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11059 - Maximum Product(暴力)

2014-09-16 17:07 393 查看

Problem D - Maximum Product

Time Limit: 1 second

Given a sequence of integers S = {S1, S2, ..., Sn}, you should determine what is the value of themaximum positive product involving consecutive terms of S. If you cannot find a positive sequence, you should consider0 as the value of the maximum product.


Each test case starts with 1 ≤ N ≤ 18, the number of elements in a sequence. Each elementSi is an integer such that-10 ≤ Si ≤ 10. Next line will haveN integers, representing the value of each element in the sequence. There is a blank line after each test case. The input is terminated by end of file (EOF).


For each test case you must print the message: Case #M: The maximum product is P., whereM is the number of the test case, starting from 1, andP is the value of the maximum product. After each test case you must print a blank line.

Sample Input

2 4 -3

2 5 -1 2 -1

Sample Output

Case #1: The maximum product is 8.

Case #2: The maximum product is 20.
#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>int main(){int N,t=1,a[20],i,j;long long max,sum;while(scanf("%d",&N)!=EOF){memset(a,0,sizeof(a));for(i=0;i<N;i++)scanf("%d",&a[i]);for(i=0,max=0;i<N;i++){for(j=i,sum=1;j<N;j++){sum*=a[j];if(sum>max)max=sum;}}printf("Case #%d: The maximum product is %lld.\n",t++,max);printf("\n");}return 0;}
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