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在XP系统中, 系统服务在内核的入口是KiFastCallEntry,我们从该入口开始,分析这一段代码都做了什么工作。



确定服务例程的入口地址,包括使用那个服务表,是Shadow SSDT还是SSDT


进入内核后,fs:[0]或者说ds:[ffdff000] 处是一个叫做KPCR 的结构,PCR 即 Processor Control Region ,处理器控制域。这是一个很有用的结构。系统本身就大量使用。

在 Ring3 的代码调用了 sysenter 指令之后,CPU 会做出如下的操作:

1. 将 SYSENTER_CS_MSR 的值装载到 cs 寄存器

2. 将 SYSENTER_EIP_MSR 的值装载到 eip 寄存器

3. 将 SYSENTER_CS_MSR 的值加 8(Ring0 的堆栈段描述符)装载到 ss 寄存器。

4. 将 SYSENTER_ESP_MSR 的值装载到 esp 寄存器

5. 将特权级切换到 Ring0

6. 如果 EFLAGS 寄存器的 VM 标志被置位,则清除该标志

7. 开始执行指定的 Ring0 代码

在 Ring0 代码执行完毕,调用 SYSEXIT 指令退回 Ring3 时,CPU 会做出如下操作:

1. 将 SYSENTER_CS_MSR 的值加 16(Ring3 的代码段描述符)装载到 cs 寄存器

2. 将寄存器 edx 的值装载到 eip 寄存器

3. 将 SYSENTER_CS_MSR 的值加 24(Ring3 的堆栈段描述符)装载到 ss 寄存器

4. 将寄存器 ecx 的值装载到 esp 寄存器

5. 将特权级切换到 Ring3

6. 继续执行 Ring3 的代码


// 当线程在内核模式下执行时的数据段选择子是23h
// 当线程在内核模式下执行时,在FS寄存器中加载的是选择子30,
// 用于寻址PCR结构体
804de6f0      mov ecx,23h
804de6f5      push 30h
804de6f7      pop fs

// 23h->ds;23h->es
804de6f9      mov ds,cx
804de6fb      mov es,cx

// dword ptr fs:[40h] == dword ptr ds:[0FFDFF040h]{TSS}
// dword ptr [ecx+4] 为当前线程的内核模式栈顶指针的值
804de6fd      mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[0FFDFF040h]
804de703      mov esp,dword ptr [ecx+4]

// ==========================================
// 将当前(执行Sysenter前各寄存器的值)上下文压入系统堆栈,

// _KTRAP_FRAME.HardwareSegSs
804de706      push 23h

// _KTRAP_FRAME.HardwareEsp
804de708      push edx

804de709      pushfd
804de70a      push 2
804de70c      add edx,8

// EFlags = 2
804de70f      popfd
804de710      or byte ptr [esp+1],2

804de715      push 1Bh

// ds:[0FFDF0304h] 是SystemCallReturn(_KUser_Shared_Data)
804de717      push dword ptr ds:[0FFDF0304h]

804de71d      push 0

804de71f      push ebp

804de720      push ebx

804de721      push esi

804de722      push edi

804de723      mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[0FFDFF01Ch]

804de729      push 3Bh

804de72b      mov esi,dword ptr [ebx+124h]

804de731      push dword ptr [ebx]
// 初始化链表
804de733      mov dword ptr [ebx],0FFFFFFFFh

//ebp = KPCR.PrcbData.CurrentThread. InitialStack
804de739      mov ebp,dword ptr [esi+18h]

//_KTRAP_FRAME.PreviousPreviousMode = 1
804de73c      push 1

// esp->_KTRAP_FRAME
804de73e      sub esp,48h

// ebp ->_KTRAP_FRAME
804de741      sub ebp,29Ch

// CurrentThread +124 = 1
804de747      mov byte ptr [esi+140h],1

// 比较
804de74e      cmp ebp,esp
// 不相等,发生了异常
804de750      jne nt!KiFastCallEntry2+0x24 (804de6c8)

// _KTRAP_FRAME.Dr7 = 0
804de756      and dword ptr [ebp+2Ch],0

// [esi+2Ch]是KTHREAD.DebugActive当前线程的调试标志
804de75a      test byte ptr [esi+2Ch],0FFh
804de75e      mov dword ptr [esi+134h],ebp
804de764      jne nt!Dr_FastCallDrSave (804de5b0)

