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* Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: lizhitao
* Date: 14-6-6
* Time: 下午3:01
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public class TestMafkaZkUtils {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TestMafkaZkUtils.class);

/**********   kafka zk root conf   *********/
public static final String ConsumersPath = "/consumers";
public static final String BrokerIdsPath = "/brokers/ids";
public static final String BrokerTopicsPath = "/brokers/topics";
public static final String TopicConfigPath = "/config/topics";
public final String TopicConfigChangesPath = "/config/changes";
public static final String ControllerPath = "/controller";
public static final String ControllerEpochPath = "/controller_epoch";
public static final String ReassignPartitionsPath = "/admin/reassign_partitions";
public static final String DeleteTopicsPath = "/admin/delete_topics";
public static final String PreferredReplicaLeaderElectionPath = "/admin/preferred_replica_election";

public static String getTopicPath(String topic) {
return  BrokerTopicsPath + "/" + topic;

public static String getTopicPartitionsPath(String topic) {
return   getTopicPath(topic) +  "/partitions";

public static String getTopicConfigPath(String topic) {
return  TopicConfigPath + "/" + topic;

public static String getDeleteTopicPath(String clusterName, String topic ) {
return   DeleteTopicsPath + "/" + topic;

public static String getBrokerIdsPath() {
return  BrokerIdsPath;

public static List<MafkaBroker> getAllBrokersInCluster(ZkClient zkClient, String clusterName) {
if (!pathExists(zkClient, getBrokerIdsPath())) {
throw new ZkNoNodeException(getBrokerIdsPath());

List<String> brokerIds = getChildrenParentMayNotExist(zkClient, getBrokerIdsPath());
//                List<String>     MafkaBroker getBrokerInfo(ZkClient zkClient, int brokerId)
List<MafkaBroker> retList = new ArrayList<MafkaBroker>();
for (String brokerIdStr : brokerIds) {
MafkaBroker broker = getBrokerInfo(zkClient, Integer.valueOf(brokerIdStr));
if (broker!=null)


return retList;

public static String getMetadataBrokerList(ZkClient zkClient, String clusterName) {
List<MafkaBroker> brokers = TestMafkaZkUtils.getAllBrokersInCluster(zkClient, clusterName);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (MafkaBroker broker : brokers) {
if (sb.length() > 0)

return sb.toString();

* get children nodes name
* @param zkClient zkClient
* @param path full path
* @return children nodes name or null while path not exist
public static List<String> getChildrenParentMayNotExist(ZkClient zkClient, String path) {
try {
return zkClient.getChildren(path);
} catch (ZkNoNodeException e) {
return null;
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.error("getChildrenParentMayNotExist invoke fail!",ex);
return null;

* This API takes in a broker id, queries zookeeper for the broker metadata and returns the metadata for that broker
* or throws an exception if the broker dies before the query to zookeeper finishes
* @param brokerId The broker id
* @param zkClient The zookeeper client connection
* @return An optional MafkaBroker object encapsulating the broker metadata
public static MafkaBroker getBrokerInfo(ZkClient zkClient, int brokerId) {
//        Pair<String, Stat>
String brokerInfoStr = readDataMaybeNull(zkClient, getBrokerIdsPath() + "/" + brokerId).getLeft();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(brokerInfoStr)) {
return MafkaBroker.createBroker(brokerId, brokerInfoStr);
} else{
return null;

public static Pair<String, Stat> readData(ZkClient client, String path) {
Stat stat = new Stat();
String dataStr = client.readData(path, stat);
return Pair.of(dataStr, stat);

public static Pair<String, Stat> readDataMaybeNull(ZkClient client, String path) {
Stat stat = new Stat();
Pair<String, Stat> dataAndStat = null;
try {
dataAndStat = Pair.of((String)client.readData(path, stat), stat);
} catch(ZkNoNodeException nkex) {
return Pair.of(null, stat);
} catch(Exception ex) {
return dataAndStat;

* Update the value of a persistent node with the given path and data.
* create parrent directory if necessary. Never throw NodeExistException.
public void updateEphemeralPath(ZkClient client, String path, String data) {
try {
client.writeData(path, data);
} catch(ZkNoNodeException zkex) {
createParentPath(client, path);
client.createEphemeral(path, data);
} catch (Exception ex) {

public static boolean deletePath(ZkClient client, String path) {
try {
return client.delete(path);
} catch(ZkNoNodeException zkex) {
// this can happen during a connection loss event, return normally
logger.info(path + " deleted during connection loss; this is ok");
return false;
} catch (Exception ex) {
return false;

public void deletePathRecursive(ZkClient client, String path) {
try {
} catch(ZkNoNodeException zkex) {
// this can happen during a connection loss event, return normally
logger.info(path + " deleted during connection loss; this is ok");
} catch (Exception ex) {

public void maybeDeletePath(String zkUrl, String dir) {
try {
ZkClient zk = new ZkClient(zkUrl, 30*1000, 30*1000, new MafkaZKStrSerializer());
} catch(Exception ex) {

