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2014-08-16 21:15 323 查看

#include <string>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

// using declarations states our intent to use these names from the namespace std
using namespace  std;

int main()
int *p = static_cast<int*>(malloc(sizeof(int)));
int s = 1;
int *s = &s;
delete s;  //飘红的这三行可以编译通过,运行也没问题,但是,调试的时候会出错,千万不要这样做!!!
int *p_new = new int; //分配一个int类型的地址空间,不进行初始化
int *p_new_1 = new int(10);//初始化为10
int n = 10;//如果n过大,会导致内存申请失败抛出错误,如果不想抛出错误可以再new后面加上nothrow
char *p_new_array = new(nothrow) char
string *p_new_string = new string

cout << *p << endl;
cout << *p_new << endl;
cout << *p_new_1 << endl;
cout << *p_new_array << *(p_new_array+1) << endl;

//delete p;// 基本内置类型可以,对于类类型这样不行,因为不是用new声明的
delete p_new;p_new=null;//将悬空指针变为空指针
delete p_new_1;  p_new_1=null;
delete p_new_array; p_new_array=null;//错误的写法,只对基本内置类型有效
delete[]p_new_string; //正确的写法,要和相应的new配对

return 0;


#include <string>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

// using declarations states our intent to use these names from the namespace std
using namespace  std;
struct Date
int year;
int month;
int day;
void print(){ cout << year << "-" << month << "-" << day << endl; }

void showYear(Date a[], int length, int Date::*year);
int main()
Date a[5] = { { 2001, 1, 1 }, { 2002, 2, 2 }, { 2003, 3, 3 }, { 2004, 4, 4 }, { 2005, 5, 5 } };
Date d = { 1997, 7, 9 };
cout << "&d = " << &d << endl;
cout << "&d.year = " << &d.year << " &d.month = " << &d.month << " &d.day =" << &d.day << endl; //绝对地址
cout << &Date::year << &Date::month << &Date::day << endl;//成员地址打印出来是111,c++认为成员地址和函数地址无意义,所以都直接处理为true,在输出也就显示为1
//cout << static_cast<int*>(&Date::year) << endl; //那么,强转来看看地址,结果报错,不能转换
int n;
int Date::*mp;
mp = &Date::day;
cout << "n = " << n << endl;//输出8,相对于year的地址
cout << d.*mp << endl;

showYear(a, sizeof(a)/sizeof(Date), &Date::year);

void (Date::*p)() = &Date::print;
return 0;

void showYear(Date a[], int length, int Date::*p)//p是date中某个成员的地址,不可用day,year,month,会造成表达模糊
for (int i = 0; i < length;++i)
cout << a[i].*p << " "; //a[i].year表达不出我想要用成员地址的意愿,因为year本来就是成员
cout << endl;
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