyMode (XlCutCopyMode CutCopyMode) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(XlCutCopyMode)), object, SLOT(SetCutCopyMode(XlCutCopyMode)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetCutCopyMode(XlCutCopyMode)", params);

void SetDataEntryMode (int DataEntryMode) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int)), object, SLOT(SetDataEntryMode(int)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetDataEntryMode(int)", params);

void SetDecimalSeparator (QString DecimalSeparator) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SetDecimalSeparator(QString)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetDecimalSeparator(QString)", params);

void SetDefaultChart (QVariant FormatName, QVariant Gallery) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant, QVariant)), object, SLOT(SetDefaultChart(QVariant, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetDefaultChart(QVariant, QVariant)", params);

void SetDefaultFilePath (QString DefaultFilePath) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SetDefaultFilePath(QString)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetDefaultFilePath(QString)", params);

void SetDefaultSaveFormat (XlFileFormat DefaultSaveFormat) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(XlFileFormat)), object, SLOT(SetDefaultSaveFormat(XlFileFormat)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetDefaultSaveFormat(XlFileFormat)", params);

void SetDefaultSheetDirection (int DefaultSheetDirection) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int)), object, SLOT(SetDefaultSheetDirection(int)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetDefaultSheetDirection(int)", params);

void SetDeferAsyncQueries (bool DeferAsyncQueries) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetDeferAsyncQueries(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetDeferAsyncQueries(bool)", params);

void SetDisplayAlerts (bool DisplayAlerts) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetDisplayAlerts(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetDisplayAlerts(bool)", params);

void SetDisplayClipboardWindow (bool DisplayClipboardWindow) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetDisplayClipboardWindow(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetDisplayClipboardWindow(bool)", params);

void SetDisplayCommentIndicator (XlCommentDisplayMode DisplayCommentIndicator)[slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(XlCommentDisplayMode)), object, SLOT(SetDisplayCommentIndicator(XlCommentDisplayMode)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetDisplayCommentIndicator(XlCommentDisplayMode)", params);

void SetDisplayDocumentActionTaskPane (bool DisplayDocumentActionTaskPane) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetDisplayDocumentActionTaskPane(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetDisplayDocumentActionTaskPane(bool)", params);

void SetDisplayDocumentInformationPanel (bool DisplayDocumentInformationPanel)[slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetDisplayDocumentInformationPanel(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetDisplayDocumentInformationPanel(bool)", params);

void SetDisplayExcel4Menus (bool DisplayExcel4Menus) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetDisplayExcel4Menus(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetDisplayExcel4Menus(bool)", params);

void SetDisplayFormulaAutoComplete (bool DisplayFormulaAutoComplete) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetDisplayFormulaAutoComplete(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetDisplayFormulaAutoComplete(bool)", params);

void SetDisplayFormulaBar (bool DisplayFormulaBar) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetDisplayFormulaBar(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetDisplayFormulaBar(bool)", params);

void SetDisplayFullScreen (bool DisplayFullScreen) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetDisplayFullScreen(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetDisplayFullScreen(bool)", params);

void SetDisplayFunctionToolTips (bool DisplayFunctionToolTips) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetDisplayFunctionToolTips(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetDisplayFunctionToolTips(bool)", params);

void SetDisplayInfoWindow (bool DisplayInfoWindow) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetDisplayInfoWindow(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetDisplayInfoWindow(bool)", params);

void SetDisplayInsertOptions (bool DisplayInsertOptions) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetDisplayInsertOptions(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetDisplayInsertOptions(bool)", params);

void SetDisplayNoteIndicator (bool DisplayNoteIndicator) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetDisplayNoteIndicator(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetDisplayNoteIndicator(bool)", params);

void SetDisplayPasteOptions (bool DisplayPasteOptions) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetDisplayPasteOptions(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetDisplayPasteOptions(bool)", params);

void SetDisplayRecentFiles (bool DisplayRecentFiles) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetDisplayRecentFiles(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetDisplayRecentFiles(bool)", params);

void SetDisplayScrollBars (bool DisplayScrollBars) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetDisplayScrollBars(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetDisplayScrollBars(bool)", params);

void SetDisplayStatusBar (bool DisplayStatusBar) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetDisplayStatusBar(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetDisplayStatusBar(bool)", params);

void SetEditDirectlyInCell (bool EditDirectlyInCell) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetEditDirectlyInCell(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetEditDirectlyInCell(bool)", params);

void SetEnableAnimations (bool EnableAnimations) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetEnableAnimations(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetEnableAnimations(bool)", params);

void SetEnableAutoComplete (bool EnableAutoComplete) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetEnableAutoComplete(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetEnableAutoComplete(bool)", params);

void SetEnableCancelKey (XlEnableCancelKey EnableCancelKey) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(XlEnableCancelKey)), object, SLOT(SetEnableCancelKey(XlEnableCancelKey)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetEnableCancelKey(XlEnableCancelKey)", params);

void SetEnableEvents (bool EnableEvents) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetEnableEvents(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetEnableEvents(bool)", params);

void SetEnableLargeOperationAlert (bool EnableLargeOperationAlert) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetEnableLargeOperationAlert(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetEnableLargeOperationAlert(bool)", params);

void SetEnableLivePreview (bool EnableLivePreview) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetEnableLivePreview(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetEnableLivePreview(bool)", params);

void SetEnableSound (bool EnableSound) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetEnableSound(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetEnableSound(bool)", params);

void SetEnableTipWizard (bool EnableTipWizard) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetEnableTipWizard(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetEnableTipWizard(bool)", params);

void SetExtendList (bool ExtendList) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetExtendList(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetExtendList(bool)", params);

void SetFeatureInstall (Office::MsoFeatureInstall FeatureInstall) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(Office::MsoFeatureInstall)), object, SLOT(SetFeatureInstall(Office::MsoFeatureInstall)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetFeatureInstall(Office::MsoFeatureInstall)", params);

void SetFixedDecimal (bool FixedDecimal) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetFixedDecimal(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetFixedDecimal(bool)", params);

void SetFixedDecimalPlaces (int FixedDecimalPlaces) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int)), object, SLOT(SetFixedDecimalPlaces(int)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetFixedDecimalPlaces(int)", params);

