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UVALive 6091 - Trees (并查集)

2014-07-20 21:57 381 查看





A graph consists of a set of vertices and edges between pairs of vertices. Two vertices are connected if there is a path (subset of edges) leading from one vertex to another, and a connected component is a maximal
subset of vertices that are all connected to each other. A graph consists of one or more connected components.
A tree is a connected component without cycles, but it can also be characterized in other ways. For example, a tree consisting of nvertices has exactly n -
1 edges. Also, there is a unique path connecting any pair of vertices in a tree.
Given a graph, report the number of connected components that are also trees.


The input consists of a number of cases. Each case starts with two non-negative integers n and m, satisfying n

500 and m

n(n -
1)/2. This is followed by m lines, each containing two integers specifying the two distinct vertices connected by an edge. No edge will be specified twice (or given again in a different order). The vertices are labelled
1 to n. The end of input is indicated by a line containing n= m =0.


For each case, print one of the following lines depending on how many different connected components are trees (T > 1 below):

Case x: A forest of T trees.

Case x: There is one tree.

Case x: No trees.

x is the case number (starting from 1).

Sample Input

6 3
1 2
2 3
3 4
6 5
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 6
6 6
1 2
2 3
1 3
4 5
5 6
6 4
0 0

Sample Output

Case 1: A forest of 3 trees.
Case 2: There is one tree.
Case 3: No trees.

int father[1017];
int c[1017];//记录是否循环
int a, b, n, m, k;
int i, j;
int find(int x)
    return x==father[x]?x:father[x]=find(father[x]);
void Union(int x,int y)
	int f1=find(x);
	int f2=find(y);
	if(c[f1] && c[f2])//无效输入
		return ;
	if(f1 != f2)
			father[f1] = f2;
			father[f2] = f1;
	else if(f1 == f2)//标记
		c[f1] = 1;
void init()
	for(i = 1 ; i <=n ; i++ )
		father[i] = i ;
		c[i] = 0;
int main()
	int cas = 0;
		if(n == 0 && m == 0)
        for(i = 1; i <= m; i++ )
		if(k > 1)
			printf("Case %d: A forest of %d trees.\n",++cas,k);
		else if(k == 1)
			printf("Case %d: There is one tree.\n",++cas);
			printf("Case %d: No trees.\n",++cas);
    return 0 ;
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