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物理引擎Box2D 入门

2014-08-11 18:46 330 查看

HelloWorld.h 头文件



#include "tinyxml2\tinyxml2.h"  

#include "cocos2d.h"

#include "Box2D\Box2D.h"


using namespace tinyxml2;

class HelloWorld : public cocos2d::Layer, public b2ContactListener



b2World *world;

float deltaTime;        

Sprite *ball;

float ballX;                   //精灵X坐标

float ballY;

int dragOffsetStartX;   //拖动开始X坐标

int dragOffsetEndX;     //拖动结束X坐标

int dragOffsetStartY;   //拖动开始Y

int dragOffsetEndY;     //拖动结束Y

b2Body *ballBody;

b2Body *ballBody2;

b2CircleShape ballShape;

b2BodyDef ballBodyDef;

void update(float dt);

b2Body *floorBody;

void createBall();      //创建球

void defineBall();      //创建物理球体 方法

void connectJoint();

void addWall(float w, float h, float px, float py); //墙体

b2MouseJoint *m_mouseJoint;

    // there's no 'id' in cpp, so we recommend returning the class instance pointer

    static cocos2d::Scene* createScene();

    // Here's a difference. Method 'init' in cocos2d-x returns bool, instead of returning 'id' in cocos2d-iphone

    virtual bool init();  


    // a selector callback

    void menuCloseCallback(cocos2d::Ref* pSender);


    // implement the "static create()" method manually


void makeXML(const char *fileName);

void parseXML(const char *fileName);

bool onTouchBegan(Touch* touch, Event* event);

void onTouchMoved(Touch* touch, Event* event);

void onTouchEnded(Touch* touch, Event* event);


#endif // __HELLOWORLD_SCENE_H__
 HelloWorld.cpp 文件

#include "HelloWorldScene.h"

#define SCALE_RATIO 32


Scene* HelloWorld::createScene()


    // 'scene' is an autorelease object

    auto scene = Scene::create();


    // 'layer' is an autorelease object

    auto layer = HelloWorld::create();

    // add layer as a child to scene


    // return the scene

    return scene;


// on "init" you need to initialize your instance

bool HelloWorld::init()



    // 1. super init first

    if ( !Layer::init() )


        return false;

b2Vec2 gravity = b2Vec2(0.0f, -10.0f);

world = new b2World(gravity);

CCSize visibleSize = CCDirector::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();

// 1 单点触摸事件监听器

EventListenerTouchOneByOne *eventTouch = EventListenerTouchOneByOne::create();


// 2 绑定触摸事件 

eventTouch->onTouchBegan = CC_CALLBACK_2(HelloWorld::onTouchBegan, this); // 触摸开始时触发 

eventTouch->onTouchMoved = CC_CALLBACK_2(HelloWorld::onTouchMoved, this); // 触摸移动时触发 

eventTouch->onTouchEnded = CC_CALLBACK_2(HelloWorld::onTouchEnded, this); // 触摸结束时触发 

// 3 添加监听器 

_eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(eventTouch, this);




addWall(visibleSize.width, 10, (visibleSize.width/2), visibleSize.height);

addWall(visibleSize.width, 10, (visibleSize.width / 2), 0);

addWall(10, visibleSize.height, 0, (visibleSize.height / 2));

addWall(10, visibleSize.height, visibleSize.width, (visibleSize.height / 2));


return true;


void HelloWorld::createBall(){


dragOffsetStartX = 0;

dragOffsetEndX = 0;

dragOffsetStartY = 0;

dragOffsetEndY = 0;

ballX = 500;

ballY = 200;

ball = Sprite::create("ball.png");

ball->setPosition(CCPoint(ballX, ballY));



ballShape.m_radius = 45 / SCALE_RATIO;
 //定义球形形状 半径


b2FixtureDef ballFixture;

ballFixture.density = 10;

ballFixture.friction = 1.0f;

ballFixture.restitution = 0.6f;
 //恢复 回弹

ballFixture.shape = &ballShape;


ballBodyDef.type = b2_dynamicBody;

ballBodyDef.userData = ball;

ballBodyDef.position.Set(ball->getPositionX() / SCALE_RATIO, ball->getPositionY() / SCALE_RATIO); //定义刚体的位置 (和精灵ball的位置相同)


ballBody = world->CreateBody(&ballBodyDef);  //用世界对象来创建一个物体.

ballBody->CreateFixture(&ballFixture);       //为刚体设置框架 可以为刚体添加多个框架,但每一个都会导致总重量的增加

ballBody->SetGravityScale(10);               //对象对环境重力的作用比例

//模拟物理 这里实时更新了 球体精灵触摸后的新的坐标,设置精灵的坐标后,刚体会获取精灵的坐标

void HelloWorld::update(float dt){


int positionIterations = 10;

int velocityIterations = 10;

world->Step(dt, velocityIterations, positionIterations) ;//box2d是用step来实现动画的


for (b2Body *body = world->GetBodyList(); body !=NULL; body=body->GetNext()){

if (body->GetUserData())  //获取用户数据指针,体内提供了定义。


CCSprite *sprite = (CCSprite *)body->GetUserData();

sprite->setPosition(ccp(body->GetPosition().x * SCALE_RATIO, body->GetPosition().y * SCALE_RATIO)); //设置精灵的位置并转换单位

sprite->setRotation(-1 * CC_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(body->GetAngle()));
//设置节点的旋转(angle)角度 宏定义:将弧度转换成度






void HelloWorld::addWall(float w, float h, float px, float py){


b2PolygonShape floorShape;

floorShape.SetAsBox(w / SCALE_RATIO, h / SCALE_RATIO);
//长和宽为1.0f 的一半 实际要乘以2


b2FixtureDef floorFixture;

floorFixture.density = 10;

floorFixture.friction = 0.8f;

floorFixture.restitution = 0.3f;

floorFixture.shape = &floorShape;


b2BodyDef floorBodyDef;

floorBodyDef.position.Set(px / SCALE_RATIO, py / SCALE_RATIO);  //给刚体设置位置


b2Body *floorBody = world->CreateBody(&floorBodyDef);



bool HelloWorld::onTouchBegan(Touch* touch, Event* event)


dragOffsetStartX = touch->getLocation().x;

dragOffsetStartY = touch->getLocation().y;

ballX = touch->getLocation().x;

ballY = touch->getLocation().y;

return true;


void HelloWorld::onTouchMoved(Touch* touch, Event* event)



void HelloWorld::onTouchEnded(Touch* touch, Event* event)


dragOffsetEndX = touch->getLocation().x;

dragOffsetEndY = touch->getLocation().y;

float dragDistanceX = dragOffsetStartX - dragOffsetEndX;

float dragDistanceY = dragOffsetStartY - dragOffsetEndY;

ballBody->SetLinearVelocity(b2Vec2((dragDistanceX*10) / SCALE_RATIO, (dragDistanceY*10) / SCALE_RATIO));

ball->setPosition(CCPoint(ballX, ballY));

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