void SetFormulaBarHeight (int FormulaBarHeight) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int)), object, SLOT(SetFormulaBarHeight(int)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetFormulaBarHeight(int)", params);

void SetGenerateGetPivotData (bool GenerateGetPivotData) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetGenerateGetPivotData(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetGenerateGetPivotData(bool)", params);

void SetGenerateTableRefs (XlGenerateTableRefs GenerateTableRefs) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(XlGenerateTableRefs)), object, SLOT(SetGenerateTableRefs(XlGenerateTableRefs)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetGenerateTableRefs(XlGenerateTableRefs)", params);

void SetHeight (double Height) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(double)), object, SLOT(SetHeight(double)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetHeight(double)", params);

void SetHighQualityModeForGraphics (bool HighQualityModeForGraphics) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetHighQualityModeForGraphics(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetHighQualityModeForGraphics(bool)", params);

void SetIgnoreRemoteRequests (bool IgnoreRemoteRequests) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetIgnoreRemoteRequests(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetIgnoreRemoteRequests(bool)", params);

void SetInteractive (bool Interactive) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetInteractive(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetInteractive(bool)", params);

void SetIteration (bool Iteration) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetIteration(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetIteration(bool)", params);

void SetLargeButtons (bool LargeButtons) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetLargeButtons(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetLargeButtons(bool)", params);

void SetLargeOperationCellThousandCount (int LargeOperationCellThousandCount) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int)), object, SLOT(SetLargeOperationCellThousandCount(int)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetLargeOperationCellThousandCount(int)", params);

void SetLeft (double Left) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(double)), object, SLOT(SetLeft(double)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetLeft(double)", params);

void SetMapPaperSize (bool MapPaperSize) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetMapPaperSize(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetMapPaperSize(bool)", params);

void SetMaxChange (double MaxChange) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(double)), object, SLOT(SetMaxChange(double)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetMaxChange(double)", params);

void SetMaxIterations (int MaxIterations) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int)), object, SLOT(SetMaxIterations(int)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetMaxIterations(int)", params);

void SetMeasurementUnit (int MeasurementUnit) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int)), object, SLOT(SetMeasurementUnit(int)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetMeasurementUnit(int)", params);

void SetMoveAfterReturn (bool MoveAfterReturn) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetMoveAfterReturn(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetMoveAfterReturn(bool)", params);

void SetMoveAfterReturnDirection (XlDirection MoveAfterReturnDirection) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(XlDirection)), object, SLOT(SetMoveAfterReturnDirection(XlDirection)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetMoveAfterReturnDirection(XlDirection)", params);

void SetODBCTimeout (int ODBCTimeout) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int)), object, SLOT(SetODBCTimeout(int)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetODBCTimeout(int)", params);

void SetOnCalculate (QString OnCalculate) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SetOnCalculate(QString)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetOnCalculate(QString)", params);

void SetOnData (QString OnData) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SetOnData(QString)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetOnData(QString)", params);

void SetOnDoubleClick (QString OnDoubleClick) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SetOnDoubleClick(QString)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetOnDoubleClick(QString)", params);

void SetOnEntry (QString OnEntry) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SetOnEntry(QString)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetOnEntry(QString)", params);

void SetOnSheetActivate (QString OnSheetActivate) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SetOnSheetActivate(QString)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetOnSheetActivate(QString)", params);

void SetOnSheetDeactivate (QString OnSheetDeactivate) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SetOnSheetDeactivate(QString)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetOnSheetDeactivate(QString)", params);

void SetOnWindow (QString OnWindow) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SetOnWindow(QString)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetOnWindow(QString)", params);

void SetPivotTableSelection (bool PivotTableSelection) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetPivotTableSelection(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetPivotTableSelection(bool)", params);

void SetPromptForSummaryInfo (bool PromptForSummaryInfo) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetPromptForSummaryInfo(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetPromptForSummaryInfo(bool)", params);

void SetReferenceStyle (XlReferenceStyle ReferenceStyle) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(XlReferenceStyle)), object, SLOT(SetReferenceStyle(XlReferenceStyle)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetReferenceStyle(XlReferenceStyle)", params);

void SetRollZoom (bool RollZoom) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetRollZoom(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetRollZoom(bool)", params);

void SetScreenUpdating (bool ScreenUpdating) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetScreenUpdating(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetScreenUpdating(bool)", params);

void SetSheetsInNewWorkbook (int SheetsInNewWorkbook) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int)), object, SLOT(SetSheetsInNewWorkbook(int)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetSheetsInNewWorkbook(int)", params);

void SetShowChartTipNames (bool ShowChartTipNames) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetShowChartTipNames(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetShowChartTipNames(bool)", params);

void SetShowChartTipValues (bool ShowChartTipValues) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetShowChartTipValues(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetShowChartTipValues(bool)", params);

void SetShowDevTools (bool ShowDevTools) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetShowDevTools(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetShowDevTools(bool)", params);

void SetShowMenuFloaties (bool ShowMenuFloaties) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetShowMenuFloaties(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetShowMenuFloaties(bool)", params);

void SetShowSelectionFloaties (bool ShowSelectionFloaties) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetShowSelectionFloaties(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetShowSelectionFloaties(bool)", params);

void SetShowStartupDialog (bool ShowStartupDialog) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetShowStartupDialog(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetShowStartupDialog(bool)", params);

void SetShowToolTips (bool ShowToolTips) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetShowToolTips(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetShowToolTips(bool)", params);

void SetShowWindowsInTaskbar (bool ShowWindowsInTaskbar) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetShowWindowsInTaskbar(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetShowWindowsInTaskbar(bool)", params);

void SetStandardFont (QString StandardFont) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SetStandardFont(QString)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetStandardFont(QString)", params);

void SetStandardFontSize (double StandardFontSize) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(double)), object, SLOT(SetStandardFontSize(double)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetStandardFontSize(double)", params);

void SetStatusBar (QVariant StatusBar) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant)), object, SLOT(SetStatusBar(QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetStatusBar(QVariant)", params);

void SetThousandsSeparator (QString ThousandsSeparator) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SetThousandsSeparator(QString)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetThousandsSeparator(QString)", params);

