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jsp servlet版本之间的关系

2014-07-03 11:08 441 查看

jcp java技术规范 参看维基百科http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSR

JSP 2.3 Relation to JSP 2.2

JSP 2.3 is a mantenance release for JSP 2.2. 

• JSP 2.3 specification uses Servlet 3.1 specification for its web semantics.

• JSP 2.3 specification is a component of Java™ Platform, Enterprise Edition 7(Java EE 7) specification.

• JSP 2.3 specification requires the Java™ Platform, Standard Edition 7(Java SE 7), or later.

JSP 2.2 Relation to JSP 2.1

JSP 2.2 is a mantenance release for JSP 2.1. 

• JSP 2.2 specification uses Servlet 3.0 specificationfor its web semantics.

• JSP 2.2 specification is a component ofJava™ Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 (Java EE 6) specification.

• JSP 2.2 specification requires the Java™ Platform, Standard Edition 6 (Java SE 6), or later.

JSP 2.1 Relation To JSP 2.0 

JSP 2.1 extends the JavaServer Pages 2.0 Specification (JSP 2.0) in the following ways:

• The JSP specification now features a unifiedexpression language, which is the result of the integration of the expression languages defined in the JSP 2.0 and Faces 1.1 specifications. The new unified expression language is defined in its own specification
document, delivered along with the JSP 2.1 specification.

• The JSP 2.1 specification uses the Servlet 2.5 specification for its web semantics.

• The JSP 2.1 specification requires the Java™ 2 Platform, Standard Edition version 5.0 or later.

jsr-245 specification

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