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Lowest common ancestor in binary search tree

2014-09-01 16:20 381 查看
This is a very common question, I write this just for review. Because it is binary search tree. So we can use binary search tree's property to solve the problem.

Solution: Assume the two nodes are n1 and n2 and n1 < n2, n is the lca to be found. if we n1 < n < n2 , then n is the lca. Otherwise recursively traverse the BST to find when n1
< n < n2. If n is greater than both n1 and n2, then lca lies on left subtree of n. If n is smaller than both n1 and n2, then lca lies on right subtree of n. Assuming both n1 and n2 are in the BST.

Consider the below BST for an example:

Below is cpp code to get the lca of this bst:

</pre><pre name="code" class="cpp">#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template <class T>  class BST;

template <class T> class BSTNode	// binary search tree node definition
friend class BST<T>;

BSTNode<T> *leftChild;	// left child
BSTNode<T> *rightChild;	// right child
T data;	// data domain

BSTNode() : leftChild(NULL), rightChild(NULL) {}	// constructor
BSTNode(const T item) : data(item), leftChild(NULL), rightChild(NULL) {}	// constructor
BSTNode(const T item, BSTNode<T> *left, BSTNode<T> *right)
: data(item), leftChild(left), rightChild(right) {}

T getData() const { return data; }	// get data

BSTNode<T>* getLeft() const { return leftChild; }	// get left child
BSTNode<T>* getRight() const { return rightChild; }	// get right child
~BSTNode() {}

template <class T> class BST	// binary search tree class definition
BSTNode<T> *root;	// root node
void insert(const T &x, BSTNode<T> * &ptr); // insert node to the tree
void insert_iter(const T &x, BSTNode<T> * &ptr);

T lca(BSTNode<T> *ptr, T a, T b);	// return the lowest common ancester of node data between a and b
T lca_iter(BSTNode<T> *ptr, T a, T b);	// iterative way to find lca
bool find(T x, BSTNode<T> *ptr);	// find node in the binary search tree
bool find_iter(T x, BSTNode<T> *ptr);	// find node in bst iterative way
BST<T>() : root(NULL) {}	// constructor
void insert(const T &x) { insert_iter(x, root); }
void insert(BSTNode<T> *ptr);
void traverse(BSTNode<T> *current);
void traverse() { traverse(root); }

T lca(T a, T b) { return lca_iter(root, a, b); }
bool find(T x) { return find_iter(x, root); }

template <class T> void BST<T>::insert(const T &x, BSTNode<T> * &ptr)
if (ptr == NULL)
ptr = new BSTNode<T>(x);
if (ptr == NULL) { cerr << "Out of space" << endl; exit(1); }
else if (x < ptr->data) insert(x, ptr->leftChild);
else if (x > ptr->data) insert(x, ptr->rightChild);

template <class T> void BST<T>::insert_iter(const T &x, BSTNode<T> * &ptr)
if (ptr == NULL)
ptr = new BSTNode<T>(x);
BSTNode<T> *temp = ptr;
while (true)
if (temp->data == x)
else if (x < temp->data)
if (temp->leftChild == NULL)
temp->leftChild = new BSTNode<T>(x);
temp = temp->leftChild;

else if (x > temp->data)
if (temp->rightChild == NULL)
temp->rightChild = new BSTNode<T>(x);
temp = temp->rightChild;

template <class T> void BST<T>::insert(BSTNode<T> *ptr)
BSTNode<T> *p = NULL;

if (NULL == root)
root = ptr;
p = root;

while (true)
if (ptr->getData() == p->getData()) return;
else if (ptr->getData() < p->getData())
if (p->getLeft() == NULL)
p->leftChild = ptr;
p = p->getLeft();
if (p->getRight() == NULL)
p->rightChild = ptr;
p = p->getRight();

template <class T> void BST<T>::traverse(BSTNode<T> *current)
if (current != NULL)
cout << current->data << " ";

template <class T> T BST<T>::lca(BSTNode<T> *ptr, T a, T b)
//if (ptr == NULL) return T(NULL);