void SetTop (double Top) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(double)), object, SLOT(SetTop(double)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetTop(double)", params);

void SetTransitionMenuKey (QString TransitionMenuKey) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SetTransitionMenuKey(QString)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetTransitionMenuKey(QString)", params);

void SetTransitionMenuKeyAction (int TransitionMenuKeyAction) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int)), object, SLOT(SetTransitionMenuKeyAction(int)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetTransitionMenuKeyAction(int)", params);

void SetTransitionNavigKeys (bool TransitionNavigKeys) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetTransitionNavigKeys(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetTransitionNavigKeys(bool)", params);

void SetUILanguage (int UILanguage) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int)), object, SLOT(SetUILanguage(int)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetUILanguage(int)", params);

void SetUseSystemSeparators (bool UseSystemSeparators) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetUseSystemSeparators(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetUseSystemSeparators(bool)", params);

void SetUserControl (bool UserControl) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetUserControl(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetUserControl(bool)", params);

void SetUserName (QString UserName) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SetUserName(QString)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetUserName(QString)", params);

void SetVisible (bool Visible) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetVisible(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetVisible(bool)", params);

void SetWarnOnFunctionNameConflict (bool WarnOnFunctionNameConflict) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetWarnOnFunctionNameConflict(bool)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetWarnOnFunctionNameConflict(bool)", params);

void SetWidth (double Width) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(double)), object, SLOT(SetWidth(double)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetWidth(double)", params);

void SetWindowState (XlWindowState WindowState) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(XlWindowState)), object, SLOT(SetWindowState(XlWindowState)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("SetWindowState(XlWindowState)", params);

int SharePointVersion (QString bstrUrl) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SharePointVersion(QString)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
int result = object->dynamicCall("SharePointVersion(QString)", params).toInt();

IDispatch* ShortcutMenus (int Index) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int)), object, SLOT(ShortcutMenus(int)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QAxObject * result = object->querySubObject("ShortcutMenus(int)", params);

QVariant Support (IDispatch* Object, int ID, QVariant arg) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(IDispatch*, int, QVariant)), object, SLOT(Support(IDispatch*, int, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("Support(IDispatch*, int, QVariant)", params);

void Undo () [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Undo()));

Or call the function directly:

IDispatch* Union (IDispatch* Arg1, IDispatch* Arg2, QVariant Arg3, QVariant Arg4, QVariant Arg5, QVariant Arg6, QVariant Arg7, QVariant Arg8, QVariant Arg9, QVariant Arg10, QVariant Arg11, QVariant Arg12, QVariant
Arg13, QVariant Arg14, QVariant Arg15, QVariant Arg16, QVariant Arg17, QVariant Arg18, QVariant Arg19, QVariant Arg20, QVariant Arg21, QVariant Arg22, QVariant Arg23, QVariant Arg24, QVariant Arg25, QVariant Arg26, QVariant Arg27, QVariant Arg28, QVariant
Arg29, QVariant Arg30) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)), object, SLOT(Union(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QAxObject * result = object->querySubObject("Union(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)", params);

void Volatile (QVariant Volatile) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant)), object, SLOT(Volatile(QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("Volatile(QVariant)", params);

bool Wait (QVariant Time) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant)), object, SLOT(Wait(QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
bool result = object->dynamicCall("Wait(QVariant)", params).toBool();

QVariant _Evaluate (QVariant Name) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant)), object, SLOT(_Evaluate(QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("_Evaluate(QVariant)", params);

void _FindFile () [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(_FindFile()));

Or call the function directly:

QVariant _Run2 (QVariant Macro, QVariant Arg1, QVariant Arg2, QVariant Arg3, QVariant Arg4, QVariant Arg5, QVariant Arg6, QVariant Arg7, QVariant Arg8, QVariant Arg9, QVariant Arg10, QVariant Arg11, QVariant Arg12,
QVariant Arg13, QVariant Arg14, QVariant Arg15, QVariant Arg16, QVariant Arg17, QVariant Arg18, QVariant Arg19, QVariant Arg20, QVariant Arg21, QVariant Arg22, QVariant Arg23, QVariant Arg24, QVariant Arg25, QVariant Arg26, QVariant Arg27, QVariant Arg28,
QVariant Arg29, QVariant Arg30) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)), object, SLOT(_Run2(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("_Run2(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)", params);

QVariant _WSFunction (QVariant Arg1, QVariant Arg2, QVariant Arg3, QVariant Arg4, QVariant Arg5, QVariant Arg6, QVariant Arg7, QVariant Arg8, QVariant Arg9, QVariant Arg10, QVariant Arg11, QVariant Arg12, QVariant
Arg13, QVariant Arg14, QVariant Arg15, QVariant Arg16, QVariant Arg17, QVariant Arg18, QVariant Arg19, QVariant Arg20, QVariant Arg21, QVariant Arg22, QVariant Arg23, QVariant Arg24, QVariant Arg25, QVariant Arg26, QVariant Arg27, QVariant Arg28, QVariant
Arg29, QVariant Arg30) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)), object, SLOT(_WSFunction(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("_WSFunction(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)", params);

void _Wait (QVariant Time) [slot]

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:
QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant)), object, SLOT(_Wait(QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:
QVariantList params = ...
object->dynamicCall("_Wait(QVariant)", params);

void AddRef () [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(AddRef()), receiver, SLOT(someSlot()));

void AfterCalculate () [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(AfterCalculate()), receiver, SLOT(someSlot()));

void GetIDsOfNames (GUID* riid, int** rgszNames, uint cNames, uint lcid, int& rgdispid)[signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(GetIDsOfNames(GUID*, int**, uint, uint, int&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(GUID*, int**, uint, uint, int&)));

void GetTypeInfo (uint itinfo, uint lcid, void** pptinfo) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(GetTypeInfo(uint, uint, void**)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(uint, uint, void**)));

void GetTypeInfoCount (uint& pctinfo) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(GetTypeInfoCount(uint&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(uint&)));

