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2014-09-03 22:54 218 查看


实验:搭建MHA高可用架构(非root用户SSH等效性配置)SSH等效性用户配置的是:concert  端口:1314


[concert@mhamanager mha]$ more /etc/masterha_default.cnf

[server default]

user          = root

password      = mysql_admin

ssh_user      = concert

ssh_port      = 1314

repl_user     = repl

repl_password = repl_pwd

ping_interval = 3

ping_type     = select


[concert@mhamanager mha]$ more /etc/appl.cnf

[server default]

manager_workdir    = /mha/appl

manager_log        = /mha/appl/manager.log

remote_workdir     = /mha/appl


hostname           =

master_binlog_dir  = /data/lib/mysql

candidate_master   = 1


hostname           =

master_binlog_dir  = /data/lib/mysql

candidate_master   = 1


hostname           =

no_master          = 1

port               = 3307



[concert@mhamanager ~]$ /usr/bin/masterha_check_ssh --conf=/etc/appl.cnf 

Tue Sep  2 15:06:01 2014 - [info] Reading default configuratoins from /etc/masterha_default.cnf..

Tue Sep  2 15:06:01 2014 - [info] Reading application default configurations from /etc/appl.cnf..

Tue Sep  2 15:06:01 2014 - [info] Reading server configurations from /etc/appl.cnf..

Tue Sep  2 15:06:01 2014 - [info] Starting SSH connection tests..

Tue Sep  2 15:06:01 2014 - [debug] 

Tue Sep  2 15:06:01 2014 - [debug]  Connecting via SSH from concert@ to concert@

Tue Sep  2 15:06:01 2014 - [debug]   ok.

Tue Sep  2 15:06:01 2014 - [debug]  Connecting via SSH from concert@ to concert@

Tue Sep  2 15:06:01 2014 - [debug]   ok.

Tue Sep  2 15:06:02 2014 - [debug] 

Tue Sep  2 15:06:01 2014 - [debug]  Connecting via SSH from concert@ to concert@

Tue Sep  2 15:06:01 2014 - [debug]   ok.

Tue Sep  2 15:06:01 2014 - [debug]  Connecting via SSH from concert@ to concert@

Tue Sep  2 15:06:02 2014 - [debug]   ok.

Tue Sep  2 15:06:02 2014 - [debug] 

Tue Sep  2 15:06:02 2014 - [debug]  Connecting via SSH from concert@ to concert@

Tue Sep  2 15:06:02 2014 - [debug]   ok.

Tue Sep  2 15:06:02 2014 - [debug]  Connecting via SSH from concert@ to concert@

Tue Sep  2 15:06:02 2014 - [debug]   ok.

Tue Sep  2 15:06:02 2014 - [info] All SSH connection tests passed successfully.


[concert@mhamanager ~]$ /usr/bin/masterha_check_repl --conf=/etc/appl.cnf 

Tue Sep  2 17:10:08 2014 - [info] Reading default configuratoins from /etc/masterha_default.cnf..

Tue Sep  2 17:10:08 2014 - [info] Reading application default configurations from /etc/appl.cnf..

Tue Sep  2 17:10:08 2014 - [info] Reading server configurations from /etc/appl.cnf..

Tue Sep  2 17:10:08 2014 - [info] MHA::MasterMonitor version 0.55.

Tue Sep  2 17:10:08 2014 - [info] Dead Servers:

Tue Sep  2 17:10:08 2014 - [info] Alive Servers:

Tue Sep  2 17:10:08 2014 - [info]

Tue Sep  2 17:10:08 2014 - [info]

Tue Sep  2 17:10:08 2014 - [info]

Tue Sep  2 17:10:08 2014 - [info] Alive Slaves:

Tue Sep  2 17:10:08 2014 - [info]  Version=5.5.17-log (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabled

Tue Sep  2 17:10:08 2014 - [info]     Replicating from

Tue Sep  2 17:10:08 2014 - [info]     Primary candidate for the new Master (candidate_master is set)

Tue Sep  2 17:10:08 2014 - [info]  Version=5.5.17-log (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabled

Tue Sep  2 17:10:08 2014 - [info]     Replicating from

Tue Sep  2 17:10:08 2014 - [info]     Not candidate for the new Master (no_master is set)

Tue Sep  2 17:10:08 2014 - [info] Current Alive Master:

Tue Sep  2 17:10:08 2014 - [info] Checking slave configurations..

Tue Sep  2 17:10:08 2014 - [info] Checking replication filtering settings..

Tue Sep  2 17:10:08 2014 - [info]  binlog_do_db= , binlog_ignore_db= 

Tue Sep  2 17:10:08 2014 - [info]  Replication filtering check ok.

Tue Sep  2 17:10:08 2014 - [info] Starting SSH connection tests..

Tue Sep  2 17:10:10 2014 - [error][/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/MHA/MasterMonitor.pm, ln386] Error happend on checking configurations. SSH Configuration Check Failed!

 at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/MHA/MasterMonitor.pm line 341

Tue Sep  2 17:10:10 2014 - [error][/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/MHA/MasterMonitor.pm, ln482] Error happened on monitoring servers.

Tue Sep  2 17:10:10 2014 - [info] Got exit code 1 (Not master dead).

MySQL Replication Health is NOT OK!



[root@master88 ~]# chown -R concert:concert /mha/                

 2、添加concert为MySQL同组用户,使其有读取MySQL binary/relay log文件和relay_log.info文件的权限,以及日志目录的写权限

[root@bakmaster ~]# usermod -g mysql concert


[concert@mhamanager mha]$ /usr/bin/masterha_check_repl --conf=/etc/appl.cnf

Wed Sep  3 22:27:41 2014 - [info] Reading default configuratoins from /etc/masterha_default.cnf..

