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C++ STL源码学习(内存配置篇)

2014-09-21 23:22 441 查看
<span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="font-size:18px;"># include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <new>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>


template <int __inst>      ///模板实际没有被用到
class __malloc_alloc_template


static void* _S_oom_malloc(size_t);      ///malloc 失败处理
static void* _S_oom_realloc(void*, size_t);      ///realloc 失败处理

static void (* __malloc_alloc_oom_handler)();


static void* allocate(size_t __n)
void* __result = malloc(__n);
if (0 == __result) __result = _S_oom_malloc(__n);   ///malloc失败,调用处理函数
return __result;

static void deallocate(void* __p, size_t /* __n */)   ///内存回收函数

static void* reallocate(void* __p, size_t /* old_sz */, size_t __new_sz)
void* __result = realloc(__p, __new_sz);
if (0 == __result) __result = _S_oom_realloc(__p, __new_sz);  ///realloc失败,调用处理函数
return __result;

static void (* __set_malloc_handler(void (*__f)()))()
void (* __old)() = __malloc_alloc_oom_handler;
__malloc_alloc_oom_handler = __f;


// malloc_alloc out-of-memory handling

template <int __inst>
void (* __malloc_alloc_template<__inst>::__malloc_alloc_oom_handler)() = 0;

template <int __inst>
__malloc_alloc_template<__inst>::_S_oom_malloc(size_t __n)   ///malloc失败时的处理函数
void (* __my_malloc_handler)();
void* __result;

for (;;)
__my_malloc_handler = __malloc_alloc_oom_handler;
if (0 == __my_malloc_handler)
__THROW_BAD_ALLOC;    ///客户端未提供处理函数,抛出异常

__result = malloc(__n);
if (__result) return(__result);

template <int __inst>
void* __malloc_alloc_template<__inst>::_S_oom_realloc(void* __p, size_t __n)
void (* __my_malloc_handler)();
void* __result;

for (;;)
__my_malloc_handler = __malloc_alloc_oom_handler;
if (0 == __my_malloc_handler)
__result = realloc(__p, __n);
if (__result) return(__result);

typedef __malloc_alloc_template<0> malloc_alloc;

template<class _Tp, class _Alloc>
class simple_alloc
static _Tp* allocate(size_t __n)
return 0 == __n ? 0 : (_Tp*) _Alloc::allocate(__n * sizeof (_Tp));
static _Tp* allocate(void)
return (_Tp*) _Alloc::allocate(sizeof (_Tp));
static void deallocate(_Tp* __p, size_t __n)
if (0 != __n) _Alloc::deallocate(__p, __n * sizeof (_Tp));
static void deallocate(_Tp* __p)
_Alloc::deallocate(__p, sizeof (_Tp));

/// Allocator adaptor to check size arguments for debugging.
/// Reports errors using assert.  Checking can be disabled with
/// NDEBUG, but it's far better to just use the underlying allocator
/// instead when no checking is desired.
///There is some evidence that this can confuse Purify.

template <class _Alloc>
class debug_alloc


enum {_S_extra = 8};  /// Size of space used to store size.  Note
/// that this must be large enough to preserve
/// alignment.


static void* allocate(size_t __n)
char* __result = (char*)_Alloc::allocate(__n + (int) _S_extra);   ///多分配_S_extra字节大小内存
*(size_t*)__result = __n;                                         ///在实际分配的内存块之前写入内存大小
return __result + (int) _S_extra;                  ///返回给客户端内存大小记录块之后的n字节内存

static void deallocate(void* __p, size_t __n)
char* __real_p = (char*)__p - (int) _S_extra;
assert(*(size_t*)__real_p == __n);               ///检查记录值与客户端提供值是否相同
_Alloc::deallocate(__real_p, __n + (int) _S_extra);

static void* reallocate(void* __p, size_t __old_sz, size_t __new_sz)
char* __real_p = (char*)__p - (int) _S_extra;
assert(*(size_t*)__real_p == __old_sz);
char* __result = (char*)
_Alloc::reallocate(__real_p, __old_sz + (int) _S_extra,
__new_sz + (int) _S_extra);
*(size_t*)__result = __new_sz;     ///修改记录值
return __result + (int) _S_extra;


/// Default node allocator.
/// With a reasonable compiler, this should be roughly as fast as the
/// original STL class-specific allocators, but with less fragmentation.
/// Default_alloc_template parameters are experimental and MAY
/// DISAPPEAR in the future.  Clients should just use alloc for now.
/// Important implementation properties:
/// 1. If the client request an object of size > _MAX_BYTES, the resulting
///    object will be obtained directly from malloc.
/// 2. In all other cases, we allocate an object of size exactly
///    _S_round_up(requested_size).  Thus the client has enough size
///    information that we can return the object to the proper free list
///    without permanently losing part of the object.