void Invoke (int dispidMember, GUID* riid, uint lcid, uint wFlags, DISPPARAMS* pdispparams, QVariant& pvarResult, EXCEPINFO*& pexcepinfo, uint& puArgErr) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(Invoke(int, GUID*, uint, uint, DISPPARAMS*, QVariant&, EXCEPINFO*&, uint&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(int, GUID*, uint, uint, DISPPARAMS*, QVariant&, EXCEPINFO*&, uint&)));

void NewWorkbook (IDispatch* Wb) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(NewWorkbook(IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*)));

void QueryInterface (GUID* riid, void** ppvObj) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(QueryInterface(GUID*, void**)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(GUID*, void**)));

void Release () [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(Release()), receiver, SLOT(someSlot()));

void SheetActivate (IDispatch* Sh) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(SheetActivate(IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*)));

void SheetBeforeDoubleClick (IDispatch* Sh, IDispatch* Target, bool& Cancel) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(SheetBeforeDoubleClick(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, bool&)));

void SheetBeforeRightClick (IDispatch* Sh, IDispatch* Target, bool& Cancel) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(SheetBeforeRightClick(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, bool&)));

void SheetCalculate (IDispatch* Sh) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(SheetCalculate(IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*)));

void SheetChange (IDispatch* Sh, IDispatch* Target) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(SheetChange(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)));

void SheetDeactivate (IDispatch* Sh) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(SheetDeactivate(IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*)));

void SheetFollowHyperlink (IDispatch* Sh, IDispatch* Target) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(SheetFollowHyperlink(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)));

void SheetPivotTableUpdate (IDispatch* Sh, IDispatch* Target) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(SheetPivotTableUpdate(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)));

void SheetSelectionChange (IDispatch* Sh, IDispatch* Target) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(SheetSelectionChange(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)));

void WindowActivate (IDispatch* Wb, IDispatch* Wn) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WindowActivate(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)));

void WindowDeactivate (IDispatch* Wb, IDispatch* Wn) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WindowDeactivate(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)));

void WindowResize (IDispatch* Wb, IDispatch* Wn) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WindowResize(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)));

void WorkbookActivate (IDispatch* Wb) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WorkbookActivate(IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*)));

void WorkbookAddinInstall (IDispatch* Wb) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WorkbookAddinInstall(IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*)));

void WorkbookAddinUninstall (IDispatch* Wb) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WorkbookAddinUninstall(IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*)));

void WorkbookAfterXmlExport (IDispatch* Wb, IDispatch* Map, QString Url, XlXmlExportResult Result) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WorkbookAfterXmlExport(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, QString, XlXmlExportResult)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, QString, XlXmlExportResult)));

void WorkbookAfterXmlImport (IDispatch* Wb, IDispatch* Map, bool IsRefresh, XlXmlImportResult Result) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WorkbookAfterXmlImport(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, bool, XlXmlImportResult)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, bool, XlXmlImportResult)));

void WorkbookBeforeClose (IDispatch* Wb, bool& Cancel) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WorkbookBeforeClose(IDispatch*, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, bool&)));

void WorkbookBeforePrint (IDispatch* Wb, bool& Cancel) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WorkbookBeforePrint(IDispatch*, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, bool&)));

void WorkbookBeforeSave (IDispatch* Wb, bool SaveAsUI, bool& Cancel) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WorkbookBeforeSave(IDispatch*, bool, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, bool, bool&)));

void WorkbookBeforeXmlExport (IDispatch* Wb, IDispatch* Map, QString Url, bool& Cancel)[signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WorkbookBeforeXmlExport(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, QString, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, QString, bool&)));

void WorkbookBeforeXmlImport (IDispatch* Wb, IDispatch* Map, QString Url, bool IsRefresh, bool& Cancel) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WorkbookBeforeXmlImport(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, QString, bool, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, QString, bool, bool&)));

void WorkbookDeactivate (IDispatch* Wb) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WorkbookDeactivate(IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*)));

void WorkbookNewSheet (IDispatch* Wb, IDispatch* Sh) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WorkbookNewSheet(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)));

void WorkbookOpen (IDispatch* Wb) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WorkbookOpen(IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*)));

void WorkbookPivotTableCloseConnection (IDispatch* Wb, IDispatch* Target) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WorkbookPivotTableCloseConnection(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)));

void WorkbookPivotTableOpenConnection (IDispatch* Wb, IDispatch* Target) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WorkbookPivotTableOpenConnection(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)));

void WorkbookRowsetComplete (IDispatch* Wb, QString Description, QString Sheet, bool Success) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WorkbookRowsetComplete(IDispatch*, QString, QString, bool)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, QString, QString, bool)));

void WorkbookSync (IDispatch* Wb, Office::MsoSyncEventType SyncEventType) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WorkbookSync(IDispatch*, Office::MsoSyncEventType)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, Office::MsoSyncEventType)));

void exception (int code, QString source, QString disc, QString help) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(exception(int, QString, QString, QString)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(int, QString, QString, QString)));

void propertyChanged (QString name) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(propertyChanged(QString)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(QString)));

void signal (QString name, int argc, void* argv) [signal]

For more information, see help context 104001 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(signal(QString, int, void*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(QString, int, void*)));

Property Documentation

QString objectName

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("objectName").toString();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
QString newValue = ...
object->setProperty("objectName", newValue);

Or using the setObjectName slot.

IDispatch* ActiveCell

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("ActiveCell").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* ActiveChart

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("ActiveChart").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* ActiveDialog

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("ActiveDialog").toIDispatch*();

int ActiveEncryptionSession

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("ActiveEncryptionSession").toInt();

IDispatch* ActiveMenuBar

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("ActiveMenuBar").toIDispatch*();

QString ActivePrinter

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("ActivePrinter").toString();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
QString newValue = ...
object->setProperty("ActivePrinter", newValue);

Or using the SetActivePrinter slot.

IDispatch* ActiveSheet

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("ActiveSheet").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* ActiveWindow

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("ActiveWindow").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* ActiveWorkbook

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("ActiveWorkbook").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* AddIns

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("AddIns").toIDispatch*();

bool AlertBeforeOverwriting

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("AlertBeforeOverwriting").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("AlertBeforeOverwriting", newValue);

Or using the SetAlertBeforeOverwriting slot.

