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Oracle RDA(RDA Remote Diagnostic Agent)工具

2014-09-18 13:09 330 查看
最近在用RDA工具,在网上找资料的过程中发现介绍大多都是RDA 4.24的版本。但是我去MOS下载的时候,只能下载RDA8.05的版本了。

在RDA 4.24的版本中,在第一次运行的时候,需要设置很多收集项,但是在RDA8.0.5的版本中,可以用profile(预设的收集项集合),简化了很多的选项。

下载地址:Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA) - Getting Started (文档 ID 314422.1)

[root@suys1 opt]# unzip p19543113_851499_Linux-x86-64.zip
[oracle@suys1 rda]$ ls
admin    Convert  DISCLAIM.txt  IRDA     modules  rda.cmd  rda.sh           README_upgrade.txt  sdci.cmd  tools
ccr      da       engine        irda.pl  Pod      rda.com  README_irda.txt  README_VMS.txt      sdci.pl
collect  dfw      hcve          mesg     RDA      rda.pl   README_Unix.txt  README_Windows.txt  sdci.sh
[oracle@suys1 rda]$
[oracle@suys1 rda]$
可以输入-h 查看帮助

[root@suys1 rda]# ./rda.sh -h
Usage: rda.pl [-bcdfilnvwxy] [-ABCDEGHIKLMPQRSTV] [-e edt] [-m dir] [-o out]
[-p nam] [-s nam] [-t lvl] arg ...
-A     Authentify user through the result set definition file
-B     Start background collection
-C     Collect diagnostic information
-D     Delete specified modules from the collection
-E     Explain specified error numbers
-G     Convert report files to XML format
-H     Halt background collection
-I     Regenerate the index
-K     Kill background collection
-L     List the available modules, profiles, and conversion groups
-M     Display the related manual pages
-O     Render output specifications from the standard input
-P     Package the reports (tar or zip)
-Q     Display the related setup questions
-R     Generate specified reports
-S     Setup specified modules
-T     Execute test modules
-V     Display component version numbers
-b     Do not backup result set definition file before saving
-c     Check the RDA installation and exit
-d     Set debug mode
-e edt Specify a list of alternate setting definitions (var=val,...)
-f     Set force mode
-g grp Specify the XML conversion group
-h     Display the command usage and exit
-i     Read settings from the standard input
-l     Use a lock file to prevent concurrent usage of a definition file
-m dir Specify the module directory ('collect' by default)
-n     Start a new data collection
-o out Specify the file for background collection output redirection
-p nam Specify the collection profile ('Default' by default)
-q     Set quiet mode
-s nam Specify the result set name ('output' by default)
-t lvl Specify the trace level
-u lng Specify the language and character set for user interactions
-v     Set verbose mode
-w     Wait as long as the background collection daemon is active
-x     Produce cross references
-y     Accept all defaults and skip all pauses
[root@suys1 rda]#

可以通过-L Module 查看所有可以搜集的信息项

[root@suys1 rda]# ./rda.sh -L Module
Available data collection modules:
ACFS          Collects ASM Cluster File System Information
ACT           Collects Oracle E-Business Suite Application Information
ADBA          Collects ACS Oracle Database Assessment
ADX           Collects AutoConfig and Rapid Clone Information
AGT           Collects Enterprise Manager Agent Information
APEX          Collects APEX Information
ASAP          Collects Automated Service Activation Program Information
ASBR          Collects Application Server 10g Backup and Recovery
ASG           Collects Application Server Guard Information
ASIT          Collects Oracle Application Server Installation Information
ASM           Collects Automatic Storage Management Information
B2B           Collects Oracle Business to Business Information
BAM           Collects Business Activity Monitoring Information
BEE           Collects Beehive Information
BEGIN         Initializes the Data Collection
BI            Collects Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Info.
BIPL          Collects Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Information
BPEL          Collects Oracle BPEL Process Manager Information
BPM           Collects Oracle Business Process Management Suite Information
BR            Collects Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Information
BRM           Collects Billing and Revenue Management Information
CAMM          Collects Oracle Composite Application Monitor and Modeler
CB            Collects Oracle Crystal Ball Information
CCR           Collects OCM Diagnostic Information
CDB           Collects Oracle Container or Pluggable Database Information
CM            Collects Configuration Management Information
COHR          Collects Oracle Coherence Information
CONFIG        Collects Key Configuration Information
CONT          Collects Oracle Content Services Information
CRID          Collects Oracle Access Manager (COREid) Information
CRS           Collects Cluster Information
CS            Collects Oracle Communications Calendar Server Information
CUST          Collects Customer-Specific Information
D2PC          Collects Distributed Transaction Information
DAC           Collects Data Warehouse Administration Console Information

不过这个大家可以放心,有RDA profile(就是收集项的集合)

