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1. 继承的类型

1.1 实现继承和接口继承




1.2 多重继承:


1.3 结构和类




2. 实现继承


class MyDerivedClass: MyBaseclass


      // functions and data members here



public struct MyDerivedStruct: IInterface1、 IInterface2


    // etc.


2.1 虚方法


class MyBaseClass


     public virtual string VirtualMethod()


            return  "This method is virtual and defined in MyBaseClass";





public virtual string ForeName


       get { return foreName;}

       set { foreName =value;}


private string foreName;


class MyDerivedClass: MyBaseClass


      public override string VirtualMethod()


             return " This method is an override defined in MyDerivedClass.";




2.2 隐藏方法



class MyDer△ vedC1ass: HisBaseClass,


      public new int MyGroovyMethod()


            // some groovy implementation

            return 0;




2.3 调用函数的基类版本



class CustomerAccount


      public virtual decimal CalculatePrice()


            // implementation

            return 0.0M;



class GoldAccount: CustomerAccount


       pub1ic override decimal CalculatePrice()


              return base.CalculatePrice() * 0.9M;



2.4 抽象类和抽象函数



abstract class Building


       public abstract decimal CalculateHeatingCost(); // abstract method


2.5 密封类和密封方法


sealed class FinalClass


      // etc


class DerivedClass:FinalClass // wrong. Will give compilation error


      // etc




2.6 派生类的构造函数


namespace study4_2_6override


    abstract class GenericCustomer


        private string name;

        public GenericCustomer(string name)


            this.name = name;



    class nevermore60Customer:GenericCustomer


        private uint highCostMinutesUsed;

        private string referrername;

        public nevermore60Customer(string name,string referrerName):base(name)


            this.referrername = referrerName;


        public nevermore60Customer(string name)

            : this(name, "<NOne>")




    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            GenericCustomer customer = new nevermore60Customer("<no name>");







2.6.1 在层次结构中添加无参数的构造函数



2.6.2 在层次结构中添加带参数的构造函数

3. 修饰符

3.1 可见性修饰符


3.2 其他修饰符

4. 接口





4.1 定义和实现接口


namespace study4_4_1



    public interface IBankAccount


        void PayIn(decimal amount);

        bool Withdraw(decimal amount);

        decimal Balance { get; }



    public class SaverAccount:IBankAccount


        private decimal balance;

        public void PayIn(decimal amount)


            balance += amount;


        public bool Withdraw(decimal amount)


            if (balance >= amount)


                balance -= amount;

                return true;


            Console.WriteLine("Withdrawal attempt failed.");

            return false;


        public decimal Balance




                return balance;



        public override string ToString()


            return String.Format("Venus Bank Saver: Balance = {0,6:C}", balance);



    public class GoldAccount:IBankAccount


        private decimal balance;

        public void PayIn(decimal amount)


            balance += amount;


        public bool Withdraw(decimal amount)


            if (balance >= amount)


                balance -= amount;

                return true;


            Console.WriteLine("Withdrawal attempt failed.");

            return false;


        public decimal Balance




                return balance;



        public override string ToString()


            return String.Format("Venus Bank Saver: Balance = {0,6:C}", balance);



    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            IBankAccount venusAccount = new SaverAccount();

            IBankAccount jupiterAccount = new GoldAccount();












4.2 派生的接口



namespace study4_4_1



    public interface IBankAccount


        void PayIn(decimal amount);

        bool Withdraw(decimal amount);

        decimal Balance { get; }


    public interface ITransferBankAccount:IBankAccount


        bool TransferTo(IBankAccount destionation, decimal amount);


    public class CurrentAccount:ITransferBankAccount


        private decimal balance;

        public void PayIn(decimal amount)


            balance += amount;


        public bool Withdraw(decimal amount)


            if (balance >= amount)


                balance -= amount;

                return true;


            Console.WriteLine("Withdrawal attempt failed.");

            return false;


        public decimal Balance




                return balance;



        public bool TransferTo(IBankAccount destination, decimal amount)


            bool result;

            result = Withdraw(amount);

            if (result)




            return result;


        public override string ToString()


            return String.Format("Jupiter Bank Current Account: Balance = {0,6:C}", balance);




    public class SaverAccount:IBankAccount


        private decimal balance;

        public void PayIn(decimal amount)


            balance += amount;


        public bool Withdraw(decimal amount)


            if (balance >= amount)


                balance -= amount;

                return true;


            Console.WriteLine("Withdrawal attempt failed.");

            return false;


        public decimal Balance




                return balance;



        public override string ToString()


            return String.Format("Venus Bank Saver: Balance = {0,6:C}", balance);



    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            IBankAccount venusAccount = new SaverAccount();

            ITransferBankAccount jupiterAccount = new CurrentAccount();



            jupiterAccount.TransferTo(venusAccount, 100);








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