QString AltStartupPath

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("AltStartupPath").toString();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
QString newValue = ...
object->setProperty("AltStartupPath", newValue);

Or using the SetAltStartupPath slot.

bool AlwaysUseClearType

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("AlwaysUseClearType").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("AlwaysUseClearType", newValue);

Or using the SetAlwaysUseClearType slot.

IDispatch* AnswerWizard

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("AnswerWizard").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* Application

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("Application").toIDispatch*();

bool ArbitraryXMLSupportAvailable

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("ArbitraryXMLSupportAvailable").toBool();

bool AskToUpdateLinks

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("AskToUpdateLinks").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("AskToUpdateLinks", newValue);

Or using the SetAskToUpdateLinks slot.

IDispatch* Assistance

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("Assistance").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* Assistant

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("Assistant").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* AutoCorrect

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("AutoCorrect").toIDispatch*();

bool AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceHyperlinks

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceHyperlinks").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceHyperlinks", newValue);

Or using the SetAutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceHyperlinks slot.

bool AutoPercentEntry

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("AutoPercentEntry").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("AutoPercentEntry", newValue);

Or using the SetAutoPercentEntry slot.

IDispatch* AutoRecover

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("AutoRecover").toIDispatch*();

Office::MsoAutomationSecurity AutomationSecurity

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

This property is of an unsupported type.Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
Office::MsoAutomationSecurity newValue = ...
object->setProperty("AutomationSecurity", newValue);

Or using the SetAutomationSecurity slot.

int Build

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("Build").toInt();

IDispatch* COMAddIns

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("COMAddIns").toIDispatch*();

bool CalculateBeforeSave

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("CalculateBeforeSave").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("CalculateBeforeSave", newValue);

Or using the SetCalculateBeforeSave slot.

XlCalculation Calculation

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("Calculation").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
int newValue = ... // string representation of values also supported
object->setProperty("Calculation", newValue);

Or using the SetCalculation slot.

See also XlCalculation.

XlCalculationInterruptKey CalculationInterruptKey

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("CalculationInterruptKey").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
int newValue = ... // string representation of values also supported
object->setProperty("CalculationInterruptKey", newValue);

Or using the SetCalculationInterruptKey slot.

See also XlCalculationInterruptKey.

XlCalculationState CalculationState

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("CalculationState").toInt();

See also XlCalculationState.

int CalculationVersion

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("CalculationVersion").toInt();

QVariant Caller

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QVariant val = object->property("Caller").toVariant();

bool CanPlaySounds

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("CanPlaySounds").toBool();

bool CanRecordSounds

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("CanRecordSounds").toBool();

QString Caption

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("Caption").toString();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
QString newValue = ...
object->setProperty("Caption", newValue);

Or using the SetCaption slot.

bool CellDragAndDrop

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("CellDragAndDrop").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("CellDragAndDrop", newValue);

Or using the SetCellDragAndDrop slot.

IDispatch* Cells

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("Cells").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* Charts

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("Charts").toIDispatch*();

QVariant ClipboardFormats

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QVariant val = object->property("ClipboardFormats").toVariant();

bool ColorButtons

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("ColorButtons").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("ColorButtons", newValue);

Or using the SetColorButtons slot.

IDispatch* Columns

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("Columns").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* CommandBars

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("CommandBars").toIDispatch*();

XlCommandUnderlines CommandUnderlines

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("CommandUnderlines").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
int newValue = ... // string representation of values also supported
object->setProperty("CommandUnderlines", newValue);

Or using the SetCommandUnderlines slot.

See also XlCommandUnderlines.

bool ConstrainNumeric

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("ConstrainNumeric").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("ConstrainNumeric", newValue);

Or using the SetConstrainNumeric slot.

bool ControlCharacters

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("ControlCharacters").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("ControlCharacters", newValue);

Or using the SetControlCharacters slot.

bool CopyObjectsWithCells

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("CopyObjectsWithCells").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("CopyObjectsWithCells", newValue);

Or using the SetCopyObjectsWithCells slot.

XlCreator Creator

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("Creator").toInt();

See also XlCreator.

XlMousePointer Cursor

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("Cursor").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
int newValue = ... // string representation of values also supported
object->setProperty("Cursor", newValue);

Or using the SetCursor slot.

See also XlMousePointer.

int CursorMovement

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("CursorMovement").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
int newValue = ...
object->setProperty("CursorMovement", newValue);

Or using the SetCursorMovement slot.

int CustomListCount

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("CustomListCount").toInt();

XlCutCopyMode CutCopyMode

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("CutCopyMode").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
int newValue = ... // string representation of values also supported
object->setProperty("CutCopyMode", newValue);

Or using the SetCutCopyMode slot.

See also XlCutCopyMode.

int DDEAppReturnCode

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("DDEAppReturnCode").toInt();

int DataEntryMode

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("DataEntryMode").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
int newValue = ...
object->setProperty("DataEntryMode", newValue);

Or using the SetDataEntryMode slot.

QString DecimalSeparator

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("DecimalSeparator").toString();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
QString newValue = ...
object->setProperty("DecimalSeparator", newValue);

Or using the SetDecimalSeparator slot.

QString DefaultFilePath

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("DefaultFilePath").toString();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
QString newValue = ...
object->setProperty("DefaultFilePath", newValue);

Or using the SetDefaultFilePath slot.

XlFileFormat DefaultSaveFormat

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("DefaultSaveFormat").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
int newValue = ... // string representation of values also supported
object->setProperty("DefaultSaveFormat", newValue);

Or using the SetDefaultSaveFormat slot.

See also XlFileFormat.

int DefaultSheetDirection

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("DefaultSheetDirection").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
int newValue = ...
object->setProperty("DefaultSheetDirection", newValue);

Or using the SetDefaultSheetDirection slot.

IDispatch* DefaultWebOptions

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("DefaultWebOptions").toIDispatch*();

bool DeferAsyncQueries

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("DeferAsyncQueries").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("DeferAsyncQueries", newValue);

Or using the SetDeferAsyncQueries slot.

IDispatch* DialogSheets

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("DialogSheets").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* Dialogs

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("Dialogs").toIDispatch*();

bool DisplayAlerts

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("DisplayAlerts").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("DisplayAlerts", newValue);

Or using the SetDisplayAlerts slot.

bool DisplayClipboardWindow

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("DisplayClipboardWindow").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("DisplayClipboardWindow", newValue);

Or using the SetDisplayClipboardWindow slot.

