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yum与apt命令比较,yum安装出现No package vim available解决办法

2014-08-17 13:26 543 查看
yum (YellowdogUpdater Modified)是一个集与查找,安装,更新和删除程序的Linux软件。它运行在RPM包兼容的Linux发行版本上,如:RedHat,Fedora, SUSE, CentOS,Mandriva。今天我在用CentOS 5.5的yum命令安装的时候出现如下错误:
[root@malu2 ~]# yum install vim

Loaded plugins: fastestmirror

Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile

* base: mirror.hosting90.cz

* extras: mirror.hosting90.cz

* updates: mirror.hosting90.cz

Setting up Install Process

No package vim available.

Nothing to do
#yum -y update
[root@malu2 yum.repos.d]# yum search vim
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror

Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile

* base: mirror.hosting90.cz

* extras: mirror.hosting90.cz

* updates: mirror.hosting90.cz

===================== Matched: vim ===================

vim-X11.x86_64 : The VIM version of the vi editor for the X Window System.

vim-common.x86_64 : The common files needed by any version of the VIM editor.

vim-enhanced.x86_64 : A version of the VIM editor which includes recent

: enhancements.

vim-minimal.x86_64 : A minimal version of the VIM editor.
#yum -y install vim-enhanced.x86_64


更新及安装:yum install package 安装指定的安装包packageyum localinstall package 本地安装软件包yum update 全部更新yum update package 更新指定程序包packageyum check-update 检查可更新的程序查找和显示yum info <package> 显示安装包信息yum list 显示所有已经安装和可以安装的程序包yum list <package> 显示指定程序包安装情况yum search <keyword>查找软件包


TaskRed Hat/FedoraUbuntu/Debian
Adding, Removing and Upgrading Packages
Refresh list of available packagesYum refreshes each time it’s usedapt-get update
Install a package from a repositoryyum installpackage_nameapt-get installpackage_name
Install a package fileyum installpackage.rpmrpm -ipackage.rpmdpkg –install package.deb
Remove a packagerpm -e package_nameapt-get removepackage_name
Check for package upgradesyum check-updateapt-get -s upgradeapt-get -s dist-upgrade
Upgrade packagesyum updaterpm -Uvh [args]apt-get dist-upgrade
Upgrade the entire systemyum upgradeapt-get dist-upgrade
Package Information
Get information about an available packageyum searchpackage_nameapt-cache searchpackage_name
Show available packagesyum list availableapt-cache dumpavail
List all installed packagesyum list installedrpm -qadpkg –list
Get information about a packageyum info package_nameapt-cache showpackage_name
Get information about an installed packagerpm -qi package_namedpkg –statuspackage_name
List files in an installed packagerpm -ql package_namedpkg –listfilespackage_name
List documentation files in an installed packagerpm -qd package_name-
List configuration files in an installed packagerpm -qc package_name-
Show the packages a given package depends onrpm -qR package_nameapt-cache depends
Show other packages that depend on agiven package (reverse dependency)rpm -q -whatrequires [args]apt-cache rdepends
Package File Information
Get information about a package filerpm -qpi package.rpmdpkg –info package.deb
List files in a package filerpm -qpl package.rpmdpkg –contentspackage.deb
List documentation files in a package filerpm -qpd package.rpm-
List configuration files in a package filerpm -qpc package.rpm-
Extract files in a packagerpm2cpio package.rpm | cpio -viddpkg-deb –extractpackage.deb dir-to-extract-to
Find package that installed a filerpm -qf filenamedpkg –search filename
Find package that provides a particular fileyum provides filenameapt-file search filename
Misc. Packaging System Tools
Show stats about the package cache-apt-cache stats
Verify all installed packagesrpm -Vadebsums
Remove packages from the local cache directoryyum clean packagesapt-get clean
Remove only obsolete packages from the local cache directory-apt-get autoclean
Remove header files from the local cache directory(forcing a new download of same on next use)yum clean headersapt-file purge
General Packaging System Information
Package file extension.rpm.deb
Repository location configuration/etc/yum.conf/etc/apt/sources.list
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