*  make sure a persistent path exists in ZK. Create the path if not exist.
public static void makeSurePersistentPathExists(ZkClient client, String path) {
if (!client.exists(path))
client.createPersistent(path, true); // won't throw NoNodeException or NodeExistsException

*  create the parent path
private static void createParentPath(ZkClient client, String path) {
String parentDir = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('/'));
if (parentDir.length() != 0)
client.createPersistent(parentDir, true);

* Create an ephemeral node with the given path and data. Create parents if necessary.
private static void createEphemeralPath(ZkClient client, String path, String data) {
try {
client.createEphemeral(path, data);
} catch(ZkNoNodeException znex) {
createParentPath(client, path);
client.createEphemeral(path, data);

* Create an ephemeral node with the given path and data.
* Throw NodeExistException if node already exists.
public static void createEphemeralPathExpectConflict(ZkClient client, String path, String data) {
try {
createEphemeralPath(client, path, data);
} catch(ZkNodeExistsException zkex) {
// this can happen when there is connection loss; make sure the data is what we intend to write
String storedData = null;
try {
storedData = readData(client, path).getLeft();
} catch(ZkNoNodeException znex) {
if (storedData == null || storedData != data) {
logger.info("conflict in " + path + " data: " + data + " stored data: " + storedData);
throw zkex;
} else {
// otherwise, the creation succeeded, return normally
logger.info(path + " exists with value " + data + " during connection loss; this is ok");

* Create an persistent node with the given path and data. Create parents if necessary.
public static void createPersistentPath(ZkClient client, String path, String data) {
try {
client.createPersistent(path, data);
} catch(ZkNoNodeException znex) {
createParentPath(client, path);
client.createPersistent(path, data);

public String createSequentialPersistentPath(ZkClient client, String path, String data) {
return client.createPersistentSequential(path, data);

public static List<String> getAllPartitionsByTopic(ZkClient zkClient, String topic) {
return getChildren(zkClient, getTopicPartitionsPath(topic));

* Check if the given path exists
public static boolean pathExists(ZkClient zkClient, String path) {
logger.info("pathExists:" + path+ " zkClient:" + zkClient);
return zkClient.exists(path);

* 功能介绍:解析partitions列表数据,partitions以字符串方式存储,用逗号分隔。
* @param zkClient
* @return
public static String getAllPartitionsSepCommaByTopic(ZkClient zkClient,String topic) {
logger.info("getTopicPartitionsPath(clusterName, topic):" + getTopicPartitionsPath(topic));
if (!pathExists(zkClient, getTopicPartitionsPath(topic))) {
throw new ZkNoNodeException(getTopicPartitionsPath(topic));

List<String> partitions = getChildren(zkClient, getTopicPartitionsPath(topic));
Collections.sort(partitions,new Comparator<String>() {
public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
final int p1 = ( o1 == null ) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(o1);
final int p2 = ( o2 == null ) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(o2);
return NumberUtils.compare(p1, p2);

StringBuffer parts = new StringBuffer();
for ( String partition : partitions ) {
if (parts.length() > 0)
return parts.toString();

public static List<String> getChildren(ZkClient client, String path) {
return client.getChildren(path);

public static List<MafkaBroker> getAllBrokersInCluster(ZkClient zkClient) {
List<String> brokerIds = getChildrenParentMayNotExist(zkClient, getBrokerIdsPath());
//                List<String>     MafkaBroker getBrokerInfo(ZkClient zkClient, int brokerId)
List<MafkaBroker> retList = new ArrayList<MafkaBroker>();
for (String brokerIdStr : brokerIds) {
MafkaBroker broker = getBrokerInfo(zkClient, Integer.valueOf(brokerIdStr));
if (broker!=null)


return retList;

public static void main(String[] args) {
ZkClient zkClient;
//kafka zk根节点
String zkConnect = ",,";
int zkSessionTimeoutMs = 5000;
int zkConnectionTimeoutMs = 5000;
zkClient = new ZkClient(zkConnect, zkSessionTimeoutMs, zkConnectionTimeoutMs, new MafkaZKStrSerializer());
System.out.println(getAllPartitionsSepCommaByTopic(zkClient, "cluster-switch-topic"));

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