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Lesson 15-16 Household Chores

2014-07-20 23:05 330 查看
一 Words

1 live in 居住

2 dish 盘,菜肴 e.g. Surprise a new neighbour with one of your favourite home-made自制的,家里做的 dishes!

3 put away 收好,储存;关进监狱 e.g. Her bed was crisply made收拾的很整洁,her clothes put away.她的床收拾得很整洁,衣服也收起来了。

4 iron 铁,熨烫 eg.She used to iron his shirts她以前常给他熨衬衫。

5 dust 灰尘n,擦去灰尘v eg.I vacuumed and dusted the living room我用吸尘器打扫了客厅,擦了擦灰尘。

6 take out 取出,带...出去

7 tile 瓷砖,用瓷砖覆盖 e.g. He wants to tile the bathroom.他想在浴室里铺瓷砖。

8 grocery 食品杂货店 e.g. Her mother began operation of a small grocery.她母亲开始经营一家小杂货店。

食品杂货 e.g. I worked stocking shelves in a grocery store.我在一家杂货店工作,负责为货架上货。

9 wallpaper 壁纸

10 furnace 火炉 back-breaking 累断腰的,繁重的

11digest 消化v,摘要n e.g. All this has upset me,I need time to digest it all.所以这些都让我心烦。我需要时间来慢慢接受这一切。

12 utensil 器具n e.g. The best carving utensil is a long,sharp,flexible knife.最好的雕刻工具是锋利而柔韧的长刻刀

13 literally 真正的,字面的 e.g. Until next payday,I was literallly without any money.到下个发薪日前,我真的没有一点儿钱了。

14 rag 碎布,抹布

15 as well 也 have got有(用于美式口语中) eg. People with disabilities have got a vote as well, you know.你知道,残疾人士也拥有投票权

16 periodical定期的,周期的adj 期刊n eg. Meetings are held periodically to monitor progress on the case.定期举行会议以监督案件的进展。

17 recur 再发生 eg. Economic crises(crisis的复数) recur periodically.经济危机周期性地发生。

回想 eg. He did not recur in thought to New York or the flat.他再也没去想纽约或者他的公寓

18 pan平底锅 pot 罐,容器n,种盆栽v eg. The republic is a melting pot of different nationalities.这个共和国是多民族的大熔炉。

19 appeal 呼吁,上诉,对...有吸引力v eg.The range has long appealed to all tastes.该系列长期受到各类人士的欢迎。

呼吁,吸引力n eg. Its new title was meant to give the party greater public appeal.新的党名意在使该党对公众具有更强的吸引力

20 mean to 想要,故意要 mean...to 对...意味着 eg. Having my family around me means happiness to me.家人同我在一起就意味着幸福。

21 down to 下至,乃至 eg. Keep your spending on luxuries down to managable proportions.将你在奢侈品上的花费降至可控范围

22 adept 擅长v,专家n eg. When it comes to photography,I am not an adept.要说照相,我不是内行

eg. Women are said to be more adept at doing household chores.

23 or else 否则,要不然 eg. The book must be here,or else you've lost it.书一定在这, 要不然就是你把它丢了

24 order out命令离开,发出订单 eg. We need confirmation in writing before we can send you order out.给你们发送订购的货物之前,我们需要书面确认。

25 on a regular basis有规律的,定期 gourmand嗜吃者,美食家

26 subsidize 补助v eg. At the moment, they are existing on pensions that are subsidized by the government.此刻他们正依靠政府发放的养老金维持生计

27 on sale 出售,廉价出售

28 ego自负,自尊 eg. He has the biggest ego of anyone I've ever met.他是我所见的最自负的人。

alter ego自我,知己 eg. She is,first and foremost,her husband's alter ego.她首先是丈夫的知己。

29 in exchange for 交换 solicit征求,索取v eg. It is illegal for public officials solicit money or gifts in exchange for favors.公务员通过索要礼物或钱财作为为他人提供便利的交换是违法的。

30 incessant 不停的adj eg.he is tired of his incessant demands for affection她厌倦了他对感情的不断索取。

31 slob懒人 eg. Get out of bed, you fat slob!起床吧,你这个胖懒虫! go on strike 开始罢工

二 Idioms

1 all ears 全神贯注地听 e.g. Of course I want to know——I'm all ears.

2 accidentally on purpose 故作意外的 e.g. I accidentally on purpose erased his email address,so I couldn't contact him again.

3 add fuel to the flames 火上加油v e.g. He forgot their wedding anniversary,and his apologies only added fuel to the flames.
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