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关于 WiresShark 的一些事情

2014-08-07 19:32 555 查看
1: MAC Pro 安装WiresShark 之后不能看见 网卡列表的解决办法:
This solution worked for me on OS X Leopard 10.6.6 running wireshark 1.4.3

Open terminal
type 'whoami' to see your exact user name (for me that was keving)
execute the following commands (substituting your username for mine--also enter your login password when prompted, of course):

cd /dev
sudo chown keving:admin bp*
ls -la | grep bp

The last command will display a list of files such as:
crw-------   1 keving  admin      23,   0 Feb  9 00:52 bpf0
crw-------   1 keving  admin      23,   1 Feb  9 00:52 bpf1
crw-------   1 keving  admin      23,   2 Feb  7 10:59 bpf2
crw-------   1 keving  admin      23,   3 Feb  7 10:59 bpf3
crw-------   1 root    wheel      23,   4 Feb  9 01:03 bpf4

Make sure all of them have your user name and admin as the user/group. For some reason, the last one didn't get assigned properly so I had to run the command:
sudo chown keving:admin bpf4

that fixed it

from there, you can type:
cd /Applications
open WireShark.app

And it will work.

Hope that helps someone,


2: 在经过 1 步骤之后。 我让我的电脑作为上网的热点,手机通过电脑上网。 Wireshark 是可以抓取到过往数据的:

内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息