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Topic Model 相关论文

2014-07-02 21:13 246 查看

1 、Jian Tang, ZhaoshiMeng, XuanLongNguyen, Qiaozhu
Mei, MingZhang: Understanding the LimitingFactors of Topic Modeling via Posterior Contraction Analysis. ICML2014:190-198

2、MaximRabinovich, David
M. Blei: The Inverse Regression Topic Model. ICML2014:199-207

3、David Inouye, PradeepD. Ravikumar, InderjitS.
Dhillon: Admixture ofPoisson MRFs: A Topic Model with Word Dependencies.ICML2014:683-691


§ 1、Jun Zhu, NingChen, Hugh
Perkins, Bo Zhang: Gibbs Max-Margin Topic Models with Fast SamplingAlgorithms. ICML2013:124-132
2、Do-kyumKim, GeoffreyM.
Voelker, LawrenceK. Saul: A Variational Approximationfor Topic Modeling of Hierarchical Corpora.ICML2013:55-63

3、UriShalit, DaphnaWeinshall, Gal
Chechik: Modeling Musical Influence with Topic Models. ICML2013:244-252

4MrinalKanti Das, SuparnaBhattacharya, ChiranjibBhattacharyya, KanchiGopinath:
Subtle Topic Models andDiscovering Subtly Manifested Software Concerns Automatically. ICML2013:253-261

5、SanjeevArora, Rong Ge, YonatanHalpern, David
M.Mimno, Ankur Moitra, DavidSontag, Yichen
Wu, MichaelZhu: A Practical Algorithm for Topic Modeling withProvable Guarantees. ICML2013:280-288

6、Jason Chuang, SonalGupta, ChristopherD.
Manning, Jeffrey Heer: Topic Model Diagnostics: Assessing Domain Relevance viaTopical Alignment. ICML

7、DaphnaWeinshall, Gal Levi, DmitriHanukaev:
LDA Topic Model with SoftAssignment of Descriptors to Words. ICML2013:711-719

8、Minje Kim, ParisSmaragdis: Manifold PreservingHierarchical Topic
Models for Quantization and Approximation. ICML2013:1373-1381


1、AthinaSpiliopoulou, Amos
J.Storkey: A Topic Model for MelodicSequences. ICML2012

2、Dongwoo Kim, Suin Kim, Alice
H.Oh: Dirichlet Process with Mixed Random Measures: ANonparametric Topic Model for Labeled Data. ICML2012


1、Haojun Chen, David B.Dunson, LawrenceCarin:
Topic Modeling withNonparametric Markov Tree. ICML2011:377-384

2、LingboLi, MingyuanZhou, GuillermoSapiro, LawrenceCarin:
On the Integration of TopicModeling and Dictionary Learning.ICML2011:625-63


1、Jun Zhu, XunZheng, Li
Zhou, Bo Zhang: Scalable inference in max-margin topic models. KDD2013:964-972


1、Xu Chen, MingyuanZhou, LawrenceCarin:
The contextual focused topicmodel. KDD2012:96-104

2、Yu Wang, EugeneAgichtein, Michele
Benzi: TM-LDA: efficient online modeling of latent topictransitions in social media. KDD2012:123-131


1、Chong Wang, David M.Blei: Collaborative topic modelingfor recommending
scientific articles. KDD2011:448-456

2、Daniel Ramage, ChristopherD. Manning, Susan
T.Dumais: Partially labeled topic modelsfor interpretable text mining. KDD2011:457-465

3、Jun Zhu, Ni Lao, NingChen, Eric
P. Xing: Conditional topical coding: an efficient topic modelconditioned on rich features.KDD2011:475-483

4、Liangjie Hong, DaweiYin, Jian
Guo, Brian D.Davison: Tracking trends: incorporatingterm volume into temporal topic models.KDD2011:484-492

5、Liangjie Hong, ByronDom, SivaGurumurthy, KostasTsioutsiouliklis:
A time-dependenttopic model for multiple text streams.KDD2011:832-840

6、SaurabhKataria, KrishnanS. Kumar, RajeevRastogi, PrithvirajSen, SrinivasanH.
Sengamedu: Entitydisambiguation with hierarchical topic models. KDD2011:1037-104

7、Hongbo Deng, JiaweiHan, Bo
Zhao, YintaoYu, CindyXide Lin: Probabilistic topic modelswith biased
propagation on heterogeneous information networks. KDD2011:1271-1279


1、Dan He, DouglasStott Parker Jr.: Topic dynamics: analternative
model of bursts in streams of topics. KDD2010:443-452

2、Seungil Huh, StephenE. Fienberg: Discriminativetopic modeling
based on manifold learning. KDD2010:653-662

3、TomoharuIwata, TakeshiYamada, YasushiSakurai, Naonori
Ueda: Online multiscale dynamic topic models. KDD2010:663-672

4、Issei Sato, HiroshiNakagawa: Topic models with power-lawusing
Pitman-Yor process. KDD2010:673-682

5、Caimei Lu, XiaohuaHu, Xin
Chen, Jung-ranPark, Tingting He, ZhoujunLi:
The topic-perspective model for social taggingsystems. KDD2010:683-692


