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Ace - Responsive Admin Template

2014-09-17 14:07 459 查看

Ace - Responsive Admin Template


Ace 是一个轻量、功能丰富、HTML5、响应式、支持手机及平板电脑上浏览的管理后台模板,基于CSS框架Bootstrap制作,Bootstrap版本更新至 3.0,Ace – Responsive Admin Template当前最新版!

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Ace (v1.2) is a lightweight, feature-rich and easy to use admin template based on Bootstrap 3

Dear user, to be notified of new updates please:

Make sure you are a member at the marketplace, so that you will be notified through email when an update becomes available

Subscribe to : http://feeds.feedburner.com/responsiweb

Follow me on Twitter : http://twitter.com/responsiweb

Also if you have already purchased an older version, you can download the latest approved version here, at no extra cost:https://wrapbootstrap.com/support/download-resender

New version (v1.2) released:

Upgraded to Bootstrap 3.0.0

Some fixes, improvements and updates

New version (v1.1.3) released:

Inbox page (more pages)

Timeline page with 2 styles (more pages)

FAQ page (other pages)

jqGrid plugin (tables & grids)

jQuery UI re-styling (UI elements)

Dropzone.js drag & drop file upload (form elements)

Nestable hierarchical list plugin (UI elements)

Cookie/localStorage helper to save user selected settings

Several fixes, enhancements and updates

New version (v1.1.2) released:

Profile page with 3 styles

Inline editable plugin with 4 new custom editables (image, wysiwyg, spinner & slider)

Tag input


RTL (right to left) support

Enhancements and bug fixes

Updated documentation and examples

Updated libraries and plugins

New version (v1.1) released:

LESS files added

Mustache template files added with support for JS (Mustache.js/Hogan.js) and PHP

Wysiwyg editor

Markdown editor

Treeview element

Updated plugins and libraries

A few bug fixes and enhancements

The initial release (v1) comes with the following features:

4 Different theme colors

Responsive design


HTML pages including:

Dashboard with stats, charts and recent events

UI elements



Form elements

Wysiwyg editor


Customizable widgets

Image gallery

Pricing tables





User profile

Login, register and forgot password

Error 404 and error 500 pages

And a few other

Custom elements and plugins including:

Pure CSS3 checkbox, radio and On/Off switch elements (not available in IE8)

File input control

Simple color picker

Bootstrap, jQuery UI and third party plugins and elements including:

jQuery 2.0.3

jQuery UI 1.10.3 (Custom Build)

Twitter Bootstrap 3.0.0

FontAwesome 3.2.1

Google "Open Sans" Font

jQuery Flot Charts 0.8.1

jQuery Sparklines 2.1.2

Easy Pie Chart 1.2.5

jQuery Knob 1.2.0

jQuery Validate 1.11.1

FuelUX 2.3.0 (Spinner & Wizard & Treeview)

FullCalendar 1.6.4

jQuery ColorBox 1.4.27

jQuery dataTables 1.9.4

jQuery Chosen 1.0

jQuery Masked Input 1.3.1

jQuery Input Limiter 1.3.1

jQuery AutoSize 1.17.7

Bootstrap Colorpicker

Bootstrap Datepicker

Bootstrap Timepicker v0.2.3

Bootstrap DateRange Picker 1.2

Bootbox.js 4.0.0

jQuery Gritter 1.7.4

jQuery slimScroll 1.1.1

Spin.js 1.3.0

jQuery UI Touch Punch 0.2.2

Google Code Prettify


Mindmup Wysiwyg Editor

Toopay Markdown Editor 1.1.4

X-editable 1.4.6

Select2 3.4.2

Bootstrap Tags 2.2.5

jQuery Mobile 1.3.2 (Custom Build)

jqGrid 4.5.2

Dropzone.js 3.0

Nestable lists plugin

The following is on to-do list and will be added to Ace in next updates:

New features & elements such as :

Wysiwyg editor (now available)

Treeview (now available)

Timeline (now available)

Search results

Tables with details

FAQ page (now available)

User profile (now available)

Inline editable data (now available)

File upload and management

Email template

Inbox & messages (now available)

Misc. page templates

Cookie support for saving client-side customizations (now available)

RTL Support (now available)

Adding LESS files as well as Javascript client-side template files such as Mustache. (now available)

Please note that support is provided via email as mentioned in the documentation page.
内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息