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2014-09-23 10:15 344 查看

第三方应用可以使用TouchID接口,意味着未来的很多应用都可以用指纹识别功能了。你可以选择Touch ID登陆第三方应用程序,不需要输入密码,你的指纹数据是被保护的,在没有被允许的情况下别的程序是访问不到它的。


苹果声称“Secure Enclave”模块系统能够安全地管理并识别用户的指纹,并将用户的指纹信息独立地保存在别的系统中,同时通过加密内存和一个硬件随机数字密码发生器进行管理。

每个“Secure Enclave”是单独设置的,不能访问系统其他部分的,拥有自己的独立的UID(唯一的ID),连苹果也不知道这些UID。当设备启动时,Touch ID会临时创建一个秘钥,与“Secure Enclave”的UID配合,对设备的内存空间进行加密。

而在苹果发布的文件中,苹果对A7处理器进行指纹识别授权的描述是:A7和Touch ID之间通过一个串行外设接口总线进行通信。A7处理器将数据发到“Secure Enclave”,但并不对数据内容进行读取。加密和身份验证都是使用Touch ID和“Secure Enclave”之间的共享密钥。通信密钥交换使用双方提供的一个随机AES密钥,并随机建立会话密钥和使用AES-CCM传输加密。

据了解:iPhone 5s中的指纹传感器检测到的表皮上突起的纹线。它检测到的不是用户手指外部的死皮指纹,这种指纹很容易被复制。iPhone 5s的指纹传感器利用射频信号,检测用户手指表面下方那一层皮肤的“活”指纹。如果手指与人的身体分离,那么传感器是无法检测到这种指纹的。所以用户不用担心自己的指纹被复制或盗窃之后,被用于解锁设备,因为传感器是无法识别这种“死”指纹的。






[objc] view

LAContext *context = [[LAContext alloc] init];

__block NSString *msg;

NSError *error;

BOOL success;

// test if we can evaluate the policy, this test will tell us if Touch ID is available and enrolled

success = [context canEvaluatePolicy: LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics error:&error];

if (success) {

msg =[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"TOUCH_ID_IS_AVAILABLE", nil)];

} else {

msg =[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"TOUCH_ID_IS_NOT_AVAILABLE", nil)];



[objc] view

LAContext *context = [[LAContext alloc] init];

__block NSString *msg;

// show the authentication UI with our reason string

[context evaluatePolicy:LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics localizedReason:NSLocalizedString(@"UNLOCK_ACCESS_TO_LOCKED_FATURE", nil) reply:

^(BOOL success, NSError *authenticationError) {

if (success) {

msg =[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"EVALUATE_POLICY_SUCCESS", nil)];

} else {

msg = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"EVALUATE_POLICY_WITH_ERROR", nil), authenticationError.localizedDescription];



4.对于检查和识别的两个方法在 LocalAuthentication.framework/Headers/LAContext.h 中定义的:

[objc] view

/// Determines if a particular policy can be evaluated.


/// @discussion Policies can have certain requirements which, when not satisfied, would always cause

/// the policy evaluation to fail. Examples can be a passcode set or a fingerprint

/// enrolled with Touch ID. This method allows easy checking for such conditions.


/// Applications should consume the returned value immediately and avoid relying on it

/// for an extensive period of time. At least, it is guaranteed to stay valid until the

/// application enters background.


/// @warning Do not call this method in the reply block of evaluatePolicy:reply: because it could

/// lead to a deadlock.


/// @param policy Policy for which the preflight check should be run.


/// @param error Optional output parameter which is set to nil if the policy can be evaluated, or it

/// contains error information if policy evaluation is not possible.


/// @return YES if the policy can be evaluated, NO otherwise.

- (BOOL)canEvaluatePolicy:(LAPolicy)policy error:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error;

/// Evaluates the specified policy.


/// @discussion Policy evaluation may involve prompting user for various kinds of interaction

/// or authentication. Actual behavior is dependent on evaluated policy, device type,

/// and can be affected by installed configuration profiles.


/// Be sure to keep a strong reference to the context while the evaluation is in progress.

/// Otherwise, an evaluation would be canceled when the context is being deallocated.


/// The method does not block. Instead, the caller must provide a reply block to be

/// called asynchronously when evaluation finishes. The block is executed on a private

/// queue internal to the framework in an unspecified threading context. Other than that,

/// no guarantee is made about which queue, thread, or run-loop the block is executed on.


/// Implications of successful policy evaluation are policy specific. In general, this

/// operation is not idempotent. Policy evaluation may fail for various reasons, including

/// user cancel, system cancel and others, see LAError codes.


/// @param policy Policy to be evaluated.


/// @param reply Reply block that is executed when policy evaluation finishes.


/// @param localizedReason Application reason for authentication. This string must be provided in correct

/// localization and should be short and clear. It will be eventually displayed in

/// the authentication dialog subtitle. A name of the calling application will be

/// already displayed in title, so it should not be duplicated here.


/// @param success Reply parameter that is YES if the policy has been evaluated successfully or NO if

/// the evaluation failed.


/// @param error Reply parameter that is nil if the policy has been evaluated successfully, or it contains

/// error information about the evaluation failure.


/// @warning localizedReason parameter is mandatory and the call will throw NSInvalidArgumentException if

/// nil or empty string is specified.


/// @see LAError


/// Typical error codes returned by this call are:

/// @li LAErrorUserFallback if user tapped the fallback button

/// @li LAErrorUserCancel if user has tapped the Cancel button

/// @li LAErrorSystemCancel if some system event interrupted the evaluation (e.g. Home button pressed).

- (void)evaluatePolicy:(LAPolicy)policy localizedReason:(NSString *)localizedReason reply:(void(^)(BOOL success, NSError *error))reply;


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