1、MorganHarvey, FabioCrestani, MarkJames
Carman: Building userprofiles from topic models for personalised search. CIKM2013:2309-2314


Guangyou Zhou, SiweiLai, Kang
Liu, Jun Zhao: Topic-sensitive probabilistic model for expert finding inquestion answer communities. CIKM2012:1662-1666

Jianwen Wang, XiaohuaHu, XinhuiTu, TingtingHe:
Author-conference topic-connection model foracademic network search. CIKM2012:2179-2183

Zongcheng Ji, Fei Xu, Bin
Wang, Ben He: Question-answer topic model for question retrieval incommunity question answering.CIKM2012:2471-2474


1、MrinmayaSachan, DanishContractor, TanveerA.
Faruquie, L.Venkata Subramaniam: Probabilisticmodel for discovering topic based communities in social networks. CIKM2011:2349-2352

2、Xiaobing Xue, XiaoxinYin: Topic modeling for named entity queries. CIKM2011:2009-2012


Hau Chan, LemanAkoglu: External Evaluation of TopicModels: A Graph Mining
Approach. ICDM2013:973-978

SnigdhaChaturvedi, HalDaumé III, Taesun
Moon: Discriminatively Enhanced Topic Models. ICDM2013:985-990

Bo Hu, MohsenJamali, Martin
Ester: Spatio-Temporal Topic Modeling in Mobile Social Media forLocation Recommendation. ICDM2013:1073-1078


DongshengDuan, Yuhua Li, RuixuanLi, RuiZhang, Aiming
Wen: RankTopic: Ranking Based Topic Modeling. ICDM2012:211-220

Hyungsul Kim, YizhouSun, JuliaHockenmaier, Jiawei
Han: ETM: Entity Topic Models for Mining Documents Associatedwith Entities. ICDM2012:349-358

NiketanPansare, ChrisJermaine, Peter
J. Haas, NitendraRajput: Topic Models over SpokenLanguage. ICDM2012:1062-1067


Fuzhen Zhuang, Ping Luo, ZhiyongShen, Qing
He, YuhongXiong, Zhongzhi Shi: D-LDA: A Topic Modeling Approach
without ConstraintGeneration for Semi-defined Classification. ICDM2010:709-718

Zhiyong Shen, Ping Luo, ShengwenYang, Xukun
Shen: Topic Modeling Ensembles. ICDM2010:1031-1036


1、Shoaib Jameel, Wai Lam: An unsupervised topic segmentation model incorporating
wordorder. SIGIR2013:203-212

2、Qifan Wang, DanZhang, Luo
Si: Semantic hashing using tags and topic modeling. SIGIR2013:213-222

3、Youngchul Cha, Bin Bi, Chu-ChengHsieh, Junghoo
Cho: Incorporating popularity in topic models for social networkanalysis.SIGIR2013:223-232

4、Sujian Li, Jiwei Li, Tao
Song, WenjieLi, BaobaoChang: A novel topic model forautomatic term
extraction. SIGIR2013:885-888

5、RishabhMehrotra, Scott Sanner, Wray
L.Buntine, Lexing Xie: Improving LDA topic models for microblogs via tweet poolingand automatic labeling. SIGIR2013:889-892


1、Quan Wang, ZhengCao, Jun
Xu, Hang Li: Group matrix factorization for scalable topic modeling. SIGIR2012:375-38

2、YoungchulCha, JunghooCho: Social-network analysis using topic models. SIGIR2012:565-574

3、Tuan A. Tran: Exploiting temporal topic models in social media retrieval. SIGIR2012:999

4、Corey W.Arnold, WilliamSpeier: A topic model of clinicalreports. SIGIR2012:1031-1032


1、ChengXiangZhai: Beyond search: statisticaltopic models for text analysis. SIGIR2011:3-4

2、Hongbo Deng, Bo Zhao, JiaweiHan:
Collective topic modeling for heterogeneousnetworks. SIGIR2011:1109-1110


1、NoriakiKawamae: Author interest topic model. SIGIR2010:887-888


1、VietHa-Thuc, Yelena Mejova, ChristopherG.
Harris, PadminiSrinivasan: A relevance-basedtopic model for news event tracking.SIGIR2009:764-765


2、Zhen Guo, ShenghuoZhu, Yun
Chi, ZhongfeiZhang, Yihong Gong: A latent topic model for linked
documents. SIGIR 2009:720-721


3、IoannisArapakis, IoannisKonstas, JoemonM.
Jose, IoannisKompatsiaris: Modeling facialexpressions and peripheral physiological signals to predict topical relevance. SIGIR2009:728-729



1、AntonSlutsky, Xiaohua Hu, Yuan
An: Hash-Based Stream LDA: Topic Modeling in Social Streams. PAKDD2014:151-162

2、Tianqing Zhu, Gang Li, WanleiZhou, Ping
Xiong, Cao Yuan: Deferentially Private Tagging Recommendation Based on TopicModel.PAKDD2014:557-568