// ebx = _KTRAP_FRAME.Ebp
804de76a      mov ebx,dword ptr [ebp+60h]

804de76d      mov edi,dword ptr [ebp+68h]

// _KTRAP_FRAME.DbgArgPointer
804de770      mov dword ptr [ebp+0Ch],edx

// _KTRAP_FRAME.DbgArgPointer = DbgArgMark
804de773      mov dword ptr [ebp+8],0BADB0D00h

804de77a      mov dword ptr [ebp],ebx

804de77d      mov dword ptr [ebp+4],edi

// 开中断
804de780      sti

804de781      mov edi,eax
804de783      shr edi,8
804de786      and edi,30h
804de789      mov ecx,edi

//KTHREAD.ServiceTable gdi32.dll和user32.dll调用时,
804de78b      add edi,dword ptr [esi+0E0h]
804de791      mov ebx,eax

804de793      and eax,0FFFh

//和ssdt或shadow ssdt总共项数比较,eax大则跳
804de798      cmp eax,dword ptr [edi+8]
804de79b      jae nt!KiBBTUnexpectedRange (804de4e2)

//判断是shadow ssdt还是ssdt,不跳则是shadow ssdt,跳则是ssdt
804de7a1      cmp ecx,10h
804de7a4      jne nt!KiFastCallEntry+0xcc (804de7c0)

// TIB地址送ecx
804de7a6      mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[0FFDFF018h]

// [ecx+0xf70] 是什么东东?
804de7ac      xor ebx,ebx
804de7ae      or ebx,dword ptr [ecx+0F70h]
804de7b4      je nt!KiFastCallEntry+0xcc (804de7c0)

804de7b6      push edx
804de7b7      push eax
804de7b8      call dword ptr [nt!KeGdiFlushUserBatch (8055a164)]
804de7be      pop eax
804de7bf      pop edx

// ds:[0FFDFF638h](fs:[638h]) KeSystemCalls
// 仅仅用来记录系统调用的次数,无太多用处
804de7c0      inc dword ptr ds:[0FFDFF638h]

// edx中是参数(堆栈顶的指针)
804de7c6      mov esi,edx
804de7c8      mov ebx,dword ptr [edi+0Ch]
804de7cb      xor ecx,ecx
804de7cd      mov cl,byte ptr [eax+ebx]

804de7d0      mov edi,dword ptr [edi]

804de7d2      mov ebx,dword ptr [edi+eax*4]
804de7d5      sub esp,ecx
804de7d7      shr ecx,2
804de7da      mov edi,esp

// 检查esi是否指向用户空间
804de7dc      cmp esi,dword ptr ds:[0EED02CF4h]
804de7e2      jae nt!KiSystemCallExit2+0x9f (804de990)

804de7e8      rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr [esi]

804de7ea      call ebx

// 恢复堆栈
804de7ec      mov esp,ebp

// fs:[124h]中储存着当前线程的ETHREAD
// ETHREAD的偏移134h处为TrapFrame
804de7ee      mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[0FFDFF124h]
804de7f4      mov edx,dword ptr [ebp+3Ch]
804de7f7      mov dword ptr [ecx+134h],edx

804de904      sysexit

//附相关数据结构 :
lkd> dt nt!_KPCR
+0x000 NtTib : _NT_TIB
+0x01c SelfPcr : Ptr32 _KPCR
+0x020 Prcb : Ptr32 _KPRCB
+0x024 Irql : UChar
+0x028 IRR : Uint4B
+0x02c IrrActive : Uint4B
+0x030 IDR : Uint4B
+0x034 KdVersionBlock : Ptr32 Void
+0x038 IDT : Ptr32 _KIDTENTRY
+0x03c GDT : Ptr32 _KGDTENTRY
+0x040 TSS : Ptr32 _KTSS
+0x044 MajorVersion : Uint2B
+0x046 MinorVersion : Uint2B
+0x048 SetMember : Uint4B
+0x04c StallScaleFactor : Uint4B
+0x050 DebugActive : UChar
+0x051 Number : UChar
+0x052 Spare0 : UChar
+0x053 SecondLevelCacheAssociativity : UChar
+0x054 VdmAlert : Uint4B
+0x058 KernelReserved : [14] Uint4B
+0x090 SecondLevelCacheSize : Uint4B
+0x094 HalReserved : [16] Uint4B
+0x0d4 InterruptMode : Uint4B
+0x0d8 Spare1 : UChar
+0x0dc KernelReserved2 : [17] Uint4B
+0x120 PrcbData : _KPRCB

