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Learning from the enemy

2014-09-02 01:12 155 查看
url: http://www.economist.com/news/china/21613292-damaging-confrontation-looms-over-election-2017-learning-enemy

* a damaging confrontation looms over an election in 2017

        loom: n. 织布机,v. 隐约可见, 赫然耸现

        Ex.  the mountains looms through the clouds


        同时注意damaging 这个形容词, 很有破坏力的 


* ...seems to have been taking lessons from the other 

         take lesson from 吸取教训

* Both sides still have a lot to learn 

         have a lot to learn;  take lesson from

*  喜欢用这样的句式: it is clear that,  it is almost certain

* street protest 街道游行

* On the other hand, it may prefer to provoke

      prefer to + do 
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标签:  Economists