3、ElnazDelpisheh, Aijun An: Topic Modeling Using Collapsed Typed Dependency
Relations. PAKDD2014:146-161


1、JuanYang, Jia Zeng, WilliamK.
Cheung: Multiplex Topic Models. PAKDD2013:568-582

2、JuanYang, Jia Zeng, WilliamK.
Cheung: Multiplex Topic Models. PAKDD2013:568-582

3、Meng-SungWu, Chia-PingChen, Hsin-Min
Wang: Query-Document Relevance Topic Models. PAKDD2013:209-220

4、Yang Gao, Yue Xu, YuefengLi, Bin
Liu: A Two-Stage Approach for Generating Topic Models. PAKDD2013:221-232

5、Huidong Jin, LijiuZhang, Lan
Du: Semantic Title Evaluation and Recommendation Based on TopicModels. PAKDD2013:402-413


1、Young-SeobJeong, Ho-Jin Choi: Sequential Entity
Group Topic Model for Getting Topic Flowsof Entity Groups within One Document. PAKDD2012:366-378

2、Kuifei Yu, BaoxianZhang, Hengshu
Zhu, HuanhuanCao, JileiTian: Towards PersonalizedContext-Aware Recommendation
by Mining Context Logs through Topic Models. PAKDD2012:431-443


1、TomonariMasada, AtsuhiroTakasu, YuichiroShibata, Kiyoshi
Oguri: Steering Time-Dependent Estimationof Posteriors with Hyperparameter Indexing in Bayesian Topic Models. PAKDD2011:435-447

2、HiroshiFujimoto, Minoru Etoh, AkiraKinno, YoshikazuAkinaga:
Topic Analysis of Web UserBehavior Using LDA Model on Proxy Logs. PAKDD2011:525-536

3、Rohit Parimi, DoinaCaragea: Predicting Friendship Links inSocial
Networks Using a Topic Modeling Approach. PAKDD2011:75-86


1、WanhongXu: Supervising Latent Topic Model forMaximum-Margin Text Classification and Regression. PAKDD2010:403-414

2、Peng Jiang, ChunxiaZhang, Qing
Yang, ZhendongNiu: Blog Opinion Retrieval Based on Topic-OpinionMixture Model. PAKDD2010:249-260


HitohiroShiozaki, Koji Eguchi, TakenaoOhkawa:
Entity Network PredictionUsing Multitype Topic Models. PAKDD2008:705-71

BayesianTopic Models

Renjie Liao, Jun Zhu, ZengchangQin:
Nonparametric bayesian upstream supervisedmulti-modal topic models. WSDM2014:493-50


Jun Zhu, XunZheng, Bo
Zhang: Improved Bayesian Logistic Supervised Topic Models withData Augmentation. ACL2013:187-195

Hiroshi Noji, DaichiMochihashi, Yusuke
Miyao: Improvements to the Bayesian Topic N-Gram Models. EMNLP2013:1180-1190

Zhiyuan Shi, TimothyM. Hospedales, Tao
Xiang: Bayesian Joint Topic Modelling for Weakly Supervised ObjectLocalisation. ICCV2013:2984-2991

AvishaiHendel, DaphnaWeinshall, Shmuel
Peleg: Identifying Surprising Events in Video Using Bayesian TopicModels. Detectionand Identification of Rare Audiovisual Cues 2012:97-105

DanielDavid Walker, Eric K.Ringger, Kevin
D.Seppi: Topics Over NonparametricTime: A Supervised Topic Model Using Bayesian Nonparametric Density Estimation. BMA2012:74-83

Yan Chen, ZhoujunLi, LiqiangNie, Xia
Hu, XiangyuWang, Tat-Seng Chua, XiaomingZhang:
A Semi-Supervised BayesianNetwork Model for Microblog Topic Classification. COLING2012:561-576

Takuma Otsuka, KatsuhikoIshiguro, HiroshiSawada, HiroshiG.
Okuno: Unified auditory functionsbased on Bayesian topic model.IROS2012:2370-2376

Jiewei Wang, YunhongWang, ZhaoxiangZhang:
Interesting region detectionin aerial video using Bayesian topic models. ACPR2011:706-710

DavidM. Mimno, DavidM.
Blei: Bayesian Checking for TopicModels. EMNLP2011:227-237

ChristopherCramer, LawrenceCarin:
Bayesian topic models fordescribing computer network behaviors. ICASSP2011:1888-1891

TomonariMasada, AtsuhiroTakasu, YuichiroShibata, Kiyoshi
Oguri: Steering Time-Dependent Estimation of Posteriors withHyperparameter Indexing in Bayesian Topic Models. PAKDD2011:435-447

AvishaiHendel, DaphnaWeinshall, Shmuel
Peleg: Identifying Surprising Events in Videos Using BayesianTopic Models. ACCV2010:448-459

Tikara Hosino: Bayesian Joint Optimization for Topic Model and Clustering. ICANN2010:77-86

Meng-Sung Wu, Jen-TzungChien: Bayesian latent topicclustering
model. INTERSPEECH2008:2162-2165
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