/// The first template parameter specifies whether more than one thread
/// may use this allocator.  It is safe to allocate an object from
/// one instance of a default_alloc and deallocate it with another
/// one.  This effectively transfers its ownership to the second one.
/// This may have undesirable effects on reference locality.
/// The second parameter is unreferenced and serves only to allow the
/// creation of multiple default_alloc instances.
/// Node that containers built on different allocator instances have
/// different types, limiting the utility of this approach.

///第一级适配器直接处理,否则将需要处理的内存块上调至_ALIGN (8)的倍数.

enum {_ALIGN = 8};
enum {_MAX_BYTES = 128};
enum {_NFREELISTS = 16}; /// _MAX_BYTES/_ALIGN

template <bool threads, int inst>
class __default_alloc_template

static size_t
_S_round_up(size_t __bytes)    ///计算离其最近的_ALIGN的倍数
return (((__bytes) + (size_t) _ALIGN-1) & ~((size_t) _ALIGN - 1));

union _Obj
union _Obj* _M_free_list_link;
char _M_client_data[1];    ///The client sees this.

///_Obj* 类型的数组,该数组存储每个链表的头指针,这每个链表实际上都是一整块内存
static _Obj* __STL_VOLATILE _S_free_list[];

///根据需要处理的内存大小求出其所对应的链表头指针在 _S_free_list数组中的位置
static  size_t _S_freelist_index(size_t __bytes)
return (((__bytes) + (size_t)_ALIGN-1)/(size_t)_ALIGN - 1);

/// Returns an object of size __n, and optionally adds to size __n free list.
static void* _S_refill(size_t __n);
/// Allocates a chunk for nobjs of _size size.  nobjs may be reduced
/// if it is inconvenient to allocate the requested number.
static char* _S_chunk_alloc(size_t __size, int& __nobjs);

/// Chunk allocation state.
static char* _S_start_free;      ///内存池起始位置
static char* _S_end_free;        ///内存池结束位置

static size_t _S_heap_size;


///__n must be > 0
static void* allocate(size_t __n)
void* __ret = 0;

if (__n > (size_t) _MAX_BYTES)          ///足够大,调用第一级配置器
__ret = malloc_alloc::allocate(__n);

///_S_free_list是_Obj*类型的指针数组名,_S_free_list + n 当然是_Obj**类型了
_Obj*  volatile* __my_free_list
= _S_free_list + _S_freelist_index(__n);    ///找到对应链表头指针在_S_free_list中的位置

_Obj* __RESTRICT __result = *__my_free_list;     ///result为对应链表的头指针

if (__result == 0)              ///对应链表为空,请求配置该链表
__ret = _S_refill(_S_round_up(__n));
*__my_free_list = __result -> _M_free_list_link;
__ret = __result;

return __ret;

/// __p may not be 0
static void deallocate(void* __p, size_t __n)
if (__n > (size_t) _MAX_BYTES)
malloc_alloc::deallocate(__p, __n);
_Obj* __STL_VOLATILE*  __my_free_list
= _S_free_list + _S_freelist_index(__n);
_Obj* __q = (_Obj*)__p;

__q -> _M_free_list_link = *__my_free_list;
*__my_free_list = __q;

static void* reallocate(void* __p, size_t __old_sz, size_t __new_sz);

} ;

typedef __default_alloc_template<__NODE_ALLOCATOR_THREADS, 0> alloc;
typedef __default_alloc_template<false, 0> single_client_alloc;

template <bool __threads, int __inst>
inline bool operator==(const __default_alloc_template<__threads, __inst>&,
const __default_alloc_template<__threads, __inst>&)
return true;

/// We allocate memory in large chunks in order to avoid fragmenting
///the malloc heap too much.
/// We assume that size is properly aligned.

template <bool __threads, int __inst>
__default_alloc_template<__threads, __inst>::_S_chunk_alloc(size_t __size,
int& __nobjs)  ///此处时用的是引用,方便将__nobjs修改为实际分配的数量
char* __result;
size_t __total_bytes = __size * __nobjs;
size_t __bytes_left = _S_end_free - _S_start_free;   ///计算内存池剩余水量

if (__bytes_left >= __total_bytes)             ///完全满足要求
__result = _S_start_free;
_S_start_free += __total_bytes;    ///从内存池中得到内存,调整内存池水位

else if (__bytes_left >= __size)            ///不完全满足要求,但可以部分满足
__nobjs = (int)(__bytes_left/__size);     ///计算最多可分配的数量
__total_bytes = __size * __nobjs;
__result = _S_start_free;
_S_start_free += __total_bytes;

else                                                 ///内存池连一个__size大小的内存都不到,重新分配内存池

size_t __bytes_to_get =
2 * __total_bytes + _S_round_up(_S_heap_size >> 4);  ///重新分配_S_heap_size变为原来的16倍