Wed Sep  3 22:27:41 2014 - [info] Reading application default configurations from /etc/appl.cnf..

Wed Sep  3 22:27:41 2014 - [info] Reading server configurations from /etc/appl.cnf..

Wed Sep  3 22:27:41 2014 - [info] MHA::MasterMonitor version 0.55.

Wed Sep  3 22:27:41 2014 - [info] Dead Servers:

Wed Sep  3 22:27:41 2014 - [info] Alive Servers:

Wed Sep  3 22:27:41 2014 - [info]

Wed Sep  3 22:27:41 2014 - [info]

Wed Sep  3 22:27:41 2014 - [info]

Wed Sep  3 22:27:41 2014 - [info] Alive Slaves:

Wed Sep  3 22:27:41 2014 - [info]  Version=5.5.17-log (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabled

Wed Sep  3 22:27:41 2014 - [info]     Replicating from

Wed Sep  3 22:27:41 2014 - [info]     Primary candidate for the new Master (candidate_master is set)

Wed Sep  3 22:27:41 2014 - [info]  Version=5.5.17-log (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabled

Wed Sep  3 22:27:41 2014 - [info]     Replicating from

Wed Sep  3 22:27:41 2014 - [info]     Not candidate for the new Master (no_master is set)

Wed Sep  3 22:27:41 2014 - [info] Current Alive Master:

Wed Sep  3 22:27:41 2014 - [info] Checking slave configurations..

Wed Sep  3 22:27:41 2014 - [info] Checking replication filtering settings..

Wed Sep  3 22:27:41 2014 - [info]  binlog_do_db= , binlog_ignore_db=

Wed Sep  3 22:27:41 2014 - [info]  Replication filtering check ok.

Wed Sep  3 22:27:41 2014 - [info] Starting SSH connection tests..

Wed Sep  3 22:27:42 2014 - [info] All SSH connection tests passed successfully.

Wed Sep  3 22:27:42 2014 - [info] Checking MHA Node version..

Wed Sep  3 22:27:43 2014 - [info]  Version check ok.

Wed Sep  3 22:27:43 2014 - [info] Checking SSH publickey authentication settings on the current master..

Wed Sep  3 22:27:43 2014 - [info] HealthCheck: SSH to is reachable.

Wed Sep  3 22:27:43 2014 - [info] Master MHA Node version is 0.54.

Wed Sep  3 22:27:43 2014 - [info] Checking recovery script configurations on the current master..

Wed Sep  3 22:27:43 2014 - [info]   Executing command: save_binary_logs --command=test --start_pos=4 --binlog_dir=/data/lib/mysql --output_file=/mha/appl/save_binary_logs_test --manager_version=0.55 --start_file=mysql-bin.000004

Wed Sep  3 22:27:43 2014 - [info]   Connecting to

  Creating /mha/appl if not exists..    ok.

  Checking output directory is accessible or not..


  Binlog found at /data/lib/mysql, up to mysql-bin.000004

Wed Sep  3 22:27:43 2014 - [info] Master setting check done.

Wed Sep  3 22:27:43 2014 - [info] Checking SSH publickey authentication and checking recovery script configurations on all alive slave servers..

Wed Sep  3 22:27:43 2014 - [info]   Executing command : apply_diff_relay_logs --command=test --slave_user='root' --slave_host= --slave_ip= --slave_port=3306 --workdir=/mha/appl --target_version=5.5.17-log --manager_version=0.55 --relay_log_info=/data/lib/mysql/relay-log.info 
--relay_dir=/data/lib/mysql/  --slave_pass=xxx

Wed Sep  3 22:27:43 2014 - [info]   Connecting to

  Checking slave recovery environment settings..

    Opening /data/lib/mysql/relay-log.info ... ok.

    Relay log found at /data/lib/mysql, up to mysql-relay-bin.000006

    Temporary relay log file is /data/lib/mysql/mysql-relay-bin.000006

    Testing mysql connection and privileges.. done.

    Testing mysqlbinlog output.. done.

    Cleaning up test file(s).. done.

Wed Sep  3 22:27:43 2014 - [info]   Executing command : apply_diff_relay_logs --command=test --slave_user='root' --slave_host= --slave_ip= --slave_port=3307 --workdir=/mha/appl --target_version=5.5.17-log --manager_version=0.55 --relay_log_info=/data/lib/mysqlb/relay-log.info 
--relay_dir=/data/lib/mysqlb/  --slave_pass=xxx

Wed Sep  3 22:27:43 2014 - [info]   Connecting to

  Checking slave recovery environment settings..

    Opening /data/lib/mysqlb/relay-log.info ... ok.

    Relay log found at /data/lib/mysqlb, up to mysql-relay-bin.000005

    Temporary relay log file is /data/lib/mysqlb/mysql-relay-bin.000005

    Testing mysql connection and privileges.. done.

    Testing mysqlbinlog output.. done.

    Cleaning up test file(s).. done.

Wed Sep  3 22:27:44 2014 - [info] Slaves settings check done.

Wed Sep  3 22:27:44 2014 - [info] (current master)



Wed Sep  3 22:27:44 2014 - [info] Checking replication health on

Wed Sep  3 22:27:44 2014 - [info]  ok.

Wed Sep  3 22:27:44 2014 - [info] Checking replication health on

Wed Sep  3 22:27:44 2014 - [info]  ok.

Wed Sep  3 22:27:44 2014 - [warning] master_ip_failover_script is not defined.

Wed Sep  3 22:27:44 2014 - [warning] shutdown_script is not defined.

Wed Sep  3 22:27:44 2014 - [info] Got exit code 0 (Not master dead).

MySQL Replication Health is OK.



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标签:  MySQL MHA centos ssh