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Python 正则表达式验证密码完整性

2014-08-07 10:47 316 查看
Regular Expression

1. Length between 8 and 32 characters

2. ASCII visible and space characters only
Rule: match A-Z,0-9,a-z and ASCII punctualtion
no control characters, line breaks, characters out of the ASCII talbe are allowed

3. One or more uppercase letters

4. One or more lowercase letters

5. One or more numbers

6. One or more special characters
[ !"#$%&'()*+,\-./:;<=>?@[\\\]^_`{|}~]

7. Anything other than ASCII letters and numbers

8. Disallow three or more sequential identical characters

9. Mutil rules
Length between 8 and 32 characters
One or more upppercase letters
One or more lowerercase letters
One or more numbers
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