/// Try to make use of the left-over piece.
if (__bytes_left > 0)
_Obj* __STL_VOLATILE* __my_free_list =
_S_free_list + _S_freelist_index(__bytes_left);

((_Obj*)_S_start_free) -> _M_free_list_link = *__my_free_list;
*__my_free_list = (_Obj*)_S_start_free;

_S_start_free = (char*)malloc(__bytes_to_get);

if (0 == _S_start_free)       ///使用malloc重新分配失败

size_t __i;
_Obj* __STL_VOLATILE* __my_free_list;
_Obj* __p;
/// Try to make do with what we have.  That can't
///hurt.  We do not try smaller requests, since that tends
/// to result in disaster on multi-process machines.

for (__i = __size;
__i <= (size_t) _MAX_BYTES;
__i += (size_t) _ALIGN)
__my_free_list = _S_free_list + _S_freelist_index(__i);
__p = *__my_free_list;

if (0 != __p)
*__my_free_list = __p -> _M_free_list_link;
_S_start_free = (char*)__p;
_S_end_free = _S_start_free + __i;

return(_S_chunk_alloc(__size, __nobjs));
/// Any leftover piece will eventually make it to the
/// right free list.

_S_end_free = 0;	/// In case of exception.
_S_start_free = (char*)malloc_alloc::allocate(__bytes_to_get);
///This should either throw an
/// exception or remedy the situation.  Thus we assume it
/// succeeded.

_S_heap_size += __bytes_to_get;    ///_S_heap_size增加__bytes_to_get,在避免过多内
_S_end_free = _S_start_free + __bytes_to_get;
return(_S_chunk_alloc(__size, __nobjs));

/// Returns an object of size __n, and optionally adds to size __n free list.
/// We assume that __n is properly aligned.
template <bool __threads, int __inst>
__default_alloc_template<__threads, __inst>::_S_refill(size_t __n)
int __nobjs = 20;
char* __chunk = _S_chunk_alloc(__n, __nobjs);    ///从内存池获得一定数量链表结点大小的内存块,最多为20个
_Obj* __STL_VOLATILE* __my_free_list;
_Obj* __result;
_Obj* __current_obj;
_Obj* __next_obj;
int __i;

if (1 == __nobjs) return(__chunk);            ///只分配到一个,直接返回给客户端就行

__my_free_list = _S_free_list + _S_freelist_index(__n);

/// Build free list in chunk
__result = (_Obj*)__chunk;
*__my_free_list = __next_obj = (_Obj*)(__chunk + __n);  ///确定链表头指针

for (__i = 1; ; __i++)                       ///将剩余的整块内存(数组)分割成结点大小,按链表结点插入对应链表
__current_obj = __next_obj;
__next_obj = (_Obj*)((char*)__next_obj + __n);

if (__nobjs - 1 == __i)       ///最后一个结点
__current_obj -> _M_free_list_link = 0;
__current_obj -> _M_free_list_link = __next_obj;   ///插入到链表尾部

template <bool threads, int inst>
__default_alloc_template<threads, inst>::reallocate(void* __p,
size_t __old_sz,
size_t __new_sz)
void* __result;
size_t __copy_sz;

if (__old_sz > (size_t) _MAX_BYTES && __new_sz > (size_t) _MAX_BYTES)
return(realloc(__p, __new_sz));

if (_S_round_up(__old_sz) == _S_round_up(__new_sz)) return(__p);

__result = allocate(__new_sz);          ///分配符合新大小的内存
__copy_sz = __new_sz > __old_sz? __old_sz : __new_sz;
memcpy(__result, __p, __copy_sz);     ///复制原来的数据
deallocate(__p, __old_sz);                ///归还原来的内存

template <bool __threads, int __inst>
char* __default_alloc_template<__threads, __inst>::_S_start_free = 0;

template <bool __threads, int __inst>
char* __default_alloc_template<__threads, __inst>::_S_end_free = 0;

template <bool __threads, int __inst>
size_t __default_alloc_template<__threads, __inst>::_S_heap_size = 0;

template <bool __threads, int __inst>
typename __default_alloc_template<__threads, __inst>::_Obj* __STL_VOLATILE
__default_alloc_template<__threads, __inst> ::_S_free_list[_NFREELISTS]
= {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, };

typedef __default_alloc_template<false,0> Stl_Default_Alloc;
内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息