XlCommentDisplayMode DisplayCommentIndicator

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("DisplayCommentIndicator").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
int newValue = ... // string representation of values also supported
object->setProperty("DisplayCommentIndicator", newValue);

Or using the SetDisplayCommentIndicator slot.

See also XlCommentDisplayMode.

bool DisplayDocumentActionTaskPane

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("DisplayDocumentActionTaskPane").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("DisplayDocumentActionTaskPane", newValue);

Or using the SetDisplayDocumentActionTaskPane slot.

bool DisplayDocumentInformationPanel

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("DisplayDocumentInformationPanel").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("DisplayDocumentInformationPanel", newValue);

Or using the SetDisplayDocumentInformationPanel slot.

bool DisplayExcel4Menus

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("DisplayExcel4Menus").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("DisplayExcel4Menus", newValue);

Or using the SetDisplayExcel4Menus slot.

bool DisplayFormulaAutoComplete

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("DisplayFormulaAutoComplete").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("DisplayFormulaAutoComplete", newValue);

Or using the SetDisplayFormulaAutoComplete slot.

bool DisplayFormulaBar

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("DisplayFormulaBar").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("DisplayFormulaBar", newValue);

Or using the SetDisplayFormulaBar slot.

bool DisplayFullScreen

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("DisplayFullScreen").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("DisplayFullScreen", newValue);

Or using the SetDisplayFullScreen slot.

bool DisplayFunctionToolTips

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("DisplayFunctionToolTips").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("DisplayFunctionToolTips", newValue);

Or using the SetDisplayFunctionToolTips slot.

bool DisplayInfoWindow

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("DisplayInfoWindow").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("DisplayInfoWindow", newValue);

Or using the SetDisplayInfoWindow slot.

bool DisplayInsertOptions

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("DisplayInsertOptions").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("DisplayInsertOptions", newValue);

Or using the SetDisplayInsertOptions slot.

bool DisplayNoteIndicator

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("DisplayNoteIndicator").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("DisplayNoteIndicator", newValue);

Or using the SetDisplayNoteIndicator slot.

bool DisplayPasteOptions

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("DisplayPasteOptions").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("DisplayPasteOptions", newValue);

Or using the SetDisplayPasteOptions slot.

bool DisplayRecentFiles

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("DisplayRecentFiles").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("DisplayRecentFiles", newValue);

Or using the SetDisplayRecentFiles slot.

bool DisplayScrollBars

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("DisplayScrollBars").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("DisplayScrollBars", newValue);

Or using the SetDisplayScrollBars slot.

bool DisplayStatusBar

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("DisplayStatusBar").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("DisplayStatusBar", newValue);

Or using the SetDisplayStatusBar slot.

IDispatch* Dummy101

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("Dummy101").toIDispatch*();

bool EditDirectlyInCell

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("EditDirectlyInCell").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("EditDirectlyInCell", newValue);

Or using the SetEditDirectlyInCell slot.

bool EnableAnimations

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("EnableAnimations").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("EnableAnimations", newValue);

Or using the SetEnableAnimations slot.

bool EnableAutoComplete

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("EnableAutoComplete").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("EnableAutoComplete", newValue);

Or using the SetEnableAutoComplete slot.

XlEnableCancelKey EnableCancelKey

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("EnableCancelKey").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
int newValue = ... // string representation of values also supported
object->setProperty("EnableCancelKey", newValue);

Or using the SetEnableCancelKey slot.

See also XlEnableCancelKey.

bool EnableEvents

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("EnableEvents").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("EnableEvents", newValue);

Or using the SetEnableEvents slot.

bool EnableLargeOperationAlert

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("EnableLargeOperationAlert").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("EnableLargeOperationAlert", newValue);

Or using the SetEnableLargeOperationAlert slot.

bool EnableLivePreview

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("EnableLivePreview").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("EnableLivePreview", newValue);

Or using the SetEnableLivePreview slot.

bool EnableSound

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("EnableSound").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("EnableSound", newValue);

Or using the SetEnableSound slot.

bool EnableTipWizard

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("EnableTipWizard").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("EnableTipWizard", newValue);

Or using the SetEnableTipWizard slot.

IDispatch* ErrorCheckingOptions

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("ErrorCheckingOptions").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* Excel4IntlMacroSheets

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("Excel4IntlMacroSheets").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* Excel4MacroSheets

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("Excel4MacroSheets").toIDispatch*();

bool ExtendList

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("ExtendList").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("ExtendList", newValue);

Or using the SetExtendList slot.

Office::MsoFeatureInstall FeatureInstall

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

This property is of an unsupported type.Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
Office::MsoFeatureInstall newValue = ...
object->setProperty("FeatureInstall", newValue);

Or using the SetFeatureInstall slot.

QVariant FileConverters

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QVariant val = object->property("FileConverters").toVariant();

IDispatch* FileExportConverters

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("FileExportConverters").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* FileFind

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("FileFind").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* FileSearch

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("FileSearch").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* FindFormat

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("FindFormat").toIDispatch*();

bool FixedDecimal

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("FixedDecimal").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("FixedDecimal", newValue);

Or using the SetFixedDecimal slot.

int FixedDecimalPlaces

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("FixedDecimalPlaces").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
int newValue = ...
object->setProperty("FixedDecimalPlaces", newValue);

Or using the SetFixedDecimalPlaces slot.

int FormulaBarHeight

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("FormulaBarHeight").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
int newValue = ...
object->setProperty("FormulaBarHeight", newValue);

Or using the SetFormulaBarHeight slot.

bool GenerateGetPivotData

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("GenerateGetPivotData").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("GenerateGetPivotData", newValue);

Or using the SetGenerateGetPivotData slot.

XlGenerateTableRefs GenerateTableRefs

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("GenerateTableRefs").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
int newValue = ... // string representation of values also supported
object->setProperty("GenerateTableRefs", newValue);

Or using the SetGenerateTableRefs slot.