[root@suys1 rda]# ./rda.sh -L profiles
Available profiles:
AS10g                            Oracle Application Server 10g problems
AS10g_Identity                   Oracle Identity Management 10g problems
AS10g_IdentityFed                Oracle Identity Federation 10g problems
AS10g_MidTier                    Oracle Application Server 10g Middle Tier
AS10g_Repository                 Oracle Application Server 10g metadata
repository problems
AS10g_WebTier                    Oracle Application Server 10g WebTier
AS_BackupRecovery                Oracle Application Server backup/recovery
Act                              Oracle Application Overview
AppsCheck                        Equivalent to Apps Check
Apps_DB_Assessment               Oracle Applications Database assessment
AsmFileSystem                    Oracle ASM Cluster File System problems
Asm_Assessment                   Oracle ASM assessment collections
Bam                              Business Activity Monitoring problems
Beehive                          Oracle Beehive problems
CloudControl12c                  Cloud Control 12c problems
ClusterFileSystem                Oracle Cluster File System problems
Com_ASAP                         Oracle Communications ASAP problems
Com_CM                           Oracle Communications Configuration Manager
Com_IPSA                         Oracle Communications IPSA Software
Com_NCC                          Oracle Communications Network Charging and
Control problems
Com_ND                           Oracle Communications Network Discovery
Com_NI                           Oracle Communications Network Integrity
Com_NM                           Oracle Communications Network Mediation
Com_OCSG                         Oracle Communications Service Gatekeeper
Com_OSM                          Oracle Communications Order and Service
还是太多了,我就列了一页。大家翻页后,可以找点一个DB11g的profile,这是用来收集11g Database数据库的诊断信息的。当然也有10G的

[root@suys1 rda]# ./rda.sh -M -p DB11g
Profile DB11g - Oracle Database 11g problems

The DB11g profile uses the following modules:
DB:DCdb    Controls Oracle RDBMS Data Collection
DB:DCdba   Collects Oracle RDBMS Information
DB:DCdbm   Collects Oracle RDBMS Memory Information
DB:DCdnfs  Collects Direct NFS Information
DB:DClog   Collects Oracle Database Trace and Log Files
DB:DCsp    Collects SQL*Plus/iSQL*Plus Information
EM:DCagt   Collects Enterprise Manager Agent Information
EM:DCdbc   Collects Database Control Information
EM:DCgrid  Controls Grid Control Data Collection
OS:DCinst  Collects the Oracle Installation Information
OS:DCnet   Collects Network Information
OS:DConet  Collects Oracle Net Information
OS:DCos    Collects the Operating System Information
OS:DCperf  Collects Performance Information
OS:DCprof  Collects the User Profile

Copyright (c) 2002, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights

Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
[root@suys1 rda]#

[oracle@suys1 rda]$ ./rda.sh -S -p DB11g
OS.OS: Collects the Operating System Information
OS.PROF: Collects the User Profile
OS.NET: Collects Network Information
Do you want RDA to perform the network ping tests (Y/N)?
Hit "Return" to accept the default (N)

OS.ONET: Collects Oracle Net Information
OS.INST: Collects the Oracle Installation Information
DB.DB: Controls Oracle RDBMS Data Collection
Enter an Oracle User ID (user identifier only) to view DBA_ and V$ tables. If
RDA will be run under the Oracle software owner's ID, then enter a '/' here,
and select Y at the SYSDBA prompt to avoid being prompted for the database
password at run time.
Hit "Return" to accept the default (system)

Is 'system' a SYSDBA user (will connect as SYSDBA) (Y/N)?
Hit "Return" to accept the default (N)
RDA.OCM: Set up the Configuration Manager Interface
RDA.STATUS: Produces the Remote Data Collection Reports
RDA.LOAD: Produces the External Collection Reports
RDA.FILTER: Controls Report Content Filtering
RDA.END: Finalizes the Data Collection
[oracle@suys1 rda]$

[oracle@suys1 rda]$ ./rda.sh
RDA Data Collection Started 18-Sep-2014 13:05:26
Processing RDA.BEGIN module ...
Enter the password for "SYSTEM" at "PROD":
Please re-enter it to confirm:
Processing RDA.OCM module ...
Processing OS.PERF module ...
Processing RDA.CONFIG module ...
Processing OS.OS module ...
Processing OS.PROF module ...
Processing OS.NET module ...
Processing OS.ONET module ...
RDA Data Collection Ended 18-Sep-2014 13:06:38
You can review the reports by transferring the /opt/rda/output directory
structure to a location where you have web-browser access. Then, point your
browser at this file to display the reports:

Based on your server configuration, some possible alternative approaches
- If your client computer with a browser has access to a web shared
directory, copy the ? directory structure to the web shared directory and
visit this URL: http://machine:port/web_shared_directory/RDA__start.htm or
- If your client computer with a browser has FTP access to the server
computer with the ? directory, visit this URL: ftp://root@suys1.suys1//opt/rda/output 
If this file was generated to assist in resolving a Service Request, please
send /opt/rda/RDA_output_suys1.zip to Oracle Support by uploading the file
via My Oracle Support. If ftp'ing the file, please be sure to ftp in BINARY

Please note: Do not submit any health, payment card or other sensitive
production data that requires protections greater than those specified in
the Oracle GCS Security Practices
Information on how to remove data from your submission is available at https://support.oracle.com/rs?type=doc&id=1227943.1 
[oracle@suys1 rda]$

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