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2014-09-10 15:25 351 查看
题目:一个整型数组里除了两个数字之外,其他的数字都出现了两次。请写程序找出这两个只出现一次的数字。要求时间复杂度是 O(n) ,空间复杂度是 O(1) 。



这个题目的突破口在哪里?题目为什么要强调有一个数字出现一次,其他的出现两次?我们想到了异或运算的性质:任何一个数字异或它自己都等于 0 。也就是说,如果我们从头到尾依次异或数组中的每一个数字,那么最终的结果刚好是那个只出现依次的数字,因为那些出现两次的数字全部在异或中抵消掉了。


我们还是从头到尾依次异或数组中的每一个数字,那么最终得到的结果就是两个只出现一次的数字的异或结果。因为其他数字都出现了两次,在异或中全部抵消掉了。由于这两个数字肯定不一样,那么这个异或结果肯定不为 0 ,也就是说在这个结果数字的二进制表示中至少就有一位为 1 。我们在结果数字中找到第一个为 1 的位的位置,记为第 N 位。现在我们以第 N 位是不是 1 为标准把原数组中的数字分成两个子数组,第一个子数组中每个数字的第 N 位都为 1 ,而第二个子数组的每个数字的第 N 位都为 0 。


public class FindNumsAppearOnce {
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Find two numbers which only appear once in an array
// Input: data - an array contains two number appearing exactly once,
// while others appearing exactly twice
// length - the length of data
// Output: num1 - the first number appearing once in data
// num2 - the second number appearing once in data
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
public static void main(String args[]) {
FindNumsAppearOnce Find = new FindNumsAppearOnce();
int a[] = { 7, 7, 4, 4, 21, 45, 46, 46, 675, 675, 87, 87, 7, 7, 9879,
46, 46, 9879 };
Find.FindNums(a, a.length);

public void FindNums(int data[], int length) {
int num1 = 0;
int num2 = 0;
if (length < 2)
// get num1 ^ num2
int resultExclusiveOR = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
resultExclusiveOR ^= data[i];

// get index of the first bit, which is 1 in resultExclusiveOR
int indexOf1 = FindFirstBitIs1(resultExclusiveOR);

for (int j = 0; j < length; ++j) {
// divide the numbers in data into two groups,
// the indexOf1 bit of numbers in the first group is 1,
// while in the second group is 0
if (IsBit1(data[j], indexOf1))
num1 ^= data[j];
num2 ^= data[j];



// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Find the index of first bit which is 1 in num (assuming not 0)
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
private int FindFirstBitIs1(int num) {
int indexBit = 0;
while (((num & 1) == 0) && (indexBit < 32)) {
num = num >> 1;
return indexBit;

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Is the indexBit bit of num 1?
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
boolean IsBit1(int num, int indexBit) {
num = num >> indexBit;
return (num & 1) == 1;


// Find two numbers which only appear once in an array
// Input: data - an array contains two number appearing exactly once,
//               while others appearing exactly twice
//        length - the length of data
// Output: num1 - the first number appearing once in data
//         num2 - the second number appearing once in data
void FindNumsAppearOnce (int data [], int length , int &num1 , int &num2 )
if (length < 2)
return ;

// get num1 ^ num2
int resultExclusiveOR = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length ; ++ i )
resultExclusiveOR ^= data [i ];

// get index of the first bit, which is 1 in resultExclusiveOR
unsigned int indexOf1 = FindFirstBitIs1 (resultExclusiveOR );

num1 = num2 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < length ; ++ j )
// divide the numbers in data into two groups,
// the indexOf1 bit of numbers in the first group is 1,
// while in the second group is 0
if (IsBit1 (data [j ], indexOf1 ))
num1 ^= data [j ];
num2 ^= data [j ];

// Find the index of first bit which is 1 in num (assuming not 0)
unsigned int FindFirstBitIs1 (int num )
int indexBit = 0;
while (((num & 1) == 0) && (indexBit < 32))
num = num >> 1;
++ indexBit ;

return indexBit ;

// Is the indexBit bit of num 1?
bool IsBit1 (int num , unsigned int indexBit )
num = num >> indexBit ;

return (num & 1);
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