See also XlGenerateTableRefs.

double Height

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
double val = object->property("Height").toDouble();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
double newValue = ...
object->setProperty("Height", newValue);

Or using the SetHeight slot.

bool HighQualityModeForGraphics

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("HighQualityModeForGraphics").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("HighQualityModeForGraphics", newValue);

Or using the SetHighQualityModeForGraphics slot.

int Hinstance

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("Hinstance").toInt();

int Hwnd

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("Hwnd").toInt();

bool IgnoreRemoteRequests

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("IgnoreRemoteRequests").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("IgnoreRemoteRequests", newValue);

Or using the SetIgnoreRemoteRequests slot.

bool Interactive

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("Interactive").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("Interactive", newValue);

Or using the SetInteractive slot.

QVariant International

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QVariant val = object->property("International").toVariant();

bool Iteration

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("Iteration").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("Iteration", newValue);

Or using the SetIteration slot.

IDispatch* LanguageSettings

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("LanguageSettings").toIDispatch*();

bool LargeButtons

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("LargeButtons").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("LargeButtons", newValue);

Or using the SetLargeButtons slot.

int LargeOperationCellThousandCount

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("LargeOperationCellThousandCount").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
int newValue = ...
object->setProperty("LargeOperationCellThousandCount", newValue);

Or using the SetLargeOperationCellThousandCount slot.

double Left

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
double val = object->property("Left").toDouble();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
double newValue = ...
object->setProperty("Left", newValue);

Or using the SetLeft slot.

QString LibraryPath

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("LibraryPath").toString();

QVariant MailSession

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QVariant val = object->property("MailSession").toVariant();

XlMailSystem MailSystem

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("MailSystem").toInt();

See also XlMailSystem.

bool MapPaperSize

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("MapPaperSize").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("MapPaperSize", newValue);

Or using the SetMapPaperSize slot.

bool MathCoprocessorAvailable

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("MathCoprocessorAvailable").toBool();

double MaxChange

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
double val = object->property("MaxChange").toDouble();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
double newValue = ...
object->setProperty("MaxChange", newValue);

Or using the SetMaxChange slot.

int MaxIterations

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("MaxIterations").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
int newValue = ...
object->setProperty("MaxIterations", newValue);

Or using the SetMaxIterations slot.

int MeasurementUnit

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("MeasurementUnit").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
int newValue = ...
object->setProperty("MeasurementUnit", newValue);

Or using the SetMeasurementUnit slot.

int MemoryFree

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("MemoryFree").toInt();

int MemoryTotal

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("MemoryTotal").toInt();

int MemoryUsed

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("MemoryUsed").toInt();

IDispatch* MenuBars

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("MenuBars").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* Modules

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("Modules").toIDispatch*();

bool MouseAvailable

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("MouseAvailable").toBool();

bool MoveAfterReturn

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("MoveAfterReturn").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("MoveAfterReturn", newValue);

Or using the SetMoveAfterReturn slot.

XlDirection MoveAfterReturnDirection

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("MoveAfterReturnDirection").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
int newValue = ... // string representation of values also supported
object->setProperty("MoveAfterReturnDirection", newValue);

Or using the SetMoveAfterReturnDirection slot.

See also XlDirection.

IDispatch* MultiThreadedCalculation

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("MultiThreadedCalculation").toIDispatch*();

QString Name

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("Name").toString();

IDispatch* Names

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("Names").toIDispatch*();

QString NetworkTemplatesPath

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("NetworkTemplatesPath").toString();

IDispatch* NewWorkbook

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("NewWorkbook").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* ODBCErrors

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("ODBCErrors").toIDispatch*();

int ODBCTimeout

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("ODBCTimeout").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
int newValue = ...
object->setProperty("ODBCTimeout", newValue);

Or using the SetODBCTimeout slot.

IDispatch* OLEDBErrors

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("OLEDBErrors").toIDispatch*();

QString OnCalculate

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("OnCalculate").toString();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
QString newValue = ...
object->setProperty("OnCalculate", newValue);

Or using the SetOnCalculate slot.

QString OnData

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("OnData").toString();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
QString newValue = ...
object->setProperty("OnData", newValue);

Or using the SetOnData slot.

QString OnDoubleClick

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("OnDoubleClick").toString();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
QString newValue = ...
object->setProperty("OnDoubleClick", newValue);

Or using the SetOnDoubleClick slot.

QString OnEntry

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("OnEntry").toString();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
QString newValue = ...
object->setProperty("OnEntry", newValue);

Or using the SetOnEntry slot.

QString OnSheetActivate

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("OnSheetActivate").toString();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
QString newValue = ...
object->setProperty("OnSheetActivate", newValue);

Or using the SetOnSheetActivate slot.

QString OnSheetDeactivate

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("OnSheetDeactivate").toString();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
QString newValue = ...
object->setProperty("OnSheetDeactivate", newValue);

Or using the SetOnSheetDeactivate slot.

QString OnWindow

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("OnWindow").toString();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
QString newValue = ...
object->setProperty("OnWindow", newValue);

Or using the SetOnWindow slot.

QString OperatingSystem

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("OperatingSystem").toString();

QString OrganizationName

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("OrganizationName").toString();

IDispatch* Parent

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("Parent").toIDispatch*();

QString Path

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("Path").toString();

QString PathSeparator

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("PathSeparator").toString();

bool PivotTableSelection

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("PivotTableSelection").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("PivotTableSelection", newValue);

Or using the SetPivotTableSelection slot.

QVariant PreviousSelections

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QVariant val = object->property("PreviousSelections").toVariant();

QString ProductCode

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("ProductCode").toString();

bool PromptForSummaryInfo

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("PromptForSummaryInfo").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("PromptForSummaryInfo", newValue);

Or using the SetPromptForSummaryInfo slot.

IDispatch* RTD

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("RTD").toIDispatch*();

bool Ready

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("Ready").toBool();

IDispatch* RecentFiles

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("RecentFiles").toIDispatch*();

bool RecordRelative

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("RecordRelative").toBool();

XlReferenceStyle ReferenceStyle

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("ReferenceStyle").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
int newValue = ... // string representation of values also supported
object->setProperty("ReferenceStyle", newValue);

Or using the SetReferenceStyle slot.

See also XlReferenceStyle.

