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A class representing a scale division.

A Qwt scale is defined by its
boundaries and 3 list for the positions of the major, medium and minor ticks.

The upperLimit() might be smaller than the lowerLimit() to indicate inverted scales.上限可以小于下限,这说明标尺是逆序的

Scale divisions can be calculated from a QwtScaleEngine.

See Also

QwtScaleEngine::divideScale(), QwtPlot::setAxisScaleDiv(), QwtAbstractSlider::setScaleDiv()


class QWT_EXPORT QwtScaleDiv
//! Scale tick types
enum TickType
//! No ticks
NoTick = -1,

//! Minor ticks

//! Medium ticks

//! Major ticks

//! Number of valid tick types

explicit QwtScaleDiv( double lowerBound = 0.0,
double upperBound = 0.0 );//构造函数

explicit QwtScaleDiv( const QwtInterval &, QList<double>[NTickTypes] );//构造函数

explicit QwtScaleDiv( double lowerBound, double upperBound,
QList<double>[NTickTypes] );//构造函数

explicit QwtScaleDiv( double lowerBound, double upperBound,
const QList<double> &minorTicks, const QList<double> &mediumTicks,
const QList<double> &majorTicks );//构造函数

bool operator==( const QwtScaleDiv & ) const;
bool operator!=( const QwtScaleDiv & ) const;

void setInterval( double lowerBound, double upperBound );
void setInterval( const QwtInterval & );
QwtInterval interval() const;

void setLowerBound( double );
double lowerBound() const;

void setUpperBound( double );
double upperBound() const;

double range() const;

bool contains( double value ) const;

void setTicks( int tickType, const QList<double> & );
QList<double> ticks( int tickType ) const;

bool isEmpty() const;
bool isIncreasing() const;

void invert();
QwtScaleDiv inverted() const;

QwtScaleDiv bounded( double lowerBound, double upperBound ) const;

double d_lowerBound;//下边界
double d_upperBound;//上边界,注意:下边界有可能大于上边界(此时刻度划分是逆序的)。
QList<double> d_ticks[NTickTypes];


Change the interval

\param lowerBound First boundary
\param upperBound Second boundary

\note lowerBound might be greater than upperBound for inverted scales
void QwtScaleDiv::setInterval( double lowerBound, double upperBound )
d_lowerBound = lowerBound;
d_upperBound = upperBound;

Change the interval

\param interval Interval
void QwtScaleDiv::setInterval( const QwtInterval &interval )
d_lowerBound = interval.minValue();
d_upperBound = interval.maxValue();


\return lowerBound -> upperBound
QwtInterval QwtScaleDiv::interval() const
return QwtInterval( d_lowerBound, d_upperBound );

\return upperBound() - lowerBound()
double QwtScaleDiv::range() const
return d_upperBound - d_lowerBound;

//! Check if the scale division is empty( lowerBound() == upperBound() )
bool QwtScaleDiv::isEmpty() const
return ( d_lowerBound == d_upperBound );

//! Check if the scale division is increasing( lowerBound() <= upperBound() )
bool QwtScaleDiv::isIncreasing() const
return d_lowerBound <= d_upperBound;

Return if a value is between lowerBound() and upperBound()

\param value Value
\return true/false
bool QwtScaleDiv::contains( double value ) const
const double min = qMin( d_lowerBound, d_upperBound );
const double max = qMax( d_lowerBound, d_upperBound );

return value >= min && value <= max;

Invert the scale division
\sa inverted()
void QwtScaleDiv::invert()
qSwap( d_lowerBound, d_upperBound );

for ( int i = 0; i < NTickTypes; i++ )
QList<double>& ticks = d_ticks[i];

const int size = ticks.count();
const int size2 = size / 2;

for ( int j = 0; j < size2; j++ )
qSwap( ticks[j], ticks[size - 1 - j] );

\return A scale division with inverted boundaries and ticks
\sa invert()
QwtScaleDiv QwtScaleDiv::inverted() const
QwtScaleDiv other = *this;

return other;

Return a scale division with an interval [lowerBound, upperBound]
where all ticks outside this interval are removed

\param lowerBound Lower bound
\param upperBound Upper bound

\return Scale division with all ticks inside of the given interval

\note lowerBound might be greater than upperBound for inverted scales
QwtScaleDiv QwtScaleDiv::bounded(
double lowerBound, double upperBound ) const
const double min = qMin( lowerBound, upperBound );
const double max = qMax( lowerBound, upperBound );

QwtScaleDiv sd;
sd.setInterval( lowerBound, upperBound );

for ( int tickType = 0; tickType < QwtScaleDiv::NTickTypes; tickType++ )
const QList<double> &ticks = d_ticks[ tickType ];

QList<double> boundedTicks;
for ( int i = 0; i < ticks.size(); i++ )
const double tick = ticks[i];
if ( tick >= min && tick <= max )
boundedTicks += tick;

sd.setTicks( tickType, boundedTicks );

return sd;


Assign ticks

\param type MinorTick, MediumTick or MajorTick
\param ticks Values of the tick positions
void QwtScaleDiv::setTicks( int type, const QList<double> &ticks )
if ( type >= 0 && type < NTickTypes )// 赋值之前,首先对type的合法性进行检查
d_ticks[type] = ticks;

Return a list of ticks

\param type MinorTick, MediumTick or MajorTick
\return Tick list
QList<double> QwtScaleDiv::ticks( int type ) const
if ( type >= 0 && type < NTickTypes )// 首先对type的合法性进行检查
return d_ticks[type];

return QList<double>();
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