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[Cocoa]_[初级]_[Removing All Custom Views or what you want to removed]

2014-09-22 18:51 435 查看
1.Removing allCustom Views

[view makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(removeFromSuperview)];
     [view removeAllObjects];

2.what you want to removed

int i =0;
    for(CustomView *view in arrayView)
        NSLog(@"View tag:%d",view.tag);
        if(view.viewTag == 1)
            [view removeFromSuperview];
            [arrayView removeObjectAtIndex:i];
You could distinguish from generated buttons by setting a
on your other buttons, if the button has no tag then remove it.example: I set [self setViewTag:1],so I Can removed what I want to remove Custom View.
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