QVariant RegisteredFunctions

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QVariant val = object->property("RegisteredFunctions").toVariant();

IDispatch* ReplaceFormat

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("ReplaceFormat").toIDispatch*();

bool RollZoom

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("RollZoom").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("RollZoom", newValue);

Or using the SetRollZoom slot.

IDispatch* Rows

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("Rows").toIDispatch*();

bool ScreenUpdating

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("ScreenUpdating").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("ScreenUpdating", newValue);

Or using the SetScreenUpdating slot.

IDispatch* Selection

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("Selection").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* Sheets

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("Sheets").toIDispatch*();

int SheetsInNewWorkbook

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("SheetsInNewWorkbook").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
int newValue = ...
object->setProperty("SheetsInNewWorkbook", newValue);

Or using the SetSheetsInNewWorkbook slot.

bool ShowChartTipNames

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("ShowChartTipNames").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("ShowChartTipNames", newValue);

Or using the SetShowChartTipNames slot.

bool ShowChartTipValues

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("ShowChartTipValues").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("ShowChartTipValues", newValue);

Or using the SetShowChartTipValues slot.

bool ShowDevTools

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("ShowDevTools").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("ShowDevTools", newValue);

Or using the SetShowDevTools slot.

bool ShowMenuFloaties

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("ShowMenuFloaties").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("ShowMenuFloaties", newValue);

Or using the SetShowMenuFloaties slot.

bool ShowSelectionFloaties

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("ShowSelectionFloaties").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("ShowSelectionFloaties", newValue);

Or using the SetShowSelectionFloaties slot.

bool ShowStartupDialog

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("ShowStartupDialog").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("ShowStartupDialog", newValue);

Or using the SetShowStartupDialog slot.

bool ShowToolTips

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("ShowToolTips").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("ShowToolTips", newValue);

Or using the SetShowToolTips slot.

bool ShowWindowsInTaskbar

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("ShowWindowsInTaskbar").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("ShowWindowsInTaskbar", newValue);

Or using the SetShowWindowsInTaskbar slot.

IDispatch* SmartTagRecognizers

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("SmartTagRecognizers").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* Speech

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("Speech").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* SpellingOptions

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("SpellingOptions").toIDispatch*();

QString StandardFont

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("StandardFont").toString();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
QString newValue = ...
object->setProperty("StandardFont", newValue);

Or using the SetStandardFont slot.

double StandardFontSize

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
double val = object->property("StandardFontSize").toDouble();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
double newValue = ...
object->setProperty("StandardFontSize", newValue);

Or using the SetStandardFontSize slot.

QString StartupPath

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("StartupPath").toString();

QVariant StatusBar

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QVariant val = object->property("StatusBar").toVariant();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
QVariant newValue = ...
object->setProperty("StatusBar", newValue);

Or using the SetStatusBar slot.

QString TemplatesPath

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("TemplatesPath").toString();

IDispatch* ThisCell

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("ThisCell").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* ThisWorkbook

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("ThisWorkbook").toIDispatch*();

QString ThousandsSeparator

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("ThousandsSeparator").toString();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
QString newValue = ...
object->setProperty("ThousandsSeparator", newValue);

Or using the SetThousandsSeparator slot.

IDispatch* Toolbars

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("Toolbars").toIDispatch*();

double Top

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
double val = object->property("Top").toDouble();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
double newValue = ...
object->setProperty("Top", newValue);

Or using the SetTop slot.

QString TransitionMenuKey

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("TransitionMenuKey").toString();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
QString newValue = ...
object->setProperty("TransitionMenuKey", newValue);

Or using the SetTransitionMenuKey slot.

int TransitionMenuKeyAction

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("TransitionMenuKeyAction").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
int newValue = ...
object->setProperty("TransitionMenuKeyAction", newValue);

Or using the SetTransitionMenuKeyAction slot.

bool TransitionNavigKeys

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("TransitionNavigKeys").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("TransitionNavigKeys", newValue);

Or using the SetTransitionNavigKeys slot.

int UILanguage

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("UILanguage").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
int newValue = ...
object->setProperty("UILanguage", newValue);

Or using the SetUILanguage slot.

double UsableHeight

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
double val = object->property("UsableHeight").toDouble();

double UsableWidth

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
double val = object->property("UsableWidth").toDouble();

bool UseSystemSeparators

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("UseSystemSeparators").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("UseSystemSeparators", newValue);

Or using the SetUseSystemSeparators slot.

IDispatch* UsedObjects

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("UsedObjects").toIDispatch*();

bool UserControl

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("UserControl").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("UserControl", newValue);

Or using the SetUserControl slot.

QString UserLibraryPath

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("UserLibraryPath").toString();

QString UserName

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("UserName").toString();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
QString newValue = ...
object->setProperty("UserName", newValue);

Or using the SetUserName slot.

IDispatch* VBE

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("VBE").toIDispatch*();

QString Value

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("Value").toString();

QString Version

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("Version").toString();

bool Visible

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("Visible").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("Visible", newValue);

Or using the SetVisible slot.

bool WarnOnFunctionNameConflict

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("WarnOnFunctionNameConflict").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
bool newValue = ...
object->setProperty("WarnOnFunctionNameConflict", newValue);

Or using the SetWarnOnFunctionNameConflict slot.

IDispatch* Watches

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("Watches").toIDispatch*();

double Width

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
double val = object->property("Width").toDouble();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
double newValue = ...
object->setProperty("Width", newValue);

Or using the SetWidth slot.

XlWindowState WindowState

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
int val = object->property("WindowState").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
int newValue = ... // string representation of values also supported
object->setProperty("WindowState", newValue);

Or using the SetWindowState slot.

See also XlWindowState.

IDispatch* Windows

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("Windows").toIDispatch*();

bool WindowsForPens

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
bool val = object->property("WindowsForPens").toBool();

IDispatch* Workbooks

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("Workbooks").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* WorksheetFunction

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("WorksheetFunction").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* Worksheets

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
IDispatch* val = object->property("Worksheets").toIDispatch*();

QString _Default

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("_Default").toString();

QString control

For more information, see help context 65537 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\VBAXL10.CHM.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:
QString val = object->property("control").toString();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:
QString newValue = ...
object->setProperty("control", newValue);

Or using the setControl slot.
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