lkd> dt nt!_NT_TIB
+0x004 StackBase : Ptr32 Void
+0x008 StackLimit : Ptr32 Void
+0x00c SubSystemTib : Ptr32 Void
+0x010 FiberData : Ptr32 Void
+0x010 Version : Uint4B
+0x014 ArbitraryUserPointer : Ptr32 Void
+0x018 Self : Ptr32 _NT_TIB

lkd> dt nt!_KPRCB
+0x000 MinorVersion : Uint2B
+0x002 MajorVersion : Uint2B
+0x004 CurrentThread : Ptr32 _KTHREAD
+0x008 NextThread : Ptr32 _KTHREAD
+0x00c IdleThread : Ptr32 _KTHREAD
+0x010 Number : Char
+0x011 Reserved : Char
+0x012 BuildType : Uint2B
+0x014 SetMember : Uint4B
+0x018 CpuType : Char
+0x019 CpuID : Char
+0x01a CpuStep : Uint2B
+0x01c ProcessorState : _KPROCESSOR_STATE
+0x33c KernelReserved : [16] Uint4B
+0x37c HalReserved : [16] Uint4B
+0x3bc PrcbPad0 : [92] UChar
+0x418 LockQueue : [16] _KSPIN_LOCK_QUEUE
+0x498 PrcbPad1 : [8] UChar
+0x4a0 NpxThread : Ptr32 _KTHREAD
+0x4a4 InterruptCount : Uint4B
+0x4a8 KernelTime : Uint4B
+0x4ac UserTime : Uint4B
+0x4b0 DpcTime : Uint4B
+0x4b4 DebugDpcTime : Uint4B
+0x4b8 InterruptTime : Uint4B
+0x4bc AdjustDpcThreshold : Uint4B
+0x4c0 PageColor : Uint4B
+0x4c4 SkipTick : Uint4B
+0x4c8 MultiThreadSetBusy : UChar
+0x4c9 Spare2 : [3] UChar
+0x4cc ParentNode : Ptr32 _KNODE
+0x4d0 MultiThreadProcessorSet : Uint4B
+0x4d4 MultiThreadSetMaster : Ptr32 _KPRCB
+0x4d8 ThreadStartCount : [2] Uint4B
+0x4e0 CcFastReadNoWait : Uint4B
+0x4e4 CcFastReadWait : Uint4B
+0x4e8 CcFastReadNotPossible : Uint4B
+0x4ec CcCopyReadNoWait : Uint4B
+0x4f0 CcCopyReadWait : Uint4B
+0x4f4 CcCopyReadNoWaitMiss : Uint4B
+0x4f8 KeAlignmentFixupCount : Uint4B
+0x4fc KeContextSwitches : Uint4B
+0x500 KeDcacheFlushCount : Uint4B
+0x504 KeExceptionDispatchCount : Uint4B
+0x508 KeFirstLevelTbFills : Uint4B
+0x50c KeFloatingEmulationCount : Uint4B
+0x510 KeIcacheFlushCount : Uint4B
+0x514 KeSecondLevelTbFills : Uint4B
+0x518 KeSystemCalls : Uint4B
+0x51c SpareCounter0 : [1] Uint4B
+0x520 PPLookasideList : [16] _PP_LOOKASIDE_LIST
+0x5a0 PPNPagedLookasideList : [32] _PP_LOOKASIDE_LIST
+0x6a0 PPPagedLookasideList : [32] _PP_LOOKASIDE_LIST
+0x7a0 PacketBarrier : Uint4B
+0x7a4 ReverseStall : Uint4B
+0x7a8 IpiFrame : Ptr32 Void
+0x7ac PrcbPad2 : [52] UChar
+0x7e0 CurrentPacket : [3] Ptr32 Void
+0x7ec TargetSet : Uint4B
+0x7f0 WorkerRoutine : Ptr32 void
+0x7f4 IpiFrozen : Uint4B
+0x7f8 PrcbPad3 : [40] UChar
+0x820 RequestSummary : Uint4B
+0x824 SignalDone : Ptr32 _KPRCB
+0x828 PrcbPad4 : [56] UChar
+0x860 DpcListHead : _LIST_ENTRY
+0x868 DpcStack : Ptr32 Void
+0x86c DpcCount : Uint4B
+0x870 DpcQueueDepth : Uint4B
+0x874 DpcRoutineActive : Uint4B
+0x878 DpcInterruptRequested : Uint4B
+0x87c DpcLastCount : Uint4B
+0x880 DpcRequestRate : Uint4B
+0x884 MaximumDpcQueueDepth : Uint4B
+0x888 MinimumDpcRate : Uint4B
+0x88c QuantumEnd : Uint4B
+0x890 PrcbPad5 : [16] UChar
+0x8a0 DpcLock : Uint4B
+0x8a4 PrcbPad6 : [28] UChar
+0x8c0 CallDpc : _KDPC
+0x8e0 ChainedInterruptList : Ptr32 Void
+0x8e4 LookasideIrpFloat : Int4B
+0x8e8 SpareFields0 : [6] Uint4B
+0x900 VendorString : [13] UChar
+0x90d InitialApicId : UChar
+0x90e LogicalProcessorsPerPhysicalProcessor : UChar
+0x910 MHz : Uint4B
+0x914 FeatureBits : Uint4B
+0x918 UpdateSignature : _LARGE_INTEGER
+0x920 NpxSaveArea : _FX_SAVE_AREA
+0xb30 PowerState : _PROCESSOR_POWER_STATE