//if (ptr->data > a && ptr->data > b)
//	return lca(ptr->leftChild, a, b);

//if (ptr->data < a && ptr->data < b)
//	return lca(ptr->rightChild, a, b);

//return ptr->data;

if (!find(a) || !find(b)) return T(NULL);	// if a or b not in the bst, return default value.

if (ptr == NULL) return T(NULL);	// if a and b are not in the tree or a == b then return default value of type T.

if (a > b) { T temp = a; a = b; b = temp; }	// if a > b then swap them first.

if (ptr->data > a && ptr->data < b) return ptr->getData();
else if (ptr->data > a && ptr->data > b) return lca(ptr->leftChild, a, b);
else return lca(ptr->rightChild, a, b);


template <class T> T BST<T>::lca_iter(BSTNode<T> *ptr, T a, T b)
if (!find(a) || !find(b)) return T(NULL);	// if a or b not in the bst, return default value.

if (ptr == NULL) return T(NULL);	// if a and b are not in the tree or a == b then return default value of type T.

if (a > b) { T temp = a; a = b; b = temp; }	// if a > b then swap them first.

BSTNode<T> *temp = ptr;

while (temp != NULL)
if (temp->data > a && temp->data > b)
temp = temp->leftChild;
else if (temp->data < a && temp->data < b)
temp = temp->rightChild;

return temp->getData();

template <class T> bool BST<T>::find(T x, BSTNode<T> *ptr)
if (ptr == NULL) return false;
else if (x < ptr->data) return find(x, ptr->leftChild);
else if (x > ptr->data) return find(x, ptr->rightChild);
else return true;

template <class T> bool BST<T>::find_iter(T x, BSTNode<T> *ptr)
if (ptr != NULL)
BSTNode<T> *temp = ptr;

while (temp != NULL)
if (temp->data == x) return true;
else if (temp->data > x) temp = temp->leftChild;
else temp = temp->rightChild;

return false;

int main()
cout << "Hello world!" << endl;

BST<int> *b = new BST<int>();


cout << endl;

int anc = b->lca(14, 4);

cout << anc << endl;

/*BSTNode<int> *node = new BSTNode<int>(1);

return 0;

Below is c code for reference:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct node
int data;
struct node *left, *right;

struct node* newNode(int data)
struct node* node = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
node->data = data;
node->left = node->right = NULL;
return node;

function to find LCA of n1 and n2. The function assumes that both n1
and n2 are present
struct node* lca(struct node* root, int n1, int n2)
if (root == NULL) return NULL;

// if both n1 and n2 are smaller that root, then LCA lies in root's left subtree
if (root->data > n1 && root->data > n2)
return lca(root->left, n1, n2);

// if both n1 and n2 are greater than root, then LCA lies in root's right subtree
if (root->data < n1 && root->data < n2)
return lca(root->right, n1, n2);

return root;

struct node* lca_iter(struct node* root, int n1, int n2)
if (root == NULL) return NULL;

while (root != NULL)
if (root->data > n1 && root->data > n2)
root = root->left;
else if (root->data < n1 && root->data < n2)
root = root->right;

return root;

int main()
struct node *root = newNode(20);
root->left = newNode(8);
root->right = newNode(22);
root->left->left = newNode(4);
root->left->right = newNode(12);
root->left->right->left = newNode(10);
root->left->right->right = newNode(14);

int n1 = 10, n2 = 14;
struct node *t = lca_iter(root, n1, n2);
printf("LCA of %d and %d is %d \n", n1, n2, t->data);

n1 = 14, n2 = 8;
t = lca_iter(root, n1, n2);
printf("LCA of %d and %d is %d \n", n1, n2, t->data);

n1 = 10, n2 = 22;
t = lca_iter(root, n1, n2);
printf("LCA of %d and %d is %d \n", n1, n2, t->data);


return 0;

reference: Lowest Common Ancestor in a Binary Search Tree.
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