lkd> dt nt!_KTHREAD
+0x000 Header : _DISPATCHER_HEADER
+0x010 MutantListHead : _LIST_ENTRY
+0x018 InitialStack : Ptr32 Void
+0x01c StackLimit : Ptr32 Void
+0x020 Teb : Ptr32 Void
+0x024 TlsArray : Ptr32 Void
+0x028 KernelStack : Ptr32 Void
+0x02c DebugActive : UChar
+0x02d State : UChar
+0x02e Alerted : [2] UChar
+0x030 Iopl : UChar
+0x031 NpxState : UChar
+0x032 Saturation : Char
+0x033 Priority : Char
+0x034 ApcState : _KAPC_STATE
+0x04c ContextSwitches : Uint4B
+0x050 IdleSwapBlock : UChar
+0x051 Spare0 : [3] UChar
+0x054 WaitStatus : Int4B
+0x058 WaitIrql : UChar
+0x059 WaitMode : Char
+0x05a WaitNext : UChar
+0x05b WaitReason : UChar
+0x05c WaitBlockList : Ptr32 _KWAIT_BLOCK
+0x060 WaitListEntry : _LIST_ENTRY
+0x060 SwapListEntry : _SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY
+0x068 WaitTime : Uint4B
+0x06c BasePriority : Char
+0x06d DecrementCount : UChar
+0x06e PriorityDecrement : Char
+0x06f Quantum : Char
+0x070 WaitBlock : [4] _KWAIT_BLOCK
+0x0d0 LegoData : Ptr32 Void
+0x0d4 KernelApcDisable : Uint4B
+0x0d8 UserAffinity : Uint4B
+0x0dc SystemAffinityActive : UChar
+0x0dd PowerState : UChar
+0x0de NpxIrql : UChar
+0x0df InitialNode : UChar
+0x0e0 ServiceTable : Ptr32 Void
+0x0e4 Queue : Ptr32 _KQUEUE
+0x0e8 ApcQueueLock : Uint4B
+0x0f0 Timer : _KTIMER
+0x118 QueueListEntry : _LIST_ENTRY
+0x120 SoftAffinity : Uint4B
+0x124 Affinity : Uint4B
+0x128 Preempted : UChar
+0x129 ProcessReadyQueue : UChar
+0x12a KernelStackResident : UChar
+0x12b NextProcessor : UChar
+0x12c CallbackStack : Ptr32 Void
+0x130 Win32Thread : Ptr32 Void
+0x134 TrapFrame : Ptr32 _KTRAP_FRAME
+0x138 ApcStatePointer : [2] Ptr32 _KAPC_STATE
+0x140 PreviousMode : Char
+0x141 EnableStackSwap : UChar
+0x142 LargeStack : UChar
+0x143 ResourceIndex : UChar
+0x144 KernelTime : Uint4B
+0x148 UserTime : Uint4B
+0x14c SavedApcState : _KAPC_STATE
+0x164 Alertable : UChar
+0x165 ApcStateIndex : UChar
+0x166 ApcQueueable : UChar
+0x167 AutoAlignment : UChar
+0x168 StackBase : Ptr32 Void
+0x16c SuspendApc : _KAPC
+0x19c SuspendSemaphore : _KSEMAPHORE
+0x1b0 ThreadListEntry : _LIST_ENTRY
+0x1b8 FreezeCount : Char
+0x1b9 SuspendCount : Char
+0x1ba IdealProcessor : UChar
+0x1bb DisableBoost : UChar

+0x000 TickCountLow     : Uint4B
+0x004 TickCountMultiplier : Uint4B
+0x008 InterruptTime    : _KSYSTEM_TIME
+0x014 SystemTime       : _KSYSTEM_TIME
+0x020 TimeZoneBias     : _KSYSTEM_TIME
+0x02c ImageNumberLow   : Uint2B
+0x02e ImageNumberHigh  : Uint2B
+0x030 NtSystemRoot     : [260] Uint2B
+0x238 MaxStackTraceDepth : Uint4B
+0x23c CryptoExponent   : Uint4B
+0x240 TimeZoneId       : Uint4B
+0x244 Reserved2        : [8] Uint4B
+0x264 NtProductType    : _NT_PRODUCT_TYPE
+0x268 ProductTypeIsValid : UChar
+0x26c NtMajorVersion   : Uint4B
+0x270 NtMinorVersion   : Uint4B
+0x274 ProcessorFeatures : [64] UChar
+0x2b4 Reserved1        : Uint4B
+0x2b8 Reserved3        : Uint4B
+0x2bc TimeSlip         : Uint4B
+0x2c0 AlternativeArchitecture : _ALTERNATIVE_ARCHITECTURE_TYPE
+0x2c8 SystemExpirationDate : _LARGE_INTEGER
+0x2d0 SuiteMask        : Uint4B
+0x2d4 KdDebuggerEnabled : UChar
+0x2d5 NXSupportPolicy  : UChar
+0x2d8 ActiveConsoleId  : Uint4B
+0x2dc DismountCount    : Uint4B
+0x2e0 ComPlusPackage   : Uint4B
+0x2e4 LastSystemRITEventTickCount : Uint4B
+0x2e8 NumberOfPhysicalPages : Uint4B
+0x2ec SafeBootMode     : UChar
+0x2f0 TraceLogging     : Uint4B
+0x2f8 TestRetInstruction : Uint8B
+0x300 SystemCall       : Uint4B
+0x304 SystemCallReturn : Uint4B
+0x308 SystemCallPad    : [3] Uint8B
+0x320 TickCount        : _KSYSTEM_TIME
+0x320 TickCountQuad    : Uint8B
+0x330 Cookie           : Uint4B

lkd> dt _KTRAP_FRAME
+0x000 DbgEbp           : Uint4B
+0x004 DbgEip           : Uint4B
+0x008 DbgArgMark       : Uint4B
+0x00c DbgArgPointer    : Uint4B
+0x010 TempSegCs        : Uint4B
+0x014 TempEsp          : Uint4B
+0x018 Dr0              : Uint4B
+0x01c Dr1              : Uint4B
+0x020 Dr2              : Uint4B
+0x024 Dr3              : Uint4B
+0x028 Dr6              : Uint4B
+0x02c Dr7              : Uint4B
+0x030 SegGs            : Uint4B
+0x034 SegEs            : Uint4B
+0x038 SegDs            : Uint4B
+0x03c Edx              : Uint4B
+0x040 Ecx              : Uint4B
+0x044 Eax              : Uint4B
+0x048 PreviousPreviousMode : Uint4B
+0x04c ExceptionList    : Ptr32 _EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD
+0x050 SegFs            : Uint4B
+0x054 Edi              : Uint4B
+0x058 Esi              : Uint4B
+0x05c Ebx              : Uint4B
+0x060 Ebp              : Uint4B
+0x064 ErrCode          : Uint4B
+0x068 Eip              : Uint4B
+0x06c SegCs            : Uint4B
+0x070 EFlags           : Uint4B
+0x074 HardwareEsp      : Uint4B
+0x078 HardwareSegSs    : Uint4B
+0x07c V86Es            : Uint4B
+0x080 V86Ds            : Uint4B
+0x084 V86Fs            : Uint4B
+0x088 V86Gs            : Uint4B
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